Bai Yuanji

Chapter 4

Ah Ran was not used to being held in You Yan's arms. He twisted left and right, trying to change to a more comfortable position.

You Yan was itchy and hot from being rubbed by the little dinosaur, and the two fruits on his naked upper body were red and bright.

"Little baby, don't move." You Yan warned the restless male in his arms with a hoarse voice.

The human-shaped Tyrannosaurus rex was no more deterrent to Aran than before, and Aran made a humming sound from his nostrils.

"Don't call me baby, I'm an adult!"

A Ran's uncooperative look made You Yan feel really cute.

He turned the little dinosaur over to check the wound, and the wound had scabbed over. The self-healing ability of dinosaurs has always been good.

It's just that in the process of walking, it is inevitable to encounter wounds. You Yan glanced around, trying to find something to wrap the little dinosaur.

goo goo-

Aran covered his belly with his paws mournfully, he was so hungry, he wondered if Mumu could still find him.

Only then did You Yan remember how long his little Xiongzi hadn't eaten.As a tyrannosaurus rex without a partner, he may be very talented in fighting, but he really has no experience in taking care of male children.

"What does the baby like to eat?" You Yan recalled what the herbivorous dinosaurs he met ate, but it seemed that they all entered his stomach before eating.

Ah Ran was very aggrieved, he didn't want to turn into a human form, so naturally he couldn't say what he ate.

on purpose!This tyrannosaur must have done it on purpose! !Aran turned his head away from the man's hateful face, even if he starved to death, he should not bow to the Tyrannosaurus rex!Yulong is also dignified.

You Yan had no choice, he rubbed the little dinosaur's head reassuringly, and walked towards the dense grassy terrain in the southwest.

Fortunately, they found a water source after walking for a few minutes.

The grass growing where there is water is generally fresh and plump, so a large number of small herbivorous dinosaurs and other animals will live here.

After the human form, You Yan restrained most of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's breath, so it did not cause a riot by the water source.

The green grass, clear lake water, dinosaurs drinking water with their heads down, and insects flying freely constitute a vibrant, harmonious and beautiful picture.

Looking at the plump fresh grass, Ah Ran had long forgotten his previous vows. He jumped up and down and wanted to go down, but was hugged vigorously by You Yan, so he could only stare at the fresh grass.

"Little baby, which one do you like, I'll help you pick it." You Yan let go of the little male with worry, in case he ran away, the speed of his little male is quite fast, and most of the females in this area are single. .

The tender grass is really tempting, and his stomach is still growling, Aran swallows his saliva carefully, and sweeps a grass with wide leaves and thick mesophyll with his tail, hey, that's it.


Aran points to the grass he likes with his tail, and Youyan happily picks it, and Aran eats it happily.

That's great, Youyan thought, it's the best way to develop a relationship with the little dinosaur.

That's great, Aran thought, it would be the best if he could command the Tyrannosaurus rex or something.

This is by far the most harmonious scene between Aran and Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Hiccup~~ Ah Ran hiccupped. He touched his round stomach and felt that he should not eat any more, but seeing the tender grass beckoning to him on the grass, Ah Ran couldn't let go of his heart.

You Yan quietly felt the little dinosaur's belly with his hands, and he also felt that the little dinosaur could not eat any more, and any more eating would open up the wound.

"Hey, don't eat it, I'll take it off and keep it for you." You Yan comforted the sad little dinosaur.

Ah Ran looked back at the man with bright eyes, really?

Seeing that from those eyes, You Yan suddenly felt full of fighting spirit.

"Of course, go to sleep first."

Aran flicked his tail in satisfaction, just as he was also sleepy, he hugged the man's thick left arm with his front paw, and nestled in the man's arms.

Isn't it so annoying, Aran smacked his lips thinking, then buried his head in the man's arms and fell asleep.

When Ah Ran fell into a deep sleep, You Yan stood up.

His sharp eyes scanned all kinds of dinosaurs near the water source, and finally locked on a herbivorous dinosaur with a body length of about five meters, a long neck and a long tail.

Youyan approached slowly, then jumped up suddenly, and the thick tail behind him slammed into the dinosaur's long neck. With the sound of the cervical spine snapping, the long-necked dinosaur fell limply to the ground, making a big hole.

This is the talent skill of Tyrannosaurus rex, partial mimicry, which can temporarily change a part of the body into a dragon shape when it is in human form.

You Yan skinned the long-necked dinosaur neatly. He felt the skin in his hand, well, it was soft and firm enough, without much blood or damage.

As for the corpse, You Yan looked at the group of small carnivorous dinosaurs eager to try, and took it as a celebration for finding a partner.

After cleaning the skin, Youyan squeezed out a juicy grass juice to cover the dinosaur skin, and picked some cotton-like grass that the dinosaur made a nest, and stuffed it into the dinosaur skin.

Looking around, seeing that there was nothing wrong, You Yan gently put the little dinosaur in.

Just the right size to move around without being too big.

Ah Ran was trapped in the cotton, soft. He turned over with his paws facing the sky, revealing his white and tender belly. His tail moved with his breathing, and the blue tail feathers were extremely beautiful.

You Yan was about to overflow with joy, he added some cotton to cover the belly of the little dinosaur, picked a bundle of fresh grass and hung it on the tail of the dinosaur skin.

Then it changed from a rock to a Tyrannosaurus Rex, grabbing the neck and tail of the dinosaur skin with its front paws, and drove towards his group with its front paws, rolling up dust and dead leaves along the way.

Aran rested his head on the side, watching the surrounding scenery flow into colorful lines.

He thought of his own ethnic group, and there was a trace of sadness in his heart. No matter how indifferent to the world, Aran also understood that he would never go back to the past, and what was waiting for him was a brand new world full of adventures.

It's just that this sadness was quickly diluted, because Aran heard Mumu's voice.

"Aran, Aran..."

Aran turned his head and looked around but didn't see Mumu, Mumu is really too small.

"Here I am, on the back of a Tyrannosaurus rex."

Aran straightened up, with his front paws on Youyan's shoulders, and he saw a little green-skinned lizard.

"Mumu, it's good that you're here." A Ran blinked her big eyes, looking extremely happy.

"Yeah, Aran, I won't abandon you." Mu Mu quietly crawled forward a few steps, and jumped into Aran's claws.

You Yan turned his head to look at the little dinosaur and the ugly lizard in his claws.

Aran quickly protected Mumu in his arms, staring at You Yan expectantly, "I want to be with Mumu."

The little dinosaur's voice was soft and pleasant, and You Yan finally just gave the ugly lizard a threatening look, let out a heavy muffled grunt through his nostrils, turned his head and continued on his way.

Just this ugly lizard, he doesn't have the ability to compete with himself for a small dinosaur! ! !

The author has something to say: don’t be obsessed with the author’s logic level~~~~~ hehe

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