Grass head fairy's breaking evil

Chapter 14 Strengthening Physical Fitness

Back in the car, I asked Brother Wu: "Brother Wu, is there anything special about your copper coins?"

"Here!" He stuffed a copper coin into my hand, "You can see for yourself."

I looked at the copper coin in my hand over and over again, and it was just an ordinary "Xianfeng Tongbao", which was not worth much in RMB.The only special thing is that the edges of the coins have been polished and are a bit sharp.

"Is this using copper coins as darts?" I scraped the edge of the coin with my thumb and added, "It's quite sharp!"

He chuckled and explained while driving: "Money is in the hands of tens of thousands of people, so it is full of yang energy and can suppress ghosts and evil spirits. It is suitable to use it as a hidden weapon!"

"Can't I just suppress some little ghosts?" Thinking about it, if everything can be suppressed, then a person with a copper coin will be able to prevent all evils from invading.

"Of course a copper coin can only deal with little ghosts! In our profession, some masters will use [-] older copper coins to wear into copper coin swords to ward off ghosts, and the effect is quite good!"

I remembered that Master Kong used the copper coin sword to deal with the old lady in red.However, the effect is not good.

I told the matter to my fifth brother, who said, "His knowledge is too shallow, and the copper coins are probably not long enough, so the power is not very strong."

I nodded, thinking, no matter how good the copper coin sword is, it might not be as good as Fifth Brother's Shenlong Cone, because it was given to Fifth Brother by the second master Mang, and it must not be a common thing.

It was getting late, my fifth brother and I went directly to the vegetable market.

I picked the vegetables in front, and Wu Ge followed me and was responsible for paying the money.Ask him what he would like to eat, and he will say - "Up to you."

Since he is not a picky eater, I choose the ingredients used in my favorite dishes.

After buying food, we went home.

When I was cooking in the kitchen, Fifth Brother rolled up his sleeves to help, but I kicked him out.Asking someone who has never done housework to help will definitely make the job more difficult. It is better for me to do it myself.

Seeing that he couldn't help, he said, "Then shall I take a shower first?"

"Go! It's time to eat after washing!"

Seeing that the fifth brother had left, I asked Hu Changhe while cooking: "Fox fairy, you are also an arctic fox, isn't that mouse spirit looking for you?"

Hu Changhe has enemies, and I'm afraid that his enemies will come to him.Back then, Hu Changhe had been injured before, if he met his enemy again, what would happen if he didn't keep it together.

"I don't know." Hu Changhe squatted on my shoulder, looked at the meat in the pot, and said calmly, "Even if it is looking for me, it doesn't matter."

I don't know if that "it" is a human, a ghost, a fairy, or a beast, and it won't tell me if I ask it.I had to ask another question: "When we meet again, can you beat it?"

Hu Changhe was silent for a while, then lay back on his stomach again, and said in a low voice: "No, the way is too far behind."

The grass-headed immortals who can attain the Tao have good comprehension, and the difference in Taoism mainly comes from the years of cultivation.There is a world of difference between a thousand-year Taoism and a century-old Taoism.Therefore, in order to make up for this gap, some immortal families began to practice evil methods, and eventually became evil immortals. They were either hunted down by other righteous immortal families, or hunted down by human beings.

I sighed secretly, and said: "It's okay, if your enemy comes to your door, we will ask Wei Qingfeng and Second Master Mang for help."

The fox didn't speak. I glanced at it and saw that its eyes were closed tightly, as if it was fast asleep.As soon as it pretended to sleep, it meant that it didn't want to continue talking, so I had to shut up and continue to cook my dishes.

When I put the food on the table, Brother Wu just came out of the shower.He was naked and only wore a pair of pajama pants. Seeing that it was time to eat, he walked over directly, "It smells so good! I'm almost going to hell!"

The last time I saw him shirtless, it was just a quick glance, but this time I took a closer look, it's incredible, six pack abs above the waistband!And the chest muscles, biceps are all obviously developed!

I exclaimed enviously: "Fifth brother, your figure is too good!"

He laughed, "Everyone who practices martial arts is like this!" Seeing that I was envious, he said again: "Are you envious? Then go out with me for morning exercises tomorrow morning! You are too thin, you should exercise more!"

When I woke up this morning, there was no sign of him, and I thought he was just going out to buy breakfast, but it turned out that he bought breakfast by the way after exercising.

"Alright then, I'll go exercise with you tomorrow morning!"

He stared at the dishes on the table and urged: "Hurry up and serve the food, I'm so hungry!"

I couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly filled a bowl of rice and handed it over.Seeing him gobble it up, don't say it, it's quite a sense of accomplishment.


After the meal, Brother Wu moved a table into my room and used it as an altar for me.

I went to bed early last night because of motion sickness, so I didn't bother to arrange for Hu Changhe. I had to make arrangements tonight. This is out of respect for Bao Jiaxian.

Fifth Brother enshrined the fairy family in his study, and I was a guest, so I decided to enshrine the fox fairy in my bedroom.Fortunately, Hu Changhe only cared about whether the tribute was delicious, and he didn't care about incense candles. Otherwise, he would light these smoking things all day long, and there would be no need for people to live in the house.

On the wall opposite to the bed, I pasted the yellow paper with the words [Worshiping the throne of Baojia Xian] respectfully.

Then the altar was moved to the bottom of the playing cards, and fruits were placed on it.

"Fox Fairy, let's settle down here temporarily." I turned my head and said something to Hu Changhe.

Hu Changhe let out a "hmm" and jumped onto the altar. Instead of eating the fruit, he curled up on his stomach and continued to sleep as usual.

Sometimes I suspect that sleeping is its way of cultivation, otherwise why would it sleep so much?

"No incense?" Fifth Brother asked from the side.

"No, just give it something delicious." I didn't have the nerve to say that I would get dizzy after smelling too much of the fragrance, after all, the fifth brother had to burn incense regularly when he worshiped the second master of the python.

Fifth Brother glanced thoughtfully at the playing cards on the wall, smiled, and said, "Your fox fairy is really different! Other fairy families wished for as many incense candles as possible, but your family's fox fairy is really different!" not give a damn about……"

Most Baojiaxians are for repaying karma, so no names are left on the card slots.About Hu Changhe's name, identity, Taoism, etc., I never disclosed it to the outside world.Therefore, it is not easy for me to tell Fifth Brother that it came from afar and is not a local fox clan.

Looking at China, which gods and bodhisattvas do not accept incense?Unless it's a Western denomination.Although Hu Changhe is not from the west, he is a foreign visitor from the north, and he is not interested in things like merit, so he doesn't care about incense like those fairy families in China.

"It doesn't care about merit, so it doesn't care about incense." I explained briefly.

Fifth Brother nodded and said, "Don't care about incense, it's also a sign of pure heart and asceticism, it will surely achieve great success in the future!"

If it can sleep less and practice more... I can't help but complain to myself.Alas, it will be gone in a little more than a year, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

There are two Immortal families in Wu Ge's family, and their morals are not low, so as long as I don't leave the house, Hu Changhe doesn't have to stay on my shoulders all the time.

Seeing Hu Changhe falling asleep on the altar, I went to the living room with Fifth Brother.

I remembered the matter of expelling the mouse spirit in the afternoon, and asked him: "Fifth brother, why do I feel sleepy when you recite that spell?"

He was obviously taken aback and asked me, "Are you really sleepy?"

"Ah!" I nodded, "If the fox fairy hadn't scratched me, I might have fallen asleep!"

He frowned and looked at me for a while, then sighed softly, and said, "Xiao Kai, you must exercise with me from tomorrow! Your body looks fine, but your physique is too yin, and you are too easy to be yin and evil. Upper body. I just recited a "invite the gods" to the mouse, and you were almost invited to the upper body by me. This is too dangerous. Fortunately, your fox fairy is upright and pure. If you die, your life will not be guaranteed!"

Hearing what he said, I was also a little surprised.It's no wonder that Zhao Long seemed to be okay, the relationship was because he was more angry, and I, not to mention my low anger, had bad luck, even if I didn't chant the magic spell to me, I would be easily affected.

Oh, look at my life.

Seeing that I was depressed, Fifth Brother smiled and patted me on the shoulder, and comforted me: "Don't worry, I will find a way to help you with the grievances with the Huang family. At that time, you will be just like a normal person, and you will be full of anger." If you do, everything will be fine.”

"Ah..." I couldn't help sighing, "When I told you about my family last time, there was actually one thing I didn't tell you - I broke a 'bad luck jar', so I will always be in bad luck... "

...Maybe one day he will be killed by bad luck.

"Unlucky jar?!" Fifth Brother stood up with an exclamation, and asked, "Are you sure it's unlucky jar?"

"Yeah, what the fox fairy said."

As soon as he bit his lower lip, he clenched his fist with his right hand and smashed it hard into the heart of his left hand.His expression and actions clearly expressed how bad this matter was.

"You are low-tempered, you have less luck in the first place, and now you have this kind of spell..." Brother Wu scratched his head irritably, and then comforted me: "Don't panic, let me ask if there is any way to relieve it." This spell."

"Hmm." I nodded.

In fact, I don't have much hope anymore, because Hu Changhe even said that he couldn't solve it.However, I always felt that if I behaved more positively, I would not fail Fifth Brother's wishes.

After chatting with Brother Wu for a while, and watching TV together, they washed up and went to bed.


Early the next morning, Fifth Brother knocked on the door. I got up in a daze to open the door, and then he grabbed me.

While dragging me out, he said, "Go and wash your face, and take you to morning exercises!"

I washed up in a daze, then changed into sportswear and followed Fifth Brother out the door.

Fifth Brother was wearing a sports-style hurdle vest and knee-length shorts. Seeing that I was wearing a vest and long-sleeved clothes outside, he sighed softly, but didn't say anything.

It's the end of June now, although it's early in the morning and it's a bit cold outside, but I still wear these a little too much.But I really feel cold. If I dress like Fifth Brother, I will definitely catch a cold.

"Ah!" I couldn't help but sneezed when I was blown by the cold wind.

He sneaked a glance at Fifth Brother, fortunately, he held back and didn't sigh slightly.

"Jogging around the park, you have to keep breathing, three steps in one breath, three steps out one breath. It doesn't matter if you run slowly, you must keep breathing evenly, you know?" Fifth Brother said seriously.

"Yeah." I nodded to show that I remembered. The physical education teacher said these words, but I have never passed the physical education score, so I am very sorry for him.I hope that the new teacher, Brother Wu, can take me on the road of "enhancing the people's physique".

He slowed down and jogged beside me.I secretly counted the steps - one, two, three, suck!One, two, three, hoo!

One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three... Hey, what's the next step?

It's over, I'm out of breath!

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