Seeing Qin Wan sitting up with her head in her arms, Lin Yue glanced at her and turned over a page of the thick sketch paper with a "wow".

"Do you know that you snore?" Lin Yue leaned against the head of the bed, brushing his hands continuously.

"Hit... your sister." Qin Wan was obviously still asleep, and when she saw Lin Yue's half-smiling eyes, she stuttered, "Why, why, are you on my bed?"

Lin Yue smiled happily: "Look clearly, this is my bed."

"Damn it, you came in and out of my room at will, and now you steal people? Lin Yue, are you plotting something wrong?" Qin Wan smiled and approached Lin Yue's face.

Lin Yue looked a little embarrassed, parted his hair, pushed Qin Wan away calmly, got out of bed, shook his head helplessly and said, "Stop making trouble, I don't know who knocked on the door in the middle of the night last night. Di insists on going to my bed. Also, I gave you a cold medicine, and it turned out to be a man, and the fever subsided after a night of sleep."

Qin Wan was at a loss for words for a while, Lin Yue has such an ability to make you swallow the words of gratitude that you were originally grateful for.

Lin Yue put away the drawing book, looked back at Qin Wan who had not moved for a long time and said, "Do you like my bed that much?"

Qin Wan rolled his eyes, poured large characters all over the bed, and said sullenly, "Yes, I'm going to change rooms with you, what do you think?"

Before Lin Yue kicked Qin Wan off the bed, Qin Wan buried his head in the quilt and said slowly: "Lin Yue, I suddenly want to kill those two bitches, what should I do? Say, yes It’s not that I have a fever and am stupid.”

"...Do what you think is right." Lin Yue was stunned for a moment.

"When I had a fever yesterday, I obviously felt that I was sober, but those memories jumped out so vividly that I couldn't get rid of them... But I always feel that I am not familiar with them at all. And there is always a voice reminding me, I I should do it, I should get back the things that should belong to me. But..." Qin Wan bit her lip, her eyes were full of confusion, "Do you know, actually I... am not amnesiac. I... I only……"

"Okay, don't think so much. If you want to get revenge, go, and I will help you if I can." Lin Yue sat cross-legged next to Qin Wan, and Qin Wan actually had the illusion that she was really a little angel, but That pair of airy and slightly charming eyes could not see the mood at the moment.

Qin Wan pinched the phone, thought twice, and sent a text message to Ding Yijia.

Yi Jia, I am Qin Wan.Are you free today?Because I am very happy to have found a job, and you are my only friend, so can I have a meal with you?Wow~ After a while, Ding Yijia called.

"Wanwan, congratulations on finding a job! I'm resting at home today, and Yuhuai has been very busy these two days, so why don't you come over and catch up with the two of us?" That voice was so warm, considerate and touching.

"Okay, shall we go to your house?" Qin Wan pretended to be happy.

"Hmm~ okay? I'll cook something delicious for you. If you don't like it, we can go to the restaurant. I remember you used to like Thai food?" It really was a caring little padded jacket.

"Then let's go to your house, haha, but I'll have to trouble you." Such kind words made Qin Wan feel uncomfortable.

Afterwards, Qin Wan thought about it and called Yu Shan again.

"Shan, I'm going to Song Yuhuai's house in the afternoon."

"Have you decided to have sex? Do I want to come?!" Yu Shan painted her nails on the other end, and when she got excited, she also covered the flesh next to her.

"Get out of here, I'll go test it first. Test the wind, come back and make a plan."

"Okay, calm down, Qin Wan is the coolest, I love you~" Yu Shan silently kissed the handsome Lin Xuan in a suit goodbye while wiping off the nail polish with a tissue.

Qin Wan retched, and was about to hang up the phone when Yu Shan hurriedly said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that the villa they live in was originally yours. I don't know if they changed the head of the household. But you seemed to be When I opened the account, I foolishly put Song Yuhuai’s name on it, but I don’t know too well, you’d better look for a chance to find a real estate certificate over there... But the hope is not high. Sigh~ I’m just talking casually~” Said After finishing, Yu Shan sighed coquettishly and hung up the phone.

Qin Wan sat on the sofa and stared out the window in a daze. In more than 20 years, she had never done anything scheming. She felt that she should be confused and worried, but at this moment she seemed like a confident soldier, her eyes full of hope. It is the light that is excited by vengeance.Probably because of the subtle influence of the remaining memories in this body, Qin Wan shook his head, not knowing whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Since you can't be your original self, then, let's end the entanglement in the memory of this body, and then give yourself a brand new start.Qin Wan made a decision in his heart, and his chaotic mind finally cleared up.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when we got there, and Qin Wan was making a lot of small calculations in her heart. She didn't know where she liked to hide her secrets before, maybe she could find the evidence this time, or maybe it was just a waste of time. .Just take a chance, Qin Wan comforted himself.

Ding Yijia was wearing a light yellow dress, which made her look like a delicate spring flower.She was standing at the gate of the community waiting for Qin Wan, her delicate and sweet inner button hair caressing the gentle lotus leaf.Seeing this originally pleasing scene, the scene of Ding Yijia and Song Yuhuai being caught and raped in bed involuntarily appeared in Qin Wan's mind. Qin Wan sighed, who knew that such a graceful Jiangnan girl would be so rotten in her heart.

Their home is very warmly furnished—the intimate group photo on the simple glass tea table, a big love heart made of post-it notes on the refrigerator, and the floor-to-ceiling windows are covered with elegant violets reflecting the soft romantic gauze curtains... It seems that it is indeed a family. A love nest for couples who are truly in love.Everything is nothing but doves occupying magpies' nests.Qin Wan thought sarcastically in her heart, but praised with admiration: "Wow, Yi Jia, you will definitely be a good wife. Yu Huai is so happy to have a lover like you!"

In fact, Qin Wan used to hate hypocrisy and politeness the most. Thinking about it, it's true. Female men are always straightforward. Who likes a sentence with a knife hidden in it?However, she unexpectedly found that she could say those words quietly.

"By the way, how did you two get together? Seeing that you are so talented and beautiful, when you get married, I will definitely come to join you."

Ding Yijia frowned, and glanced at Qin Wan, Qin Wan picked up the juice - she remembered that every time "Qin Wan" appeared in her dream, "Qin Wan" drank coffee dignifiedly, so in order to avoid Ding Yijia's suspicion , she tactfully asked for juice.Then he looked back at Ding Yijia sincerely and expectantly.

Ding Yijia smiled awkwardly, the thick steam of freshly brewed coffee wrapped her delicate and graceful makeup.

"...We met after graduating from university. I have a friend who is a colleague of Yuhuai. She often talked about Yuhuai to me, but I didn't take it seriously at the time. During a dinner party, my friend happened to With Yu Huai on, we got to know each other that way. It’s pretty vulgar, isn’t it? Speaking of which, the first time I talked to him that day, he almost spilled a plate of cake on me! I just thought why this man is so reckless, although He looks quite upright, not as upright as his friends say. Who knows, maybe it’s just fate..." Ding Yijia was immersed in his own little world, Qin Wan still listened to the sound coming in from his left ear and out from his right ear. Feeling very angry, probably this friend who has been taken advantage of is Qin Wan himself.

"We will get engaged in the second half of this year. We will get married in the spring of next year. Don't refuse to invite you to be a bridesmaid." Ding Yijia smiled happily.

Qin Wan nodded hastily: "Okay, sure." But she was thinking in her heart, I even bought a new house for you, and there is still a bridesmaid missing?

As dusk fell, Ding Yijia was busy cooking in the kitchen wearing a dark blue apron. Qin Wan's eyes rolled around, and he was also busy, but he was busy looking for a place where something good might be hidden.

Kitchen—forget it, there are still people cooking in it... Bedroom—there are no sheets under the bed in the wardrobe. Instead, Qin Wan was taken aback. Qin Wan gritted his teeth and now is not the time to be angry or sad.The study room—it was found after a rough search...the first and second floors have been searched, and basically there is no place to hide things.Qin Wan rested his chin in distress, and was about to sneak out to take a look at the garage, but unexpectedly the door opened with a "click", which scared Qin Wan half to death.

"Qin Wan?" Song Yuhuai looked at the uninvited visitor who was standing in the porch in a daze, and his voice was slightly hostile, "Why are you here?"

After Ding Yijia heard the movement, he rushed out to make a rescue: "Yuhuai, why didn't you work overtime today? Don't you mind if I take Wanwan home? We just have dinner together!"

The eloquent Qin Wan disappeared for no reason. Looking at this face that had appeared countless times in her memory, she couldn't say a word, she could only swallow her saliva and nod her head.

After finishing the meal in a tasteless manner, Qin Wan still said some flattering words in cooperation.But there is no doubt that Ding Yijia's craftsmanship is many times better than Qin Wan's. Sure enough, to grasp a man's heart, he must first grasp his stomach. In this regard, he has become a loser again.Qin Wan thought to himself.

Before leaving, Qin Wan went to the toilet.She sat on the toilet, full of emotion.The world is impermanent, people's hearts are unpredictable, things are different... Thinking about it, she suddenly realized that she was an aunt again!This time it is the aunt of this body.To make matters worse, she forgot to bring her aunt's towel!But come to think of it, it's been almost a month.The aunt in this body is actually on the same cycle as her own...

So Qin Wan could only desperately search for the aunt's towel in the cabinet. Just as the aunt's towel was put on, Qin Wan suddenly felt that something was wrong. She lowered her head and carefully looked under the cabinet. There was a strange thing in the deepest part. , Intuition told her that there was absolutely something wrong with this product.

Damn, could it be a martial arts secret book? !Qin Wan bit her nails and was almost amused by herself.

Qin Wan lay on the ground against the floor, stretched out his arms and tried his best to pull the thing out with all his might.

It turned out to be a small black leather diary.

Open the soft and textured sheepskin cover, and the words on the title page are delicate but willful: Finally, when you return, the feelings that have been brewing for so long will only increase. SW

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