future entertainment tycoon

Chapter 80 Filming of "Star Baby"

Earth Entertainment built a film and television base, and then filmed "The Gluttonous Princess", and then "A Bite of China". The funds in the company suddenly became tense. Nowadays, the competition for idol dramas is fierce, and they are all old wine in new bottles. , nothing new, the audience has been a little weak, and that's why "Pursue to the End" won a full house, with both ratings and profits hitting new highs.

In addition, several foreign entertainment stations purchased the copyright of "The Star on the Wishing Tree", which eased the company's funds, but Shen Gu felt that the market for idol dramas is just like this now, and it is difficult to make any more waves, so I don't plan to shoot idol dramas anymore, but consider shooting some disaster films, horror films or science fiction films. I have already invited well-known writers to contribute. Recently, Shen Gu has turned his attention to "Starry Sky Baby".

"Babies in the Starry Sky" is an entertaining and educational short play for young children. The protagonists are two puppet figures in cute plush clothes, one named Xingxing and the other named Kongkong. It's not really how much education and learning links are in the program, but I hope that children can learn some knowledge unconsciously through having fun.

"Babies in the Starry Sky" was officially filmed. As a result, Shen Gu followed the crew back to the film and television base. There are many beautiful places in the film and television base. There is an artificial lake surrounded by many evergreens. Lush and lush, there are slim cedars on both sides of the road. Winding down the gravel road, you will come to a green felt-like lawn. The high white clouds are clearly reflected in the water.

It was the first time for the crew to come to the film and television base. When they saw this scenery, they couldn't help admiring in their hearts. They took a deep breath, and their noses were filled with the aroma of earth, mixed with cool water vapor, all the way to the heart, and the whole person was in awe. Inspired, "The building is so beautiful, this job can be regarded as a tour."

Everyone chatted and laughed, Fu Zongning looked at the octagonal gazebo on the hillside, which was decorated with stone tables and benches, which were antique and made people want to sit in, or have a drink, and slowly enjoy the surrounding scenery , but that part is not suitable for "Starry Sky Baby", he explained to the director, "Don't take the view of the gazebo for a while, it was originally used as an 'imperial garden', and I always feel that it doesn't match "Starry Sky Baby"."

"Understood." The director nodded knowingly, directed the people to walk to the lawn, and said as he walked, "Stay far away from the lake, in case some ignorant children will watch it and don't know the danger. Rely on our show?"

Shen Guen said, this children's program is easy to say, but after it is actually broadcast, it is inevitable that there will be various problems. Children's education is a sensitive topic, and children are most likely to follow suit. Small links, in the eyes of children, have different understandings.Shen Gu also heard in his previous life that some children watched a certain cartoon, in which there was a scene where a big bad wolf was caught by a lamb and tied to a tree, and then there was a scene where the lamb was boiled. In the end, there was really a play between the children One person tied the other to a tree and burned it with fire, which resulted in the tragedy of the two families. After asking at the end, I found out that I learned it from cartoons. The children only watched the lamb being boiled in the play. Thought it was okay in reality.

The more Shen Gu thought about it, the more he felt that this children's play should be cautious, subconsciously touched the media on his wrist, thinking that he would focus on reading the script after going back later, and avoid any plots that could mislead the children.

Everyone came to the shooting location selected by the director, performed their duties, unloaded their equipment and got busy.

The two protagonists are the most ordinary actors in the company. They know that the boss can change people for such invisible roles at any time, and they can't expect to be famous. I didn't dare to bring emotions, I was afraid of offending the boss, and then I really didn't even have the chance to play a small role.

Shen Gu also knew that these two people were not very happy. After all, "Baby in the Starry Sky" was tentatively scheduled for a long-term shooting, but there was no chance to show his face from the beginning to the end. Important supporting roles are for you."

When the two heard this, they felt a kind of joy that fell from the sky. They were guaranteed by the boss, and their hearts turned into joy. They didn't expect to be the protagonists all at once. If they could play supporting roles with more scenes, they would have many more opportunities than others. , they immediately promised again and again that they would perform well.

Star and Kongkong's clothes, one is bright red and the other is clear sky blue. After wearing them, the fluffy appearance and fleshy body are very cute.

When everyone was ready, the director gave an order to start shooting.

Because this is a children's program, acting skills are not required, as long as everything is performed according to the script.

That’s true, but the two of them still couldn’t let go at the beginning. They always felt that pretending to be a puppet is very naive, and even the designed movements are stupid. You must know the movements and performances in the puppet costumes. What came out was not quite the same. As a result, in the eyes of others, the two puppet figures looked like little girls. They acted for several times, but the opening scene alone was not good. The two people stayed in heavy clothes. It was already hot enough, plus I couldn’t get through it all the time, the thin clothes on my body were almost soaked, and my chest was stuffy and stuffy. I was afraid of leaving a bad impression on the boss, so I kept comforting myself, but I didn’t think about it later. People could see who the person in the puppet costume was. He broke the pot and fell up, stretching his arms and kicking his legs. His movements were exaggerated and wide-ranging. Finally, the director and Shen Gu were satisfied.

The first episode is to introduce each other. The "star" in red always likes to hold a yellow handkerchief and wave it to greet the camera. Because this children's drama is dubbed after the event, there is a kind of silence when filming pantomime, and the machine is silent It was running, and looking at the two people on the lawn, I really felt a little silly, but the others were afraid of affecting their emotions. Although they looked a little funny, no one laughed out loud, instead they were serious and serious.

"Kong Kong" in blue clothes carries a colorful cloth book with him. In fact, the initial setting is to hold fake flowers in empty hands, but in order to cater to the purpose of "caring for flowers and plants", although the flowers are fake, the children Maybe I didn't know it, so I changed the fake flowers into cloth books, which can be regarded as a good influence on the children.

After Xingxing and Kongkong introduced each other, they started playing together. The two of them pretended to have breakfast while holding play toys, but the "biscuit crumbs" on the plate stuck to Kongkong's face, and Kongkong pointed at himself, giggling With a smirk, Xing Xing came to his side and wiped the dregs on his face with the yellow handkerchief she carried with her.

Kongkong nodded to express his thanks, Xingxing also nodded with him, and then the two friends laughed hahaha.

Once the people who played the roles of Xing Xing and Kong Kong let go of their hands and feet, the filming went extremely smoothly. In just a short while, an episode was filmed. The director asked everyone to rest for a while. Slightly reddened, as if a little ashamed.

"The acting is very good, the acting is very good." Shen Gu did not forget to encourage, and then notified people to post-process as soon as possible to dub the sound. Because "Baby in the Starry Sky" was easy to shoot, Shen Gu planned to start playing it in a few days.

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