A chubby, white and tender milk doll is sitting cross-legged by the clear stream. There are two shelves built around the milk doll with tree branches. There are shorts and a shirt on them, and they are drying...

At this moment, the milk baby is holding the wooden stick upside down with both hands with great effort, and roasting a small fish stuck on it on the fire.

The air is filled with the smell of roasted fish. Although there are no ingredients sprinkled on it for seasoning, the taste is still very delicious after all the live fish was caught for testing.

Putting the cooked fish to his mouth, he blew on his bulging cheeks several times. Although the surface was burnt and blackened, Duan Ruixiu's already hungry stomach kept growling, so he couldn't control it. If there are too many, bite the most.

"Well, it's hot." He hissed and sucked in the cold air, but he couldn't bear to spit out the fish he bit into his mouth, and swallowed it casually like a jujube.

After eating a fish and touching his full belly, Duan Ruixiu threw away the wooden stick in his hand, leaned back, and spread it out in large characters.

I want to sleep when I'm full. This kind of baby's body is really hard to use.

Although the magic power in the body is still there, it is really annoying that it can't be used. The big eyes blinked and looked at the clouds floating in the sky, slowly, slowly...

"Huh?" Blinking vigorously, Duan Ruixiu made a puzzled sound as he stared at the "human" creature flying through the air.

"What?" Little Nai's voice was confused, and her round eyes widened even further, staring intently at the growing black shadow.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah~~!" The "human" creature was getting closer and closer, and Duan Ruixiu could see what it was, and even crawled up from the ground, not caring about his clothes. Take it, and run wildly.

What the hell is that, what kind of world he was kicked into, and why there are so many strange creatures.

The creature that is getting closer has a pair of black wings, a pointed mouth, and a pair of small red eyes with bloodthirsty light after seeing food. Although it looks like a crow, it is a hundred times bigger than a crow, just like a bird. Like a mountain, with a bang, two paws stepped on the road ahead of Duan Ruixiu's escape.

"Wuuu, father, Xiuxiu knows he's wrong, so he won't bother you and your mother's married life anymore, you can call Xiuxiu back!" The baby ran and cried, he couldn't use any magic now , if caught by this tentatively called giant crow creature, I'm afraid it's not enough for it to stuff its teeth! !

Although this kind of weak crying is not in line with his personality, for Duan Ruixiu, being able to bend and stretch is the real skill, and committing crimes against the wind is just for him to adjust his boring life.

The problem is, now he doesn't feel bored at all, it's too bad to be chased by a big monster or something!

The two fleshy short legs were not fast enough to run fast, and they stumbled and fell on the ground several times, but Duan Ruixiu knew that if he did not run desperately into the woods to find a hiding place, he might really have to die today. Explain here.

"Is there anyone!! Help!!! help!!!" While running and calling for help, the sweat on his forehead had already started to slide down his cheeks.

Getting closer and closer to the woods, but because of lack of energy, Duan Ruixiu tripped and fell to the ground. Duan Ruixiu rolled twice on the ground, and hit his back on the trunk of a tree.

"Hmm! Cough!" A mouthful of blood spewed out, the things in front of him became more and more blurred, and Duan Ruixiu passed out.

"Brother, look here is a child." A muscular man ran up from a distance, holding a nine-ringed silver sword in his hand. He slashed at the giant crow that swooped down.

"Gawa, gawa~!" Two screams came from the mouth of the giant crow, and then it fell to the ground with a death cry, and its body disappeared after a flash of golden light, leaving only a gray crystal in mid-air It fell to the ground with a soft bang.

"Wow, there are actually crystal nuclei. I earned it." The muscular man happily picked up the crystal nuclei on the ground and put them in the small bag hanging on his waist, and then looked at the unconscious milk baby.

At this moment, the milk baby is frowning and sleeping very restlessly, and the corners of his mouth are still stained with bright red blood, taking advantage of his white and tender face to be extremely dazzling.

"Sara!" A voice came from not far away, and another man also ran over, but he was obviously not the same size as the muscular man just now, and was much thinner.

"Brother, come and take a look at this little one." Sara squatted beside Duan Ruixiu, not daring to reach out to touch him, after all, the milk doll in front of her just vomited blood, if she suffered internal injuries, it would be better for her brother to look at it.

Sam reached out and touched Duan Ruixiu's body, probably to see if there was any bone injury, then found a bottle of medicine from the small bag he carried and poured it into his mouth.

"How could there be such a small child in the foggy forest? If we hadn't met us, I'm afraid we would have been buried in the mouths of these monsters." Sam looked around, but found nothing unusual—in fact, he was just looking for something. No other casualties required assistance.

"I guess it has been eaten as food..." Sara sighed, pointing to the scorched black land not far away.

That's what's going on in his head.

It is estimated that a traveler from afar strayed into the misty forest and encountered migrating earthworms (those insects like earthworms with sharp teeth on the head and tail that were burned to death yesterday by Xiuxiu). After a fierce fight, the earthworms were killed Annihilation, but the black crow just now devoured the traveler, leaving only this milk baby to escape...

So, brain supplementation is really awesome!

"Let's get out of here first. Black crows are monsters that live in groups. If we encounter a large number of black crows, the two of us can't deal with it." Sam looked up at the sky, and there was already a dark "cloud" in the distance. Move, but they all knew in their hearts that it was not a "black cloud" at all, but a large army of black crows.

So Duan Ruixiu was actually lucky, at least the black crow he met was just a vanguard for exploring the way...

If he really encountered a large group, no matter how fast his two short legs ran, he would not escape bad luck.

It is inconvenient for Sarah to hold the baby with a big knife in his hand, and he also needs to make a way back. Although there are no high-level monsters along the way, there are still many low-level monsters to harass them.

Sam held Duan Ruixiu in both hands, and walked back with Sara, thinking in his heart that he would check the child thoroughly when he got home. There were no injuries during the initial inspection, but internal injuries should be checked later.

Duan Ruixiu felt his body shaking, he just opened his eyes a little, knowing that he was being hugged and moving, and immediately fell asleep again.

The milk doll's body is really weak!

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