Until he reached the camp of Emperor Jialimo*, Shen Zui was still in shock, and the other seven companions also had unreal expressions on their faces.If the other mutated beasts were not suppressed by Yu Xiaobao's coercion during the outbreak, they did not dare to attack, and intoxicated by the current state of the group of people, maybe a few lives would not be enough to die.

Just now, Yu Xiaobao just flicked a handful of needles by himself, and even poked the eyes of those giant blue birds blind, God help.Afterwards, it was like he was performing alone. The other eight people saw him suddenly soaring into the air, and disappeared in a flash. After less than 2 minutes, he reappeared in the same place, followed by others. Several giant birds fell to the ground as if they had been hit hard, and they were all killed with a knife in the throat.

Only then did Shen Zui know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people. It is low-key if the masters don't talk.Afterwards, Shen Zui and the people he brought had blank expressions on their faces, obviously shocked by Yu Xiaobao's fierce offensive.

Currently guarding the outskirts of Gallimer to fight against the Undead Skeleton Army are members of the [-]rd and [-]th Legion. General Barrett of the [-]th Legion has been killed, and now the leader of the [-]rd Legion is Wen Hao, who is also Wen Yuan's elder brother. , Wen Hao was among the people who fell asleep a while ago. He woke up a few days earlier than Yu Xiaobao and the other three. Like Bator in Sitong Pavilion, he obtained the inheritance of magic civilization.

"You are Yu Xiaobao, the soul maker that Ryan talks about every day. Hehe, hello, I'm Wen Hao, and I'm brothers with Ryan. I'm out on a mission on the day of your wedding. I'm so sorry." Wen Hao is a very gentle person. The young man is always smiling, unlike Wen Yuan's calculating fox-like smile, his smile is very sincere and gentle, like a scholar, but not like a soldier.

Yu Xiaobao shook his head, "It's nothing, I also heard that Bingshanlian and Wenyuan often mentioned you, you are a good person." Young Master Yu always speaks straightforwardly, saying what he has to say, and in his heart, that wedding... ...Uh, it doesn't matter if I don't mention it, it's just a matter of trouble.

"Bingshan face? Pfft, that's a good description." Wen Hao said with a smile.

After Yu Xiaobao, Shen Zui and the others also came forward to talk to Wen Hao one by one.

"However, Xiaobao, is it really okay for you to go in alone?" Wen Hao frowned, "Otherwise, I'll send some people to accompany you in."

Shen Zui originally wanted to say that we would follow, but when he thought of those giant blue birds before, he sniffed, and after thinking about it, he decided not to get in the way, the masters of others were obviously several ranks higher than himself.

"No need, I'm enough alone... If it doesn't work, I'll let you know." Thinking of Bingshanlian's warning before he left, Yu Xiaobao added the latter sentence with a cold face.

"Since you say so, then fine." Wen Hao handed over an electronic tablet, "This is a detailed map of Jialimo City. Before Ryan told me about the portal of the plane, I also sent someone to detect it. Although I didn't find the interface to the plane, I did find some suspicious places. I hope it can help you. By the way, there are some places where there are more guards detected by the opponent. You'd better avoid those places. "

Yu Xiaobao took the electronic tablet, glanced at it briefly, understood the usage and labeling information, nodded and said: "That's fine, I understand, thank you!"

"It's just doing my duty. When do you plan to go, I can arrange people to cooperate."

"Let's go tonight." As an impatient person, Yu Xiaobao said that it is better to make a quick decision, and... it has been too peaceful recently. He feels that the undead skeletons must be preparing for some major changes. If it is really like what he is worried about It would be miserable like that. If higher-level dark creatures come to the planet, and they haven't fought against those things, it's really hard to say what will happen then.

"I'm going tonight, do you have a plan?" Wen Hao asked quickly, Xiaobao looked very serious, serious and calm, presumably he had already thought of a way.

Shen Zui also looked at Yu Xiaobao expectantly. With the strength Yu Xiaobao showed in the afternoon, Shen Zui inexplicably felt that the other party must have already figured out a way and was confident before deciding to set off.

However, the truth is...

"No." Yu Xiaobao shook his head affirmatively, with nothing behind him.

Wen Hao smiled helplessly, "Xiaobao, isn't this too casual? Anyway, don't be in a hurry, don't panic, let's discuss it together." If something happens to the good brother's partner here, How can he explain to Ryan at that time.

Shen Zui and the others kept nodding in their hearts, yes, yes, it's too childish, if the general knew it, he would definitely disagree, Madam, you are too childish, and don't take your own safety seriously.

Yu Xiaobao refused without thinking, "No, I have some conjectures that I want to verify, it's not good to delay for too long." Yu Xiaobao didn't tell Wen Hao about the high-level dark creature, after all, it hasn't happened yet, causing panic It's not good, it's better to find out the situation by yourself first.

"By the way, have any strange things or abnormal phenomena happened here recently?" Yu Xiaobao asked again.

"Strange things?" Wen Hao thought for a while and shook his head, "It's nothing strange recently, and the situation on the battlefield has become stalemate. Compared with the beginning, the enemy's offensive is much smaller, and now it only happens occasionally. A team of skeleton soldiers came to make trouble, and the two sides left after hurting each other, not as vigorous as before."

"Just kill a few people and leave? So easy?!" This matter must be weird, Yu Xiaobao knew from Na Xia's notes that those skeleton soldiers are dark creatures, their nature is to kill, and they have no fear , Once entering the battlefield, they are all in a state of crushing, and they will not leave until the last person is killed.But now they just killed a few people and left. Obviously, there are higher dark creatures giving them orders. By the way, skeleton soldiers have no intelligence and will not cooperate in combat. They will only obey the dispatch of higher dark creatures. Shit, Lao Tzu He even forgot this point, the skeleton soldiers have all started to learn how to fight and test, and there must be advanced creatures behind him!

Unable to hide it any longer, Yu Xiaobao told everyone about his analysis in detail, and only then did everyone discover such a problem.

Wen Hao was even more surprised. He studied magic and should be the most familiar person with dark creatures, but he ignored such a big problem, "The killing of undead skeletons has no wisdom, and they can fight with evidence, or they have already Mutations lead to wisdom, or there are higher dark creatures leading. I actually, I ignored such an important issue. From the beginning of the war to the present, no one has discovered this advanced dark creature, which is hidden in the undead skeleton. Behind him, the offensive has suddenly decreased these days, it must not be for no reason, damn it, what kind of plans are these dark creatures planning." Wen Hao said angrily, after all, his understanding of dark creatures is still too little.

"At this time, we can't mess around, Wen Hao, tell Ryan about this discovery, and I will set off at night to find out what's going on?" Find out.

In the city of Gallimer, a person hidden in the black mist walked slowly on a forest path. All kinds of mutated creatures that were active in the forest hid in the dense forest, not daring to let out a trace. sound.

The cloud of black mist reached the end of the path, and a towering ancient tree appeared, but this ancient tree was not an ordinary mutant tree. There was a strange creature head hanging on each branch of the tree, which looked terrifying. .

The black mist stood in front of the ancient tree for a while, and the long and broken words slowly flowed out. The heads of the strange creatures on the ancient tree collectively let out a shrill scream, and then a door opened in the belly of the ancient tree. Let the two go in.

The black mist walked in slowly, and not long after, the door disappeared again, and the heads of those screaming creatures on the ancient trees also closed their mouths and eyes, as if they had never opened them.

At night, Yu Xiaobao changed into a convenient black combat uniform. There were no less than twenty pockets on the combat uniform, and each pocket contained something. It doesn't need to be so troublesome, but Wen Hao and Shen Zui talked mother-in-law there for a long time, as long as he expresses that he doesn't want these things, the other party has the intention to continue talking.

Yu Xiaobao thought about it for a while and decided to forget it. At worst, wait until these guys are out of sight, then change clothes, and throw those messy things into the space, no one will know anyway.

"Okay, then I'm leaving." As soon as the words fell, the person disappeared.

Wen Hao, Shen Zui and the others were all stunned, shit, people!

Shen Zui was even more speechless, he was ready to secretly follow behind to protect him, but he didn't expect... to be dumped so gorgeously from the very beginning, it's too shameful! !Woohoo, the force value is so high...

Yu Xiaobao didn't know that he got rid of a trouble, and ran wildly in the night with Qinggong. When he was about to approach Jialimo's city wall, Yu Xiaobao carefully approached the city wall. In a hidden corner, he used Qinggong on the city wall. With a few clicks, it is easy to enter Jialimo City.

Hiding on the roof, Yu Xiaobao took out the map to look at it, chose a direction, and hid in the darkness. Yu Jingyang also taught him about assassination.

Yu Xiaobao basically walked all the areas marked on the map, but none of these areas was the entrance of the plane, and he wasted half the night without accomplishing anything.

Young Master Yu quit. Looking at the skeleton soldiers passing by below, he thought about arresting a single person for direct interrogation, but in the next second, this method was rejected by him. He was about to die, and the undead skeleton was Those who have no wisdom, prying words from their mouths are doing nothing.

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't find a way." Yu Xiaobao gritted his teeth and looked at the team of skeleton soldiers, unwillingly glanced at the increasingly bright sky, and left.

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