Grass head fairy's breaking evil

Chapter 42 The Result of Fortune Telling

Did Hu Changhe tell us what happened to him? Brother Wu took a deep look at him and didn't ask any further questions.

Seeing that I was able to get out of bed and walk around, and Hu Changhe was back, Fifth Brother decided to go to that private house again at night to find out.

I said I was going too, but he glared at me and told me not to be brave and just stay at home.I knew he would definitely not take me there, so I gave up and stayed at home as he asked.

After all, I was worried that he would go alone. The person hiding in the dark could cast a spell on me under the eyes of Fifth Brother and Hu Changhe. He must be someone not to be underestimated.If Fifth Brother meets him, I don't know if it will be a disadvantage, after all, we are in the dark and that person is in the dark.

I sat on the sofa in the living room and waited anxiously, not daring to call him, for fear that he would be distracted and suffer losses, so I could only wait.

When it was almost one o'clock in the morning, Fifth Brother finally came back.I was relieved to see him safe and sound.

He said, tell me what happened tonight tomorrow, and let me go to bed first.I went back to my room and went to sleep.

At breakfast the next day, Fifth Brother talked about what happened the night before.

He said that when he left last time, he left a few small spells to track the caster in the dark.But when he went to see it last night, none of the spells were triggered, obviously that person never went back.He searched around, but found no suspicious traces.But he can confirm one thing, that is, the person who cast the spell on me has a very high cultivation level and is better than him.He suspected that it was a fairy family, because it was hard to imagine anyone in human beings with such powerful means.

When Fifth Brother said this, he looked at Hu Changhe several times.Obviously, he suspected that the shadow that Hu Changhe was chasing was that fairy family.

But if Hu Changhe doesn't say anything, it's just our guesswork.

Brother Wu said that this matter can only stop here, unless something strange happens there again.He told the person in charge of the demolition that there were no ghosts in the house, and it was most likely caused by an expert who didn't want to move or something.

This is the first time we have done something without a problem.

The most annoying thing is that I was injured for no reason, and I don't know who did it.


After a few days, I almost recovered, and Fifth Brother was finally willing to take me out.

I thought the store he took me to was asking us to look at things, but as soon as we got out of the car and walked into the alley, we found several people queuing up in front of that store, just like buying specials in a supermarket.

I looked at Fifth Brother puzzled, and thought to myself, what is the origin of this house, and there are still people queuing at the door.

Brother Wu didn't say anything, and pulled me straight to the door, but was stopped by a person in line, "Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you see everyone queuing up?"

Brother Wu glanced at him, then pulled me to go back, probably because he really had to queue up.

At this time, a man came out from the door and yelled at us: "Old Wu, where are you going?"

Fifth Brother turned around and smiled at him, saying, "Brother Qin!"

The man named Brother Qin nodded and said, "My grandma expects you to come, so come in!"

Fifth Brother then dragged me into the door, leaving the people queuing outside the door to stare helplessly.

The courtyard of this house is very large and magnificent, the ground is paved with large green bricks. Although the house is a one-story house, it looks like it has been newly built. From the front to the back of the house is a large lotus pond, in which there are various lotus flowers.

Brother Wu led me into the door, and what came into my eyes was a large living room. There was a big book case in the innermost part of the living room opposite the door. An old woman with white hair was sitting behind the book case and looked at it with a smile. us.

"Found it?" She looked at Fifth Brother and asked with a smile.

Fifth Brother glanced at me, then nodded and agreed, "Yes, I found it."

What did you find?I was baffled but didn't dare to open my mouth to ask indiscriminately.

The old grandma went on to say, "I know what you are here for." She looked at me and waved to me, "Come on, kid, come here!"

calls me?I glanced at Fifth Brother and saw him nodding, so I walked up to the old man.

"Give me your hand."

Seeing her say that, I stretched out my hand.She looked at my palm carefully, and after a while, she raised her head and smiled at me and said, "My child, go out and play for a while!"


First of all, I'm not a child anymore, okay?Secondly, is she telling my fortune?Shouldn't you tell me the result?

I looked back at my fifth brother, who said, "Xiao Kai, go out and wait for me for a while."

Alas, even he said so.

I had no choice but to walk out obediently. As soon as I left the door, I vaguely heard Fifth Brother eagerly asking "how is it?"Brother Qin was standing at the door, and I couldn't stay here to eavesdrop, so I had to walk a little farther away, and I didn't hear a word of the subsequent conversation.

Brother Wu, are you asking me to tell your fortune?But why not let me know?

I was a little bored, so I walked along the lotus pond to the back of the house.When I turned to the back of the room, the field of vision suddenly opened up, what a big lotus pond!There is even a rockery among them, and there is a small bridge connecting the rockery to the shore.This is really a big deal!

I walked along the small bridge, turned around the rockery, and couldn't help being amazed.This rockery is much bigger than the one where Zhang Xin lives in the park, and it's not made of cement, but real rocks.

After admiring the rockery, I sat down on a rock and watched the lotus and fish in the pond to pass the time.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a large shadow flashing across the water in the distance.I hurriedly looked over, only saw a little bit, and the black shadow disappeared.

What is that big?It looks like a small boat, but it is much wider than a small boat, and it seems to be round...

I was stretching my neck to look at the place where the black shadow disappeared, when I heard someone shout: "Xiao Kai!"

Looking back, it was Brother Wu who came to find him.I walked back to the shore along the small bridge and asked him what was going on.

He smiled slightly and said it was all right, he just chatted with Grandma Qin for a while.

I didn't believe it, Grandma Qin took my hand and looked at it carefully, it must be a fortune teller, so I asked Brother Wu what was going on.

Fifth Brother said: "It's really nothing, just let her see if your luck will improve. In addition, the Xian'er she leads is an acquaintance with Second Master Mang, so I came to see her."

I always felt that Fifth Brother's smile was a little unnatural, but I didn't point it out, and asked following his words: "Then will I still be unlucky?"

Alas, I know the answer without asking, because the spell is not broken.

Brother Wu smiled and said, "It will get better!"

I nodded and followed him back.

On the way back, I told him that I saw a huge shadow in the lotus pond, and I didn't know what it was.

Fifth Brother said, "Oh, that should be Mr. Yuan, that is, Grandma Qin's fairy family."

I really wanted to ask what Mr. Na Yuan's real body was, but I held back because they don't want outsiders to know too much in their profession, so it's dishonorable to ask casually.

After returning home, when I was alone, I asked Hu Changhe if he knew what Mr. Na Yuan was. Hu Changhe thought for a while and said, "It should be Yuan."

I nodded, thinking it should be, after all, its own surname is Yuan.It seems that Grandma Qin built the big lotus pond for Mr. Yuan to live in.

Turtle is a kind of tortoise, which is regarded as an auspicious thing, and there has been a saying of tortoise divination since ancient times. I guess the reason why Grandma Qin can tell fortunes is because of Mr. Yuan.

There are so many people waiting in line in front of her house, it must be because of her accurate calculations.Besides, her master and Mang Erye are friends of eight worshippers, so their cultivation level must be very high, so it is not a problem to calculate it as accurate.

But what did she figure out for me?Fifth Brother was half-hidden when he spoke, obviously not wanting to tell me.

It seems that I have to find a chance to ask myself.


On this day, Wu Ge went to the pharmacy in Donghua District to deal with some matters.I calculated that he would definitely not come back before noon, and after watching him drive away from the window sill, I hurriedly packed up and went downstairs.

I took a taxi directly to Grandma Qin's house.There was still a queue at her door.I walked over and was at the end of the line.

After a while, the door opened, Brother Qin came out, he came to me directly, and said: "Go in, you will come when you come."

I followed him to the same living room where Grandma Qin was sitting behind the desk, looking at me and smiling.I stepped forward and said, "Grandma Qin, I'm here to tell a fortune."

Grandma Qin said: "I already counted it last time, so I can't repeat it."

I put it another way: "Fifth brother said that last time I counted luck, this time I want to count life."

Grandma Qin sighed softly, "The last time I counted was the number of lives."

I wasn't too surprised because I had already thought of this.I don't need to count my luck, my fifth brother brought me here must count my life, because I almost died last time.

"Then, tell me the result!"

Grandma Qin shook her head and said, "I promised Wei Xiaowu, so I can't say anything."

I was in a hurry, "Grandma Qin, I have the right to know this is my business, or else I'll take it as Fifth Brother's responsibility last time, and this time it's up to me!"

Grandma Qin was obviously in a bit of a dilemma. Finally, she let out an "ah", and then put her right index finger into the tea bowl on the table.

Seeing her writing on the table with her wet index finger, I quickly took a step closer and looked at it carefully.Words written with water dry so quickly that the first one disappears before the second is written.However, she wrote a total of nine words, and I wrote down every word.

[In the year of Guisi, before winter, life is exhausted. 】

The year of Guisi is next year, and before winter comes, it is before November. ...Heh, it's September now, and I can live for at most a year...

I forgot how I left Qin's house, and walked on the street for a long time in a daze, until I heard a voice in my ear before I came back to my senses.

"Scared?" Hu Changhe asked me lightly.

Tears began to swirl in my eye sockets, I sucked my nose and tried hard not to let the tears fall, and replied stiffly: "Who is afraid?"

Isn't it just death?Didn't it say that there is an afterlife?Then I'm afraid of a ball!

I'm not afraid...I'm obviously not afraid...but why are tears falling?

What a fucking loser!

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