no worldly appeal

Chapter 61 It's Not Right

In a panic, Kuano Huali only had time to put her hands on the snow beside her.

The icy temperature came to her through the not-so-thick clothes, but she could feel a vigorous air current rising from the Patriarch in front of her.

It is the exact opposite of cold, hot enough to scald her, blazing, full of certain emotions she escaped from.

What she fears, what she shouldn't have, is a burning flame.

After being stunned by those eyes and pausing for a second, she struggled to back off, trying to get up to avoid such a moment.

But the lower back was held down, and the continuous heat spread to her body through the palm, dispelling the biting chill.

Even if he is under the pressure of Caoyehuali, the white-haired young man is still the leader.

The instinct of the body gave up struggling the moment he met him, even if the master-slave position was completely reversed, the heat and pressure of the other party were being transmitted along that tiny distance.

His eyes were still on her.

It was a cloudy day in winter, but those blue eyes exuded a compelling and dazzling brightness, like the sun at noon in midsummer, shining brightly.

Kusano Huali trembled almost instinctively, not a fighting instinct.It was a throbbing that had not been seen for a long time, and was pulled out by force.

It seemed that she didn't realize until then that the object of her allegiance had changed from the rebellious and silent young man in her memory to a confident and charming adult man.

He is a well-known, elegant and handsome Gojo-sama, both in the world of magic and ordinary people.

There is a gradually clear heartbeat in my ears, and the consequence of breaking through the shackles for a certain obsession is violent and rapid growth.

The thoughts that belonged to her were like flowers that had been drenched in spring rain, and they bloomed densely at that moment.

"Ah," the white-haired Patriarch felt her trembling, and said almost in surprise, "Don't you like it, Huali?"

He looked at her peacefully, and his voice was very soft, "If you don't like it, then go. After all, this is your privilege."

The hand on the side of the waist is withdrawn, leaving room to leave.

"That's it." Kusano Huali got stuck, subconsciously defending herself, "It's an offense to you..."

Her eyes were wet, as if she misinterpreted the last sentence as abandonment, "I didn't mean to—"

A finger pressed gently on her lips, stopping her further words.

The gentle touch, the warm fingertips touching her lips, made Kuano Huali flinch.

"It's not an offense." The head of the family said, "Because I allowed it, so it's not."

He stretched his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Are you disappointed?"

Kusano Huali shook her head when asked this question.

"You're right," she said softly.

So no matter what, she will not be disappointed.

The white-haired young man froze for a moment, the original clear blue in his eyes suddenly darkened, revealing a bit of a stormy smell.

He seemed completely surprised, "I really didn't expect that...Xiaohuali thought so."

Kusano Huali moved unnaturally, but still maintained the original posture, waiting for his next sentence.

The attitude of total submission seemed to please him, but it also seemed to elicit another sigh.

"It's terrible." The white-haired young man smiled faintly, "Little Huali's behavior will make me want to do bad things."

He didn't care what misunderstandings his words might cause.In other words, he was expecting the other party to answer something, "It's a bad one."

Kusano Huali was silent for a moment.

After a while, she said, "If you can do whatever you want."

"Is everything okay?" the white-haired youth asked.

A tangled look flashed across Kusano Huali's face, like a rabbit thinking whether to jump into the obvious trap.

In the end, she chose to repeat the sentence again. She didn't know what she promised, but she was very firm, "Anything is fine."

"Okay." The white-haired young man had a smile on his lips, "If you say so, then come."

Kusano Huali then obeyed his order and leaned down to approach.

She almost had the determination to sink the boat into the deeper water, her eyes didn't blink, as if she was studying some unbreakable spell.

When there was still a little distance, the Patriarch said helplessly, "Forget it."

He looked at the obvious tension and subconscious retreat in Kusano Huali's eyes, and said with a smile, "It always makes me feel like I'm bullying a child."

Pressing her shoulder with one hand, the up and down positions were quickly reversed, and the white-haired young man approached her.

Nose tips touching, foreheads touching, maybe it was the wind, or his breath brushing her cheeks.

Kusano Huali could feel himself sinking into the soft snow.And the owner's hair was also mixed with hers, and it was impossible to tell whether it was snow or hair.

The hot air sprayed on Caoyehuali's face, giving it a strange feeling.

"Is it because of fear?" the white-haired young man murmured, "He's shaking."

He moved closer to her, as if he was actively burying his hot cheeks in the soft snow.

Before Kusano Huali could answer, the Patriarch tilted his head and buried his face on her shoulder.

The lips brushed her cheek lightly, like a frivolous joke, but also like a restrained, tentatively extended but retracted hand.

"Forget it, let's wait for your mission to come back..."

The soft and mournful murmur seemed to be still in my ears, but Cao Yehuali had already woken up from the dream.

She raised her head in a daze, but she met a pair of eyes just like in the dream.

Same pose, same angle, almost like dream and reality meet again.

Different from the pair of blue eyes that are always full of gentleness and elegance, these silver and blue eyes are full of inquiry, examination, interest, and undisguised ambition.

Like a wolf pacing in the wilderness looking at a new prey, hungry and salivating eyes.

Kusano Huali was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was a real person who was leaning on her and looking at her intently.

His hand clasped her throat weakly, but he didn't intend to force it downward, but tentatively touched the back of her neck at different angles through the dark spell barrier.

Kuano Huali, whose mana began to fluctuate: ...Fortunately, he didn't do anything, otherwise it would be troublesome.

She reached out her hand subconsciously, and quickly pushed this inexplicable guy away, "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

The real person turned over and hid on the other side of the sofa, "Because it's boring."

He took Cao Yehuali's hand casually, and played with her fingers intentionally or unintentionally, "Huali is so fierce when she wakes up."

Kusano Huali: "Are you bored and can't do anything else... Is it interesting to stare at me?"

Her intuition told her that Zhenren must have some conspiracy.

"Yeah, it's very interesting." Zhenren didn't have the slightest sense of being annoying, "It's super interesting."

In order to squeeze onto the sofa, he deliberately adjusted his body to look like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. Compared with his usual youthful state, he was a little more immature and flamboyant.

Kusano Huali decided to ignore him.

She turned over and jumped off the sofa, and when she walked to the table with bare feet, she found that it was empty.

"Where's my manuscript?" Kusano Huali subconsciously turned to look at the real person.

"Ah, it seems that I burned it." The real person said, "Or lost it? I don't remember..."

Under Kusano Huali's skeptical gaze, he raised his hands and said in a surrendered manner, "I've painted it for you, and then I'll give it to the human upstairs."

Kusano Huali blinked.

The real person actually helps her with the work. Is the sun going to rise from the west today?Or is it that the curse spirit has already controlled the human world?

"Oh." The real person moved closer to her, "Is there no compliment?"

The suture marks on his face were white under the moonlight, but his eyes were wet and shiny, like an expecting puppy, "I'm super-serious."

"There must be other intentions." Kuano Huali didn't believe it at all, "I won't praise you until I confess."

She took the hand held by the real person out of his palm, and planned to pour a glass of water for a drink, "The real person is still hiding a lot of things."

"Hey, no." The real person said hypocritically, "Hua Li, on the contrary, just thought I was someone else, right?"

As these words came out, he leaned forward sharply and approached Caoye Huali again.

The oppression of the magic power belonging to the super-level magic spirit was suddenly released, and the swelling and spewing dark matter rushed towards her violently.

But unlike the soft and gentle atmosphere in the dream, this is more like the pressing step before the abyss.

Startled, Kusano Huali stepped back subconsciously, and the back of her head hit the wall with a bang, making a muffled sound.

it hurts!

She gasped, "Really!" What the hell is this guy doing!

"Yes." Zhenren murmured like a snake spitting out a letter, crazy plunder flashed in his eyes, "But, who was Huali thinking about just now?"

He guessed, approaching her while talking, staring at her eyes, "Hanayu? That human named Fuheshier? Your favorite Tsumiji?"

He continued, "Or is it the container of Su Nuo? The Junpei you never forget? Or... Gojo Satoru?"

"Ah? Gojo Satoru!" Hearing the name Gojo Satoru, Kusano Huali's original anger almost turned into a daze, "You have made such a big battle, and you just...want to know this?"

Besides, does this guy even want to know who she dreamed about?What if she dreamed of a monster that turned into a black brush?

The emotion was interrupted suddenly, the real person frowned, "You—"

Kusano Huali pushed the maddened Daoist away with one hand and interrupted him.

She said angrily, "Anyway, I won't play with you in the dream. In this case, isn't it the same for everyone in the dream?"

Regardless of the thoughtful real person, Kusano Huali walked aside on his own, poured himself a glass of water, rubbed the back of his head, and thought about other things.

The memories recovered so far already include her status, residence, interpersonal relationship, and specific relationship with the Wutiao family when she was a human being.

But there was always a part missing, especially the one about how she died.

Moreover, she always felt that the memories related to the two-faced Su Nuo were not complete.

This made Kusano Huali more urgent to retrieve her memory.

She flicked the cup in her hand, and thought about whether she should use the knotweed Youren to find Liangmian Su Nuo some words, but she smelled a bit of desire that was not quite right.

It seems that on Nozaki Umetaro's floor, there is a smell that does not belong to humans.

Accompanied by that strong and sad desire mixed with tension and surprise, is the delicate sound of flipping paper.

The author has something to say: I put some setting pictures for Hualiyue on wb!Then I also sent some manuscripts to Shiratori and other daughters. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. The name of wb can be found in the column, tweak it.


Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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