He was banned one after another, and he accepted the punishment, willing to stay at home and think about his mistakes behind closed doors.

Unexpectedly, in the early morning of the second day, the morning glow reflected leisurely clouds, and Master came to his residence.

At sunrise, the clouds and mist in Dongshan Mountain are misty, and the brilliant light falls on the face of Juechen Daojun who has won the heavenly creation, exuding the majesty and natural awe-inspiring nobility.

The indifferent cold air lingering around her body yesterday dissipated in the clear sunshine, with a faint smile on her thin lips, her demeanor was more amiable than in the past.

Just as Li Lie was about to salute, when he raised his hand, he was gently supported by someone.

"Ah Xu," warm fingers caressed his ulna intentionally or unintentionally, burning a little bit of disorienting temperature, "Do you feel sullen about being a teacher?"

Because he was punished and grounded, he was not allowed to leave Lingyuan Peak without authorization?

Shaking his head one after another: "Disciple dare not."

He didn't feel much about being grounded.After coming to Lingyuan for more than two years, he almost only walked between the side peaks and the Chenfeng Palace, and never even set foot in other places.

In the past two days, I went to Huantian Peak because of the big bitter gourd.

The only regret is that I can't go to the deep woods during the lockdown, and I can't practice swords with Xue Songyu and Yu Xing.

Taoist Juechen looked at him quietly for a while, then raised his mouth and smiled, "Let's go."

Walk?where to go?

As soon as doubts arose in my heart, the other party gently and forcefully pulled my wrist: "I will practice sword with you as a teacher."


"Axu," people held hands one after another and supported their waists, "Put your elbows flat and turn your body sideways for half a circle."

His whole body was surrounded by Juechen Daojun in his arms, and he let the other party guide his every move with a blank expression.

Just as he turned half a circle, another person suddenly grabbed his elbow and forcibly pulled him to another direction.

"Xiao Qu'er has slender muscles and bones, and doesn't have as much strength as you. This move can't be done like you said, it should be done like this."

Fang Xiu squeezed Daoist Juechen away, and clasped Li Lie's shoulders tightly: "Xiao Qu'er, listen to me."

As soon as his shoulder moved, his back was held down again, and he turned to the other side.

"Uncle Master's swordsmanship is tricky and vicious. Junior Brother is not suitable for such a method. You should use this move to retreat for both offense and defense, so as not to be easily injured."

Qin Shi pressed on the back of successive people, wanting to take him into his arms.

He was pulled one after another and staggered, and his ankle was almost sprained.

Before he could stand still, he suddenly stopped, and someone grabbed his waist again, and grabbed him in the opposite direction.

He was like a marionette, being pulled in three different directions by his master, uncle, and brother. The feeling of being torn spread all over his body, leaving nothing but a blank in his mind.

As for why the practice of sword practice is like this, he doesn't know.

——The three masters of Lingyuan Peak all rushed to teach him swordsmanship, such an honor, other monks could not get it in a lifetime.

As for the way of the sword, masters all have their own comprehension.

With the same Senluo swordsmanship, Daoist Juechen's sword intent is like spring wind turning into rain, moistening things silently.

Fang Xiu's sword intent was soft and ruthless, like a poisonous snake softly strangling its prey.

Qin Shi learned from Juechen, but also mixed with soft and soft cotton hidden needles.

Three people from the same lineage but different from each other compete with each other.

Caught in the middle one after another, I felt that I was about to be torn into several halves.

Fang Xiu's swordsmanship is opposite to that of Taoist Juechen. He taught one after another while arguing with his seniors.Not long after, the more he talked, the more angry he became, and he simply gave up one after another...abandoned the sword, and discussed with his senior brother.

The little weak chicken with a blank mind finally had a moment to breathe.

Lin Luan arches embrace chaotic peaks and lean against each other, and the mountains are empty and cloudless.Light smoke and mist shrouded the tranquility of the shadows of the trees.

Swinging his slightly numb arms one after another, he walked to a fallen barren wood and sat down, sighed a long time, and smiled lightly again in an instant.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin Shi walked up to him and sat side by side.

His bright smile made his heart skip a few beats, and he even spoke softly, for fear that the heavy accent would hit the fragile white jade.

"It's nothing. I just feel that it would be nice if I could always be peaceful like this."

Since they came to Qiantianzong one after another and became the apprentices of Juechen Daojun, all they faced were cynicism and gossip.

And Master, Senior Uncle, Senior Brother and himself, a family of four, is the first time that they get along lively and harmoniously like today.

This made him forget for a moment the bloody storm he was going to face in the future.

Even in the face of intrigue and intrigue, Qin Shi, who seemed to be in harmony with each other, could sit side by side calmly.

Qin Shiyou looked away and didn't say a word.

The uncle entangled the master, arguing loudly not far away, and must argue with the other party.

He and his younger brother sat together under the shadow of the whirling trees, watching the white clouds and the sky.

Such a day is indeed pleasant and beautiful.

But he was not greedy enough, and he still didn't think it was enough.

What he wanted was not just to sit like this with the people around him.

He wants to hold the other party in his arms, and go to the cloud and rain with him to spend time together.

Qin Shi's momentary silence made him laugh to himself one after another.

The senior brother has a deep affection for the master, how can he let it go just by saying a few words.

The more advanced a monk is, the firmer his Taoism will be, and the stronger his inner attachment will be.

Qin Shi would still do whatever he could to get what he wanted.

Presumably Fang Xiu would not give up either.

They are a family of four, and it is only a moment and a half to have such a peaceful and harmonious relationship.

He rubbed his eyebrows one after another.

"What's wrong? Uncomfortable?" Qin Shi frowned, "Affected by the cold prison air? Show me your hand."

He just stretched out his hand to explore the successive veins, but in a flash before his eyes, someone has already taken the lead.

"Xiao Qu'er! Let's go!" Fang Xiu stepped in front of Lian Lian in a blink of an eye, grabbed his wrist and was about to pull him away.

Confused one after another.

"You come to be my apprentice. The two of us, the master and the apprentice, find another place to live and live together on the top of the mountain. Hearing the wind is totally misleading the disciple!"

Although Fang Xiu made a mistake in his words, he understood them one after another.

Fang Xiu just had a discussion with his master, but he failed to win, and became angry from embarrassment.

"Master's uncle is impatient and impatient, so he is not suitable to be a teacher." Qin Shi grabbed Li Lie's other hand, and secretly competed with Fang Xiu, "Let me teach the younger brother."

"I have no patience with others, but I have patience with Xiao Qu'er." Fang Xiu dissatisfied, "Xiao Qu'er, follow me to practice, and within 50 years, you will be promoted to Nascent Soul."

Qin Shi was not to be outdone: "I am familiar with my junior's sword moves, and I am also better at teaching. It only takes 45 years for him to break through the Nascent Soul Realm."

They were silent one after another.He remembered that Daoist Huantian once said that he only needs 20 years to teach himself to become a generation of great sword cultivators.

These two abruptly lengthened the time by more than double.

Although there are exaggerated words, the suspicion of deceiving him into becoming a teacher, he is much better than these two in terms of momentum.

An arrogant and arrogant snort suddenly sounded behind the three of them: "If you are guided by me, within ten years, you will be able to become a generation of sword cultivators one after another."

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

However, the "20 years" mentioned by Daoist Huantian last time has been discounted in half in less than a month.

Laughing one after another, Daoist Huantian was indeed blackmailing him.

In order to deceive him about his apprenticeship, he dared to say any kind of outrageous nonsense.

"How is it possible. Xiao Qu'er, you must not trust him."

Fang Xiu was afraid that he would listen to Liu Changji's nonsense one after another, so he was tempted to join Huantian Peak's sect.

At this time, I couldn't care about why he came here suddenly, and said anxiously, "With your aptitude, at least you have to be a Jiazi."

One after another: "..."

If he remembered correctly, didn't Fang Xiu just say that it only takes 50 years?

Blessings and misfortunes never come singly, and blows come one after another.

Qin Shi followed suit: "Junior Brother, you know your cultivation best. Even a cultivator in the God Transformation Realm can't make you achieve something in ten years."

"Huantian Daojun is just trying to trick you into worshiping him as your teacher."

They gritted their molars silently one after another, and responded silently.

He knew that his uncle and senior brother were telling the truth, but after hearing what they said, if they didn't just want to repay the kindness of Daoist Lord Juechen, he really wanted to switch to Huantian Peak a little bit.

Liu Changji snorted, but the other party, Xiu and Qin Shi, turned a blind eye to him, and only said one after another: "If you find it hard to practice swords, I won't force you."

The arrogance and arrogance of the high-ranking contempt subsided a bit: "You can do whatever you want, as I said before, I will definitely treat you very well."

One after another expressionless, they looked at him indifferently.

He is not afraid of hard work and is willing to practice swords.But he does not intend to switch to Shimen.

And... Liu Chang sent this crazy critic who doesn't talk about martial arts, can you not pinch his veins without saying a word.

As for a Nascent Soul Venerable, why would he sneak attack a weak chicken every time he was not prepared? !

"Liu Changji," Fang Xiujunxiu's eyes suddenly darkened, like a cold poisonous snake, staring at his opponent fiercely, "let him go."

Qin Shi also got up suddenly, and drew out half of Fei Jiang's sword: "Peak Master, please respect yourself."

"What are you panicking about?" Liu Changji snorted arrogantly, "I'm just helping to carry out the exercises one after another to get rid of the cold poison."

"I said yesterday, once in the morning and once in the evening, for a total of three days." He sighed and smiled, "If you don't come to Huantian Peak, you can only come here."

In the successive polite respects, there was just the right amount of rejection and indifference: "Thank you, Peak Master, for your kindness. I dare not bother Peak Master..."

"I will help Ah Xu get rid of the cold." Taoist Juechen walked slowly, and said with a gentle and familiar tone that should be used among close friends for many years, "Changji, you don't have to worry about this matter. "

Daoist Huantian raised the corners of his mouth, and he also expressed the deep affection of an irreversible acquaintance: "Wenfeng, I'm afraid that you will do something."

Although Fang Xiu and Liu Changji hate each other, it is rare to agree with him at this moment.

He clasped the pulse gate of Li Li's other hand and searched carefully for a while, but he couldn't find any abnormalities, so he was relieved.

Two completely different powerful auras swam through the body one after another, helping him sort out his meridians, and colliding fiercely in his meridians.

I only felt bursts of severe pain one after another, as if my body was stretched apart and torn apart, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

He gritted his teeth, cursing inwardly, such pain, it would be better for him to heal his wounds by himself.

It's a pity that the little weak chicken has no power to resist, so he can only lie flat and be at the mercy of others.

After a quarter of an hour, the sharp pain from the ruthless collision gradually disappeared, but the strange pain still remained.

It is not necessarily a good thing to be taken care of by the powerful.

Fang Xiu withdrew his spiritual energy, and suddenly remembered something, and suddenly moved closer to Lian Li's neck, slightly moving the tip of his nose, sniffing left and right.

"Xiao Qu'er, the erysipelas accumulated in that Foundation Establishment Pill should have all dissipated. You can already take another pill to hit the golden elixir realm."

Leaning back one after another, avoiding Fang Xiu.

Does erysipelas come out by smelling it?

As soon as Fang Xiu's words came out, Qin Shi made another connection.

Before the two residual auras dissipated, another aura invaded the meridians, wandered wantonly in the blood vessels, and seized the whole body.Suddenly gentle and suddenly harsh, tossing people is unspeakably miserable.

"It is true that there is no erysipelas left." Qin Shi carefully checked the sea of ​​Qi and the meridians of his whole body, "Junior Brother, I have already prepared a heavenly elixir for you. After you eat it, you will be able to form the elixir smoothly."

"I'm not in a hurry." Daoist Juechen stopped pinching his wrist, but stretched out his index finger, and slowly brushed it across the mouth where he was taking the pill, "Ah Xu's foundation is weak, just to be on the safe side, wait a few more month, make sure everything is safe before attacking Jindan."

"That's right. Xiaoqu'er's Taixuan mental method has only been practiced to the second level. If the pill formation fails, it will cause great damage to the meridians."

One after another, the corners of his mouth froze with faint smiles, and he sat on the cold tree stump, listening to a few powerful men in the world, talking about which day the yang energy is the most prosperous, the yin energy is the most prosperous, and which pill The medicine can increase the cultivation base the most at one time, which cave is full of aura and suitable for retreat...

I've worked my heart out for this little weak chicken.

In the end, the mighty people came to the conclusion: he has only been in the Tao for a short time and his foundation is weak.Even if there is a top-notch panacea, the chance of success in forming a pill is only [-]%.

The powerful people even helped him list a lot of medicines needed to treat internal injuries after failing to attack the golden core realm.

He didn't want to hear these words of deep concern.

In the end, I don't know who took out a magic weapon to measure the weather, and several people ended the argument and negotiated a good time.

——About half a year later, on a certain day, one after another, I didn't pay attention to listening carefully.

He could only hear that, in the eyes of several powerful people in the world, the first time the little weak chicken hits the core, it will definitely fail.

They need to prepare more wound medicine and tonic.


"You are too dangerous."

Xue Songyu leaned back on the chair with a big knife and a golden horse, exuding a heroic spirit that had nothing to do with a monk or fairy.

After listening to what happened one after another, she frowned: "Jechen Taoist is right not to let you meddle in your own business, you deserve to be grounded."

She glanced at Yu Xing across the square table, with apology in her eyes, helplessness in her tone, but her words were as firm as a rock: "I'm not saying that you should die, but you should know how serious the situation is."

Yu Xing's eight-character eyebrows drooped to the corners of his eyes, his face was bitterly cold, and he nodded his chin listlessly.

"Fortunately, Daoist Huantian was willing to look at your master and give you a chance to help him rehabilitate him, and even showed mercy to help you block Chen Qi's blow. Otherwise, you would have no bones left."

"It's not enough to die, I have the magic weapon for protection given by my master." One after another, they sat back on the wooden chair leisurely and lazily, resting their chin on the back of the chair, and smiled nonchalantly, "I know the danger, and I was prepared for it."

Xue Songyu gave him a blank look.

She didn't know what happened one after another.The two of them have the same level of cultivation, even if they hold high-level magic weapons in their hands, they can't drive them.

"Things are over, there is no danger, everyone is happy." With a bit of obedience and flattery, after comforting Xue Songyu, he said to Yu Xing, "Don't worry about it. You finally got out of the cold prison, be happy .”

Yu Xingqiang choked with laughter and said, "I am the first person to be released from Huantian Peak's cold prison. I will never forget the life-saving grace of big brother."

After finding out the truth one after another the day before yesterday, he was released at night by the order of the peak master.

After half-death recuperating for a day, I came to thank you today.

Even though he was imprisoned in the cold prison for four days and lost half his body and half his life, the cold poison invaded his lungs, and it might take two or three years to recover.But at least, my life was saved.

It also created a legend: None of the monks who were imprisoned in Huantian Peak's cold prison before could come out alive.He is the first.

The name "Yu Xing" spread throughout Huantian Peak in an instant, and was talked about by fellow disciples.

Is it really all over?Xue Songyu still frowned.

Yu Xing was unlucky and accidentally bumped into Li Yi, causing his death.

One after another, they learned about the existence of that demon cultivator from Chen Qi.

Whether Moxiu will deal with them, no one knows.

She asked: "Did Lord Huantian tell you how to deal with that demon cultivator?"

Yu Xing shook his head like a wave.How could he be qualified to know the peak master's plan.

Raise your hands one after another, he will answer this question.I had a chance to ask yesterday.

Daoist Huantian and Master, Master, Uncle, and Senior Brother, these four people have surprisingly the same opinion: Qian Tianzong has [-] monks, and it is normal for a few demon cultivators to be mixed in.

Since the division of Dao and Demon, the struggle between the two has been protracted and has never stopped.

There are three sects, four sects and twelve sects in the Yantian Realm, and there is no muddy water.There are also Daoist cultivators in the Demon Sect sect.

Among these Taoists, they are the most powerful, and no one takes a hidden demon cultivator in their eyes.

Fang Xiu was even more rebellious: "Xiao Qu'er, do you know?"

"Thousands of years ago, the Senluo Sword Sect used to be a sect of demon cultivators. Later, a master fell in love with a senior of Qiantianzong, so he abandoned the demon sect and joined the Taoist sect."

"The bones of our patriarch are still enshrined in the territory of the Demon Sect, a place called Fulongling. I still think about when I get tired of staying in Qiantianzong, and go to the Demon Sect to find a sect and become a peak master."

Daoist Juechen and Huantian Daoist are stronger than Fang Xiu, who is evil in nature.

As a peak master, he should investigate what should be investigated, and what should be done should be done, and he will never show mercy when encountering magic cultivators.

But it won't take too much effort to find a magic cultivator hiding in the vast crowd.

In the Yantian Realm, Taoism, Buddha, monsters, and Yuanying have no more than a hundred abilities, and they are all famous figures.We have been named to each other, and we have met face to face, and we know it well.

Cultivators below Nascent Soul can't afford much trouble, so it's not worth wasting their time.

Lingyuan and Huantian will instruct their disciples to be more cautious in the future, and inform Sect Master Qiantian of this matter.

As for whether the suzerain wants to investigate the entire Qiantianzong and Qianyuan Town under the mountain, let the people at the main peak do it themselves.

As I have said one after another, when it comes to demon cultivation, how to deal with it all depends on how those in power want to deal with it.

"Collusion with magic cultivators" is not an actual charge, but a seamless excuse.

The greatest effect is to eliminate dissidents at the right time.

So it must be a felony that cannot be punished.

What's more, the twelve peaks of Qiantian are not monolithic.

The peaks are separated and do their own thing. Some peak masters are still fighting for power with their fellow disciples.

It is a big taboo in the eyes of the peak master that outsiders meddle in the affairs of the peak.

One after another, he cared about this demon cultivator because he knew that Lord Xingyan would put his master in a desperate situation.

He even bluntly reminded Master that there might be a Demon Lord who might be able to hide his identity, which would be detrimental to him.

Taoist Juechen readily accepted his kindness, saying that he must be careful.

But looking at his expression, one after another felt that the master might just not bear to spoil his interest, and didn't really believe what he said.

There was nothing he could do, the only thing he could do was to cover the water with soil and take every step.

Hiding the link related to Taoist Juechen, one after another told Xue Songyu and Yu Xing about the decisions of the two peak masters.

After hearing this, Xue Songyu was silent for a while, and after a while, her sad face faded away, but she was not really relieved.

There is no problem with the judgment of the two peak masters.Even if they search with great fanfare, it is difficult to find a needle in a haystack.

One after another, they were grounded on Lingyuan Peak, but they were safe.

As for Yu Xing, there is no reason in the world to guard against thieves for a thousand days, and he can only ask for more blessings in the future.

One after another is also well aware.

It's a pity that they are just a solitary leaf ups and downs in the vast sea, and it is never up to them to make decisions about life and death.

Several people had to ask each other not to tell others about Moxiu.

The less you know, the safer you are.

Skimming this unsolvable proposition, several people deliberately changed the topic.

"Brother." Yu Xing wiped his face and took out a bundle of books from the Qiankun bag.

"I heard from my colleague that you have been looking for these books everywhere. Some of them have been treasured by me for many years, and some of them were bought from my colleague last night."

"I can't repay you for saving my life. I have nothing to give. I can only dedicate this book to my elder brother as a token of my gratitude."

Watching Yu Xing's "Playing in the Spring Breeze" with a blank face one after another, feeling that there is nothing to love in life.

That day, in order to find clues, he inquired about "Xi Chunfeng" in many places, but Zhang Qiong and Zuihonglou gave false rumors.

Fortunately, they still don't know that he is the main character in the book.

"Playing in the Spring Breeze?" Xue Songyu's eyes lit up suddenly, and he picked up a book with great interest. "There are many rare books from before, and I have never seen them before."

"...Do you watch it too?" Others didn't know if he was okay one after another, but Xue Songyu and Yu Xing were sitting in front of him.

Thinking of those messy and sexy scenes, his face became paler one after another.

"Why don't you watch it?" Xue Songyu wondered, "Friar Qiantian mostly uses this to pass the time in his spare time. Some stories are particularly interesting."

She opened one of the books: "This one is about the entanglement between Taoist Lord Juechen, Taoist Lord Huantian, and Lord Ouyang of Fengming Peak."

"Everyone knows about Asking Yuanfeng and Fengming Peak. Even Master Ouyang Feng himself said that he is looking forward to the follow-up development. It's a pity that I don't know why, but halfway through it, it's gone."

Yu Xing saw that she was a fellow, and explained to her enthusiastically: "That's because the eldest brother came two years ago. The main writer of the story also changed from the senior sister of Fengming Peak to the senior brother of Lingyuan Peak."

"The lead writer will take place every two or three years, and the next round will be written by Feng Mingfeng's senior sister, and the serialization may continue."

They were taken aback one after another.He had heard that "Xi Chunfeng" had written anecdotes about many famous people in Qian Tianzong.Since he came, the protagonist has changed to him.

Master, Huantian Daojun, and the entanglement with Fengming Peak Master?

He was curious for a moment: "What content?"

Yu Xing was always a talker, but when he saw interest one after another, his suppressed nature for many years suddenly awakened, and he began to talk endlessly as an explanation.

"This story is also very popular in our Huantian Peak."

It is rumored that Daoist Huantian loves Master Ouyang Feng, but Master Ouyang Feng's heart belongs to Daoist Juechen.

As for Taoist Juechen and Ouyang Fengzhu, they are more than friends for the time being, but not lovers, and the two are in an ambiguous stage.

As for how to develop in the future, it is what Master Ouyang Feng said, "I also look forward to the follow-up".

There are mixed feelings in my heart one after another.

He was written into the story, knowing very well that the content of the book was pure nonsense and nonsense.

However, when it has nothing to do with him, if it is him who reads it, he finds these imaginary love and hatred... unexpectedly quite interesting.

He curiously asked Xiang Yuxing: "Is there any story between my master and your peak master?"

The author has something to say:

Thank you sisters for your support!Betting on the dignity of the manuscript box, this week, [-] words will be updated every day!

Because subscriptions are very important (related to the weekly list), especially for bottom-level writers.

If you think you can still watch it, please drink a cup of milk tea one after another, I hope you will not get fat.

The great god's culture and cultivation have little influence, there are no fattening people at the bottom of the street, only dead ones (.

Another question, are the sisters used to one chapter of [-] words, or two chapters of [-] words per day?

Thanks again for the support of the sisters ~ Bow.


Misunderstanding Little Theater


One after another: Do you feel the horror of several big bosses teaching practice at the same time?


"Playing Spring Wind" also has various stories.

One after another: Since then, I have become a CP fan of Master and Fengming Peak Lord.

Master: There is no fuck to say.

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