Xiao Huang, also known as the golden feathered phoenix bird, has the blood of an alien beast. When mimicking as a cub, he is no different from an ordinary little yellow chicken.After the mimicry is lifted, the aura on it will roughly soar to level nine.

Since the contract between Xiao Huang and Chu Yan, he has basically never fought against other monsters, but it has successfully concealed the fact that it still bears the blood of the high-level golden feather phoenix bird by virtue of its ability to dig out natural materials and earth treasures.

Wu Baishuang's eyes fell on Xiao Huang, with doubtful inquiry.

"If it's always so comfortable, what's the difference from ingredients?" Chu Yan said indifferently.

Wu Baishuang: "...it's so small, it's not as big as the bottom of a bowl."


It should not be used as an ingredient to stew mushrooms!

Xiao Huang retorted loudly, then flapped her wings and flew towards the black black birds.

Martian foam spread out from its tail feathers that gradually dissipated its mimesis, bringing with it a few pulsating lightning arcs.The appearance of the golden-feathered phoenix has not changed much, but the aura around it is no longer as gentle and harmless as before.

"Let's go too." Ming Yue said, and he, Ming Qi and Zong Mu were in charge of another ninth-level black black bird.

In Chu Yan's arrangement, Wu Baishuang was the only non-staff member.He doesn't have to hunt monsters or do other things.

"Otherwise I will go with you?" Wu Baishuang asked Chu Yan.

"No, until you go to Shengyun Academy to find Master Luo Weize, don't use your spiritual power unless necessary." Chu Yan answered seriously.

Thinking of the time when his cold poison had flared up, Wu Baishuang nodded and did not insist on helping.

Chu Yan's figure also stepped into the black flock of black crows, and swept towards the direction of the nine-level black crows.

Wu Baishuang stood on the spot without making a move. The aura of a heaven-level powerhouse on his body caused some low-level black crows to avoid, but there were also a few eighth-level black crows who were not afraid of death, and ran to him to show off their big bird wings——

Really big and fresh.

Wu Baishuang's gaze flickered for a moment, and he froze these big bird wings and threw them into the interspatial ring as food reserves.However, when digging out their magic cores, Wu Baishuang couldn't help being surprised when he saw the mottled dark gold runes flowing on the magic cores.

According to common sense, the magic core of the black black bird is pure black, and it is a little strange to have such dark golden runes flowing in it.

Just when Wu Baishuang was hesitating, the dark golden runes in the magic cores in his hand began to emit brilliance, pulling these magic cores to move as if they were extremely binding.

Heiwu had just died, but the magic core was still somewhat warm.

"Could it be something that can control them?" Wu Baishuang guessed, seeing that the magic core in his hand wanted to fly out of his palm, he froze them with ice.

"..." After being covered by frost, those dark golden runes dimmed in the black black demon core.The magic core became what it was, and the runes dissipated.

Could it be that this flock of black crows is being manipulated by humans?

Wu Baishuang narrowed his eyes. If it was really what he had imagined, it would not be a coincidence that the roc sent out by Shiqing had an accident, but had fallen into a trap carefully designed by others.

Thinking of this possibility, Wu Baishuang stopped hesitating now. He looked in the direction where Chu Yan left, trying to tell Chu Yan about his new discovery.

Almost at the same time as the eighth-level black-crow demon cores were covered in frost, a beast trainer on the ground suddenly began to vomit blood. Dark golden runes lit up from his body, and the law was attacking him.He is not the contractor of those eighth-level black crow birds, but is controlling them with the special animal tamer contract of the animal trainer. Now that the black crow has fallen, the price of the contract law will be transferred to the animal trainer.

The people around the animal trainer were also animal trainers, and their skills were the same as that of the animal trainer who was lying on the ground and was backlashed by the law. Seeing the painful and hideous appearance of the man, the others all showed expressions of fear, even There are people who want to run away from this place.

But their desire to escape is ultimately unacceptable.

From outside the narrow iron gate, a figure slowly walked up against the sunlight. She was wearing a white and flawless long dress, with a holy totem of light hanging on her chest, as if she had stepped out of a fairyland on earth and came to Purdue the light. messenger.

After she walked in, the turmoil in this room fell silent in an instant, only the animal trainer who was suffering from the backlash of the law was still lying on the ground and whining in pain.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Master Nianci, a beast trainer has suffered the backlash of the law. It may be that the monster he controls has made a mistake." The armored guard stationed at the door said respectfully.

"Oh? What monster is he controlling?" Nian Ci asked casually.

The guard replied: "It's the black bird. This beast trainer's talent is not bad, and the level of the monster he controls is not low."

"Trouble hunting?" Nian Ci's tone was a bit more accusatory, "Now has reached a critical stage, if you can't complete the hunt, the Lord will blame you, I will not replace you useless people plead."

"My lord, calm down." Crowded in this dark room without much light, the animal trainers of different ages and genders all showed fearful expressions.

"The most important thing is hunting. I will come to fetch the prey on time in three days."

After saying this, the figure in the white long dress turned around, without any intention of asking why the hunt failed. Her tea-brown eyes were somewhat dark, as if hidden under the surface of anger, There is an unknown joy.

Walking through the long and complicated corridors, Nian Ci walked to the front of the main hall, knelt down respectfully and told the person in front of him, "My lord, among the animal trainers I have raised, there are some who are not talented enough and have been backlashed by the law. Go down and find some talented animal trainers?"

"Well, yes." A gentle voice sounded from the hall, followed by a few minutes of love-like sighs, "But, my perfect Red Moon, she cannot be disturbed by foolish people's mistakes of."

Hearing these words, the emotion hidden in Nian Ci's eyes turned into jealousy. She suppressed her abnormality and continued to speak respectfully, "Nian Ci will find a new prey for the Lord."

"It's all for a more perfect red moon."

"Follow your teachings."


A wind rose outside the hall, blowing in from the open floor-to-ceiling windows. The delicate white gauze was blown by the wind, and the white roses that bloomed throughout the hall trembled slightly.

In the pure white and flawless eyes, there is a crimson figure standing on it. It is an ugly blood shadow whose face cannot be seen clearly, and even the limbs have only recently grown - but she can be seen by the Lord. Admired for the perfect creation.

Nian Ci carefully withdrew his gaze, and retreated from the hall, with a jealous look on his face.

above the sky.

When Wu Baishuang found Chu Yan with doubts, Chu Yan was using extremely simple and brutal methods to dig out the magic core of the ninth-level monster in front of him from its body. Among them, it was burned into water vapor.

When Chu Yan took out the magic core, Wu Baishuang looked up, subconsciously lowered the blood-stained magic core, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I discovered a secret. Let me see the magic core in your hand." Wu Baishuang didn't know Chu Yan's careful thoughts at all. He moved a little closer to Chu Yan, wanting to see the magic core.

"There is still a bloody smell on it, wait for me." Chu Yan said, washed the magic core with spiritual magic and handed it to Wu Baishuang.

"Why not?" After seeing the magic core clearly, Wu Baishuang found that there were no dark golden runes inside.

"Nothing?" Chu Yan didn't understand.

"I hunted a few eighth-level black black birds before, and found that the magic cores on their bodies were engraved with a dark golden rune, as if they could control the magic cores and thereby control the monsters." Wu Baishuang explained, and his eyes were here again. Look up a ninth-level magic core.Still haven't found those dark golden runes.

After searching to no avail, Chu Yan set his sights on the flock of black crows in the distance. Just now he was fighting with the ninth-level black crows, and the other black crows subconsciously avoided it.At this time, there was still an empty space around him.

Chu Yan: "Just kill a few more and it will be clear."

At this moment, a thunderbolt exploded from the flock of birds a little far away, like fireworks exploded, and scattered in all directions.

"Haw..." Xiao Huang's chirping sound came from that direction, seeming to be a little anxious.

"Xiao Huang is in trouble?" Wu Baishuang has a wide range of perception, and quickly found Xiao Huang's location.Dang even thought of going to help.

Chu Yan grabbed Wu Baishuang's hand in time, and said, "It's not a big deal, I can feel it from the contract."

"..." Wu Baishuang stopped when he heard that.


Xiao Huang's cry became clearer and louder, and this time it was obvious that he had come to a place not far from them.

"Boom!" There was a sound of thunder, and when the thunder light lit up in the black flock of black birds, it felt like thunder was coming.

In the center of the thunder light, a small golden dot was flying forward rapidly, it looked like an arc that tore apart the black cloud, and flew straight to the direction of Wu Baishuang and Chu Yan.


Xiao Huang was very happy to see his relatives, and immediately asked for help from his two contractors.

Wu Baishuang's eyes looked around on it, but she didn't find any wounds. The whole bird seemed to be alive and kicking.What is it that is asking for help?


Seeing that the two of them didn't respond, Xiao Huang became even more anxious.

"Something escaped."

Chu Yan opened his mouth to explain, and then his natal spiritual fire quickly condensed out of his hands, and the crimson flames swam towards a certain direction like a ghost.

But after a while, the crimson flame returned to Chu Yan's hand, engulfing a black magic core covered with dark golden runes.

On this magic core, there are particularly many dark golden runes, densely packed like a sieve that gnawed the surface of the magic core, firmly controlling it.


Xiao Huang arrived later and complained to the magic core.

It went alone to hunt the black crow at the peak of level nine. It went smoothly at first, but when it dug out the magic core, this magic core was even more troublesome than the black crow at the peak of level nine, running away everywhere. , the speed is still very fast.

"Good job." Wu Baishuang praised Xiao Huang, and when his eyes fell on the magic core, he picked up what he had said to Chu Yan before, "It's just such a dark golden rune, but this magic core is more powerful than the magic core." The few eighth-level black crow demon cores I caught earlier came with more."

"These are indeed runes that can control the magic core of the monster. Until the monster dies, the runes of the law will eat back at its owner. However, such methods are sinister, and the price of backlash will be very heavy. Most people will not use such runes to control Beasts." Chu Yan recognized these dark golden runes and explained them to Wu Baishuang.

"Then is there a way to remove the rune control?" Wu Baishuang asked him.

"Yes, kill the person who controls them, and they will be released." Chu Yan replied.

"..." It seems that no matter which method is used, it is impossible to die.

Wu Baishuang sighed, "I heard from Shi Qing earlier that all the rocs they sent to Yuncheng had accidents, and it was probably because of this group of monsters. If the accidents were man-made—"

"The Ye family in Yecheng, their hands shouldn't be able to reach so far." Chu Yan looked at the vast land under the clouds. Although it was only a microcosm from a high altitude, he could still recognize the direction. "This is very close to Yuncheng." , and besides Yuncheng, there is no other nearby main city, which means that those who control these monsters to hunt in the sky should also be forces near Yuncheng."

"However, the forces in Yuncheng have nothing to do with the private Dapeng Niao. They live in Yecheng, but they are far away in Yuncheng, and they have to make trouble... Wait!"

In the middle of Wu Baishuang's conjecture, he suddenly stopped talking.

Only the rocs from Yecheng to Yuncheng will have accidents, and they are private rocs. Those who are willing to sit on the private rocs are basically practitioners from poor families, but since they want to go to Yuncheng, it means that they are aiming at Yuncheng Shengyun College recruits students.

And something happened to these Dapeng birds flying to Yuncheng—someone is targeting Shengyun College?Or secretly cast some kind of plan?What is there in a group of impoverished cultivators that is worthy of others' pursuit?

Wu Baishuang couldn't think of a deeper place, and further speculation would require more clues.

After hearing his speculation, Chu Yan also had the same thought, and planned to inquire carefully after going to Yuncheng, which force would raise a large number of black birds.

After Wu Baishuang and Chu Yan finished hunting, Mingyue and others also brought another ninth-level black black bird, and successfully completed their previous plan.

The magic core was dug out, and the body was saved for Zongmu to cook.

When they were about to return to the back of the private roc bird Cangyu, the group of black black birds around them avoided the distance one after another, as if they were some kind of disaster.

Without the interference of the flock of black birds, the state of Cangyu, which had been shrinking and circling in place, was much better. It spread its wings and soared in the sky, flying towards Wu Baishuang and others, intending to take them back.

After Wu Baishuang and others returned to the private room, they told Shi Qing about the black black bird, and asked him if he had noticed anything unusual.

"Someone would manipulate a monster to do such an outrageous thing!" Shi Qing was filled with righteous indignation when he heard the truth, and his face flushed with anger. He had never been so angry when he quarreled with others in Yecheng before, "It's really too much!" It’s too much!! No matter how you do business, it’s crazy to let the roc have an accident and ruin everyone. What’s wrong with those who ride the roc?”

"That's true." Wu Baishuang agreed with Shi Qing's words.

Shi Qing took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said calmly, "When I return from Yuncheng, I will investigate this matter carefully. If it is true that only the roc flying to Yuncheng has an accident, then It may not be that the Ye family did it. But so many Dapeng flew to Yuncheng, only the Ye family has nothing to do, and they more or less know something inside."

"Then I will trouble you. If you find anything, you can contact us. If we have no news, you can go to Yancheng to find someone from the ghost mercenary group. This is my token." Mingyue handed his token to Shiqing.

The distance between Yecheng and Yancheng is not far, but the distance between Yecheng and Yuncheng is very far. If you don't take the roc to come to Yuncheng, it will take three or four months to get there.

"You can also go to the Artifact Refiner's Guild in Yancheng." Zong Mu added from the side, also handing over his token to Shi Qing.

"Okay, thank you, my lords." Shi Qing's expression was grateful. If he hadn't happened to meet them today, something would have happened to him carrying the passengers with Cang Yu.And after learning the truth of today, he will no longer be obsessed with the flight route from Yecheng to Yuncheng. Before that, it was not easy for a child from a poor family to study in Yuncheng, so he insisted on it. Now for everyone's For the sake of safety, he should change to another main city.

"You're welcome, it's all due." Zong Mu didn't think he had done anything great, if his master hadn't picked him up, he would have been one of thousands of children from poor families.If today's events were placed on his original life trajectory, he would probably not be far from death.

"My lords, we still have one day's flight away from Yuncheng. I'll let Cang Yu speed up and try to reach Yuncheng as soon as possible." Shi Qing took care of what he could do so far.

Chu Yan nodded, "Okay, thank you."

After Shi Qing left, the group of people who came back from the hunt began to rest, while Zong Mu called Ming Yue and Ming Qi to cook and help chop bones and pluck hairs.Because if Mingyue and Mingqi hadn't been called, Chu Yan would have come to the kitchen to help himself.For some reason, Zong Mu was very afraid of his natal spiritual fire. He was obviously a practitioner of the fire element, but Chu Yansheng's fire made his hands shake when he was cooking.

Seeing this, Chu Yan didn't force it. He was still thinking about Wu Baishuang's use of spiritual power to kill several eighth-level black birds today, and planned to decoct him later.

Thus, Wu Baishuang finally drank the bowl of bitter concoction amidst the aroma of the food.In such a situation, the concoction becomes more bitter, which makes the food more delicious.

The black black bird is just as Zongmu said, the stewed soup is very delicious, the barbecue is very mellow, and the braised braised in oil has a unique flavor, which is comparable to the meat of the Gulu beast.

"Forget them to slip away quickly, otherwise I can rush out and catch a few more." Ming Qi said dissatisfied words with a satisfied face.

"Well, it's a pity they all ran away." Ming Yue nodded.

"I still have a few level-[-] ones in my space ring." Wu Baishuang picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of her lips, her movements were elegant and her table manners could not be faulted.

Then, Wu Baishuang handed over the eighth-level black-birds in his space ring to Zongmu. Fortunately, he caught a few of them, and these black-birds were enough to eat a few more meals.

"I hope that this place in Yuncheng sells these ingredients." Zong Mu muttered to himself, and there were not many ingredients left in his space ring.Since learning to cook, it was the first time that the ingredients were consumed faster than the refining materials.

"There should be some, I'll buy some some time, and exchange the spirit crystals for daily necessities. I heard that Shengyun Academy doesn't use spirit crystals as currency." Wu Baishuang looked at the dining table with unsatisfied interest.

The day passed quickly.

The gigantic Roc bird hovered and fell from the sky, its wings slowly retracted to avoid disturbing the surrounding crowd and buildings when it landed with a huge air flow.This kind of landing experience, at first glance, is a well-trained roc bird, which makes other people who choose roc bird in the venue cast their eyes.

The pattern of the formation flashed across the private room on the back of the roc, and the lifting ladder extended from the door of the private room to the ground.

Five figures came out of the private room. They were dressed low-key, and they all wore masks to cover their faces, making it hard to see their faces clearly.The onlookers immediately lost their interest in watching them.People who look like this are the most common in Yuncheng.

Yuncheng, as the imperial city of the Yun Kingdom, is not named directly after the imperial city like the Xiguo Imperial City, but with "Yuncheng" in front, and the imperial city is just one of its icing on the cake.

Most of the people who come and go to Yuncheng have complicated backgrounds. There are aristocratic families and cultivators from poor families. There are also all the top forces in Yunxi Continent gathered here. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the number one main city of Yunxi Continent.With more people, there will be more minds, and there will be more people who want to hide their identities and walk in Yuncheng. This is nothing unusual, who doesn't have any shady secrets?

"Bai Shuang and I will go to Qianji Building first to buy some useful news. You guys go to an inn first?"

After getting down from the roc bird, Chu Yan took the lead in arranging the targets of several people.

As for the time to send them to Yuncheng, they set off for Yecheng without delay.Before leaving, Wu Baishuang helped him change a heaven-level peak defense barrier to ensure Shi Qing's safety when he returned.

"Okay, let's go find the inn." Mingyue and the others have no objection. After the past few days on the roc, they have clearly realized that their existence is redundant, especially when two adults are in the same room. when in.

Zong Mu nodded, and followed the steps of Mingyue and Mingqi without the slightest hesitation. He and Mingyue had the same idea.

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