no worldly appeal

Chapter 79, Why is it here?

In fact, although I said I was going to buy the latest Strawberry Daifuku, the last dinner was settled in the restaurant downstairs.

The location where Oda Sakunosuke lives is just a small restaurant downstairs.

Although the boss said that he knows everything, he can let the guests order.But Hana Kusano still ordered a curry rice with Sakunosuke Oda.

The yellow curry is mixed with carrots and potatoes and poured on the steamed white rice. It smells fragrant and has a bit of sweetness. With this unique seasoning alone, it can indeed be regarded as a famous dish...or a famous meal .

If you are not familiar with local food, eating with the locals is the easiest and most likely way to eat delicious food.

Gojo Satoru probably thought so too.

But what's interesting is that not only did he not take off the blindfold when he was eating, Osamu Dazai, who was opposite him, also covered one side of his eyes with a bandage.

Neither of these two humans seemed to feel that eating like this was quite uncomfortable. Only Hana Kusano looked at Sakunosuke Oda silently opposite him, and felt that the humans in front of him were more normal.

The red-haired young man was eating peacefully. He didn't cover his eyes or arms and didn't wrap any strange things around him. He was clean and dry, and looked quite comfortable.

Kusano Huali firmly believes that eating should of course be in the most comfortable position.A comfortable environment is especially needed when eating delicious food.

If it wasn't for her habit of eating at the table and not going back to the inner room.Otherwise, maybe she still wants to bring the meal to the bed and start eating.

After the meal, several people walked upstairs with a curry scent.

Probably because Osamu Dazai was quite busy, he left after eating.

So, this time, only Oda Sakunosuke and the chubby boss led them from the stairwell to the third floor, but when they passed the second floor, there were a few soft rustling sounds from the side room.

Kusano Huali looked subconsciously, but found that it was a few children who were hiding.

"They are my adopted children," Oda Sakunosuke walked over as usual, picked up the two youngest ones in each hand, and pulled them to the front, "Usually they are fostered by the boss."

The short windbreaker on his body is still a bit old.But the clothes of the children are clean and brightly colored. It is estimated that even if they are not newly bought, they are well taken care of.

Kusano Huali is also not very good at coaxing children, the only skill to deal with children is her sister Kusano Huaxing.

But my younger sister was quite sensible when she was young, and she was quite close to her as an older sister. She was not a particularly naughty child, and she had no so-called "coaxing" experience.

Now suddenly seeing a group of children entangled in the body of the newly-acquainted Sakunosuke Oda, she was a little at a loss and didn't know if she needed help.

And when it comes to dealing with children, Gojo Satoru next to her might not be as good as her.

Although Hana Kusano thought so, in fact, Oda Sakunosuke didn't mean to let them intervene.

After introducing the children's names, he comforted all the children with the tenderness of the four on the spot alone, leaving no room for the method Kusano Huali came up with.

After sending the group of children back to the room, Oda Sakunosuke came out from the corridor again, "Sorry for the long wait."

After leaving the children, he seemed to have returned to his inarticulate manner, "You two live upstairs."

"That's right." The restaurant owner also said, "It was originally the place where the tenant lived. Recently, he found a new place and moved out, so it happened to be vacant."

He scratched his head with a smile, "The place is relatively small, but the furniture is complete."

Open the door and go in, and it is true.

A small room looks like a single apartment, with air-conditioning, a place to wash, a bed, a desk, and a small table by the window, covered with Plain cushions, also threw a few pillows and thin blankets on top.

"I changed and washed it a few days ago." Oda Sakunosuke said, "You should have no problem changing it."

Of course, he could also see that neither the young male teacher named Gojo Satoru nor the allegedly inhuman and unidentified Kusano Huali were not people who lacked money in their dress and behavior.

In this case, since he didn't pay for it, they can do whatever they want.

Kusano Huali has always been too lazy to toss around, she just threw the bag on the table next to her and looked at Gojo Satoru.

"I've finished my meal." She said, "Should we start checking in the evening?" If you finish it early, you can go back early.

Looking at it horizontally or vertically, it is not a place where you can sleep with peace of mind... For the curse spirit, sleep is not necessary, so just save it and go back and be lazy.

"Should we start so soon? It's okay." Gojo Satoru didn't say anything else, and teased in a brisk tone, "Hua Li can't wait."

He looked at Sakunosuke Oda, "Speaking of which, Mr. Dazai's contact person should be—"

"Well, it's me." Oda Sakunosuke said, "The things in charge are relatively low-level, and I just want to exchange information with you."

He turned sideways to let the boss, who dared not listen any more, go down, "I am familiar with the general places of Yokohama."

But obviously, if it involves the secrets of the port mafia, the other party will definitely bypass it.

You can investigate on your own first, and then ask him about specific matters.

Wujo Wumo shook his finger, "I don't need you to lead the way."

He made a decision in twos and twos, and just asked Oda Sakunosuke, "Speaking of which, do you know any places in Yokohama that have better dessert shops?"

Kusano Huali: "Do you want to start looking at the dessert shop!"

Is there really someone in this world who puts the magic tool for lowering the enchantment in the dessert shop?

"Don't Xiaohuali think this idea is very innovative." Gojo Satoru said leisurely, "The whole magic world knows that I like desserts, and maybe Yusuo also thinks that I am dark under the lights and won't check dessert shops. Let's start with dessert shops Check it out, can't you just find a few?"

He leaned back as he spoke, his silver hair glistening, and he looked like some kind of large animal.

Kusano Huali: "It seems to make sense."

Indeed, if this is the case, she will subconsciously hide things in the dessert shop, after all, if Gojo Satoru can't find it...

Wait a minute, how could Gojo Satoru not find out!He has six eyes, you can see it at a glance!

"You just want dessert, don't you?" Kusano Huali said suspiciously.

"Oh, yes." Gojo Satoru lazily stood up, "Anyway, let's take a look around the dessert shop first... What did Mr. Oda say?"

He moved his wrist a little, "Is there a suggested way to travel?"

As a genuine port mafia employee, Oda Sakunosuke with a meager salary cannot afford a car.

He paused before saying, "Walk."

Kusano Huali: "Wait a minute, Yokohama, is it the subway..."

"Yeah." Oda Sakunosuke said, "It was blown up."

He said, "There is no bus at the moment."

So, now the mainstream travel is mainly walking.

Of course, motorcycles and private cars are also very convenient means of travel.But once there is a fight, both of these will be greatly affected, especially private cars.

Kusano Huali and Gojo Satoru looked at each other.

"Or, that..." She really didn't want to walk around Yokohama by herself, so she asked tentatively, "No lower limit?"

She remembered that Gojo Satoru said that he could teleport people with him, and that with a curse spirit.

According to the current situation in Yokohama, there are actually not so many buildings.

"Yes." Gojo Satoru agreed with a smile.

Then Kuano Huali realized how the other party led people - he actually ran around with people directly on his shoulders, and threw them down when he reached the place.

After being led around like this for a few days, even though he did collect a few magic tools, Kusano Huali was still shocked, "Is this the same way you usually lead students!"

She felt that Wujo Satoru could be a teacher in this way, it must be because he was the strongest and occasionally serious, damn it.

"Yeah." Gojo Satoru said, "Shall I change your posture for you?"

He seemed excited, "I brought knotweed like this once before! He seems to like it very much!"

Kusano Huali looked at him suspiciously, "Really?"

Does Wujo Satoru really have any convenient and unfussy posture?How could she not believe it?

"Yes." Gojo Satoru said with a smile, "Oh, it's really too much. I took you very seriously. Huali really crossed the river and demolished the bridge."

Seeing what Wujo Satoru said was very true, Kusano Huali let him use the so-called "new posture".

Then I found that I picked up the back collar like a cat, and carried it half-suspended.

Kusano Huali: ...why would she believe this guy!

Fortunately, half a month later, the courier from Tokyo arrived and rescued her for a while.

The courier from the Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Conjuration came in an ordinary cart and an ordinary cardboard box.

Although Kusano Huali didn't understand why she couldn't borrow a cart and a cardboard box from the port mafia.But she is still very satisfied with the days when she can ride a stroller.

Under the action of destroying the magic tools as soon as they appeared, a lot of scattered things in the past half month have basically been destroyed.

It's a pity that, for some reason, Kusano Huali did not find her ancestral magic tool "菰", and the last magic tool did not know where it was hidden by Soso.

Without the last piece of incantation, the enchantment would not be considered completely broken.

What made Kusano Hana even more puzzling was that she didn't notice the "cursed spirit under the island" that Ronso said. When she first arrived, she asked Gojo Satoru, but the other party didn't notice either.

Probably because of this, Gojo Satoru, who was working hard at first, also started to disappear, often throwing the trolley and cardboard boxes containing Kusano pears to the long queue at the entrance of the dessert shop, and then ran to do other things by himself.

This caused Kuano Huali to have to line up for him.Otherwise, others will feel that there is no one on the cart, so they will go around here and go to the front row.

The time is getting closer and closer to the end of the month, but the progress has not advanced at all, which makes Kuano Huali a little anxious.

Helping to get the desserts that were ordered, she returned to the residence tiredly with the cart and cardboard boxes. She pushed open the door of the restaurant and was about to ask the boss for a glass of sparkling water in the refrigerator to relieve the heat, but saw an unexpected person. people.

The blue-haired young man was sitting on the blanket in the lobby of the restaurant. He was still wearing a very ordinary sweater, and his hair volume was also extremely amazing. In front of him was a pile of toys.

And there was a string of five big and small children hanging on his body, and he was more agile than anyone else in this group of children.

Even though he was wearing a youthful appearance, the real person had a great time playing, and with a few children, you would call me and I would call you, without the slightest airs of an adult.

When he raised his head to look at Kusano Huali, there was still a little childlike innocence and complacency in his eyebrows and eyes.

"Little Huali is back!" The real person winked at Kuano Huali, "Would you like to play together? We bought a new game, it's very fun!"

Kusano Huali was stunned.

"Really?" she said, "Why are you here?" Didn't this guy promise her to stay in Tokyo safely!

The author has something to say:

Make a real person appear.JPG

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