While the three of them were talking, another monk came from the side. Judging by the style of the Taoist robe, he should be a fellow of Qin Shi's acquaintance.

The monk who had just arrived was all smiles, and apologized one after another to Qin Shihe: "My senior brother is devoted to the Tao, not understanding the world, he often says the wrong things with his clumsy tongue, how offending, I hope the two fellow Taoists Haihan. "

After finishing speaking, he hastily pulled away his dazed senior brother.

The two walked a certain distance before the younger brother explained to his older brother: "That person is the apprentice of Taoist Lord Juechen in name, but he is actually that one."

Hearing this, the senior brother was even more puzzled: "Which one?"

The younger brother was very helpless because of the older brother's dullness, so he had to make it clear: it was not because of his good roots that he was accepted as a personal heir by Taoist Juechen.He is the most beautiful decoration on Lingyuan Peak.

"Do you understand what it means to decorate? According to the people of Qian Tianzong, he actually serves as a bed attendant for several venerables, so how could he participate in any kind of fighting. You don't understand what it means to serve a bed."

The senior brother stopped in his footsteps and was stunned for a moment before he suddenly realized.The two whispered something again, and gradually walked out of sight one after another.

One after another, I felt that the junior was also lacking in brains, and could not speak better than his senior brother.

Don't know the distance, can he hear the conversation between the two? !

How many people still believe in the stories compiled by "Xi Chunfeng"? ! How wide is the story of Fengyue in "Playing Spring Breeze"? !

He glanced sideways at Qin Shi.

The corner of the other party's mouth was raised high, and the face of a modest gentleman was full of uncontrollable complacency.

Whenever he encountered a situation that was unfavorable to him, Qin Shi was in a particularly happy mood.

He cursed secretly in his heart one after another, put on a nonchalant face, turned around and walked in the other direction.

He didn't want to come out with Qin Shi in the first place, and he was even less interested at the moment.Even if the applause from the audience is moderate, it is difficult to generate the slightest interest in the competition on the stage.

After wandering around casually, they returned to their residence along the way they came.

He thought he could deal with Qin Shi in this way, but he didn't give up and followed into the room.The attitude is extremely natural, it seems that all this is taken for granted.

The seven orifices that were almost angry produced smoke one after another.Qin Shi deliberately wanted to disturb his practice, and never let him have the opportunity to meditate.

It's a pity that he has nothing to do, and the two of them will have a long time to cheat each other.It would not do him any good to tear his face apart and turn the secret fight into an open one.

He had no choice but to take a deep breath secretly, suppressing the anger in his heart, raised the corner of his mouth and said: "I feel a little tired after walking around, and want to take a nap. Brother, please do it yourself."

After speaking, he lay down on the bed sideways, closed his eyes and rested his mind, leaving only the back view to the other party.

It's not completely defenseless, the whole courtyard has a magic circle set up by the master, he doesn't think Qin Shi will attack him here and now.

It's true that Qin Shi wanted to kill him, but he must do so without anyone noticing, and he must never let Master know.

The thin and elegant figure lay horizontally in front of him, the smooth and beautiful outline was like a hook, tightly hooking Qin Shi's three souls and seven souls, making his heart and body unable to help but want to go deep into the paradise in his heart, taste it The wonderful taste of ecstasy in the cave.

His mouth was parched, he rolled his Adam's apple, and after appreciating greedily for a few times, he didn't dare to stay in the room any longer.

No matter how much he wanted to indulge in plunder and enjoyment in the fairyland, he didn't dare to disregard the other party's wishes and forcefully put it into action.

It was his apex treasure, and no one could hurt it, including himself.

Afraid of disturbing the continuous nap, he murmured in a low voice: Take a good rest.Then he walked out the door lightly, pushed the door carefully and closed it again, without making any sound during the whole process.

Then he walked into his room with big strides, imagining the grand scene of the fairyland, and released the raging fire alone.

As soon as Qin Shi left, he suddenly opened his eyes one after another, sat up from the bed, and let out a breath of foul air slowly.

The sharp eyes full of oppression and killing intent finally disappeared, and the mood was relieved.

He practiced the mind method in the room for a while, and not long after the sun set on Shen Xifeng, Taoist Juechen returned to the courtyard.

As soon as the door opened, the master saw him, and made fun of him with teasing words, then pulled his wrist and pulled him into the courtyard.

The four of them were chatting in the gazebo under the moon—the three talked, and listened in silence one after another, occasionally echoing a few words.

Whether it's the summer situation, the rankings of various factions, or the way of nature, the realm of the powerful people is too high for him, and it is difficult for him to keep up.

When the moon is in the middle of the sky, the four people will go back to their rooms.

On the second day, they followed Taoist Juechen to the Guanwu Pavilion banquet again.

Star Flame Demon Lord is also among them.His seat was arranged next to the Demon King, but he chose not to sit in his own seat, insisting on being squeezed next to Lian Lian, beaming with delight, looking for something to chat with him.

From time to time, the same party will come and go, fighting with each other.

The successive glances in the banquet hall are more meaningful.Even if he didn't do anything, he felt exhausted after being stared at by dozens of eyes all day.

This situation lasted for two days, if not for Master's disapproval, he really wanted to return to Lingyuan Peak overnight.

At [-] o'clock on the fifth day, after morning exercises, he followed Daojun Juechen listlessly again to Guanwu Pavilion.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard gate, a flying figure like a raging flame and flowing clouds walked towards him, with his toes high and high like a peacock spreading its tail.

As soon as they saw each other, Xingyan Mojun immediately grabbed his thin wrist, and said with a smile, "It was agreed yesterday, today you will be alone with me."

Before he finished speaking, he was already being pulled onto the stone path leading to the competition venue.

For the past two days, Ling Chengze had to hide his spiritual aura every night, and sneaked into his room by evading the defenses set up by Taoist Juechen.

One after another, I couldn't figure out at all why such a majestic devil loves to learn how ordinary people act as thieves and open windows.

They had already talked a lot at the banquet during the day, so what is the significance of an hour at night?

Ling Chengze's surreptitious behavior made it hard for him to have a strange illusion of having an affair one after another.

This matter can't let Master know.Even if Juechen Daojun's mind is free, the supreme kings also have their own arrogance.

Once he knew that someone had sneaked into his magic circle, but he didn't notice anything, he would definitely feel unhappy.

What's more, the two of them have been fighting for hundreds of years, so they already have a strong sense of competition in their hearts.

Before seeing Mojun Xingyan himself, he had always thought that Mojun also had admiration for Shizun, but his personality was perverted, and the two of them had different positions, so the love was bound to be crazy and distorted.

In short, Lord Xingyan is also a sick and crazy critic who will do anything to get Daoist Juechen.

——Juechen Daojun is surrounded by all kinds of crazy critics, and there is no normal person.

But after these few days of observation, the Xingyan Demon Lord Zhang acted arrogantly and talked insanely, which is a crazy criticism.

However, Shu has poor eyesight, and he really didn't see any clues that he had a crush on Master.

There must be something wrong somewhere.

Last night Ling Chengze sneaked into the room and told him that there would be Xue Songyu's competition tomorrow, and he wanted the two of them to watch it together.

He responded casually, it was by no means "accompany him alone".

But he was afraid that his master would find out about his private meeting with the devil, so he followed Ling Chengze and walked away from the gate of the courtyard quickly.

He didn't even dare to look back at Master's expression.

He broke the jar and thought: Master should be punished, so he should be punished, and it would be best to punish him to think about his mistakes in the room!Anyway, he didn't want to go to Guanwu Pavilion.

The two came to the competition square all the way.

After several days of fierce fighting, [-]% of the monks have been defeated and eliminated, and there are not many remaining competitions.

The number of spectators in the square has also been greatly reduced.The cultivators came in groups of three or four, passing under the empty sword-testing stage sparsely, and even the sound of the wind became much quieter.

One after another, Xue Songyu's name was seen on the stone pillars in the center of the square.

She was ranked tenth on the list, just enough to enter the overall list.

Ling Chengze once said that she would find a way to make her name appear here, so that all the hundred thousand monks who came to watch the battle at the Tianxuan Ceremony could see her.

Xingyan Mojun promised everything he said, and he did what he said.

They looked at him curiously one after another.

Ling Chengze understood, and happily explained to him: "Xue Songyu is not weak in skill, but lacks spiritual power. I gave her a pill that can greatly increase spiritual power, so that she can defeat most of her opponents."

He lowered his head and whispered next to Xu Yue's ear, "There are a few monks who are slightly stronger than her. Before the competition, I sent my men to find them and asked them whether they want to win or survive. If you dare to win, you will bear the consequences."

They were speechless one after another.

It is worthy of being an arrogant and unscrupulous demon king.

In order for Xue Songyu to be in the top ten, it seems that there is only such a way.

Xue Songyu was looking for Xue Qiaozhi wholeheartedly, she herself had no objection, and she was not qualified to comment one after another.

On the contrary, I would like to thank Ling Chengze for his kindness.

"In the subsequent competitions, I can only give her some magical medicines, and the rest is up to her." Ling Chengze raised his mouth indifferently, "Her goal is only to be on the list, not to compete for the first place. Even if she loses, it will not affect her." big."

The top ten monks on the list are all elite disciples of various sects, unlike the bottom monks who are not valued by their masters.

If he sent people to intimidate and lure him, if people found out, he would be self-defeating and not good for Xue Songyu.

Nodding one after another, indicating that he understands.

Thank you again for Xue Songyu.

"What's the point of such a small matter. Although I fall in love with you, she also has a part in saving me." Ling Chengze smiled softly, "When the Tianxuan Conference is over, you all leave Qian Tianzong with me. I will treat you well in this life , and will definitely treat her favorably as a friend."

Xue Songyu is just an inconspicuous low-level monk in Qiantianzong.To be able to be taken care of by the demon king, the road will definitely be smoother than it is now.

If she herself doesn't mind switching to the Demon Sect, then of course she doesn't mind either.

Whether it's the devil or the Tao, it doesn't affect his relationship with Xue Songyu.

As for Ling Chengze's other insane and insane talk, it's too long to listen to.

After reading the list of the world's people, Ling Chengze pulled him up again and walked towards the north-facing avenue.

Continuing to wonder, where is this going?

"Xue Songyu's competition is in the afternoon, so it's still early. In addition to the arenas of sword and law cultivation, there is also a competition of music cultivation, alchemy cultivation and formation cultivation at the Tianxuan Conference."

When Ling Chengze was explaining, surprise flashed in his eyes for a moment.

As Taoist monks one after another, they don't even know the rules of the Tianxuan Conference.

The surprise turned into distressed affection in an instant.

Wenfeng's character is low, insidious and cunning, and he has bad intentions towards Lianlian, so he doesn't regard him as an apprentice at all, let alone intend to teach him well.

In order not to make him worry, she lied to him one after another, saying that Wenfeng was very kind to her.

He must bring out Lingyuan Peak one after another, this charming ghost with a smiling face.

"The competition between sword repair and law repair is about to end, and today we will start the three methods of sound, array, and medicine. The competition will be held at the back mountain of the Cangwu Sect."

Under Ling Chengze's careful explanation all the way, the two came to the back mountain square of the Cangwu Sect together.

Compared with the solemn and solemn Qianshan Square, the flowing water, waterfalls, and rainbows here are indeed more suitable for elegant romances such as piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting.

No wonder there are not many spectators in the front mountain square, and they all come to the back mountain.

Not long after walking, amidst the bursts of pines and waves, melodious strings and bamboos came with the wind.

"It takes a long time to make alchemy and set up a formation. A competition requires several days of sleepless nights, and it is not very interesting for laymen. Therefore, few people who do not practice this way go to observe it."

With a slightly neutral voice and a slightly hoarse voice, he chuckled lightly: "The music competition has always attracted the attention of thousands of monks. You can enjoy singing and dancing, and you can also meet many beauties who are notoriously famous in Xia Tian."

This point has been deeply empathized.The Yinxiu senior sisters of Fengming Peak have a gentle temperament, which is very different from the sword cultivator who frequently fights and kills.

The master of Fengming Peak is the most beautiful woman in Qiantian Sect, and she is famous all over the summer.

It's a pity that the beauty has a dead body, and the beauty is unlucky.

Thinking of Fengming Peak Master, whose youth had withered early, he sighed one after another: "If Fengming Peak Master hadn't wanted to mediate the dispute between the Ouyang family and the He family, he would not have been involved in a revenge and died innocently in his own home. "

Ling Chengze was a little curious: "Ouyang Lige? Are you familiar with her?"

"Master Ouyang Feng and those senior sisters have always taken good care of me. When something happened to Ouyang's family, I was there."

The fact that the Ouyang family exterminated the three Nascent Soul Venerables fell, and the whole Xia Tian was shocked, and it was widely known on the second day.

Ling Chengze had also heard of it.

I just didn't expect to be there one after another.

Deep eyebrows frowned slightly: "Ouyang Lige was not innocently involved. There is only one reason why she will die. Wenfeng wants her to die."

There was a sudden pause in one step after another.

Sen Luo Sword Sect and Ling Xiao Sect have a history of thousands of years, and their relationship is intricate and difficult to sort out.

Between Ling Chengze and Master, it was even more difficult to say anything.He has a rebellious personality and is full of prejudice against his master. He never thought that he would hear even a single good word from him.

But you can't slander your master anytime, anywhere, whenever you get an opportunity.

Obviously because Ouyang's female cultivator harbored resentment, she wanted the whole family to be buried with her in order to get revenge.

——Can all this be blamed on Master? !

Sneered one after another: "Master and I were together all the time. Fengming Peak Master died in an illusion."

Ling Chengze retorted: "A mere phantom array is like nothing to a person who is half-step into a god. When you reach the high level of Nascent Soul, you will naturally understand."

What is it that one can understand at the high level of Nascent Soul?

He gave him a sideways glance one after another, he was a weak little chicken, unable to understand the realm of peerless power.

Ling Chengze continued: "If Wenfeng doesn't want her to die, he can save her with a finger. Although Ouyang Bige is weak, he is also the master of the peak. He occupies a place in Qiantianzong and even Yantian Daomen."

When the beauty speaks, most people are willing to listen.

"She is a useful pawn in Wenfeng's hands, and she has not made any major mistakes. Wenfeng will not give up on her easily. There is only one possibility that she will die in front of Wenfeng. What did she do? , offended Wenfeng."

Ling Chengze looked straight at Zhuang Rong: "Wenfeng is narrow-minded and has vicious methods. He seldom kills himself. He either instigates Fang Xiu or uses another knife."

"You think that Ouyang Bige was killed by the Ouyang family, but in fact, Wenfeng wanted to put her to death and killed her with a knife."

The deep eyes shone with a clear light: "One after another, you believe me. Wen Feng is by no means a gentleman of integrity."

The voice paused: "Since you were by Wenfeng's side at that time, you can recall what Ouyang Lige did to make Wenfeng very unhappy."

"In those few days, I have been with the master. Master Ouyang Feng and the master have always been happy." One after another, the tone was cold, and he retorted contemptuously at him.

Every time the master of Fengming Peak and Master are together, he is by the side, and together with several senior sisters of Fengming Peak, they comprehend the romance between the two of them.

He can be [-]% sure that Fengming Peak Master and Shizun have never had any unhappiness.

In order to throw the evidence on Ling Chengze's face, he began to recall all the fragments of the relationship between Master Ouyang and his master in those few days.

In those few days, he followed Master almost all the time.And Ouyang Fengzhu probably seldom went home, took a few senior sisters to play elsewhere, and rarely appeared in front of them.

Aside from the fact that Peak Master Fengming and Senior Sister Ouyang sent voice transmissions to him when Ouyang's family and He's family were discussing their marriage, he was also drunk the night before and ran into each other outside the courtyard the next day.

The master of Fengming Peak told him that he had a very funny expression when he was teased, so Master often teased him.

... She said to herself, Master has something to say, just listen to it, don't take it seriously.

One after another, they recalled that Fengming Peak Master's words were flickering at that time, his voice was as thin as a mosquito, and he was afraid that someone would listen carefully if there were ears in the partition wall.

It was the first time he saw Ouyang Fengzhu, who had a gentle temperament but also had the arrogance and confidence of the Nascent Soul Venerable, spoke so cautiously.

At that time, he thought that Master had also played such an ambiguous joke with her.The girl is thin-skinned and shy, not as invulnerable as he is, so she doesn't take it seriously, let alone ask for details.

However, her slightly strange behavior at that time coincided with Ling Chengze's words in an instant.

...Don't take Master's words seriously.

The Senluo Sword Sect has been peerless demons for generations, and the successors of the Senluo Sword are either hypocrites or real villains.

Fang Xiu said so, Daoist Huantian said so, and Ling Chengze said so.

Although Qin Shi didn't say anything, he personally performed the hypocrite's morality to the extreme.

Even his shame as a teacher concealed a lot of things, playing tricks with senior brothers, hiding a knife in a smile.

Seeing a flash of wavering in his expression one after another, Ling Chengze asked, "How, but what did you think of?"

One after another, the voices were calm and calm: "With your kindness, can you really save people in that illusion?"

"Of course. The incantation of a Jindan cultivator is not a heaven-level mountain-protecting formation." Ling Chengze was arrogant, "Yan Tian has not yet had a high-level Yuanying formation and method cultivation, although I don't know the end of the curse. How about it, but I can guarantee that if Wenfeng doesn't want Ouyang Miige to die, he can save her easily."

Afraid of unbelief, he added another sentence: "At the beginning of the phantom formation in Shanyong Town, the demon cultivator spent a lot of spiritual stones to complete the arrangement. You can ask Qian Tianzong's formation and law cultivation, how strong is it? Only the half-step Huashen Sword Cultivator can be trapped with his spiritual power."

The other things all depended on Ling Chengze's mouth, without any evidence, so naturally he didn't listen for too long.

But at that time, Master and the others entered his illusion.

Ling Chengze said he could save Peak Master Fengming, but he actually... didn't doubt that the other party really had this strength.

"Perhaps Master didn't expect at that time that Nascent Soul cultivators like Fengming Peak Master would not be able to break through that illusion barrier. At that time, there were also two Nascent Soul Venerables from the Jiufang Sect who also fell together."

He found an excuse to retort: ​​"And the uncle, the brother, and Daoist Huantian are all here."

They certainly didn't expect that Fengming Peak Master would die, otherwise, if just one person rescued them, it wouldn't be the result today.

"Didn't I say that except for a few high-level Nascent Souls, the rest of the Daoist Sect are all made up? The two Nascent Souls in Jiufang are not much better than Ouyang Lige, and it's normal to die." Ling Chengze said with disdain,

"The high-level Nascent Soul is ten thousand times stronger than the mid-level. In front of the half-step transformation god, there is not much difference between an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator and an ant in the Golden Core stage."

"When you reach this realm, you will naturally understand."

One after another naturally knows that the higher you go, the harder it is to break through, and the greater the gap in strength.

But he, an ant in the Jindan stage, couldn't understand the realm of the powerful people, let alone understand why Ling Chengze insisted on respecting himself and inferior to others when the two were clearly talking about the illusion of Ouyang's family, and suddenly made such a statement.

Ling Chengze continued to sneer: "Wen Feng wants Ouyang Biage to die, how could Fang Xiu come to rescue him. Qin Shi has nothing to do with her, he just looks on coldly."

"As for Liu Changji, Wenfeng wants to get rid of a pawn in his hand, and he is even more happy to see it succeed."

I don't even bother to listen to other content one after another, let alone believe it.

But he believed in Master's profound morality.Ling Chengze said that Master can save, so Master must have this ability.

——It’s just that Master, at that time, really refused to save Fengming Peak Lord?

He and Peak Master Fengming had known each other for a short time, so he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Master and her have known each other for many years,...can you really...stand by and watch?

"Are you so familiar with Ouyang Bige?"

A sentence that came out of the blue made one after another inexplicable.

He shook his head: "Why do you think so?"

"I've never seen your expression like this before." Ling Chengze turned his head to the left, looked at him carefully for a while, then turned his head to the right to continue to look carefully.

One after another, either the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, maintaining an unchanged arc for a long time, or the lip line is flat and expressionless.

His emotions and anger were very shallow, and there were few other expressions on his finely crafted face.

However, from the moment Ling Chengze met Shanyong Town for the first time, his gaze was attracted by the most beautiful glow in the world, and it was hard to move away.

After staring at him for so long, he gradually realized that although his exquisite facial features did not change at first glance, as long as he observed carefully, he could still see subtle changes in the clear eyebrows and the exquisite corners of his lips.

This makes him feel beautiful, fun, and very interesting, even if he watches it for a lifetime, he will never get tired of it.

Speaking of Ouyang Mige, Ling Xi's lip line drooped a little bit again.

You have a good relationship with Ouyang Bige before, so you feel sad?

Taking a step back one after another, the distance between the two was too close.

Ling Chengze smiled lightly in disapproval: "Although Ouyang Lige's skills are not very good, her piano skills are impeccable. She participated in the Tianxuan Conference and became famous. After that, until she broke the Nascent Soul, no one at the Tianxuan Conference Dare to play the piano."

"But she's not as good-looking as you."

I couldn't figure out how these two things were suddenly connected.

I also heard Ling Chengze's words with some doubts and curiosity: "What did she do to offend Wenfeng, and let Wenfeng discard her when this chess piece is still available?"

In the next breath, Ling Chengze's expression changed again, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at him strangely.

What message did someone send to Star Flame Demon Lord?

After a while, Qin Shi's figure suddenly appeared beside him one after another: "Junior Brother, Master asked me to come to you."

Startled one after another: "What's wrong?"

Is he going to be called back to be punished? !

The author has something to say:

Misunderstanding Little Theater


Successively (rolling eyes): How many idiots believe "Xi Chunfeng" is real.

In other words, why is "Xi Chunfeng" spread so widely?Even monks from other sects know? !


One after another, they finally realized something was wrong: how could Ling Chengze harbor ill-will toward his master! ! !

Something wrong with the Shizun literature he was wearing? ? ?


Ling Chengze: Wenfeng is a super villain.

One after another really wanted to throw the facts in his face and prove him wrong.

However... there seems to be something really wrong.


Ling Chengze (showing off to his sweetheart): I am highly skilled and powerful.

Successively (rolling eyes): The Demon Lord laughed at me for my low cultivation.

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