Throw your empty coffee mug in the sink and a robot will clean it up later.Since Wen Yu came to this world, he has never reached out to wash a bowl or a dish.

"In two days, I will arrive at the Emperor Star of the Luosha Empire. After a journey of twenty days or so, my bones are about to fall apart."

Sitting by the window, looking at the universe and the starry sky outside.It was a beautiful scene, but I got tired of watching it for twenty days.

"Be patient, it's only two days." Rein put his hand on Wen Yu's shoulder, and patted him lightly a few times to comfort him who looked depressed.Because I left in a hurry this time, I basically didn't bring anything except a few sets of clothes.Wen Yu usually went out to visit the restaurant on the transport ship or chat with a few people he met on the ship.All in all, he was almost smothered to death.

"You can play games." He remembered that Wen Yu seemed to like playing games.

"Tired of playing."

Online games are too time-consuming, and I am tired of playing single-player games.Moreover, his and Rein's current identities are fake, and they have to pass the terminal inspection to play online games.It would be bad if the genes didn't match. Although the crown prince said he had already dealt with it, Wen Yu's enthusiasm was still low.They spent the new year and the first month of the new year on the ship. Seeing that January is coming to an end, even if they arrive at Luoshadi Star for the remaining few days, they have to inquire about the news first.Wen Yu didn't think about it anymore, and said that he could play while doing anything, but he didn't think the two of them had the time.


Rein has lost his way, only those who have been with Wen Yu for a while will know how difficult he is to serve.Picky eaters with a poisonous mouth.Except for being more patient with the elderly and children, everyone else is his target.In recent days he has become the only victim, if you don't count the nobles outside who want to take advantage of him.

But even so, Rein has no plans to replace the crown princess.He felt that Wen Yu's character was very good, even if something happened to him, Wen Yu would not be the kind of little sheep who was bullied.He will ruthlessly bully those who want to bully him back, so Lein is really satisfied with Wen Yu's character.

"Forget it, I'll continue to sleep!" Wen Yu now sleeps for more than ten hours a day, and Rein's hair is almost turning white with worry.How can a person sleep for more than ten hours a day, and he will not suffer from insomnia at night.

Seeing that the person was about to climb onto the bed again, Lein quickly pulled him back. "I'll find flowers for you, how about you play flower arrangement?"

"Arranging flowers? All right, as long as you have something to do." Wen Yu nodded, and arranged flowers as she wished.

Sure enough, Rein went to the restaurant and spent a lot of money, bought a lot of flowers and came back.Seeing the big cart of flowers being pushed back by the robot, Wen Yu's mouth twitched, and without saying anything, he asked the robot for an ignition and a pair of scissors.

Because they bought too many flowers, their room was still fragrant until they disembarked from the transport ship, which made the tenants who lived in behind very happy.Because the room is beautifully arranged, those beautiful flower robots were not thrown away when cleaning and cleaning, but placed in the room.

After another two days of flying, they finally arrived at Luoshadi Star.Wen Yu was dragged off the transport ship by Rein, and the wives and ladies who knew Wen Yu all pursed their lips and laughed.The grandma also told her grandson that if he likes it, he will grab him.His grandson shook his head in fright, because the beauty's husband was staring at him!

Speechlessly waving to the grandmother, Wen Yu boarded the levitation vehicle that Laing rented.In Emperor Star, you can rent this kind of hovercar as long as you pay the rent. There is a place for renting hovercars under the space port.


Rein set the car to automatic driving, and then chatted with Wen Yu.

"I'm not tired, but I just feel a little floating all over my body." People who have been flying in space for too long have this feeling when they first disembark.It's just that this feeling depends on the person's physique. Some people are like Rein for a short while, while others are like Wen Yu, who have to float for a long time.

"Then would you like to lie down for a while?"

The suspension car is quite spacious, and the seat can also allow one person to lie down.

"Okay." Wen Yu didn't refuse, and immediately after he lay down, a piece of clothing covered him.

Wen Yu didn't wake up until he got off the car. He had gotten used to Rein's approach these days, so he was still sleeping soundly when he was carried out of the car.

Seeing this, the hotel staff all tacitly lowered their voices.Completed the check-in procedures for the two of them, and sent their luggage to the room.In a high-end hotel like this, except for cleaning, all services are manual.

Wen Yu didn't wake up until late at night, and Rein called the two of them into the room to enjoy dinner together.After washing up, the two went out to enjoy the night view of Luosha Empire.

The Luosha Empire Dixing is a planet without four seasons, and the temperature is between 25 and [-] degrees all year round.So the two put on a shirt and a light coat and went out.

"So beautiful!"

Because the temperature of the Emperor Star of the Luosha Empire is suitable for human habitation, there are many humans and non-humans who have settled in the Emperor Star.And because the temperature is very mild, the flowers on both sides of the street bloom continuously all year round.In addition, it's the new year, and the first thing you see when you step out is colorful flowers, arranging the entire Emperor Star of Luosha Empire into a sea of ​​flowers.

But what surprised the two of them was that everyone on the street was holding a flower in their hands, and they were all walking in the same direction.The first month of the new year is almost over, how come Luoshadi Star is still so lively.People on the street looked excited, whether they were non-human or human, they were all wearing beautiful clothes and holding flowers in their hands.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?"

Wen Yu grabbed a passerby who was also holding a flower in his hand.

"Are you from another empire, right? No wonder you don't know that there will be a banquet of thousands of flowers in the palace on the last few nights of the new year, and all humans or non-humans in the empire can participate."

"Huh, there is such a thing? But with so many people, wouldn't the palace be overcrowded?"

Wen Yu finds it very interesting to think of the palace that has been crushed by people. No matter how big the palace is, can it hold the people of the next planet?

"Hey, what nonsense are you talking about! Although the palace can't accommodate it, there are banquets outside! As long as there is space, everyone can get together and play flower guessing games."

The man was still in a hurry to attend the banquet, so he left impatiently after talking to Wen Yu.

"Guess the flower game? What is this? Is it fun?" Wen Yu was in high spirits. After getting enough sleep during the day, he was very energetic at night.

"We'll find out if we go and have a look." Rein dragged Wen Yu into the open space, and of course he didn't forget to buy two flowers from the flower seller on the side of the road.

Rein held Wen Yu with his right hand, and the two squeezed through the crowd and came to a not-so-big square.

I saw some young men and women gathered in a group, and there was a masked man and woman in the middle. When they walked up to a person, that person would put the flower in his hand under his nose and let him guess the name of the flower.If you can't guess it, you have to kiss the owner of the flower you didn't guess. If you don't have a lover, it's okay, but if you have a lover, you have to kiss it no matter how awkward it is.

Fortunately, after doing it for so many years, everyone is used to it.Just kiss, just go back to your partner and lover to appease after kissing.But when a couple or husband and wife want to have relatives, they don't need to appease them, and they even get together to talk about their relatives' feelings.How can a word embarrassing be able to describe it!

Wen Yu watched it for a while before being dragged away by Rein.

"Hey, I haven't seen enough!" Wen Yu found that everyone on Luoshadi Star is an expert at guessing flowers, no matter if they are non-human or human.What amazed him the most was the loudest cheers outside when non-humans kissed humans.And everyone is very interested, it is said that this is a group blind date activity on Luosha Dixing.Many humans and non-humans met on this day, and then fell in love and got married.Although there are many divorces because of this, even so, there are still an endless stream of people who come to participate every year.

"Go back." Rein's face was a little unsightly, and he threw away the flowers in his hand.

Wen Yu originally wanted to stay for a while, but when he saw Rein's face, he immediately became hoarse.

Although he didn't know why the man suddenly became in a bad mood, his instinct told him that it was best not to pull the tiger's teeth now.

When the two returned to the hotel, they met the surprised eyes of the hotel staff.

"Isn't it fun outside?" A service staff stepped forward and asked.No way, now is the time to play the flower guessing game, people are playing it from every place on Emperor Star, and it is also the most popular game on Emperor Star.

"No, it's not."

Wen Yu glanced at Rein, her face was still dark.

The waiter glanced at Rein and then at Wen Yu.Finally, with an expression that I knew, he happily sent the two of them back to the room.As soon as the door closed, she couldn't wait to rush back to the staff lounge.

"Let me tell you, the superb couple who checked in today are back."

The waiters surrounded her and asked her why.

When she said it, everyone understood.It turned out that a certain Xiao Gong was jealous, and they understood.That Xiao Shou is indeed a rare beauty in the world. If such a partner is taken advantage of by others, who can bear it!

"Sorry for forcing you back."

Back in the room, Lein let go of Wen Yu's hand.

"It's okay, I don't really like it anyway."

Open your eyes and talk nonsense, obviously very excited to see it.

Knowing that Wen Yu was comforting him, Rein still felt a lot better.Thinking that this person would be kissed or loved by others, Rein felt uncomfortable.He told himself that it was because Wen Yu was his intended princess, and if his partner didn't get angry after being kissed, he wouldn't be considered a man.

"Let's go to the balcony to see the scenery! I heard that the evening view of Luosha Emperor Star is also very beautiful, especially during the New Year's month when the entire Emperor Star is shrouded in lights, and the lights will not be turned off even during the daytime."

Drag Rein to the balcony, where there are two chairs.There is also a small table with water and juices and refreshments for guests.The night at Luoshadi Xing is indeed very beautiful. The colorful lights and various flowers make people dazzled.

"what happened?"

Seeing Wen Yu rubbing his eyes, Rein turned his head and asked.

"My eyes are blurred."

Can you not spend it, the colorful lights are so strong that it is very dazzling.

"Let's go in!"

Rein dragged Wen Yu into the room, but he was not interested in these things at all.It's just that Wen Yu was in high spirits, so I couldn't bear to dampen his interest.

"How about now?" Rein took a hot towel and applied it to Wen Yu.

"All right."

After blinking, the feeling of being a little hazy just now has indeed disappeared.

"Don't look at it for so long next time." Lein put the towel back in the bathroom.

"I forgot for a while, and I won't do it again next time."

Wen Yu was a little ashamed, he knew it all but was dazzled.

"It's okay, just remember next time."

Stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, Wen Yu's hair was very soft and felt very comfortable to the touch, Rein was reluctant to take it off when he stretched out his hand.Because he is a soldier, Wen Yu didn't have long hair, which made Rein feel a little pity.

"It gave me a big jump just now down there."

Wen Yu patted Rein's hand away, and he found that this person had recently developed a very bad habit, that is, he liked to rub his head.

Rein looked at him suspiciously, Wen Yu's expression just now was normal!There is no surprise.

"Although I have seen non-human intelligent creatures before, but because they are not much different from humans, I feel that they are not as deep as before." Qidi saw all kinds of non-human intelligent creatures on the street just now. , For example, the skin is transparent, if he walks on the street without putting on clothes, no one will notice him.There are also some orcs with animal features, and murlocs with human upper body and fish tail.

"The Luosha Empire is like this. Humans and non-humans live together. I'm used to it, so it's not surprising."

Haven't you seen that there are still humans and non-humans falling in love? I just don't know what the children they give birth to will be like.

"Indeed. Hey, go to bed early! Aren't you going to go around the palace tomorrow?"

This year, the emperor of the Luosha Empire will abdicate, and a new emperor will ascend the throne.

"it is good."

The two of them tidied up and went to sleep, although there was still a road between them lying on the same bed.No matter how they pretend to be in front of people, the two behind them still keep a distance.

"Wal, is this the palace of the Luosha Empire?"

Wen Yu looked at the building in front of him with a strange expression.


This is not the first time that Rein has seen the palace of the Luosha Empire, and he has seen it many times before in terms of influence.But every time I see it, I feel a little unacceptable.

Know the pyramids?Put it upside down, and it will look like the Luosha Palace in front of you.All the houses are in this shape. I don't know if the people who live in them will worry that it will collapse when they live in half.

"Did you come to Luoshadi Star from another empire to play?"

An officer happened to pass by and stopped when he heard the couple's conversation.


Wen Yu turned around, and the other party was surprised by his appearance.He was absent-minded for a moment, until he saw Rein's unfriendly eyes, and then retracted his gaze.

"Let's go!" Rein grabbed Wen Yu's shoulders and planned to leave.

"Wait, I don't mean anything malicious. I just asked because I couldn't help but be curious after hearing your conversation." There are many people who come to Luosha Empire to play, but this is the first time that they don't admire the palace but find it strange. people.

"If you say no, then there will be no? We are not three-year-olds."

Lein stood in front of Wen Yu, don't think he didn't see the obsession in the officer's eyes.Hey, having a beautiful partner would be a headache even for the crown prince. Does he need to lock Wen Yu in the palace so that he doesn't come out to meet people?

Blocked by Rein's words, the other party was speechless for a while.He understood what Rein meant, even he would not speak well to the person who coveted his partner, but he really wanted to have a few more words with that person.Even if a famous flower already has an owner, everyone has a love for beauty.

"Wal, let's go!"

Wen Yu also knew that his appearance caused trouble for the two of them. He always felt that even if Rein wanted to find a partner, he should not find him, because his appearance was too impressive.Anyone who has just glanced at it will never forget it. Going to other people's empires to inquire about information like this is like child's play.

"it is good."

Hearing that Wen Yu was about to leave, Rein turned around and ignored the officer.

Until the two walked away, the officer was still standing there looking at their backs. To be precise, he was looking at Wen Yu's backs.

"Guda, what are you doing standing here?"

"Brother Huang."

Gu Da turned his head and looked depressedly at the human royal brother.

"Guda, what's wrong with you? Has anyone bullied you?"

"Brother Huang, I saw a big beauty just now. She is very beautiful, even more beautiful than Brother Huang." Gu Da is a mermaid royal family, and he can turn fish tails into legs when he is not in the water.Today I went out to play in the palace, and I happened to meet Wen Yu and the other two.Then he was stunned by Wen Yu's beauty, and when asked by the human royal brother, he couldn't help showing aggrieved look, he just wanted to talk to that beautiful person, why did his husband separate them?

"Guda~~" Caesar looked helplessly at this non-human royal brother, did he really not know or pretended not to?Also, what does it mean to be more beautiful than him? As a man, he should be said to be handsome and handsome.

If you seduce someone's partner in front of him, that husband didn't beat up Guda because of his good temper.

"Brother Emperor?"

Gu Da tilted his head and looked at Caesar, did he do anything wrong?

"Guda, don't do this next time. That's my partner."

"But I really want to know him!"

Gu Da is extremely persistent, he just likes that big beauty.He has never seen a person who is five cents more beautiful than the emperor's brother. It is simply that this person can only exist in the sky, and there is no one in the world for a thousand years.

"Gu Da, have you forgotten that you are about to become the emperor of the Luosha Empire?" As an emperor, how could he be confused by a person who didn't know the details.

"Brother Huang, I don't want to be an emperor. I want to be a painter. Why do you all want me to be an emperor?"

The last emperor was the father of the emperor's brother, and he was the prince of the non-human royal family.As the only non-human mermaid prince, he had no desire to be emperor at all.He didn't like to deal with the affairs of the empire, and he didn't like to sit in the study all day long and listen to the quarrels of the ministers.

"Gu Da, you are the only prince of the mermaid royal family, if you don't become emperor, who will?"

"Isn't there still a royal brother?"

Guda blurted out, and then saw Caesar's gloomy face.

"sorry I forgot."

Because this emperor is a human being, the next emperor can only be a non-human mermaid royal family.But Gu Da was really not interested in being emperor, and he happened to be the only prince.

"Go back with me."

Caesar picked up Guda.He was hit by Gu Da. He really wanted to be emperor, but the system of Luosha Empire prevented him from becoming emperor.Guda, who didn't want to be an emperor, had to be an emperor, but Caesar, who wanted to be an emperor, couldn't become an emperor because of the system.Anyway, the royal family of the Luosha Empire is now in a mess, causing headaches for all members of the royal family.

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