future entertainment tycoon

Chapter 78 "The Gluttonous Princess" continues filming

The next few days will be outdoor scenes. Shen Gu has been living in the hotel with the crew, and brought all his work with him. Besides, Earth Entertainment has developed to the present, and each department performs its own duties. He only needs to grasp the direction of the grand view.

Finally, the first indoor scene is going to be filmed. This scene is also very important to Shen Gu. If counted according to the time in the play, this scene should have followed the development of the prince's return home, and it was still to highlight the prince's playfulness. It is also the first time to show ancient cuisine.

In the kitchen, the man playing the chef brandished a shovel, his face was flushed red, and he was dripping with sweat. He was frying the colorful vegetables in the pot. He moved his index finger when the oil was shining, and the steamer beside him was steaming. The maids hurried in and out, holding palm-sized plates in their hands, filled with exquisite pastries, not like food, but like a work of art.

The kitchen is only superficial, looking at the steaming pot, in fact Ding Ding did not light a fire, but cooked it from another electric stove in advance, and then brought it over and put it on.

The camera took a close-up view of the dishes. At this moment, a maid in green clothes gradually walked into the camera, "My lord said he was going to stew the 'Black Overlord'. Is it really stewed?"

The other maid was busy arranging carved flowers on the plate, only showing a pretty side face, sweat dripped slightly on the smooth forehead, her eyes were focused and serious, "The prince has already said, so what if you don't stew it?"

"I heard that this 'Black Overlord' was bought from a Tubo merchant, and it's worth a thousand taels!" The green-clothed maid who spoke at the beginning patted her chest with a look of disbelief.

"Isn't that the case? But no matter how expensive it is, it can't please the prince, and it's useless to keep it. Hurry up and give it to Master Lu. After slaughtering it, bring it back. Since the prince said it, he will ask later."

"Hey, I don't dare to watch that scene. That chicken is majestic and big. It's fierce just looking at it."

"Huh? What's the use of being fierce? When it comes to our lord, isn't it just a dish?" The maid who placed the plate finally arranged the last piece of cucumber. scene.

"Cut!" The director gave the order, and the people in the kitchen heaved a sigh of relief at the same time. Although the fire was fake, the steam from all kinds of food was really hot.

"Very good, hurry up and bring all the food to the house. The next scene is the scene where the prince eats." The director clapped his hands and ordered loudly, and the staff rushed up and carried the food to the next door.

"This dish is so beautiful, I can't make it at home."

"That's right, but it's too troublesome. The ancient people worked very hard. You think it takes a few minutes to cook a dish. How long does it take to cook a table of dishes?"

"A few minutes? That's just a few minutes for frying. You haven't counted washing and cutting vegetables. In ancient times, there were no automatic vegetable washing machines or cooking machines, just frying with an open flame!"

"Yes, yes! How long does it take to cook a meal?"

"Speak less for an hour?"

"Oh my god, it takes three hours to cook three meals a day! It's unbelievable!"

"..." Earthman Shen Gu said, he can't even imagine a dish in ten seconds, okay?

The person in charge of packing up the props looked up and saw Shen Gu, and hurriedly greeted him, but was too embarrassed to chat.

Shen Gu looked at the mess in the kitchen, the table was covered with oil stains, and there were specially "decorated" vegetable leaves, he couldn't help sighing that he had never seen such a scene in the kitchen of Jiang Han's house. It's clean, and you don't have to bother to clean it up, as if it's never been used.

"Hey, although the original cooking method is troublesome to compare the price, the taste cannot be produced by modern automated equipment." Shen Gu couldn't help but sigh.

In the next scene, the prince eats, still in order to highlight his extravagance and lust, "Princess Gluttony" created a not-so-good male protagonist in the early stage, and the conflict effect brought about by the change of the male protagonist in the later stage is greater.

Sitting alone on the Eight Immortals table, Jiang Xin saw the exquisite dishes covered on it, all of which looked very delicious, which made him really hungry after filming the scene for a long time.

The director sat next to him and gave his final instructions, "In a while, each of you can get a prop and just stand behind Jiang Xin. You don't have to do anything. You are in charge of serving the dishes. Give me a more active expression. Those who can serve the dishes must be the big ones." Maid, you can compare to dead eyebrows."

Playing the role of the big maid, she was originally a pretty girl, and she was wearing a pink dress, which made her look even more immature and cute, with a pair of apricot eyes, full of aura, and her little face was always flushed because of her close contact with Jiang Xin.

After everything was set up, the actors took their positions. When the director started, the expressions of all the actors changed accordingly.

It was the big servant girl who had the lines first, and seeing her clinging to a pair of serving chopsticks, she kindly introduced it and said, "My lord, try this roasted deer tendon. Our chef prepared it three days ago, and it's been repeated again and again." It is beaten and boiled to remove the fishy smell, until today, it is simmered with gravy and chicken juice."

Jiang Xinen let out a cry, and the maid Fang Yong took a piece of chopsticks. The former only took a bite and then put it down. His expression seemed dissatisfied, and he commented in a dispirited way: "Sick!"

"It's not easy for him to act like he's hungry even though he's hungry!" Shen Gu was taken aback by Xie Yu's voice. He raised his hand to check the time and found that it was past twelve o'clock. No, he doesn't know if Jiang Xin is hungry now, but he only knows that Jiang Xin usually has this expression when he eats the food made by the automatic cooking machine. Eating seems to be a task that can never be stopped, just to keep himself from starving to death.

In front of the camera, the actors were still going on. As soon as the eldest maid heard the prince was tired of talking, she immediately introduced another dish, "My prince, try this basil dish, which is mixed with sesame oil, shrimp oil, and vinegar."


Jiang Xin took a bite, but was still not satisfied, "Still tired!"

The maid was puzzled when she heard the words, thinking how the cold dishes would be greasy, the prince said lightly, "Go tell the kitchen, don't use chicken sauce to simmer next time, it tastes the same every time you eat it!"

"My lord, please try again..."

Before the maid could finish speaking, Jiang Xin raised her hand to interrupt her, "Did you tell me to stew 'Dark Overlord'? Which dish did you cook?"

"It's this pearl ball. Master Song from the kitchen takes chicken breast meat, boils it, cuts it into pearl-sized pieces, mixes it with clear sauce and wine, coats it and fry it in a pan."

"It sounds greasy, forget it, don't eat it."

The big servant girl looked puzzled, "My lord, you haven't eaten a few mouthfuls, so eat more. This eight-treasure tofu and this vegetarian ham are very light."

The prince ignored it, and raised his voice: "Don't eat."

The maids who had been standing behind all the time, serving as the background cloth, stepped forward according to orders. One of them first offered a cup of tea, and Jiang Xin took a sip from the maid's hand, then tilted her head slightly, and naturally there was a maid holding a rinsing bowl. Before waiting, Jiang Xin rinsed her mouth, the two servant girls backed away, and then went forward with a brocade handkerchief, cleaned their mouths and hands, and finally served another cup of tea, but this cup was enough for drinking.

"Ca! That's great, Jiang Xin's acting is great!" The director's face was flushed with excitement, "It's getting late, let's go to dinner first!"

It is said that I can go to dinner, but it is only for the actors, such as the staff in charge of props, and they have to clean up the scene, so they can't really put it on hold.

"If this was the way of life in ancient times, then I would rather go back to ancient times and accept it without the Internet." It was the two staff members just now, chatting while tidying up.

The other person laughed when he heard the words, "The beauty you think of is the treatment only given to kings and grandsons. I heard that poor people can only eat chaff. Do you understand chaff?"

"don't know."

"It's the shell on the outside of the rice!"

"Really? Is it edible?"

"Of course it is true. I heard that there are people who eat tree bark!"

"My God!"

"However, I heard that there was something called a beauty bowl in ancient times, so I thought I was going to shoot that scene this time."

"Beauty bowl? Wasn't it a beauty bowl just now? Those who serve are all beauties."

"That's not the case. The beauty bowl uses 'living people' as a washing bowl."

The person who asked the question didn't understand for a moment, and his face was full of question marks.

"The beauty bowls are all young and beautiful girls. Whenever the master needs to spit or rinse his mouth, the 'beauty bowl' will come and open his mouth, catch the things the master spits out, and then swallow them..."

"Oh my god, stop talking about it, it's disgusting to listen to, if you really want to shoot it, the audience should be disgusted!"

After listening to their conversation, Shen Gu thought it was very interesting, waited for Jiang Xin to take off her makeup, and then they walked to the restaurant together.

"I'll go back in the afternoon, so please film well, the first costume drama, the response must be different."

Jiang Xin didn't find it strange at all. Shen Gu was the boss of the company after all, and he always followed the crew, which was not decent. He gave a casual grace, as if he hadn't left the show, and his attitude was just like the prince in the play.

Shen Gu didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he chuckled, Jiang Xin reacted and looked over suspiciously.

"It just occurred to me that you are really good at acting. "Pursue to the End" has reached its climax. On your homepage, the fans' comments are almost maxed out, and the limelight is even more popular than the protagonist Lin Wei. Every time you act, It makes people think that you should have that kind of personality to act so well, but when you think about it carefully, it is not. From the young master in "The Star on the Wishing Tree" to the policeman in "The Pursuit", As for the prince in this drama, his personalities are actually different."

Jiang Xin's expression was complicated, his heart was filled with the joy of being affirmed, his whole chest seemed to be filled, but after a while he said nonchalantly, "Don't say such things in the future."

Shen Gu was baffled, but he was used to Jiang Xin's fickleness.

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