Wind replied.

A smile appeared on Mu Shengcheng's pale and cold cheeks, "This is not a tactician."

Suddenly, a column of black air burst out from the ground in front, directly hit the sky, and charged towards the Heavenly Sword Legion with a world-shattering coercion.

A dazzling bright red oozes from the corners of Mu Shengcheng's dark lips, he stands up abruptly, his voice is affectionate and gentle, "A seventh-level monster is equivalent to a seventh-level monster in the late stage of monk Xuanzhao. I have never defeated a seventh-level monster. , "His moist eyes suddenly boiled, "Junior Brother Qi, today I will let you see what a tactician is."

It turned out to be a monster with a human body and a snake tail driving the billowing black mist. It had a handsome face and was indistinguishable from male and female. It's been a long time. If you can have sex with Mr. Mu, even death is worth it."

The monster's eighth-level transformation, this monster has already completed half of its transformation, where is the late stage of rotation, it is clearly about to be eighth-level transformation!

The pretentious (deleted) Qi Feng who could not change his face (deleted) even before Mount Tai collapsed had a dull expression on his face!This, this... this! ?

Who can tell him what's going on? Although this monster is indistinguishable from male and female, but his flat breasts are real, right? !

Qi Feng felt that his outlook on life, world outlook and values ​​were shaking together, let me faint for a while!

"Junior Brother Qi, focus!" Mu Shengcheng's spiritual consciousness sound transmission suddenly exploded in Qi Feng's mind.

Qi Feng woke up from his dizziness, and both sides had already started to attack, while Mu Shengcheng looked calm, apparently not angered by the monster's words, but the intense white light in his eyes betrayed his angry heart.

The Heavenly Sword Legion has a total of [-] foundation-building monks, three monks in the early stage of Xuanzhao, one monk in the middle stage, and one monk in the late stage.

Ninety sword cultivators formed the Nine Palace Sword Formation.

Nine monks who comprehend the meaning of the sword are leading the way.

The sword energy surged, like a huge net, the blood rain in the encirclement was gone, and all the little devils were wiped out!

Mu Shengcheng's posture became weaker and weaker, half of his body leaned on the guardian, his eyes sparkled with excitement, "Meteor arrow!"

Countless sword lights combined into nine, like arrows magnified a hundred times and shot at the monster at the same time.

The arrow turned into a meteor and exploded with a bang, bursting out with nine-color fireworks.

Brilliant and dazzling, there is a fierce murderous intent!

The monster was unprepared for a moment and underestimated a group of low-level monks. When it reacted, the protective magic fog had been completely destroyed.

Countless tiny sword lights roamed around his body, although they couldn't cause huge damage to him, they slowed down his attack speed!

Ninety sword cultivators won with one move and retreated at the same time. The movements of the ninety people were in unison, and the tacit understanding was incomparable!

"A real tactician will not take over other people's battle group. Every fighter in the battle group is personally selected and trained by him.

Real tacticians are not cultivated in martial arts simulation battles.

Only actual combat can cultivate the vigor, bloodiness, friendship, tacit understanding and loyalty of the war group. "

"Tubu, Qianjun Formation, assemble and kill." Almost the moment the sword cultivator retreated, Mu Shengcheng spat out coldly.

From the first moment the monster appeared, Mu Shengcheng had already judged that it was a water monster!

Sixty earth practice cultivators stood at each star point, and 150 monks formed a spiritual gathering array behind them, sending spiritual power forward.

The treasures in the hands of the earth monks were thrown out at the same time, the air of the earth was suddenly strong, and soon the loess rose and gathered into a high mountain!

Gao Shan pressed down on the monster!

It weighs a thousand ounces!

The monster roared angrily, flicked its long tail, and flew into the air!

Numerous raging waves rush out of thin air, and the waterfall goes against the current, rushing straight to the mountains!

The mountain and the water column collided fiercely!


Everyone only felt their eyes light up, and then the huge waves went dark, and they suddenly lost their sight.

Any sword guard of the Heavenly Sword Legion believes that under the command of Mu Shengcheng, they are invincible!Countless victories and battles have told them that as long as they obey orders, everything is possible!

Therefore, even in the face of monsters that are far higher than their third-level realm, they are not afraid!

Therefore, even if the big move is under the momentum of destruction.

They still activated their wind-chasing boots in an orderly manner, while retreating to defend Mu Shengcheng.

The seven-star array is formed by parts.

Everyone was out of breath, but they stood upright, took the white jade vials and poured the elixir into their mouths together, the momentum was terrifying.For the war department, Mu Shengcheng was never stingy.

When the white light dissipated, the monster's exquisite and beautiful skin was riddled with holes, and countless black air burst out, which was extremely ugly.

The monster yelled angrily: "Mu Shengcheng! If you toast and don't eat and drink fine wine, don't blame the deity for not pitying the fragrance and cherishing the jade. When you fall into the hands of the deity, obediently be a furnace with thousands of demons pressing ten thousand magic wheels!"

The expressions of everyone in the Heavenly Sword Legion suddenly changed!Unbearable anger!

The monster clasped his hands together, and pulled them apart quickly, seemingly slowly. A ball of icy ice condensed into a ball and swelled in his palm, and the temperature in the surrounding [-] miles dropped sharply.

In less than three breaths, a radius of forty miles was covered with ice.

A cruel smile curled up on the corner of the monster's lips, and the light of jjj was shining in his eyes, wantonly violating Mu Shengcheng, "It's over."

As soon as the ice puck rolled out, it swelled instantly, bringing out the roar of ancient giant beasts, and the heavy snow fluttered like a dirge.

The ultimate move, determined to win.

The rest of the monks' war department watching from a distance on the hillside shook their heads. Mu Shengcheng was too impulsive. How can he, a foundation-building wargroup, challenge a seventh-level monster?

Witnessing the fall of a genius, everyone's hearts were covered with a layer of sadness, but no one came to help.

This is Dubian Demon Realm, which is supposed to defend against foreign enemies, is full of naked interests and calculations.

Even if Immortal Guanhong returns with a baby, once the Heavenly Sword Legion falls, the Heavenly Sword Sect will be upgraded to level five at most, and it will be just an empty shelf in the middle!The spheres of influence of all sects and sects have been preserved.

Unexpectedly, the 210 cultivators separated quickly, and two and two stood behind the sword cultivators, forming a formation of three talents.

Under the leadership of five Xuanzhao monks, five long dragons composed of piercing sword lights rushed forward in unison to kill the monsters!

Mu Shengcheng's famous sword formation "Sword Dragon Chasing Sun Formation".

The hands of every cultivator were trembling, and they used all their spiritual power to strike desperately, and their deep fighting spirit inspired their high-spirited fighting spirit!

They are Foundation Establishment, they are Xuanzhao!But at this moment, he beheaded the Consecrated Demon Cultivator who was about to get the golden elixir!

The sword guard suppressed the discomfort of his body, and his heart was full of mission and pride!

The five Xuanzhao monks shouted together, "Heavenly Sword!"

Five long dragons, dragging a dazzling yellow light, seem like the morning sun and dawn, splitting the darkness and melting the ice and snow!

Under these five huge sword lights with a width of twenty feet, the monster actually felt a sense of inescapability. He was about to transform into an eighth-level demon cultivator, but he couldn't resist Xuanzhao's foundation-building blow.

"Ridiculous. Ridiculous," the monster roared to the sky, he was not ready for the golden core to meet the thunder disaster at all.

Since you are going to die, why not die together!

The monster cultivates against the sky, and once it takes shape, it will be the time of nine thunder catastrophes.

Thick dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky full of blood mist, rolling in, unstoppable.

The cloud layer quickly lowered, and lightning flashed and thundered during the period, covering the monster within a radius of a hundred miles.

"Damn it, run away!" Sandan monk's frightened cry broke out on the hillside.

The big faction of the fifth level and above stayed on the small slope to watch, and the elders in the door taught dutifully, "Focus on watching the battle, and the understanding of this battle will benefit you endlessly." Jane, I'm going to record the battle and observe the commentary after returning to the dispatch.

Thunder fell from the sky, and the ice puck collided with the stegosaurus!

Almost at the moment when the power of Destruction and Jue exploded, Mu Shengcheng shouted; "Sword Curtain Light Guard, keep Qi Feng."

The sword curtain light guard can only protect one person.

He has less than five years of his lifespan left, so it doesn't make much sense to survive. Astrologer, I, Mu Shengcheng, just wait for it!

As the leader of the sword guards, Mu Shengcheng should die for the Heavenly Sword!

One-tenth breath, the power passed, the ground cracked down for a mile, piles of blood corpses, instantly annihilated into ashes, more terrifying than hell!

The sword guard held the long sword high, with a little brilliance on the tip of the sword, and the figures of the 300 people gradually became transparent.

Sacrifice the sword with your body, and some brilliance flies away from the tip of the sword, forming a bright light curtain, separating the pressure from the outside world, and opening up a square inch of pure land in the last days.

300 people went to righteousness calmly, only to protect Qi Feng under the light curtain, only to protect the hope of the future of Tianjianmen!

Stains of bright red blood flowed down from the corner of Mu Shengcheng's mouth, a jade slip lit up in his hand, and he forced it into Qi Feng's arms, smiling coquettishly, "This is the life-saving thing that Master left for me. At that time, you can go to an unknown secret place, and only one person can pass through."

The coercion of destruction hit the light curtain all at once, and the surroundings were filled with the sound of giant drums and thunder, and the light curtain was crumbling...

The light on the jade slips gradually flowed to Qi Feng...

"Shengcheng has nothing else to ask for, but only wishes for the prosperity of the Heavenly Sword. Can Junior Brother Qi promise?" Mu Shengcheng's eyes were covered with mist, which was shrouded in mist but was astonishingly bright, bursting out with hopes and fantasies!

"No," Qi Feng's heart sank, looking into Mu Shengcheng's eyes, his heart immediately melted into water, warming his cold soul.

There was no trace of fear of death on Mu Shengcheng's face, a snow-colored halo appeared on his pale skin, his cheeks were bright red and light, and his beauty was breathtaking.

Infected by such an atmosphere, Qi Feng finally had a strong sense of belonging to Tianjianmen in his heart.

He has no relatives or reasons with these 300 people, just a belief, let them protect each other with death, Qi Feng is not a ruthless, righteous, heartless person, Qi Feng repeated loudly, "Promise! Qi Feng will definitely revive the Heavenly Sword !"

The figure of the sword guard was so transparent that only the outline remained, and with a bang, the light curtain cracked a big mouth, and the coercion was like a flood that burst a dike, pouring and sweeping!

Almost the moment the light curtain broke, a black hole appeared above Qi Feng's head, sucking him in suddenly.

The last scene Qi Feng saw was that the light curtain collapsed, the figure of the sword guard disappeared without a trace, and at the same time as three hundred flying swords fell downward, a giant snake with flesh and blood rolled up the unconscious Mu Shengcheng and fled into the room. The real magic domain in the big formation.

☆、30·Secret Realm

After being sucked in by the black hole, the darkness only lasted for less than three breaths, and the light came suddenly, with a strong fragrance of flowers.

The tip of Qi Feng's nose was itchy, he couldn't help but sneezed, and a drop of tear fell down, "Look at that monster trying to protect Mu Shengcheng in its stomach even when its body collapses, I hope Senior Brother Mu is okay."

Qi Feng opened his eyes, and what he saw was indeed a sea of ​​flowers.

There are rolling mountain peaks on both sides, and the mountains are all dyed and crimson.

Everything looks so peaceful and quiet, there doesn't seem to be any crisis.

"Qi Xiaofeng, let me out," an arrogant voice sounded in Qi Feng's dantian.

But I haven't seen it for two days, and there are two more golden feathers on Xiaohei's tail feathers, which are quite beautiful.

Xiao Hei tried his best to raise his short neck, and glanced at the secret realm coldly and noblely, "This is an illusion, such a low-level illusion, and I dare to show it off in front of my god, hehe."

Illusion, Qi Feng was startled, he has a glass body, and illusions below the level of transformation can't trap him at all.

An illusion that can make oneself unaware!

The sea of ​​flowers here is either a natural illusion, or it is the cave of the monks who are above the god of transformation, and it is the fallen monk of the god of transformation.Otherwise, Mu Shengcheng would not have a token in his hand.

Qi Feng's expression became serious. The information jade slip given by Nangong Chu did not record such a secret realm.It is possible to imagine the seclusion and danger of the secret place that can not be recorded in the Tianji Pavilion of Guiyunzong.

Looking at Qi Feng's cold face, Xiao Hei twitched his wings reflexively, recalling those days when he was thrown by Qi Feng in the field, no one cared about him, the wind was blowing and the rain was drenching, and the loess was his company, he felt timid. The little baby won't go crazy again, tormenting the god, right?

Let it go, since he has a glass body and enough pills to help the god restore his cultivation, the god will condescend once, "Hey, Qi Xiaofeng, listen to me, the god sees it." You are young, so I don't care about you. I didn't respect the old and love the gods before, and I have the right to treat you as if you didn't do it. Well, you are not allowed to shout at the gods in the future, and the gods will naturally..."

"Don't talk nonsense," Qi Feng flicked a elixir into Hei Niao's mouth, and ordered: "Xiao Hei, protect me."

"Okay..." Xiao Hei flapped his wings, the situation was very weak, it wasn't because he was immoral, he spat a few times, and a elixir entered his stomach.In fact, once he accepts the fact that he has become someone else's spiritual pet, he doesn't need to search hard for something to restore his strength. The master is still a great beauty, which is quite touching.As long as he cultivates to the first level of ashes, his penis can grow back after rebirth... It can be regarded as a private visit in a low-clothes service, a life-long experience.

The black bird flapped its wings, forming a phantom array.

Qi Feng mobilized his spiritual power to cultivate, and opened his eyes after ten breaths. Sure enough, the spiritual energy in this secret realm was a hundred times stronger than the outside world, and it was pure and free of impurities.

"Qi Xiaofeng, in addition to relying on Liuli's pure body to restore my strength, I also need to devour fire seeds. Absorbing spiritual power only increases my cultivation, it cannot repair the burnt godhead and restore my supernatural powers," the figured-out Black Bird quickly looked at me. For your good looks, "If my supernatural powers don't recover, I won't be able to break through the low-level phantom formations set up by monks like this. Also, for the sake of respect, don't call me Xiao Hei."

"Feng Xiao, do you think this is a monk's cave, or a secret place?" Qi Feng thought for a while, although this black bird was born ugly and had a particularly hateful personality, it was very useful, and he had to pet his own spiritual pet, and It's up to him, just, "Call me Qi Feng, don't add small characters."

"I can't see it, but I can be sure that if you don't enter the sea of ​​flowers, there should be no danger for the time being." Feng Xiao jumped up into the air, soared and looked down for a circle, and then stopped on Qi Feng's shoulder. Guardian, Xiaofeng, you might as well build a foundation here."

This place is rich in aura, although the consumption of aura in foundation building is insignificant, but the formation is changing rapidly, and it may open a small opening.

"Okay," Qi Feng thought in the same way.

Qi Feng set up four protective formations around, a small demon-killing formation, and a wind-chasing and whispering formation, to capture changes in the surroundings.

The mellow spiritual energy travels along the meridians, and every time the spiritual power in the body passes through a cycle, the mist in Qi Feng's dantian becomes thicker and condenses into drops of water.

Finally, the clouds and mist were overwhelmed, and the raindrops fell on the dantian, converging into a small lake.

Auras from all directions surged into Qi Feng's body crazily, a faint golden light radiated from Qi Feng's body, and a trace of lightning shuttled through the air mass formed above his head, one trace after another, the lightning and thunder became more and more dense...

There was a white mist in the secret realm, and the flowers under the frost were still blooming, and it seemed that they were not affected by the lightning and the cold climate.

Weird, very weird!

The icy air current collided with the cloud and mist, not only inside Qi Feng's body, but also outside his body, it rained heavily.

The moistened flowers grow rapidly, the petals wither, and the fruits fall to the ground. One day is the cycle of the year.

Spring flowers and autumn fruits, fallen leaves return to their roots, flowers and trees bloom and fall more than a hundred times, compared with the neat scene when Qi Feng first saw it, it seems uneven at this time.

The transformed flowers and plants are still in their original appearance, but the real flowers and plants have been raised by a foot, and the peaks on both sides suddenly collapsed due to the change of spiritual energy, turning into a vast expanse of nothingness.

Feng Xiao's pupils stood up, and he flew to the sky to look down. The real flowers and trees seemed to form a strange pattern. After careful identification, it turned out to be the word "Xian Yuan" in seal script.

"Xian Yuan?" Feng Xiao sneered, full of contempt, his body in the sky suddenly trembled, feeling something in his heart, and flew back.

At the edge of the sea of ​​flowers, Qi Feng's faint golden awn has turned into purple thunder on one side and frost on the other side. The two sides intertwine and shrink suddenly, and the light dissipates into the body.

Qi Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Foundation building success!

Looking inside Qi Feng's dantian, the aura in the lower dantian has become a vast ocean, and the spiritual consciousness in the upper dantian has also turned into a blue ocean. The spiritual consciousness is released outward, and everything within a radius of [-] feet is clearly visible.

Looking at the sea of ​​flowers turned upside down, Qi Feng asked, "How many days have I been in retreat?"

There is no time in retreat, but the world has changed. It is said that a monk of Jindan married a mortal woman as his wife. After his wife gave birth to a child, the monk began to retreat.When he left the customs, there was a grassy earthen grave outside the cave, with his wife's name engraved on the tombstone, and a white-haired old man was leading his descendants to worship.When the old man saw the monk who had finally left the seclusion, he cried, "Father, if you come out a year late, Lian'er will go underground to accompany his mother."

For the monks, it is just the time to open and close the eyes, and the outside world is already a sea of ​​vicissitudes.

"Three months and eighteen days," Feng Xiao reported the number truthfully, squinting his eyes slightly, Qi Feng's stature has increased a lot, he seems to have the figure of a young boy, his outline has changed from soft to finely carved and beautiful, "Qi Feng Feng, you should be 11 years old, right?"

ah?Why do you ask this?Qi Feng looked inexplicable, and calculated in his heart, this body is really 11 years old.

Qi Feng changed his mind, and couldn't help but think of the experience of Dubian Demon Realm. With a heavy heart, he heard the words that the monster wanted to push Mu Shengcheng away.

Seeing that the monster desperately wanted to snatch Mu Shengcheng to protect him, he probably wouldn't take Mu Shengcheng out, right?

"Senior brother Mu, Qi Feng will definitely find a way to rescue you from the palm of the monster." Qi Feng frowned, looking up at Feng Xiao who was fluttering in the air, and finally made up his mind to express his guess, "Many monks in Songyan Realm like men? "

If he hadn't asked it himself, Qi Feng would have suspected that he was hallucinating, but thinking of his experience of being called a beauty several times, the sword guard's molesting words from angry monsters, he didn't deny it...

If people in this world are all perverts who like men, Qi Feng recalled his experience after coming to Jinjiang, it is hard to be as afraid as him, he just felt a chill run down his back, and he stepped on the edge of the cliff many times superior.

Lin Chen, Lin Chen's strange attitude!Is it because he is also a pervert who likes men?

What kind of world is this? Why is it completely different from what he saw in the ending text!Hugging all kinds of beauties with the monks in his previous life is even more overwhelming.

Qi Feng couldn't help wondering, was he tricked by Gu Xiaoan?

Qi Feng couldn't help looking at Feng Xiao with expectations, hoping that Feng Xiao could tell him that suppressing men is just a way of insulting people in Jinjiang Xianxia World.Just a swearing dialect.

Obviously, Feng Xiao has never had a heart-to-heart with Qi Feng. Looking at Qi Feng's bright eyes, Feng Xiao's heart can't help but swell, "Not only the Songyan world, but the entire cultivation world. The strength of monks is the most respected, and most female cultivators I am not as good as a male cultivator on the way of cultivation. Am I still a beautiful woman? You are already gray-haired, and you still have to be like a mortal who cannot cultivate. You have to marry a man and a woman? The more powerful the monk, the longer the life span, and he is not as good as a low-level mortal. The monks value it. As long as they are beautiful and powerful, both men and women will be sought after, especially Xiaofeng like you..." Black Bird opened his mouth as he spoke, his eyes sparkled, and he looked at Qi Feng like a rare treasure. "Could it be that Xiaofeng, you are too well protected by your parents, so you are so pure that you don't know about the affair between men and men. That's right, you are only 11 years old, you are really pure and cute."

"Shut up," Qi Feng was so angry that his eyelids twitched violently, his whole body exuded a murderous aura, and a lightning bolt with the thickness of an arm hit the black bird. This damn beast actually wanted to sign a double cultivation contract with him. Chen stopped...

wrong!Lin Chen is not a good thing either!

Qi Feng suddenly felt that his surroundings were full of dangers, and the dangers challenged his bottom line!

Seeing that Qi Feng was only angry, Feng Xiao reminded him kindly: "Qi Feng, you are in an unknown secret realm now," not forgetting to add, "Being able to be with..." The contract of double cultivation with this god is a blessing you cultivated in your previous life.

Feng Xiao's unfinished words choked back under Qi Feng's cannibalistic gaze, and thought of the time-sensitive thing that he signed a master-servant contract with Qi Feng, or the one that could not resist for life.

If Qi Feng is angered, he will be silenced and imprisoned in the dantian without moving. This is really a kind of non-bird torture for the divine bird who loves freedom by nature...

"I don't need you to tell me that this is an unknown secret place," Qi Feng narrowed his eyes, "I can build a foundation here, so it can be seen that there is no danger at the edge of the sea of ​​flowers."

Qi Feng circulated his spiritual power for a week to calm down the anger in his heart. The most important thing now is to get out of the secret realm alive.

The species of these flowers and trees are unknown, Qi Feng tried to collect some, and prepared to hand them to Lin Chen to identify and see which ones are useful after returning home.

As soon as you enter the sea of ​​flowers, both real and fake flowers have grown legs, changing their positions at any time.

In order not to let himself get lost in the sea of ​​flowers, Qi Feng tied one end of a rope made of spiritual power to Feng Xiao's feet, and the other end to his wrist.

Qi Feng's ten fingers are flying like flying, and he calculates the eyes of the formation according to the direction of the real flower.

Soon, Qi Feng stopped under a plum tree branch.

Different from other plum trees that are slender, elegant and noble, this plum tree is about ten feet high, with a thick trunk and complicated branches, full of beautiful double-petaled plum blossoms.The flower center is snow-white, gradually changing to bright red petals, revealing the ultimate beauty and coquettishness.

The sun shines down from the top of the tree, and the petals dance with the wind, refracting colorful spots, which is unspeakably charming for a while.

Qi Feng used the formula of clearing the heart and improving eyesight, buried four filthy and cleansing talismans at the root of the tree, and used jade slips to lay down a circle of returning to spirit and eliminating demons along the way, and said to Feng Xiao, "After you find the eyes of the formation, can you Swallow the phantom array?"

"Have you found the formation eye?" Feng Xiao felt incredible, because even he, an expert, couldn't find the formation eye.

"Do you see this plum tree in the eye of the formation?" Qi Feng set up several magic circles to weaken the aura around the plum tree, leaving the plum tree in a hollow and helpless environment.

Feng Xiao flew around the plum tree several times from bottom to top, then stopped at the top of the tree, opened his big mouth and sucked down.

The flowers and plants in the illusion turned into white air and entered Feng Xiao's mouth one after another. Feng Xiao had four more golden feathers on his body. Said: "It's easy to mend, easy to mend."

The illusion disappeared, revealing countless stalactites hanging upside down, with the sound of gurgling water and shining waves of light.

There are 36 top-quality spirit stones on the ground, which turned out to be the phantom array supported by these spirit stones.

Qi Feng can now be sure that this is a cave, a seemingly harmless cave, but in fact it is more dangerous than a blatant killing intent!

No monk would expose his cave to others.

The more quiet and serene you are, the more traps you have, luring you into the abyss step by step.

From entering the cave to now, Qi Feng has not found any clues about the owner of the cave, let alone whether he is still alive.

36 top-grade spirit stones are equal to 36 low-grade spirit veins, which are placed in front of Qi Feng, but Qi Feng cannot pick them up.

Unlike the phantom array, these 36 crystals are likely to affect a certain mechanism and set up countless ambushes.

However, he didn't even think about it, except for him and Feng Xiao's unconventional match, who could break the illusion.

What should we do now?The cave is closed everywhere, and no exit can be found at all.

Qi Feng tried to gather a thunderbolt in the palm of his hand and shoot it towards the wall of the cave.

Chirp!A thunderbolt that was exactly the same but several times thicker than Qi Feng reflected from the wall of the cave, and hit Qi Feng directly!

Feng Xiao let out a cry, picked up the collar of Qi Feng's collar, and narrowly brushed past the thunder of the cave.

Qi Feng didn't notice it, and frowned deeply.

The rebound of the exercises also requires spiritual support.Either there are top-quality spirit stones here, or there are supplementary spirit formations and auxiliary spirit formations. The intersection of the two formations will definitely cause a sudden change in the spiritual pressure outside the cave, and the spiritual energy will be unstable.

The monks in the Pine Mist Realm will definitely discover the abnormality and explore the cave, but this cave looks like it has not been developed.

But if no one has ever been there, how did Mu Shengcheng's master get such a guiding token?

Qi Feng couldn't figure it out, should he be trapped in the cave all the time?


Qi Feng took out a stone-exploding rain talisman and threw it at the nearest top-grade spirit stone.


A blast!Black smoke billowed, stones flew all over the sky, and finally turned into spiritual energy and dissipated in the air. The top-quality spiritual stone on the ground was safe and sound, and had not moved at all.


Qi Feng was a little annoyed.

He turned around and carefully looked at the plum tree that was still tall and straight. This plum tree species was not included in the records of the Wanling Zhiyu Slip. Even if Qi Feng cut off the aura, it was still full of vitality, "Feng Xiao, can't you swallow this array eye?" ?”

Feng Xiao shook his head in embarrassment, "I've tried it. I can only stand on the skin of the plum tree, but I can't get inside. You don't know, this plum tree is ten times harder than the best refined iron!"

Even though it was covered by black hair, Qi Feng could still see that under the layers of black hair, Feng Xiao's old bird blushed.It's not that he's not good, it's that the enemy is too perverted!

Could it be that this plum tree is actually the body of a botanical demon cultivator?

Qi Feng tentatively bowed to the plum tree and saluted, "Junior Qi Feng strayed into senior's cave and disturbed senior's practice. I ask senior to forgive me and let junior go. If senior is useful to junior's day, junior will definitely die."

An old and majestic voice suddenly appeared in the sky above the cave: "Young man, you broke my magic circle, and you still think that I will let you go? Since you want to die for me, I will help you."

"Put your whole body on the plum tree, hug it tightly! Hug it tightly...hold..." The ethereal sound of chanting the mantra continued to circle throughout the cave, and settled in the bottom of Qi Feng's heart.

Qi Feng was irresistibly attracted by the plum tree, and the black bird wanted to hold him, and the plastic toe was about to touch Qi Feng's hair before being ejected.

The black bird that fell to the ground exclaimed: "The power of heaven!"

Yes, the power of heaven!With a sound of probing by Qi Feng, he actually complied with the contract of heaven.Fulfilling one of Meishu's requirements is irresistible!

Being able to combine the power of the heavenly way with a voice contract, this is not a transformation of a god, it is clearly the second step of cultivation, refining the morality and righteousness for one's own use!

Qi Feng embraced Meishu's thick torso with his arms wide open, and his forehead was stuck to the plum tree, making a red mark.

Plum trees sway automatically in the absence of wind.

When Qi Feng and the trunk of the plum tree fit together without a single gap, the plum tree suddenly withered and withered into ashes.

Qi Feng's eyes were closed tightly, his whole body trembled, his consciousness shrank instantly, and his soul was pulled away from his body, shrunk into a ball, and lived in the blue sea of ​​consciousness.

Flowers and rain are flying in the sea of ​​consciousness, and red tassels are fluttering.

When all the plum petals fell to the bottom of the sea and disappeared, a nine-tailed fox appeared in the sky.

The whole body of the fox is snow-white, with nine tails stretched wantonly behind him, glowing with jade-colored light, and nine plum blossoms with double petals are blooming bewitchingly on the broad forehead.

As the fox stepped towards Qi Feng step by step, the ambiguous pink air flow circulated in the air, and the evil voice said domineeringly, "It's really a perfect body."

Qi Feng's soul is bound in the sea of ​​consciousness, so he can't move it!

☆, 31·Shoushe

The fox approached step by step, stroking the huddled little man with his fleshy paw, squinting his eyes and said intoxicatedly, "What a pure spirit, as expected of the meat house chosen by the deity." The bright red tongue lightly licked the dumpling, "5000 years... ...The deity has been trapped in the Canglan Realm for 5000 years, and has scattered many spiritual cards, and finally waited for a body worthy of the deity..." The fox's evil voice turned gentle and seductive, "Baby, listen carefully, relax It is your honor to be the meat house of this deity, go at ease..." The gentle voice painted a beautiful picture: "This deity will inherit your last wish, and will use this perfect body to return to the Peak, unifying all walks of life, ascending to conferred gods..."

The fox's licking long tongue is like Yangshui in the mother's womb, enveloping Qi Feng's whole body, slow, comfortable, gentle, with subtle pain, even the pain of biting is like an electric shock, the numb corrosion senses...

Feng Xiao, who was lurking in the dark, watched helplessly as the barbs on the fox's tongue bit by bit blow away Qi Feng's soul, and the huddled little man convulsed all over, but his expression was indescribable enjoyment...

Feng Xiao felt that his own strength was also being taken away bit by bit. The master-servant contract was completely overbearing, and they lived and died together.

The villain formed by Qi Feng's soul gradually faded away, leaving only a thin transparent shadow shell... The fox's eyes lit up with a smile of determination, and he opened his bloody mouth suddenly, and devoured it for the last time.


The villain who was about to disappear suddenly opened his eyes, "The contract of heaven is that you let me go out, and I will do something for you. That "I" is naturally a complete "I", not a body that has lost its soul! Heaven The contract cannot be bound!"

"Peng" exploded!

A multicolored light and shadow streaked across the sky, instantly covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

Feng Xiao's huge claws grabbed the fox's head and nine tails at the same time, and pulled them out violently. The flesh and blood were bloody and the liquid sprayed thinly, and the nine tails were actually torn off!

"Why, this is absolutely impossible!" The light cluster formed by the fox's spirit gradually collapsed. No matter how he roared and struggled, he was as weak and powerless as Qi Feng was before under Feng Xiao's sharp claws, and the light cluster became more and more weak. Small, in the end you can't be afraid!

The shattered light spots all flew to Qi Feng's soul, and the phantom that was dying was filled up little by little, "My fairy soul and fairy body, you mere mountain ghosts can bear it! The little demon wants to devour it, and it must be swallowed." Kill yourself by neck!"

As soon as Qi Feng finished speaking, the body of the Nine-Tailed Fox collapsed from the inside and exploded outwards. The spirit that had faded turned into countless spots of plum blossoms and sprinkled the entire sea of ​​consciousness...

"Come on! There is only the last nine-tailed phantom fox left in the world, and now even this deity will disappear. The inheritance of the nine-tailed phantom fox family will be cheap for you, kid..."

"Xiaofeng, remember to help me find the kindling to restore my godhood..." Feng Xiao left a sentence and fell into a deep sleep. The golden feathers on his body disappeared and he returned to his black bird appearance.

Qi Feng only felt his whole body lighten up, his spirit returned to his place in an instant, and his body softened almost at the same time...

Countless images suddenly popped into his mind, forcing him to accept, the seductive illusion of the Nine-Tailed Phantom Fox, and the estrus period after adulthood...

The three-dimensional images of countless male and female double cultivation are vividly interpreted in front of your eyes, the way of nourishment...the way of double cultivation and win-win...

The spiritual and supernatural powers of the couple who practice both spirituality and spirituality can remotely summon each other to their side, so that they can communicate with each other and share their lifespan...

The last is the foundation of Yaozu's cultivation, the cultivation method of spiritual consciousness - forging the gods.

Qi Feng felt that his body was hot, like a fire, and the fox had transformed his body into a half-human, half-demon.

The little boy's young and short limbs gradually elongated, his snow-white waist was flexible and slender, his chest turned brown at two spots to pink, and his immature face was developing towards a boy. On a pair of phoenix eyes that were as cold as the moon, the eyebrows were winding and flying obliquely into the temples. , as if she was Qingjue when she was 14 years old in her previous life.The difference is that her black hair has turned into the color of snow, and there is also a plum blossom with double petals under the left brow bone, which is indescribably coquettish and charming.

His hot body gradually cooled down, but his breasts began to itch. After a while, a big fluffy tail grew out, and a pair of snow-colored fox ears appeared on the top of his head.

Almost at the moment when the transformation was completed, and the forced indoctrination of the inheritance was completely over, Qi Feng opened his eyes, his face turned blue and white!

Damn fox!Although he survived a life-and-death struggle, this Fox Clan inheritance is a great shame to Qi Feng!

Qi Feng made a spell with five fingers, and a water mirror appeared in front of him.

The facial features of the boy in the mirror seem to be carved out of ice and snow, so beautiful that it is hard to distinguish between male and female.

The temperament of the young man is indifferent and alienated, as bright as the autumn moon in the sky, exuding a holy light.It's just a pair of fluffy fox ears on his head, and a stretched tail behind him, which not only sets off his dusty temperament to the extreme, but also makes this icy pure and pure attract people to watch.

Qi Feng is a man. After reading the memory of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, he deeply understands how seductive and criminal such a body is.

Qi Feng clenched his fists with both hands and struck forward, causing the water mirror to shatter.

Influenced by the inheritance of the fox family's prostitution, even he himself has a desire to invade the boy in the mirror, wanting to see what a thrilling beauty it will be when the boy's indifferent brows are dyed with jjj colors, Could it be that even the tails of the snow-white ears will turn pink and tremble slightly?

Perhaps due to the influence of inheritance, Qi Feng is not so repulsive to men and women in this world.After venting his boxing, he quickly regained his composure and looked for a way to break through.Suppressing one's heart, quickly adapting to the environment, and finding favorable breakthroughs and development are the innate skills of a cultivator, because only in this way can he win in the cruel competition of cultivation, and thus pursue the true way of longevity.

Xuan Xiao fought desperately for him, fighting for

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