Huang Lizhen's original life was very leisurely, a typical single nobleman, although the life is a bit lonely, but he is also leisurely, who knows that such a female doll suddenly appeared, he signed a marriage contract with her completely in a daze, And took them home.

After returning home for a while, Huang Li really didn't realize that there was an extra panting object in his home. He didn't come back to his senses until the blood servant came up to ask if he needed to prepare a separate room for the child. He looked down and found that The girl's mouth deflated and she cried.

Regardless of whether the child's crying is loud or not, Huang Lizhen didn't think about whether he hated the child crying at this moment. The first reaction was, what should I do? !

After all, he has never taken care of a child, and even a pure-blood will be in a hurry. The blood servant in Huang Lizhen's family looked at the master's rare appearance, held back his smile very kindly, and reminded softly: "Master, it may be... …hungry……"

Oh, by the way, this doll doesn't seem to have eaten anything until now, well, seeing how pitiful she was crying, Huang Li really lowered her head, aimed at the child's lips, and slowly let go of her energy.

As expected, the child was hungry and impatient, and stopped crying as soon as he had delicious energy, and smiled when he was full, with tears still hanging on his face, and the little hands started to pat first, the laughter was clear, and Huang Li was really in a good mood After getting better, he stretched out his hand to tease him: "You are really... a magical object..."

object?The blood servant was smart and didn't make a sound, but retreated obediently and quietly. Well, his master has never given birth, and children are indeed a bit... like a novel... object?

This new "little thing" got the sympathy of Huang Lizhen after entertaining himself for a while. After playing for a while, he was tired. Huang Lizhen chuckled. Even pure blood is very fragile when he is a baby. Yes, compared to human children, they are just a little healthier. He carried the child to the bathroom and signaled the blood servants to leave them alone.

It was only at this time that I really discovered the wonder of the child. At the beginning, Huangli really looked at Biao Muliang with the attitude of watching a good show, thinking, isn't he just a little guy, watching Biao Muliang hug him all day long, I like it Huang Li really wanted to laugh at him because of his appearance, and fell into the hands of a little thing with his iceberg face for thousands of years?It's Huangli's turn to really understand the taste, okay, don't care if the child is married to him or not, he can't bear the child's weak, pitiful and cute appearance.

Huang Li really took a few minutes to think about it seriously, and felt that it was the first time he was sleeping on the same bed with a child, and he was a little bit worried that he would accidentally crush her when he turned over, so he still called the blood Servant, take the child to another room—the blood servants have already prepared it.

Taking care of children is really hard work. I don't feel much when I take care of them. I only feel tired when I rest. It's really rare. Pure blood can feel tired?Huang Lizhen smiled, and suddenly felt that she really shouldn't have laughed at Biao Muliang before, and it was really not easy to pull a child up.

Not long after I closed my eyes, Huang Lizhen was awakened by the blood servant. Generally speaking, the blood servant would not disturb the master when he was sleeping, especially the blood servant in the pure blood family, who was very sensible, so Huang Lizhen woke up The first reaction was not too angry, but just asked: "What's wrong?"

The blood servant knelt on the ground, lowered his head and respectfully said: "It's a bigger person, she's awake, she can't be coaxed well, she probably misses her master."

Huang Lizhen chuckled, what she said was really ambiguous, she just got engaged...well, of course the blood servant would pick up the nice words, got up and said, "Got it." He went to Bai Lugeng's room.

Maybe it's because the room is well soundproofed, or maybe it's just because I can feel Huang Lizhen's breath, and I haven't heard any obvious movement outside the door. He coughed twice and looked very pitiful.

It's strange to say, maybe it's what the blood servant said, he wanted to see someone, and the moment Bailu was picked up by Huang Lizhen, the crying stopped, and there were tears on his face. Holding the pineapple real nightgown tightly in her little hand, she was babbling without knowing what to say.

So soft-hearted, Huang Lizhen caressed her little face, wiped away the teardrops on her face, and tapped her little nose: "They really hit the mark, really missing someone?"

I don't know if "Little Object" understood, but she just laughed so happily, the hand holding Huang Lizhen's nightgown did not relax at all, and the other small hand waved slightly, as if she was about to grab What, Huang Li was really interesting to see, so she stretched out a finger for her to grab, and touched her big and small hands, Huang Li really subconsciously held this small soft hand in her hand, squeezed, um, so soft Small.

The egret was pinched even more itchy, and her little feet couldn't help kicking left and right in the small quilt. Naturally, Huang Lizhen would not turn this instability into danger. She held the little doll firmly, and used her own small hands to touch her. With a poke on the face: "Be careful not to fall."

Egret probably didn't understand what he said. Maybe he thought it was fun to poke himself, so he laughed even more happily, and clumsily touched—or patted—his face with his small hands. Soft fingers poked on the same soft little face, leaving a few red marks.

Huangli was really distressed. Children don't know how serious it is. It's dangerous to play by themselves. She held her little hand again, shook it, kissed her again, and hugged her back to her room: "Good boy."

Pineapple real rooms are no better than guest rooms. Sometimes other people live in guest rooms, so to a certain extent, the air inside is not particularly pure. Pineapple real rooms are different. It is full of real pineapple taste and smell. Pineapple is really for children, it is undoubtedly the most reassuring place to enter such a place. The child is really tired this time, and fell asleep soon.

In this way, it is really impossible for Huangli to send people back, so she put the child lightly on the side of the pillow, lay down gently, and watched the little soft child for a while before closing her eyes and falling asleep .

The next day, the instigator of such consequences, Biao Muliang, came to visit, and he also brought his wife Iris Isaya along with him. When the child appeared, he took a look at it. His posture was too much higher than the previous standard. Biao Muliang nodded and smiled with satisfaction: "Really, you are very talented."

Huang Lizhen's face turned dark in an instant, but she was still holding a little doll in her arms, so she couldn't have any emotional ups and downs. This child is precious, and she is afraid of being scared, but her eyes can still be sharper, and she glanced at Biao Muliang: "Yes , I’m not as experienced as you, please give me some pointers on what you don’t understand in the future.” The last four words are particularly flavorful.

Biao Muliang doesn't like this kind of trick, whoever makes friends laugh at him when they have nothing to do, Biao Muliang is not a generous person, he picked up his teacup and took a sip without changing his face: "This is natural."

Human tea seems to taste a lot better. It seems that you can try it in moderation in the future. Forget about food, the progress is too slow, and the improvement of drinks is really not small.Biao Muliang commented in his heart.

It's not that Huangli didn't notice the curious and longing gaze beside her, she tilted her head slightly and smiled, stepped forward and put the egret, who was not shy at all, into Irisa Yisuya's arms, and gave some pointers: "Be careful with her head...yes, just hold it up..."

Iris Yisa is also very attentive, once taught, she will exchange a glance with the little girl in her arms, it is also the first time Bai Lu has seen Isa Isa, but not being afraid of life is an advantage, she tilts her head and sucks herself He opened his eyes wide and looked at the person he had met for the first time. He fanned his nose and smelled it hard. He seemed to think the taste was good. He took his wet little hand out of his mouth and grabbed it several times. After working hard, he grabbed Iris Isaya by the collar.

It's the first time I have such close contact with a child, everything feels very novel, and I don't care if the child's saliva is also on my body, reaching out to touch her little face, it's amazing, growing up slowly from such a small age .

Iris Isa also carefully played with the fearless egret for a while. After playing enough, the latter tried to turn his head around and searched around. Relying on his strong sense of smell, he found the real direction of the pineapple, and babbled towards it. Hug in that direction.Huang Lizhen hugged her as Bailu Geng wanted, and she fell asleep comfortably leaning on Huang Lizhen after a while.

Huang Lizhen chuckled: "Children are a little heartless. Patriarch Bailu came before you came, but this child is the same as Yisha. He doesn't kiss his parents very much. At that time, I didn't understand. Now, I understand a little bit." Huang Lizhen caressed the child's little arm, making her sleep more comfortably, "It's the feeling of only wanting to rely on this person, which no one can match."

That's right, vampires are all sensory beings, and sensibility sometimes dominates instinct. No one can deceive their inner choices, especially themselves. Even if they are just a child, they will instinctively choose the person they expect.

This is Bai Lugeng's choice. Not long after he was born, he has already made his own choice, just like Isaya Iris back then.

This visit has nothing special for Biao Muliang, but he is very happy that his friend is no longer so simple and world-weary, and it seems that this little girl has made the right choice this time, and I hope that when she grows up, Still make the same choice.After returning home, he looked at the person next to him who didn't know what he was thinking, and Biao Muliang suddenly reached out and pinched his face.

Originally, I was still thinking about the soft and sweet appearance of a child, but suddenly I was pinched on the cheek, and Iris Isa was also stunned for a moment, looking blankly at Biao Muliang, in exchange for Biao Muliang's slap Pinching, this time he came back to his senses, covered his pinched red face and looked at Biao Muliang: "Cool?"

Well, no matter how many times I watch it, I still think this kid is a little heartless!Biao Muliang didn't feel that his hands were heavy at all, regardless of the other party covering his face, he continued to knead, his face was pinched and rosy, and Iris Isa finally couldn't help it, reached out to stop the other party's atrocities, and tried to transfer He focused on ravaging [ravaging] his own face: "Ling, children are really cute."

"Hmm." Biao Muliang was not affected by anything, and continued to pinch Iris Isaya's face, but lost his mind a little, child?This species of vampire is sometimes quite convenient, especially in terms of breeding offspring. Although the conception rate is extremely low, vampires above the LVC level can indeed give birth to men.

This little heartless person brought up such a topic now... Biao Muliang picked him up and went back to the bedroom, put him on the bed, lowered his head and gently bit his collarbone.

"Cool? Ah..." There was no intention of resisting, but the incident happened a little suddenly, and Iris Isa also asked in a low voice, but soon surrendered to the skillful skill of Shiao Muliang.

Takagi Ryo imprinted a series of beautiful marks on Irisa Isaya's body, and his voice was low and vague: "The child is so cute, how about you give birth to one yourself?"

The time of vampires has just begun...


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