no worldly appeal

Chapter 3 Similar Appears

Seeing Jianren Qihai walking away with a serious aura, the imperial son Chai Shiqin who was overwhelmed by his aura was quietly relieved.

He sat down on the ground again, and together with Kai Teng Shun, who had regained his strength, waited for the arrival of the next generous donor.

Kusano Huali, on the other hand, rested her chin and looked into the distance, her drooping hair was gently blown by the wind, revealing those silver and red pupils that were obviously different from ordinary people.

She was still thinking about the blunt knife hidden in the arms of the man who had just left.

Even if it was wrapped in thick speckled cloth and hidden in a serious suit jacket, the blood-stained evil spirit and the rich black that lingered outside could not be concealed.

That kind of magic power shows that the person who uses this magic tool is obviously experienced in many battles and is an expert in exorcising curse spirits. It also shows another interesting thing——

Kusano Huali stretched out her hand, and a trace of slender mana that sneaked out of the knife smoothly slid all the way down from the invisible air, and jumped happily into her palm.

A pinch of magic power spilled from the use of spells by conjurers, also known as filth.

An explanation for this small amount of magic power popped up in her mind, and it seemed that because of being suppressed for a long time, this group of people who hated going to work and overtime had a little hazy consciousness. What was conveyed to her was that she was too tired and really didn't want to do it anymore. What's wrong with lying down? Labor is a dog? Shit and other simple social animal views.

Kusano? Salted fish? Huali's eyes lit up: That's really good!Is this what it feels like to meet a spiritual friend?

She carefully held the mantra that had been paralyzed in her palm, motionless, as if breathing free air, and felt that even though she hadn't talked to the person just now, she had already grown a good impression of him and fell in love with him at the first sight.

After all, in this noisy and bustling world, it is not easy to find a job that is also involuntary, but only wants to deal with casual people!

What's more, the concentration of hatred and disgust for work and overtime in this filth of magic power has reached a certain level, which is enough to compare with the compacted magic power around her, let alone the wet tissue that was specially handed to her just now .

Is this the sincerity that the Wing of Darkness said?

Casually wiped the wet tissue on his face twice before throwing it away, Kusano Huali exhaled, with tears in his eyes, "I understand what you mean."

One day, even if I have completely lay down, I will definitely get up and tell you, it is not in vain for us to meet each other by fate, our fate!

However, Huali Kusano, who was full of emotions to find a confidant trapped in social life, did not find that there was something watching her under the other side of the roof.

Originally, he just planned to come out for a casual stroll and cause a little trouble for the conjurer. His eyes circled around the three people sitting in front, and finally fell on the girl in the middle with shabby clothes.

He is like a poisonous snake in a state of foraging, revealing a trace of malice that cannot be concealed in his interest.

The other two little boys are just ordinary human beings, the kind of ordinary human beings who can't even see the existence of the curse spirit, and are no different from ants in the eyes of real people.

He is more interested in how that same kind got mixed up with these two little things in this short day.

Yes, in fact, real people have observed the grassy pears that appear here for several days.

When the magic power overflowing from human beings gathers again, it is usually when the newly appeared magic spirit condenses and takes shape.

The real person itself is formed by human malice towards human beings, and he is very clear about how the innate curse spirit is formed.

But leaving her outside was another reason.

As the leader of the curse spirit, Daoist himself is still groping and exploring in ignorance, even if he finds this newly born curse spirit, he has no idea of ​​being a nanny for this future companion.

But lo and behold - isn't that enough?

Although it is not known that she is a curse formed by the malice of human beings.

But to be able to survive after facing the first-level conjurer, whether instinct or luck, it is worth him to bring her back and add a little trouble to the conjurers.

The real person who watched the whole process showed an interesting smile, walked slowly towards the direction of Kusano Huali, while randomly guessing the time when she first took shape.

"It should have been last winter." He counted with his fingers, "It's enough for about half a year until June now. Then it was just at that time that Shang Lixiang was able to undo the spell. Thinking about it this way, it must have absorbed Li Xiangcheng. The power of the Buddha Empress, who has nowhere to hide, has become so--feminine."

Mantra spirits are genderless. Even real people like to dress up as human youths, it's just for the convenience of travel.

This is the first time that the curse spirit has a human form from birth and has clearly defined its gender.

But there was one thing he was curious about.

Since the new spell spirit in front of me has inherited the super power of the imaginary spell spirit Lixiang, will she have the same incomparable force advantage as Lixiang?

Thinking of this, Zhenren took advantage of the situation and squatted down in front of his new partner who had already agreed, looked at her with a smile, and didn't speak.

His black bat shirt with a grid pattern also slid down to the ground, covering the seam marks on his arm without a trace.

The place where she basked in the sun was blocked again, Kusano Huali raised her head a little unexpectedly, and found a new stranger standing in front of her.

It was a young man with blue hair who was about the same height as the guy just now.So the area that blocks sunlight is about the same size.

Kusano Huali frowned, feeling almost instinctive rejection of the person in front of him.

It's not about looking at the face, but compared with the person who just walked away, the person in front of him has a deeper smell of magic power, and it seems to be a hybrid of the same origin as her, but it is fundamentally different .

It seems that it is also the same curse spirit as her, and it is estimated that its strength is not low.Looks like the visitor is not kind, is it to spoil the situation?

Kusano Huali pursed her lips, looked at the person in front of her vigilantly, and silently figured out how to get rid of the annoying ghost in front of her.

But the real person didn't let this silence last for too long - he casually picked up the other two piles of coins, and under the bewildered gaze of Kusano Huali, he threw them all into the small bowl in front of him.

The coins collided with each other in the bowl, and the sound was crisp and sweet, and the arc of the corner of the real person's mouth became wider and wider, and he raised his chin, waiting for Cao Yehuali's reaction.

Kai Teng Shun and Mikoto Shiba, who knew nothing about it, thought that the invisible little friend fell asleep when he was full, and turned his back on him, and wiped out all the funds they had worked so hard to obtain!

The two looked at each other, and before they could reprimand the hateful spy who had rebelled again, the bowl moved again.

Shun Kaito & Mikoto Mikoshiba!Are they going to be beaten?

In fact, Kusano Huali just stretched out his hand and picked up the bowl.

She poured out all the change and threw it on Hai Tengshun's cloak, while holding the bowl and looking at the real person, she continued without saying a word.

The real person thought for a while, looked at the two people around him, and casually extended his hand to the boy who talked a lot.

But before his fingertips touched the boy, he was stopped halfway.

Kusano Huali held down Daoist's hand, pressed it firmly to the ground, and still looked at him silently.

It's not a posture that can break free easily, and her strength is not small, and the almost continuous smell of magic power coming from her cold arm also makes the real person seem to realize where the magic spirit in front of her was born.

"It turned out to be a curse spirit born from human's hatred for losing desire." Zhenren raised his eyebrows, maintaining the posture suppressed by her, "I am Zhenren, your future companion. Do you have a name? ?”

His expression showed innocence, which didn't match his appearance age, and there was a sense of weirdness for no reason.

When Cao Yehuali heard this, he hesitated for a moment.Is it the person who also wants to be a beggar?Yes, very ambitious.

Thinking about it this way, the original sense of repulsion also dissipated a lot, and she still said her name frankly, "Yes, Kusano Huali."

It really is a very feminine name, I guess Hanao will like her, this name sounds very forest.

The real person smiled and nodded, and asked, "Hua Li, why are you holding down my hand? Obviously we are the same kind, aren't we?"

Kusano Huali felt that the curse spirit in front of him was a bit stupid.Although they come from the same line, they should be regarded as compatriots and should be respected...but I still feel a little stupid.

She said without hesitation, "Because you stretched out your hand." Otherwise, who would hold his hand down.

"Do you like humans?" Zhenren didn't know when he pulled out his hand from below, and touched his chin half lying down, "So stop me from attacking the two humans next to you?"

Thinking of this, he became even more curious, "Don't you want me to kill them both?"

Kusano Huali shook her head, "No, I don't have any feelings for humans."

For the sake of being a compatriot of curse spirits, she patiently explained, "You can't do anything to them, because I came first."

Since this place is her begging land, other beggars can't get their hands on it, neither the bowl nor the younger brother.

The real person nodded thoughtfully, "I understand."

He snapped his fingers and continued to encourage Cao Yehuali, "Then you can kill them, that's okay."

Seeing that Caoyehuali was not moving at all, he urged, "Aren't you going to do it?"

Without even thinking about it, Caoye Huali replied decisively, "No."

In order to prevent the new guy from asking again, she added, "Because I'm lazy and don't want to move." So don't ask why you don't do it. .This new spell spirit is really annoying.

Seeing that the real person didn't respond, Kusano Huali sighed, and said helplessly, "Go, hurry up, it will affect my rest. If you don't go, I won't be able to sleep."

She really didn't want to answer any more questions.Chatting with people is really tiring, isn't this mantra conscious?

Daoist, who was thinking about how to kill the two people and take Kusano Huali away, sensed the conjurer approaching, and blinked.

Wow, finally found out that he just missed a special magic spirit?What a retard.

In terms of strength, the real person is actually not afraid of the blond conjurer. Even if the outcome is hard to say, there is still a [-]-[-] chance.

But Xia You said that before the status of the two-faced Su Nuo is confirmed, he must keep a distance from any conjurer who is closely related to Wujo Wu, so as to avoid the situation of facing Wujo Wu directly.

Then take away the curse spirit in front of you now.Just perfunctory her, she looks very deceiving.

"Come with me, I won't bother you if you come with me, how about it?" So the real person gave an idea to the frowning Cao Yehuali, "Is it a good idea? And don't you wonder what other spell spirits are like? "

Caoyehuali: "No."

After she answered the last question, she hesitated about the solution given by the real person, "..I'm leaving with you, so you won't bother me anymore?"

This idea sounds good, after all, chatting with real people has exhausted her energy for lying down all day.

It's not impossible to find another place to lie down and change to a quiet place.

"Okay, but I have to bring a bowl." Kuano Huali, who knew nothing about the life ahead, reluctantly agreed, "You have to remember your words."

Wherever she stays, she stays in a daze, and she doesn't care if the curse spirit in front of her is lying.Anyway, in this kind of matter, even if she is taken to the other party's territory, she will not suffer.

The real person nodded, then stood up in the noisy background, and stretched out his hand to Kusano Huali.

"Okay, then let's go now!" he said, throwing back the braid hanging on his chest. "Hurry up, or there will be big trouble coming."

Before Kusano Huali looked back in confusion to find the big trouble, Zhenren took her hand and ran down the street.

Facing the blowing wind, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed flamboyantly.

What you are about to face are compatriots who hate humans extremely, the great mission of revitalizing the curse spirit, and endless blood and conspiracy.

But it doesn't matter - as long as thousands of years later, it is enough to stand on the ground instead of human beings, right?

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