The successive movements froze suddenly.

Wenfeng and they don't want to wake up? !

Diesi gave him a meaningful look.

If those people were dreaming of being with him, they must have chosen to sleep forever.

The town of beauties, the tomb of heroes, the dream of the world of mortals is the most difficult to resist.

The place of delusion is to use the perfect fantasy dream that can satisfy any wish, and trap countless nascent infants to death in this place.

It's just that she and one after another are here now, and if they don't wake up those people, they won't be able to live for long with their cultivation base.

"I don't know how to wake them up. But thinking about it, it should be the same as you woke me up. Find their bodies and pour cold water on them."

One after another: "..."

The method should be correct.

But the bodies of those people were in the mirage, and he had to go in if he wanted to find them.

Once you enter the mirage, don't you enter the dream again?What's more, I don't know how to find the main body.

Die Si let out a long sigh, propped her head up and looked at the phantom of the mirage.It seems to be considering whether to die inside or outside.

She asked casually: "Do you have any spells to connect with them? For example, the young master has placed a spell contract on us. Without his permission, we will always be his servants and must obey his orders. Otherwise, you will be devoured by spiritual fire."

The magic contract, the spiritual fire devours the heart.

They stood silently for a while.

He knew how to find Wenfeng.

"Wait for me outside for a while," he whispered to Diesi, "I'll go in and wake them up."

As soon as the words fell, the big strides stepped into the phantom of the mirage again.

Diesi was left alone outside, stunned.


The unformed phantom and the empty gray and white chaos alternately appeared in front of my eyes.

This is the gap between dreams and the world.

Walking slowly among them one after another, he knew in his heart that he only needed to walk forward and find Wenfeng without doing anything.

He and Wenfeng have made too many vows, life and death, forever inseparable... There are all kinds of things.

If you give birth to the heart of leaving, you will suffer bone-piercing pain.

As long as he wants to see Wenfeng, no matter where he is, those heavenly oaths will definitely bring him to Wenfeng.

As the footsteps deepened, the dream began to take shape.

One after another, they were in a spacious room with bright and clean windows.

The sun shines in from the tall windows, and misty clouds flow from the incense burner.Even the rich aroma can't hide the taste after indulgence.

Although I haven't stepped into it for two years, I remember it one after another, this is Ruoruo's bedroom.

From behind the screen came heavy gasping laughter and low sobs.

They paused one after another, then walked around the screen blankly, and walked to the luxurious carved high bed.

It's not that he hasn't experienced such a scene.During those three months, he heard the ups and downs all day and all night.

Hearing that he is profound and energetic, he never stops, and he is often tortured miserably.

But those were all voluntary, Wenfeng never forced him at all.It shouldn't be like this.

One after another expressionless looking at the living erotic palace that he was forced to bully by Wenfeng, he secretly cursed Wenfeng as a donkey, and sighed helplessly.

Pass through the fragments of this dream, and continue to move forward one after another.

Along the way, experienced countless scenes.

There are places he knows, Anshui Village, Bingyuan, Qianyuan Town, Chanjian Peak... There are many places he doesn't know.

These are all Wenfeng's dreams, and Wenfeng's dreams are all about him.

The light shone, and the picture in front of me suddenly became clear.One after another, I know that it is here.

The body of Wenfeng is here.

The spring breeze is warm and the days are warm, and the mountains are stretched to the sky.

The red flowers and trees are blooming all over the mountain, a gust of mountain wind blows, and the petals rain and the fragrance invades the sky.

The wind chimes under the high eaves of Chenfeng Palace dance with the wind, making a few clear and pleasant crisp sounds, adding a bit of joy to the noble and luxurious fairy palace.

Sitting under a tree not far away was a figure, wearing a spotless and clean robe, with luxurious dark patterns glowing with golden light under the warm sun.

He leaned against a flower tree, with one leg bent and the other straight, with a dignified and domineering posture. His eyes behind the blue mask were slightly closed, his long eyelashes moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth were raised, as if he was dreaming some sweet dream.

Feeling someone approaching, he slowly opened his eyes.

The four eyes met, and a few petals hovered in front of the eyes, drawing the trajectory of the wind and the fragrance.

Wen Feng raised the corners of her mouth, and took off the mask with her long fingers, and Li Feng's eyes were as gentle and affectionate as water.

They walked slowly to him and sat down, pursed their lips for a moment of silence, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know that you are in a dream right now?"

Yayin smiled lightly: "I know."

Sighing silently one after another: "Then let's go, it's time to wake up."

"You should know that I don't want to leave." The phoenix eyes reflected the magnificent and beautiful reflection affectionately, with a bit of helplessness, "It hurts so much to burn my heart day and night. Only here can I feel a little peace in my heart. I want more Take a break."

Frowning slightly one after another, he looked to his left.

Behind the messy and slightly open placket, several hideous wounds that could not be completely covered were exposed.

Wen Feng smiled warmly: "It's not the injury that hurts, it's the absence of you that hurts."

"Even the bone-piercing pain is nothing to me, and it will pass after a little patience. But I don't know when I will be able to hold you in my arms again. This anxiety and pain make me restless day and night."

He stretched out his hand, wanting to caress the beautiful eyebrows and eyes that are linked by soul and dream, but when he was about to touch, he paused in the air again.

He flexed and stretched his fingers, but he didn't get any answer, so he didn't dare to get closer after all.

He sighed helplessly and stood up slowly: "I'll send you out first. With your cultivation level, it's not good to stay here for a long time."

They stood up one after another, frowned and looked at him carefully: "You really don't plan to go out?"

Forget it, he no longer wants to guess how true or false what Wen Feng said.

Qingyan's sharp eyes showed sharpness, and she looked directly at the other party: "Even after you go out, you can use your own body to treat me like this, instead of just looking at the phantom in the dream?"

Hearing the wind, he was stunned, before he recovered, his neck was already hooked by the thin arms, and he took a breath, and the warm and cool touch touched his lips.

The sweet smell on the lips and teeth and the tip of the nose lasted for half a moment, and there was another sweet voice in the ear: "I thought your injury was no longer painful."

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Wen Feng couldn't stop raising the corners of his mouth, teasing with a hint of cheating, "But the old injury is still there, and I still need you to heal me."

The sharp and thin arms tightly embraced the sweetheart, and she fell backwards, and the two entangled shadows were reflected under the flower tree, giving off a beautiful fragrance.

After lingering on the tip of the tongue for a moment, Leng Yin smiled a little: "Aren't you planning to go out now?"

Wen Feng shook his head: "No plan."

Startled one after another, then heard him laughing and saying: "I'm afraid this is a dream, it will be gone when I wake up."

The scorching soft words flirted again: "Now this is my real body, I have to make sure that my little devil has not lied to me before I can go out."

A dull pain came from below.He gritted his teeth one after another angrily: "Smell, wind!"

This insidious and cunning big devil donkey!


There is no alternation of day and night in the dream. I don't know how long it has passed, but the time must not be short.

Exhausted, he fell asleep and woke up, woke up and slept again, and finally waited for the donkey to rest contentedly.

The beautiful eyes dyed red were like knives, and she gritted her teeth and said in a hoarse voice: "Can we go out now?"

Wen Feng still shook his head: "No."

Qing Jue's eyes widened instantly.What else? !

He has long been a traitor who betrayed his master. Killing a former master cannot be regarded as treason.

Wenfeng laughed, pinched the lively and interesting white jade cheeks, and kissed them lightly.

"That day, our joint membership ceremony was not yet completed. The Dust Wind Palace is right next to it. You and I will pay homage to the heaven and earth, and we will leave after completing the ceremony."

"I'm afraid that after I go out, you will leave me alone again."

One after another, I was surprised why I didn't realize that this person was so difficult and difficult to deal with before.

He nodded expressionlessly: "OK."

"This is just a dream," Wenfeng's request continued, "After going out, there will be a truly complete worship."

The cold voice became more and more bitter: "Okay."

Wenfeng then withdrew from Taoyuan Wonderland and got up to tidy up.He picked up Bai Yu again and entered the bathroom of the bedroom.

Successively shrinking his eyes, he carefully looked at his left body.

The hideous wound oozing blood has faded, leaving only slight red marks.The perfectly carved body is almost back to its original state.

"It will be cured after a few more times," Wen Ya's voice was not serious as soon as she spoke, "How about you help me completely heal, and we will go to worship heaven and earth again."

He glanced sideways at him one after another: "It's really hard for you to pretend to be the Daoist Juechen who wants to act from the underworld."

Wenfeng smirked wantonly: "Dare to tease Master, but it is a serious crime, as a teacher, you must be punished properly."

He kicked him hard one after another, and asked curiously after a while, "Since when did you know that you were in a dream?"

"I discovered it not long after I entered the land of delusion." Wen Feng proudly showed off, "It's not difficult to guess."

He stretched out his hand one after another, splashing water all over his face.

The slender fingertips gently caressed the exquisite thin lips: "Do you know what that Fireworks Willow Lane looks like to me?"

The sharpened jaw shakes from side to side.

"There shouldn't be much difference between me and the streets you see."

That street was Diesi's dream at first.

"What does the recruiting red sleeve on that street look like to you?"

After thinking for a while: "I don't remember, there are so many people, I haven't paid much attention to it."

Wen Feng smiled softly and sighed slightly: "In my eyes, everyone is you."

The handsome phoenix eyes shifted their gaze slightly down: "You of all kinds, seduce me with all kinds of postures. I just walked upright like this for an hour or two."

"You're the one standing at the door of that Goulan house. After entering, all the girls inside are you."

One after another: "..."

It sounds scary.

Wenfeng sighed helplessly: "You have a firm heart, nothing can tempt you, and you can get away from the place of delusion. But I can't."

"Whether it's a demon, a hallucination, a dream or anything else, as long as you smile at me, I will be in a daze. Even if I know it's an abyss trap, I can't help but jump into the fire pit."

"I will die at your hands sooner or later."

Slightly raised their mouths one after another: "Your rhetoric is not unreasonable, it is designed to confuse people's hearts."

"Like to listen?" Wen Feng gently bit the soft ear, "Then I will say it in your ear every day, a thousand times or ten thousand times, even if you get tired of listening to it, I will not shut up."

After washing away the filth in the body one after another, the two put on a crimson wedding dress and went to the hall of the Dust Wind Hall.

In the hall, red silk is hung everywhere, just like the ceremony of the joint registration that day.

"Although this is a dream, the real Dust Wind Palace also looks like this." Wen Feng clasped his five fingers tighter, "Everything is the same as it was before you left me."

The author has something to say:

Either reconcile and make Wenfeng willing to wake up, or watch him fall into a dream while awake, and die in the dream after a while...

The choice one after another is reconciliation, he has no way to watch Wenfeng die in front of him.

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