no worldly appeal

Chapter 69 Let's add some food

After waiting for a while, the real Xia Youjie came back to life.

He seemed to be still in the confusion of suddenly waking up from sleep.But it seems that the state is not bad, but it is a bit rusty and strange to my body.

With long hair hanging down his head, Xia Youjie looked like a completely different person.

The wantonness of evil has faded away, and what exists in him is more of a kind of peace.

"This is..." He raised his hand and glanced stiffly, "My hand?"

Xia Youjie's last memory is the moment when Wujo Wu's arm was blown off. Looking at the female doctor in front of him, he was surprised with some unknown regret, "Glass, did you cure me?"

"Obviously not, idiot," Jiarui Glass said bluntly, "it's due to the curse spirit next to you, the reversal spell isn't enough to revive the dead, right?"

The curse spirit in her mouth was dragging her chin, looking at Xia Youjie with a mixture of curiosity and malice.

Xia Youjie frowned, but he still said slowly without knowing the situation, "Curse spirit? This is—"

"To put it simply." Gojo Satoru on the other side raised his hand and gestured with sugar in his mouth, "You died and you came back to life."

He spread his hands open, and opened a long gap between the two hands representing death and life, "Come on overtime, Jay. In the time between, some guy took your body and fucked A lot of bad things, now you need to clean up the mess."

"A bad thing?" Xia Youjie asked subconsciously.

"For example," Kusano Huali interjected, "the living expenses of your adopted daughters Mimiko and Nanako were deducted."

After she finished speaking, she realized that she seemed to have ruined the atmosphere, "Sorry."

Xia Youjie's gaze shifted to her again.

He looked at this girl who was also not far away from him, her white hair was mixed with gold, her eyes were still rare with different colors, and the fluctuations in the surrounding magic power showed strong strength... Is it a magic spirit?The breath is really familiar, being able to speak, at least it is a super class.

Being stared at by him like this, Kusano Huali couldn't help taking a step back, almost bumping into Gojo Satoru on the other side, "Your eyes—"

Xia Youjie's black eyes were calm, calm and scary like a quagmire, only the little sunlight dripped into his eyes, but instead showed the cold feeling of contrasting black and white.

He looked at Caoyehuali like a long-hungry diner, full of desire and waiting for the food, as if he wanted to swallow her up on the spot.

Gojo Satoru raised his hand and pressed Kusano Huali's shoulder. He seemed to be in a good mood after eating candy, "It's scary, right? Jie is a super curser."

It is rare for him to open without a lower limit, and there is a fiery temperature from the position where he is being held, like a spark that is about to burn out.

Kuano Huali moved as if she had been scalded.

But Gojo Satoru patted her on the shoulder without seeming to notice it, and said naturally, "In comparison, am I very kind to you?"

Kusano Huali with a blank face: "Are you referring to the first time you met the kindness who beat me up?"

That was really kind, haha.

"The tone is so bad." Gojo Satoru said leisurely, "It's obvious that there are people who are merciful. Is Huali acting like a baby?"

According to his own level of strength, he could be eliminated on the spot as soon as he met.

Kusano Huali: ...What the hell is acting like a baby!

She couldn't help but take a look at the house, and found that the other party was also speechless, and finally regained a bit of abnormal confidence that it wasn't me.

"I'm really sorry for being so cruel to you." After a while, Kusano Huali bit the apologetic accent and said, "I really shouldn't have said so much."

Seeing that Gojo Satoru continued to nod confidently, she got up a little speechless, "Forget it, I'll go and see Riso. Where did you leave him?"

Gojo Satoru pointed to the room next to him, "It's on the table."

"It's too rash to throw him in alone." Kusano Huali pointed out, "At least find someone or a curse spirit to watch."

"It's okay." Gojo Satoru said casually, "I will know soon if there is any change. I am the strongest."

His eyes were still looking at the silent Xia Youjie, but his tone was light and natural, "The guy who doubts my level will treat me to a special dessert next time!"

Kusano Huali: "..." She didn't invest in the dessert shop to get special offers for this guy, right?

She took two steps towards the door, then looked at the real person who was silent after Xia Youjie woke up, "Does the real person want to go together?"

"Ah, no." The real person said as if he had woken up, "Suddenly remembered that I have something else..."

He stood up absent-mindedly, "See you later."

Kusano Huali nodded and went into the house.

After discovering that these two were super-level spell spirits, Xia Youjie's gaze was almost glued to them as if he saw a magnet's magnet, watching them gradually walk away.

It wasn't until Gojo Satoru clapped his hands next to his ear that he woke up from that state, "Satoru?"

Then he realized that Jiarui Nitroko was looking at him like he was looking at a fool.

"What a scum." She felt that this guy who returned to that state as soon as he woke up was really hopeless, "Are you still thinking about that kind of thing now!"

Xia Youjie became confused: "Glass?"

Jia Ruozi took a deep breath, and decided to expose this topic in front of this guy who came back from the dead, "What are your plans for the future?"

Gojo Wu raised his chin to Xia Youjie, and continued naturally, "Yes, what did Jie say? If you still want to die now..."

Xia Youjie smiled wryly, "I see, Wu."

He supported the wall and stood up slowly, "What do I need to do? But I didn't expect that the relationship between the magician and the magician would be so good after just sleeping."

"Ah, it's a bit of a long story. Let's deal with those curse masters for now." Wujo Satoru said, "There may be other people, and a meeting will be held in a few days before the decision can be made."

He stretched. "Welcome to overtime hell, Jay."


When Ron Suo woke up again, he found himself trapped in a bottle, beside the grass pear that had been squatting for a while.

He laughed in surprise, "Didn't you kill me?"

Kusano Huali replied, "Come on, but I still have a question to ask you."

She pressed the bottle with one hand, stared at the strange brain, and always felt that her behavior seemed perverted, ".. Yan Suo, what the hell did you do, why don't you tell me before you die."

"It seems that you already know my real name." Yan Suo opened his mouth, "Then I can rest assured."

He looked very leisurely, "But be sure to record my name."

Seeing his gossip and refusal to cooperate, Kusano Huali was not angry, so she brought the topic back, "I've always been curious about what you want to do."

She said, "At first, you started to attack me. You must have stared at me for a long time."

Probably because the one visible to the naked eye was about to be killed, Ronso also laughed.

"Yeah." He said, "Speaking of which, I killed your parents indirectly, oops... Thinking about it this way, I have spent a lot of effort in order to control you, and your patriarch is also an ignorant person. You bastard, almost ruined my arrangement. It's a pity in general, you are not like your sister, you are not so easy to deceive."

Speaking of Kusano Hanako, he seemed to suddenly increase his desire to talk, "Actually, I didn't intend to find her at first. But among the people in contact with the Gojo family, she seems to be the only one who can use it a little bit. That little girl , is the stupidity that I can still recall now - kneeling in front of me and begging me to save you, knowing nothing about the person in front of you is a hater, and then being led into the abyss, isn't it interesting?"

"That's why." Kuano Huali closed her eyes, and the figures belonging to her parents in her memory had blurred into a gentle image, "Not only did you kill my parents, you also tricked Hua Xing."

She clenched her fist subconsciously, her nails embedded in the flesh, causing sharp pain, as if only in this way could she restrain the urge to kill him now, "Are you trying to provoke me?"

Kusano Huali originally wanted to see the attitude of Yansuo before proceeding to the next step, but found that this guy's attitude was no different from that of no one.

What do you want to do by telling her this?

"That's right." Ron Suo said, "It doesn't do me any good if you're happy, doesn't it?"

He seemed to be in a state of extreme arousal, "After all..."

"After all, you plotted my technique." Kusano Huali said, "You still want me to kill you."

"Yes." Yan Suo continued, "I have dreamed of your technique."

He seemed to be gnashing his teeth a bit, "All fools in the world don't know how valuable such a technique is... But, look, I also succeeded."

"Did you get arrested successfully?" Kuano Huali taunted him, "That was indeed a success."

What kind of top-notch technique could her technique be, worthy of his planning for so long?And did he really succeed in planning, obviously he didn't at all.

Ryosuke laughed out loud.

"Even if I die now, my plan will proceed smoothly." He said with a smile, "So what is there to feel sorry for? Huali, you can look forward to it from now on."

Kusano Huali frowned, and said bluntly, "Very well, it seems that you have indeed turned yourself into a switch after making yourself neither human nor ghost."

She unplugged the gag, and under the surprised eyes of Lisuo, injected the magic power inward, "The so-called even, what exactly is it? Have you set a time for your plan?"

Viscous black mist poured into the bottle mouth, leaving only the brain's cords as if they were paralyzed and unable to think.

Caoyehuali is now satisfied.

"I'm so interested in my technique." Kusano Huali stuffed the plug back and said calmly, "I can let you try the taste first. It feels good."

After consuming a lot of magic power to launch the technique, she breathed a sigh of relief before asking, "Tell me, what will happen if I kill you?"

"The plan will start immediately, and the effectiveness will be doubled." Ron Suo said.

"Will other people kill you?" Kuano Huali asked again.

"The original plan will start running directly. If I don't die, it will start today next month." Ron Suo said.

Kusano Huali frowned and ordered, "Now tell me what you did."

"I'm in Yokohama." Katsuo said in a delirious tone, "A barrier has been set."

He continued, "I transformed it into the place of my dreams... Thousands of curse spirits are suppressed below, and most of the curse spirits that have increased due to Wujo Wu are gathered there...

Those people with supernatural powers are my experimental products, if you pass by, you will be able to see...

As the legacy of the ancestors, the boundary between magicians and ordinary people has been weakened, replaced by supernatural abilities that can be born from ordinary people..."

Kusano Huali, who was facing the rope directly, felt that the amount of information in these words was too large for her to imagine.

She was in a daze for a while, then remembered and quickly called Wujo Wu in, and asked Lisuo to repeat it again.

Fortunately, he has lost his desire to lie, and now he can only tell the truth, and he looks very obedient.

After he repeated these words, even Gojo Satoru frowned.

"It's actually in Yokohama." He asked, "When did you start setting up the barrier?"

"Fifty years ago," said Ronso, "I was looking for a substitute for wild rice and found that it was an excellent venue."

So he started planning, and coincidentally, other people were also interfering there, which simply gave a boost and turned Yokohama into a chaotic testing ground.

"Wow." Kusano Huali commented on this, "You are so useless in the world of conjuration, haven't you discovered anything after so long?"

It's been 50 years, and he hasn't noticed anything unusual until the end of this guy's big move. It's a frighteningly low efficiency.

"That's right." Gojo Satoru shrugged, "Although Yokohama's situation is indeed special, the upper floor is a very useless upper floor. Occasionally, I want to clean up these rags and curse spirits."

He gestured to wipe his neck, and then he realized that Kuano Huali was also a curse spirit and said insincerely, "It's not about you, don't be angry."

Kusano Huali: "I'm not that irritable either."

After she complained, she explained, "The wild rice is my bowl. It's an antique now... But why is this guy so attached to my family? Why can I strengthen you by killing you?" The effect of the plan?"

The magic tools that can only be used by her and those who have her family's ancestral spells will not be effective even if they hold them.

"Because I set up an enchantment, after you kill me, your spell power will be sent along the air, activating your spell tool, wild rice. Wild rice can create assimilation."

Lisuo replied obediently without any resistance, "It is a decisive magic tool that can assimilate conjurers and ordinary people. The moment it was created, it was endowed with this ability, but you Kusano family didn't know it. "

"The Kusano family usually uses this... wild rice, what are you doing?" Wutiao Wuqu pointed his forehead with his fingers, and looked sideways at Kusano Huali.

"It's usually injected with mana and then swayed outward, like splashing water, which can stop the enemy's actions." Kuano Huali said a little embarrassed, "Anyway, I haven't eaten with it."

"Your family's spells are related to desire." Yan Suo said, "Desires increase or decrease, and human strength also decreases or increases accordingly."

He seems to have a lot of research on this, "I found in my early research that the desire for something can generate power. People can see curses before death, and many brains that have not been modified suddenly burst out curses at the moment of death. The power and resistance to the curse spirit are all caused by the instinctive desire to survive.

Going forward, the conjurer who first possessed the spells awakened precisely because he wanted protection when disasters struck. In the final analysis, it was desire? Desire played a decisive role. "

Because the spells are notoriously weak, Kusano Huali, who was also excluded in previous missions: "Thank you, this is the first time I know that my spells are so great."

Because of such a ridiculous fact, the anger that was lingering in her was slightly reduced, "Continue."

"The wild rice used for transmission can play a role in extensive assimilation, and it can achieve the intended effect when combined with other spreading spells." Li Suo continued, "Combined with the enchantment, you can create an isolated island."

With the blessing of Yokohama's own chaotic state, even if the anomaly is discovered, no one will spend energy to take care of these nosy matters.

Kusano Huali was silent for a moment.

"Is there anything else you are hiding from us?" She injected more mana, "Let's say it together."

Ronso seemed to have completely lost the desire to struggle.

"Yes." He said sternly, "I also created the knotweed Yuren. It is a kind of product."

Kuano Huali: "Oh, the knotweed is... wait?"

She began to feel embarrassed, and glanced at Gojo Satoru, and found that the other party was eagerly waiting for the next sentence of Yusuo, without realizing that she was listening to the same mysterious cheating quotations related to her student's father—who is the curse spirit? ah!

"It's the child's mother." Yan Suo continued, "For the Nine Phases Diagram of the Cursed Embryo, I am their father in an ethical sense. I created them."

He looked very calm and a little complacent, "You also—"

Kusano Huali interrupted him, "No, don't say any more, I don't want to know."

Gojo Satoru showed a regretful expression.

Kusano Huali: No, what a pity!

And what did Yan Suo think, that he actually turned the good confrontation into a midnight family dog ​​blood series...Counting Xia Youjie, it would be bad luck for him to use these bodies.

Others use the body as an experiment, or to extend life, and he has strung the entire magic world into a thread by this way!

"Oh." Ling Suo seemed to be a little bit unsatisfied.

Gojo Satoru asked curiously, "Is there anyone in the upper echelon who you have attacked before?"

He looked eager to fight, "Come make a list?"

Ron Suo looked at him, and then began to report name by name.

"The above." He said, "I have dealt with them a little bit, and the specific situation is stored in the third floor of the tenth cabinet in the storage warehouse."

"Okay." Gojo Satoru snapped his fingers briskly, "How about giving him some spice, Huali, before submitting him to the upper echelons?"

He looked extremely looking forward to it, "Come and try to get rid of the things he is most reluctant to part with, it must be very interesting!"

Kusano Huali thought for a while, and happily agreed with his words, "It makes sense."

It must be an experience that makes life worse than death for Ren Suo.

The author has something to say: Wujo Wu & Huali: gearing up.jpg

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!Starting tomorrow, I will go out for research for four to five days, and I will try my best to keep updating every day.But the update time may be a bit erratic orz

There should be another update today!

And there is a red envelope in the last chapter that has not been distributed hhhh this chapter will be distributed!Let me see which cutie is the first, =3=

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