It should be said that money can turn ghosts around. Under the high reward offered by Earth Entertainment, the author Gu Mian found wrote a novel of nearly 30 words in a week, and the writing was smooth and the characters were full. The plot is compact, without water injection at all, Shen Gu is almost on the ground.

He read the novel first, and he really liked it. He felt an urge to recommend this novel to all his friends.It's just that there are still one or two places in the novel that are a bit subtle, but Shen Gu didn't mention the revision, but passed it on to Director Xie directly. From Shen Gu's point of view, although there are some insinuations in those places, the writing is really good. There is a subtle urgency, if Director Xie does not object, Shen Gu decides to act like this, and the author is really hardworking, with intentions between the lines, Shen Gu can't bear to cut down even a little bit of the plot.

But Director Xie's place is not so easy to pass. His pair of pure gold fiery eyes swept over, except for a few places that Shen Gu saw, he also picked some places that were not inappropriate in his opinion. Shen Gu fought for it, but Director Xie was firm. In his words, the reputation of the police station should not be risked. It would be easy to associate with people. Anything that caused misunderstandings should not appear on the screen. In the end, Shen Gu had to ask the author to go back and modify it.

Gu Mian, as the stationmaster of Sky Bookstore and the author himself, naturally stood on the author's side. With a bit of dissatisfaction, he told Shen Gu that the plot of the novel was linked together, and one of the links was revised. There will be changes throughout.

Shen Gu also looked helpless, "You have to understand that this TV series is about police and gangsters, and the police have provided so many real cases, they must ensure that the TV series can create a good image."

Gu Mian bit her lip, "But those few places are not too much? Besides, no one is perfect, so are all the police officers selfless and have no selfishness?"

Shen Gu squeezed his forehead, "I understand, I understand everything, but this matter is not up to me alone. The police department requires that there be no mistakes at all. You have to understand that this is the first TV series about police and robbers. They must be more cautious."

Hearing what he said, Gu Mian also felt a little helpless, sighed, and nodded reluctantly, "Let me tell the author."

"Well, tell him, there's nothing you can do about it. Who doesn't want to show their good side? Work harder these days."

Shen Gu doesn't know what Gu Mian told the author, but he also understands that revision seems to be more troublesome than creation. The author can write nearly 30 in seven days, but it took three days to modify these few details , Until Director Xie was impeccable, Shen Gu immediately asked the author to compile the novel into a script.

The name of this novel is "Pursue to the End". Shen Gu thinks it has a lot of connotations. Originally, he put aside his intentions and directly came to "Police Story". After this comparison, he found that he really does not have the talent for naming. Maybe the audience will get used to it. The word "police" is preconceived and the content will be depressing.

Although the script has not yet come out, the characters in it have already been shaped. In addition to the two protagonists, there is another important character in the play, that is, the villain who has been confronting the police. The finale case of "Pursuit" is an implicated A wide range of criminal cases, the boss involved in arms smuggling, etc., the people under his hands are intertwined in every corner of the world, it can be said to be extremely arrogant, not only that, from the first case, he has been inextricably linked with him Relationship.

On the surface, this underworld boss has another identity to cover up. Shen Gu also thought of this plot at the beginning, and wanted to name the underworld boss as a philanthropist or an outstanding young man, so that he could compare before and after.But this highlights that the author is different. He did portray a philanthropist in the early stage, and even put a lot of smoke bombs on the philanthropist. Even Shen Gu was misled, until the last gangster boss Jumping out by himself turned out to be the prodigal son who only appeared a few times in the early stage. Shen Gu was a little dazed when he saw that moment.

That playboy was born in a wealthy family. He has an excellent elder brother and an outstanding younger brother. He is the second eldest. It's been left alone, just such a playboy who appeared several times in the early stage, but didn't have a good image every time, and finally transformed into an international wanted man.

After pondering over the taste, Shen Gu couldn't help being overwhelmed.Under normal circumstances, if such a glamorous philanthropist appears in a police drama, it will easily attract the attention of the audience, and then give birth to a rebellious psychology. Some people will definitely think about how this person does good deeds on the surface, maybe behind the scenes As far as dirty work goes, the author took advantage of that.

Not only that, this philanthropist is also a puppet cultivated by the young underworld boss. If from the reader's point of view, the philanthropist is a smoke bomb created by the author, then in the play, this unlucky philanthropist is the one A smoke bomb deliberately fired by the boss.

A philanthropist is indeed not a good thing. In the middle of the novel, the second young master decided to abandon his pawn to save the handsome man and threw out the philanthropist. The audience would be relieved to see him arrested, thinking that the matter was resolved, maybe They are still complacent about guessing correctly, but they don't know that everyone has fallen into the trap set by the author.

In fact, while setting up the smoke bomb, the author also gave a few clues. The philanthropist once hinted that the second young master was unusual. There were also some plots that showed that the two had frequent contact. The protagonist even met him once, but no one would. Take this to heart, because this image of incompetence is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Later, the second young master appeared in his true colors, and he was not inscrutable in the traditional concept, but an almost pathological nervousness. While cutting the flesh of his "partner" and licking his blood, he was intoxicated at the last moment. At the next moment, he suddenly became ruthless and thrust the knife into the hand of his "partner". The screams and hysterical laughter intertwined into a chilling sound that buzzed in the empty basement for a long time. For a while, Shen Gu's back felt chills, and goosebumps rose to the top of his head. Even when he was sleeping at night, he unconsciously played this scene in his mind.

Shen Gu woke up suddenly from the bed, his heart was beating violently, he could still smell the musty rusty smell in the "basement" in his breath, the back of his hand was thumping, it was a little itchy, as if there was something there last moment remains on top.The "partner" in the dream was naturally Jiang Xin, and the second young master turned out to be Xie Yu's face. Shen Gu swore that he had never considered letting Xie Yu play this role at all. After all, in his view, Xie Yu was an outsider.Shen Gu smiled wryly, thinking that he was really a demon, because he couldn't find a satisfactory person for this role for a long time, and he had been dreaming about it for several days.

Jiang Han, who was awakened by the movement, also sat up, shouted to turn on the bedside lamp, and Shen Gu's face dripping with cold sweat was reflected, "Did you have a nightmare again? What did you dream about?"

Ever since they came back from the Jiang family's old house, the two of them slept together logically, and slowly, Shen Gu got used to it.

Shen Gu suddenly felt a little ashamed, because he had nightmares while reading novels, he said vaguely, "It's nothing."

Jiang Han frowned, his voice was deeper than usual when he just woke up, "I said to use the dreamless mode, but you refused."

The sleep cabin they sleep in has a dream function. The principle is probably to use some kind of wave to send signals to the brain. Shen Gu can't accept it. He always thinks it's strange and dangerous, and he has never used it.This sleeping compartment for two people can be set separately for two people, but Jiang Han saw Shen Gu's resistance, so it was still useless.

"It's not a nightmare. I guess I've been worrying about it for the past few days. There is a character in "Pursue to the End" that has been undecided." Shen Gu originally wanted to talk to Jiang Han, but when he glanced at it, it was already four o'clock. He knew Jiang Han I've been busy recently, with a lot of entertainment, and I thought it would be unreasonable for me to drag him to talk endlessly in the middle of the night, so I immediately ended the topic, "Hey, it's nothing, go to sleep."

"En." Jiang Han also wanted Shen Gu to sleep more, so he didn't ask, and fell down again with his arms around Shen Gu.

Shen Gu nestled in Jiang Han's arms, found a comfortable position, and a strong heartbeat came from his ear, which slowly calmed his impatience. In a blink of an eye, sleepiness hit him, and a second before he fell into darkness, he thought, let Xie Yu try It's not bad to try.

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