Originally Osamu Dazai thought that after the marriage proposal, he would lead a very happy life: the sovereignty was completely declared, and no one would doubt his relationship with Chuya; he could work casually, anyway, he was supported by Chuya’s salary , it’s not bad for the money of an armed detective; you can live in the little slug’s villa if you want, and if you don’t want to live, you can squeeze a bed with Zhongyuan Zhongye, and you can stick kisses in the bed, and do things that couples will do , to increase the fun between the young couple; in addition, there are crab meat dishes that Zhongyuan Zhongye occasionally cooks to taste; it is simply delicious!

But the reality is somewhat different from what he thought:

The sovereignty is completely sworn. Nakahara also likes the ring when he proposed. He wears it on his hand obediently every day. Through the black leather gloves, he can also see the traces of the ring.

In addition, he never hides what happened to him, and he will answer anyone who asks, so now the whole Hong Kong gangsters know. (It may also be related to the group performances that I pulled to promote. Everyone is a member of the port mafia. It is inevitable that there will be a few gossips. The information exchange must be fast.)

Work is also very relaxed. Originally, he is the type who loves to fish, but now he has no other activities. As usual, he can relax as much as he likes, and jumping into the river is also very pleasant.

Originally, Atsushi Nakajima was his responsibility, but because of the bad performance in front of him, Fukuzawa Yukichi had to arrange another person to look after him, namely Kunikida Doppo.There is a good seedling to bring, Kunikida has no time to pick his thorns, he will only prevent him from teaching him badly.That appearance is appropriate to take care of minors.

Osamu Dazai didn't care, the tiger who almost grabbed the little slug's attention, even if there were many factors at the time, he would still feel upset, okay?So peace and harmony is the best ending.

At the beginning, Kunikida Doppo even tried to stimulate him with Atsushi Nakajima, why are the new members working so hard, how can you be compared?Are you worthy of your status as a senior?The teacher has a set of speech skills, but later found that he was really stubborn, and no matter what he said, he would go in the left ear and come out the right ear, so he gave up this idea and now focuses on teaching children.

So, in every respect, he is very relaxed.

Not to mention food and lodging, there will be bento arranged by Chuya every day, maybe let him bring it in the morning, or he will throw it up from downstairs, or ask Akutagawa to help, in short, there is no shortage of love bento.The nutrition is balanced, and the combination of meat and vegetables is much better than the poor situation where he only had one plum rice ball.

He also lives in Zhongye's house in Zhongyuan, which is the place where he lives most often.It was the apartment allocated to them back then. Although he now has many mansions, he still lived there the longest.So he slept on the bed he had slept on, under the same wide quilt as him.That way neither of them catches a cold.

The question is... what about the hugs, kisses, and further development that I want?

The first few relied on their own initiative, and Zhongya Zhongye did not resist. He has enjoyed it several times, but what about the further development in the end?

It was agreed to do things between couples, why is there no sign at all?

Osamu Dazai reviewed the scene last night. It has been a week since the confession in the game hall, and Chuya Nakahara was still moved. After dinner, he nestled on the sofa and showed the ring.

Osamu Dazai was sitting next to him, hugging him completely in his position.Zhong Yuanzhong didn't refuse either, the orange head rubbed against his arms, exactly the same as the cats once raised by Hong Kong and Heihe.

The lights in the room were not turned on, only a movie they selected, emitting a faint light, creating a hazy atmosphere.

He doesn't actually remember what movie was playing, and he doesn't know which one he picked.He knew that such an environment was particularly good, especially suitable for doing something in-depth.So he tried that too.

At first, it was sticking, and then hugging. These two actions are the most familiar to them. It was like this seven or eight years ago, and it is still the same now.Zhong Yuan also showed great satisfaction in his embrace like a cat.

So the next kiss is also very smooth.Just like stroking a cat, following Chuya Maomao's wishes, kiss from the hair on the top of his head, along the forehead, sideburns, bridge of nose, and then to the lips.

Chuya Nakahara looked away from the ring and looked up into his eyes.

The artificially created space is too narrow, and all the ambiguous atmospheres are integrated into one. At this time, it is not only their breath that is interlinked with each other.

It would be a lie to say that it is impatient.

Fortunately, Osamu Dazai understood his intentions very well, and kissed him according to his thoughts, lingering and sticky, his lips pressed together wantonly, and the tip of his tongue pressed against his orifice to break in.

He let out an uncontrollable groan, and just let the intruder in.That arrogant guy was stirring in his mouth, aggressive like a general killing all directions, seizing his body fluid endlessly!

He knew that Osamu Dazai was not as weak and harmless as he had shown. The real Osamu Dazai was the ghost of Hong Kong gangsters, an abyssal demon who lived in places he didn't want to set foot on, and was feared by countless people.

But he didn't expect this guy to be so strong!

Zhongyuan Zhongye itself is not weak, and when they get along with each other, they will avoid two powerful forces appearing at the same time, so as to avoid disordered relations on the spot.

So all along, he didn't realize how strong Dazai Osamu could go.

Or, such a strong Osamu Dazai was just showing off to him.He wouldn't show such courage to anyone but him.

With the lingering kisses one after another, Osamu Dazai caught the blurred eyes of the other party. The cobalt blue eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, making them even more charming.

Almost there?

It's almost possible to go further, right?

Osamu Dazai said to himself in his heart, so he tried to do the same.

The problem lies here, obviously it is a very good atmosphere, obviously there is no problem with the kisses, hugs and kisses in front of them, the breath of the two of them is also very hot, and they can't help but want to do something.

But Zhong Yuanzhong also refused. He woke up from the blurred state, feeling a little dazed that his hand was sticking in from the hem of his clothes, and the sticking lips moved to the position of his chin.Further down should be his neck, where the most alluring part of the choker is locked, half concealed can reflect the full effect.

"Aren't you going to continue kissing?" Nakahara Chuya's voice was still panting, really like a cat, so cute that it was hard for anyone to refuse.

Naturally, the same is true of Osamu Dazai.It seems that the little slug prefers the feeling of being kissed!

This was a good discovery, so he followed the other person's wishes and kissed him again.Prove your answer with practical actions.

When it was stretched into the clothes, it was still making trouble, Nakahara Nakaya felt the kiss, and at the same time felt that the place was not very comfortable, and ran out feeling unbearable.

He was reluctant and inexperienced, so he instinctively thought of fleeing.After twisting and struggling for a few times to no avail, he decisively pressed the opponent's wrist and pulled that hand out.

This is much more comfortable.

"Continue." Nakahara Nakaya, who is addicted to kissing with his lover, said to Osamu Dazai.

Osamu Dazai's movements stopped abruptly.

Why did Nakahara Chuya take out his hand while kissing him?

Does he only like to kiss him, and doesn't like to go further with him?

This cognition hit Dazai Osamu who has been invincible in the past and now.

We are lovers!For lovers who have reached the level of unmarried couples, the next step is to get married.How can you not continue to do this kind of thing?

Osamu Dazai felt that the right time, place and people were all on his side, so it was normal to continue.

But the Central Plains is not willing.

He had no awareness of this at all. At the beginning, a certain person refused the lecture of the unscrupulous doctor on the grounds of protection, and finally had the current situation.

He opened a pair of clear cobalt blue eyes, unable to hide any emotions.The head tilted to the side is like a curious kitten, as if asking: Why don't you continue to kiss?

Of course he didn't realize what kind of blow his actions would bring to someone. Osamu Dazai also remembered what happened back then, and in the end he could only eat the bitter fruit for himself and continue to kiss him lingeringly and fieryly.

There are no deeper movements, and I can only stare at plum blossoms through my clothes to quench my thirst.Miss the touch just now.

Alas, the delicious meat is right in front of you, why can't you eat it?

Afterwards, Osamu Dazai took this matter to ask Koye Ozaki and Verlaine.

"You say, how could Chuya have no awareness of this?" Dazai Osamu asked with a distressed expression.

Ozaki Hongye and Verlaine looked at each other, concealing the excitement in their hearts, and said first: "Mr. Dazai... If I remember correctly, you were responsible for this matter at the beginning, right?"

"That's right, but isn't that to prevent some unscrupulous doctor from teaching things?" Osamu Dazai said confidently.Mr. Sen's hobby is so bad, why can't he be allowed to teach children?What if the people in his family are taught badly?

Koye Ozaki had to remind him: "Mr. Mori's teaching class...is still very useful. It was you who refused him at the beginning."

and so……

"So you didn't teach him?" Verlaine spoke more bluntly than the tactful Koyo Ozaki, "I thought you understood everything when you were 16 just because of your thoughts about my brother."

Speaking of this, he showed a mocking smile, as if he had managed to win the round: "I didn't expect it to be like this."

Osamu Dazai felt that he was being laughed at!He tried to divert his anger: "Isn't Hong Kong black after that?"

At that time, Osamu Dazai thought that Nakahara Chuya's mental and physical age were still young, and he was not in a hurry. At least he would teach this aspect when he was old.

Who knew that when the other party reached his age, he also left because of certain things.Traitor, there is no way to teach the cadre reserve of the port mafia.

So it has been delayed.

He thought that four years had passed, and Zhongyuan Zhong had matured.Why would Verlaine and Sister Hongye supplement his knowledge in this area, otherwise what would Little Orange do if he was deceived?Who knew there was none!

Are they so confident in him?

"Dazai-kun, let me remind you, when you made the decision yourself, who do you think can break it?" Koye Ozaki raised the corners of his mouth, the red-haired beauty's tone was meaningful, with countless reverie-inducing aftertaste , "And China is waiting for you."

Wait for you to come back and teach him.

In fact, he has never abandoned this person from his own life. Even if he said so verbally, he still deeply recorded it in his heart.That's why he called people from time to time. Although he was already drunk, his emotions at that time were the most authentic from the heart.

"I see." Osamu Dazai completely accepted the result, and sure enough, only he can recover from the mistakes he made.

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