Wei Qingfeng is the owner of a chain pharmacy, so he is naturally not short of money.But not lacking money does not mean that you have to solve problems for others for free, especially in the ghost hunting business, where the risk factor is very high, and if you are not careful, you will catch yourself.

"Oh..." I sighed sincerely, and said, "I thought you were making a lot of money in this business! I didn't expect that you would have to post back frequently. No wonder you want to open another pharmacy, otherwise you might not be able to eat!"

He smiled, and then his tone became serious, "This is the rule of the master. This is what my master taught me. Regardless of whether there is a reward or not, you must solve the problems you encounter."

"Your faction is worthy of admiration!" I couldn't help but respect him and his teachers.

"Unfortunately, our faction has been passed down to my generation, and there are probably not many people left."

I suddenly remembered something, and asked suspiciously: "I heard that the disciples who go out to horses all worship the immortal family as their teachers, but from what you said, it seems that the master is not the second master of Mang..."

"Well, my master is a wandering Taoist priest, and the second master Mang came to me after I left the master." He said, he sighed softly, with a sad tone, "Speaking of my master, that's really what I saw. The most upright and kind person I have ever lived, but unfortunately my life is too short..."

When mentioning his mentor, his expression was sad but also deeply respectful.I think that he can follow the teachings of his master not only because he is upright and able to abide by his duty, but also because the master has both virtue and conduct and has set an example worth learning for him.

I didn't know how to comfort him, so I kept silent.

He didn't think about it too much, he changed the subject after feeling sad for a while, and asked me if I could have dinner at my house in the evening, and stay overnight by the way.

I said yes, but after thinking about it, I felt that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, so I smiled and said, "However, I have to get paid!"

He froze for a moment, then smiled and asked what the reward would be.

Without thinking, I replied: "I want to see something like your dagger!"

I've been thinking about it since the first time I saw it, but I never found a chance to speak.

"Okay." He said as he pulled the thing out from his waist and handed it to me.

I took it over and studied it carefully.This thing is slightly transparent, with a shiny surface, like white jade, but the one-foot-long jade obviously shouldn't be this weight. It's a bit light, so it shouldn't be a stone.Judging from the cylindrical handle and gradually thinning blade, it should have been a cylinder, and then half of it was polished into a double-edged blade, and the other half remained as it was for the handle.

"What's this made of?" I was quite curious.

Fifth Brother shook his head, "I don't know, Second Master Mang gave it to me and said it was the most suitable for me to use."

"Aren't you curious? Why don't you even ask." I couldn't help muttering, and then reluctantly returned the things to him.

He took it, looked at me with a smile, and said, "I asked, but he didn't want to talk about it. He just said that this thing is called Shenlong Cone."

"Shenlong Cone?" I thought for a while and said, "It's not very appropriate, it's almost called Shenlong Dagger. Hey, why did you add the word 'Shenlong'?"

He shook his head again, "Maybe it's because it's extremely sharp, it can kill souls and ghosts, so it's more majestic! After all, it's said that dragons are the most yang thing, and they specialize in attacking evil spirits."

Such an explanation is quite reasonable, so I couldn't help but nodded.

"Looking at it this way, this is really a treasure! Hey, by the way, you just showed it to me so casually, aren't you afraid that I will miss it?" For some reason, I just wanted to tease him.

"Don't tell me, I'm really not afraid of you thinking about it!" He looked back at me and said with a smile: "Maybe I think you are still a child, so you don't pose a threat at all!"

"Child?" I couldn't help but exclaimed, and then protested: "I'm already twenty, how about a child? Besides, I've been working for two years!"

He laughed loudly, and said a little mischievously: "Compared to me, I'm just a child! I'm ten years older than you! And I'm at least ten centimeters taller than you!"

"We don't bring this kind of thing!" I said angrily, "Don't tell me you're only ten years older, why are you talking about your height?"

"Hahaha... You still say it's not a child? Are you angry?"

"Don't be funny, who is angry..." I also felt that I was overreacting when he said this, so I quickly turned my face out of the window.

"Hahahaha..." He continued to laugh, then reached out and rubbed my head.

I quickly avoided his hand and couldn't help but stare at him.It turned out that he always took the opportunity to rub my head with his hands before, because he treated me like a child!


We bought some vegetables in the market, then went back to my house, made dinner, and chatted while eating.

After drinking for three rounds, Fifth Brother suddenly said to me: "Xiao Kai, do you want to follow me?"

I froze and asked him what he meant.

He said that it was an assistant, mainly to follow him to see things for others.

"But I don't know anything!" I said honestly.

He smiled and said: "I know you don't know anything! However, you don't need to know anything. You have yin and yang eyes, which is much more convenient than me using a spell to open your eyes. In addition, you have the guardian of the fairy family, and your personal safety is in danger." Don’t worry about me, these are enough! Food and lodging included, two thousand a month, how about it?”

"Sure, as long as you don't dislike it!" I immediately agreed, anyway, this is much better than being a waiter, just thinking about it is very exciting. "The salary doesn't need to be so much, just enough for my pocket expenses. After all, you don't make money in this line of work."

"Qian is easy to talk about. Tomorrow, you pack up and follow me!"

"It's so urgent, I have to talk to the restaurant owner first..."

"Don't go!" Hu Changhe said suddenly, he stood up straight, looking at me with serious eyes, "You can't get too close to him!"

I heard there was something in its words, and I glanced at it, afraid that Fifth Brother would see the clue, so I lowered my head and picked up the vegetables as if nothing had happened.

When we chatted last time, Fifth Brother once said that he can only open his eyes with a charm for two hours, and it has been almost five hours since we dealt with the female ghost, so he should not be able to see Hu Changhe, nor can he hear Hu Changhe. Chang He's words.

I took a peek at him and saw that his expression was normal, making sure again that he didn't know that Hu Changhe had secretly stopped me.

"Fifth brother, you eat first, I'm going to the toilet."

I made an excuse, went out of the room, found a secluded place, and asked Hu Changhe, "What are you trying to say? Why can't I get too close to him?"

"I am good in every way, but I can't control the people around me—this is his destiny." Hu Changhe said.

I frowned, although Hu Changhe never lied, but this time I didn't really want to listen to it, "When will you know your fate? Then tell me how long I can live?"

Hu Changhe narrowed his eyes obviously, then glanced at me indifferently, curled up his body again, and said slowly: "I don't know how to read fate. But I'm sure that person's fate is different. How angry is he? I also saw that it was pure Yang anger, his previous life must have been extraordinary."

I was still puzzled, and asked: "Because it is pure yang anger, so it restrains others?"

"Almost, anyway, anyone who gets too close to him will be lowered."

I looked over my left shoulder, and saw that the flame, which was the size of a candle, had a dark blue gleam, as if it could be blown out by the wind at any moment. "You mean, if I follow Wei Qingfeng, he will directly kill me?"

Wei Qingfeng's anger was like a torch poured with oil, golden and so exuberant that I felt like I could cook rice directly by putting a pot on it.I don't know how his anger overcomes the anger of others. Could it be that he swallowed it all at once?

Hu Changhe was silent for a while, before replying: "When a person dies, his anger will be extinguished, so when the anger is extinguished depends on when the fate ends. He will only restrain your anger to an infinitely low level, and will not kill you directly. "

"So that's the case." I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and for some reason, I was quite happy in my heart. "Since it won't kill me, then why should I avoid him? On the contrary, I'm afraid that my unlucky physique will hurt others! Besides, I'm already like this, so what are you afraid of?"

Living every day well before death is my purest idea.Nowadays, I have the opportunity to change careers and work with people I admire and appreciate. Thinking about it is very exciting.

"That's all I've said. If you're not afraid, you can do whatever you want." Hu Changhe closed his eyes and said nothing.

When I returned to the house, I found that Brother Wu had already fallen asleep on the kang.

Alas, for a person like him who has a light drinker and likes to drink, he really needs someone by his side, otherwise it's really easy to get into trouble.


The next morning, I went to the restaurant and asked the boss to resign.

Although when I usually work, all kinds of unlucky things that seem to be clumsy will always happen, but when it comes to resigning, the boss is still a little bit reluctant.

Fortunately, he recruited two waiters who came together a few days ago, so after I leave, he is not afraid that no one will work for him.

He paid me my wages, and when he heard that I was going to follow Wei Lao Wu to catch ghosts, he told me to let me go.Although he is usually a bit picky, I still think he is a pretty good person with the few instructions I gave him.

I wanted to say, "Remember to call me if you have any troubles", but after thinking about it, it was not good to say this, and it meant to curse him, so I swallowed the words back and just said goodbye to him briefly.

Brother Wu still needs to be busy with the pharmacy. We made an appointment for him to pick me up in the evening.

I went home and packed my things.

When I found the two things my mother left behind, tears began to roll in my eyes.

An ancestral white jade pendant, and an ancestral yellow mandarin jacket.

The jade pendant was peach-shaped, and inside it contained red flocs that looked like bats. It probably meant good luck and longevity, so it was so precious that it was passed down from generation to generation.

My mother had always worn this jade pendant, and I took it off when she passed away, only to find that there was a crack on the back of the jade pendant at some point.I don't know if it's because of this that my mother has never been able to defeat Huang Pizi's curse.

Since my mother passed away, this is the first time I organize her things, although I burned most of her things to her, only these two things remain.

I hung the jade pendant around my neck, no matter whether it can still bless me or not, I am leaving here soon, and leaving with it is also a kind of yearning for home.

And that yellow mandarin jacket, besides being able to prove that my Mazu had been famous in the past, has no other use, so I put it in the suitcase casually.

Last but not least, the yellow card slot on the barn wall, I must take it with me.

Under the dim light in the barn, I looked at the yellow paper on the wall that said [Worshiping the Position of the Immortal Baojia], and said to Hu Changhe, "Fox Immortal, we are moving."

"En." Hu Changhe casually responded without opening his eyelids.

I carefully took off the yellow paper, put it away, and then turned around and left the warehouse.

At this time, Cheng Shun hurried over to meet my request.

I told him, don't rent a house outside in the future, just live with me.Of course I won't ask for rent or anything, but I beg him to take good care of my geese, after all they have been my housekeeper for several years.

After Fifth Brother arrived, I bid farewell to Cheng Shun and the big white geese, got into the car with my luggage, and left the small yard where I had lived for more than 20 years.

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