In mid-March, Fifth Brother drove me to Liuhe River to show people what happened.

The person looking for us was named Du, who was over 40 years old. After receiving us, he led us to his home.

Not far to the south of the residential building where Du's family lives is another building, and his family still lives on the first floor, and the light is not enough and it is still on the bottom floor. You can imagine how damp his house is.

The light in the room was dim, and there were many gray and black mold spots on the wall near the corridor.To be honest, such a room is the easiest to attract things.

The problem is that the son of the Du family, Du Xing, is going to take the college entrance examination in a few months. His grades were at the top of the class, but after several mock exams, his grades are getting lower every time. Once he was already below the undergraduate level, and his father slapped him anxiously, and he cried and said why he failed the exam.

The Du family used to live in the countryside. After their son was admitted to a key high school, the Du family and his wife worked desperately to make money, just to pay for their son to go to college.Du Xing had always lived on campus. When he was in the third year of high school, he told his parents that there were students in the dormitory who didn’t like to study. .After the couple discussed it, they felt that the child could not continue to live in school. After all, the third year of high school was the most important year.The couple has been working in the county, and their children also go to school here. The couple thought it would be better to take this opportunity to move to the county.They sold the house and land in their hometown, plus their savings, bought a cheaper house in the county, and the rest was enough for their children to go to college.So, they inquired a few times and bought the present house.

This house is a small apartment with one bedroom and one living room, less than fifty square meters.The bedroom is naturally for the son to study and live in, while the couple live in the living room.At first, the whole family was very happy. It is not far from the school. Not only does the child not have to live in a dormitory, but he can also eat home-cooked meals. After lunch, he can take a nap before going to school. Not in vain.

But later, when the child asked why he couldn't study with peace of mind recently, the couple felt that they hadn't thought much about buying the house, so they didn't inquire further.

Du Xing said that one night not long after he moved in, he was already asleep, but suddenly he heard someone whispering in his ear: "Hee hee, a new one has been moved in!" He wanted to open his eyes to see who was there. Talk, but can't move.

He was struggling hard, when suddenly, a hand touched his body. The strange thing was that he was clearly wearing a vest, but that hand seemed to touch the skin directly, and it was cold.He couldn't help shivering, wanting to struggle to sit up even more.

"Lie down obediently, let me take a good look!" The person who spoke just now suddenly said another word, and Du Xing found that his body became stiffer in an instant.

"Well, you look average, but you're still tender, it's just you." The man muttered, and Du Xing felt a heavy weight suddenly pressing on his body, making his breathing slow and unsmooth. .

Then, Du Xing had a dream. In the dream, he was played by a man in various ways. The scene was unbearable.

After waking up the next day, he found that he had no discomfort other than body aches, and thought he was just having a nightmare.As for being unable to move in the middle of the night, he knew it was a "ghost press", but "ghost press" had a scientific explanation, so Du Xing didn't care too much.

But for the next few days, he had that dream almost every night.Moreover, the man whose face could not be seen clearly in the dream would still talk to him, such as "Little baby, I'm coming!" "Little baby, I'm leaving!" "Little baby, do you miss me?" "Little baby , I'll come see you tomorrow!"

Because of poor sleep quality, Du Xing couldn't concentrate at all during class during the day, and this dirty thing that he couldn't tell others was always stuck in his throat, which made him even more restless.If his father hadn't beaten and scolded him because of his grades, he wouldn't have cried out because he was too wronged.

After listening to their son's narration, the Du family and his wife knew that their son was being entangled by something, so they temporarily let their son live in the dormitory, and at the same time they began to look around for someone to watch.After a few country witches introduced by relatives came to see him, they all said that the ghost was too powerful, and they had no choice but to agree to his terms.And since their son left, the couple have always dreamed at night, and even saw a figure standing at the door of the living room, saying to them coldly: "If you don't return the baby to me, I will want this old one!" The couple did not dare to live at home, so they rented out temporarily.

After inquiring about Fifth Brother, they thought about asking Fifth Brother to give it a try.

After listening to the whole incident, the fifth brother said that the two of us will stay to deal with this matter at night. It is better for their family to continue hiding outside and come back after the matter is finished.

After the people from the Du family left, Fifth Brother and I thought about it carefully. No matter how you look at it, this is a homosexual ghost, and more than one person was hurt by him. I'm afraid the family who moved out before Men have been harassed by it repeatedly.

Du Xing was still a child, and it was the most critical moment in his life, but he was really unlucky to meet such a wicked ghost.Whatever we say this time, we must get rid of that evil spirit, otherwise anyone who moves here in the future will suffer from this bad luck.

Seeing that it was getting late, I went into the kitchen and tried to get something to eat, but their kitchen was so deserted that there was nothing to eat.It can be seen from this that they have been hiding outside for many days.

My fifth brother and I finally decided to go out to eat.After eating something casually, we came back and hurriedly prepared.

This time, someone needs to come forward as the bait. Compared with Fifth Brother, I am obviously more suitable, because the evil spirit likes younger ones, and Fifth Brother wants to hide in the dark to deal with him.

I wasn't so nervous when I caught the water ghost, but when I thought that the old rascal might do something to me, I felt all kinds of uncomfortable.Brother Wu patted me on the shoulder and comforted me: "Don't worry, I won't let him succeed!"

I nodded, and then followed Fifth Brother's instructions to persuade Hu Changhe to leave for a while, otherwise the evil spirit would not be able to approach me.Hu Changhe hesitated for a moment, then said: "Then be careful, I'm on the roof, call me if you need anything!"

After Hu Changhe left, I touched the jade pendant on my chest, and said to myself, I still have this thing, don't be afraid of the evil spirit, and the fifth brother is also hiding in the dark, so I'm sure I'll be fine.

After I was ready, I lay down on the bed with all my clothes on, and pulled a thin quilt to cover my body.

The bottom of the bed is a bed box that cannot hide people, so Fifth Brother hid in the gap between the bed and the wall. Because there is a bedside table there, the gap left can just accommodate one person.Just hiding is not enough. In order not to let the evil spirit find out, Fifth Brother also pasted talisman papers on his forehead and shoulders to completely hide his anger.

After everything is ready, just wait for the evil spirit to come to the door!

In order not to let ourselves fall asleep, we deliberately bought several packs of instant coffee and drank it with water after dinner.It was already midnight at this time, if I hadn't drank coffee, I'm afraid I would have fallen asleep under the warm blanket.And Fifth Brother stayed in the gap and only put a mattress on the floor, and he didn't know if it was cold or not after waiting for so long.

When I was thinking wildly, my facial skin suddenly felt the rapid drop in room temperature, and I thought to myself: Here we come!

I closed my eyes tightly, didn't dare to breathe, my heart was pounding, my body tensed up with tension, and I focused on feeling the changes around me.

A cool wind blew, and then a voice sounded softly: "Hey, are you back?"

According to the direction from which the sound came, the evil spirit was standing by the bed at this moment, and I even felt that he was looking at me.

"Yo, change?" This time, the voice was closer to me, it seemed to hang above my face, I'm afraid I could see a grimace when I opened my eyes.

"Well, this one is good!" The evil ghost smiled lightly, "Hee hee, this one looks good, it's also white and tender, this one is good, this one is good!"


You are so white and tender!Tofu brain?Your uncle!

"Little baby, let me touch it!"

I suddenly became nervous, and said in my heart, calm down, I must complete the task well!

When a coolness gradually approached my face, the ghost suddenly let out a "hiss" sound, as if it had been scalded or stung by something, and then I heard him scold: "Fuck, so I brought an amulet, Damn, I didn't even let me touch it!"

Seeing that the ghost was hit by my amulet jade pendant as we expected, I immediately sat up and hit him with the paper talisman I had been holding in my hand.

The evil ghost was caught off guard by me, and just cursed, "So you're pretending to be asleep", when Brother Wu jumped out of the bed and slashed at him with the Dragon Cone.It's a pity that the evil ghost reacted quickly and let him escape.He retreated to the door and said with a sneer: "It turns out there are two people, and they seem to have some tricks. They are trying to deal with me!"

Only then did I see the ghost's appearance clearly. He was less than [-] years old, and his clothes were very old-fashioned. He had a crew-shaved head and a good-looking appearance. His eyes were smiling and looking at us with evil intentions.

From his clothes alone, it can be seen that this ghost has been dead for at least several decades, and he is as masculine as we have heard.

At this time, Fifth Brother was already standing beside me, and he yelled at the evil ghost: "You pester the living, which goes against the distinction between yin and yang, give you a chance to reincarnate yourself, or I will beat you to pieces!"

"Yo Yo Yo, it's so fierce!" The evil ghost grinned, with a look of complete indifference, "Let me ask you first, what is the relationship between you two?"

Originally, we didn't need to answer his question, but in line with the idea that we can resolve it peacefully and not go to war, I said truthfully: "He is my boss."

The evil ghost glanced at me, looked at Fifth Brother again, and said, "Since it's not a relationship, then I'll spare your life, get out! Of course, leave the little one to me!"

"You're fucking looking for death!" Fifth Brother was so angry that he swears, and rushed forward with a single stride, not to mention a knife in the head of the evil spirit.

The evil ghost backed away quickly with a smile on his face. After dodging the knife, he said "It's amazing, I won't play with you anymore" and went straight to the window on the north side of the living room, and then disappeared.


Seeing this scene, my fifth brother and I immediately opened the window and jumped out.

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