"Okay, I'll tell everyone."

Mary made a promise, and everyone was not stupid.

Although the seeds have to be changed every year, they are definitely better than the original ones. If a family changes dozens of catties, the income in the coming year will be several thousand catties.

Any fool knows which one to choose~~

Mary first exchanged a hundred catties for herself, since his family has a lot of fields.Because there are horses, farming is easier than people in the village.

When the husband and wife do things together, they have to work harder than ordinary people, and they work much more quickly.

Next year they plan to do what Rhea did and fertilize the ground before planting seeds.

This year they dug a lot of mulch and returned it to dry. I believe that next year their family's harvest will be even better than this year's.

As for those who didn't believe Rhea, Mary didn't persuade them either.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, as long as their harvest increases next year, these people don't need to be persuaded to know what to do.

Ruiya's family exchanged more than 2000 catties of grain for more than 7000 catties of grain. Not only people in their village were exchanged, but people from other villages also came to exchange.

Everyone is not a fool, and they have eyes to see.

Rhea will live in the village in the future, so naturally she won't deceive everyone.So one by one followed suit, wishing to exchange all the food in Rhea's house for themselves.

For this reason, Rhea had to set a limit, a family can only exchange fifty catties at most, so that more families can be exchanged.

It's just that Rhea didn't eat the food she planted this year. With everyone's enthusiasm, all of them were replaced.

Because Rhea's seeds are really beautiful, how can everyone be willing to eat such grains?Of course, it will be used as seeds next year!

It's outrageous, he can't eat it if he grows it himself!Where does this make Rhea reason?

However, Rhea planned to grow winter wheat this year. Originally, given the climate here, it was very likely that winter wheat would not survive.But Rhea has magic!

He will first use magic to accumulate the seeds, and then melt the ground with fire magic.

Use the fire system to warm up the land every day, so as not to let the snow freeze the seeds to death.In this way, he can harvest several thousand catties of grain in the first half of the year.

Rhea got back more than 7000 catties of wheat this time, but he didn't plan to sell it.

In this world of magic and swords, who knows when suddenly there will be no food left?And there are not only natural disasters in this world, but also man-made disasters.

So he decided to wait for his house to be built. He dug a deep cellar under the house, which was specially used to store grain.

This is the experience of the world he lived in in his previous life. He can have nothing, but absolutely not without food.

Didn't the ancients say: If you have food in your hands, don't panic!

So the fastest thing Rhea learned was to store food for himself, and he also planned to wait until the weather was cold to make bacon, air-dried meat, etc., in order to store it for a long time.

There is also salted fish, but people in this world don't eat fish.In other words, don't eat fish in the river, only eat sea fish.

There is a river in their village, not far from Rhea's wooden house.He planned to take a chance to see if he could get some fish.

After traveling for more than half a year, I didn't eat a single fish.Sea fish, only salted fish, does that count as eating fish?At most, it is used for dinner, not fish at all.

With a decision in mind, Rhea began to prepare for catching fish.

For example, weaving a few fish cages, buying needles and making simple self-made fishhooks, and buying thread, taking it back and attaching it with gold magic to make it not easy to break.

Rhea has been complaining in her heart, and feels that she is becoming more and more like the style of handicraft masters, doing everything by herself.

He also has a rope to weave a fishing net. He doesn't know what the real fishing net looks like, as long as the weaved one doesn't run away the fish will be fine.

Anyway, with gold magic, unless it is a monster in the water, it cannot break free from his fishing net.

In fact, if you are a big gold magician, you can form a net without using real objects.But Rhea is obviously still a rookie, and she can't do it at all. She can only use real objects to strengthen their strength.


Shia flipped out of the door and lay on Rhea's lap.

"Shia, what's wrong?"

Rhea asked her son, and kept making a net.

I don't know if it's because of the frequent work in the past six months. His hands are very flexible now, and it's easy to weave a net.It's just a little ugly for the first time, but it doesn't affect the use.


Shia shook his head, he just wanted to be called Rhea.

"Okay! Then you play here obediently, Dad has something to do, you know?"

Rhea said without raising her head.


Shea nodded, and he sat down next to Rhea. Rhea made a small stool for him. Shea's strength is stronger than that of a human child, so it's easy to move a small stool.

"A new house will be built tomorrow, Shia, don't go out at home, okay?"

At that time, when people come and go, he is afraid that someone will see the identity of the Shia elf.

"it is good."

Shia knew her father was worried, so she obediently agreed.

Speaking of building the house, Rhea looked at the vacant lot that had been cleared of grass, which he had found time to do.Just weeding, it's not difficult for him.He even laid the foundation, just use soil magic to tamp it down, which is stronger than artificial ones.

It can be said that the person invited really just helped him cover it.

Building a house requires a kind of glue, which is the juice of a gum tree, and the bricks and stones glued together will not fall off for 500 years.

It is very strong, so you need to be careful when building a house, and don't get it on your hands.If you get it on your hands, you have to wash it off immediately, otherwise you have to find a pharmacist to buy a potion to scrub.

A bottle of potion costs five gold coins, which is very expensive.

So Rhea simply made dozens of buckets, and put a bucket of water in each place so that everyone can clean it in time.

Five gold coins!How much game will he kill!Anyway, wooden barrels are not worth much, so he can make dozens of them casually.

Find a few big trees, cut them off directly, hollow out and polish them, and the bucket is ready.

He also did the same with the bathtub, mainly because it belonged to Xiao Xiya, since he is small, a big basin is enough.

Then there are other random things, as long as they are made of wood, Rhea will make them by herself.At most, it can be painted with varnish on the outside, but he has water magic, so he doesn't need to do it himself.

It can be said that since he crossed over, magic has been used in all aspects of life, which is really convenient!

It's just that Rhea doesn't care about it. If she were another professional, she wouldn't do such a thing at all. After all, they are noble professionals!

Noble professionals, except for a few wood magicians hired by the nobles to grow food, there is no magician who has done farm work with magic.

And they also look down on civilians, especially low-level professionals like Rhea.Of course, this is only relative. Compared with ordinary people who only look at it with their nostrils, they will give Rhea a look anyway.

However, there are few people in their village, and it is far away from the town, so they don't care if they look down on Rhea.He doesn't deal with them, is there anything they should value?

What about professionals?

No food to eat, no money to spend, they still want to make money everywhere?

So don't think of yourself too noble, because everyone is born of parents, except for family background, everyone is the same when they are born, they come naked, and they leave naked in the end.

The next day Rhea boiled some sugar water and put it on the side of the road, and the villagers who built the houses filled it up to drink when they were thirsty.

Because it is in the village, Rhea doesn't need to pack a meal, but the wages need to add two copper coins a day.

Rhea has no objection to this point, because it has already been included in the calculation.Besides, he can't cook meals for hundreds of people by himself!

Even if his family has a few thousand catties of grain, it can't feed a hundred people.

Because of the thousands of catties of grain, his house was piled full, and there was almost no place to stay except for sleeping places.So he is looking forward to the new house very much, so as to give him a space to breathe freely.

"Riya, don't worry, this manor will definitely be built within 20 days."

Because Rhea prepared all the materials, even the size was the same, and they didn't need to do secondary processing. In addition, he also tamped the foundation himself, which saved everyone a lot of time.

"Okay, thank you uncle."

No matter what everyone's attitude towards him is, at least it's okay now.

Rhea put the freshly boiled sugar water on the edge of the ground, looking at the wall that was already one meter high, a hundred people were indeed doing things very quickly.

Charlie accepted his commission and became a supervisor.Anyone who is lazy or diligent in doing things can't escape Charlie's eyes.

Because of Charlie's existence, no villager dared to be lazy, even the laziest in the village wished he could use two more hands.

Charlie is not terrible, what is terrible is that Charlie will sue.

It hurts Rhea to beat someone.

Because of Rhea's intimidating power, no one is lazy.

On the first day, the walls of the entire manor were erected, and the walls were all made of stone bricks, which were stones Rhea picked while hunting and working.

When transporting, the wind system is used, and then it is tied with a wooden system, and the wind system supports it. Except for the time spent on the road, there is basically no difficulty.

If a professional saw Rhea's behavior at this time, he would definitely be full of disdain.

After all, a noble professional, even a low-level professional, shouldn't do such a thing.

In the beginning, Rhea didn't realize that the combination of a magician and a swordsman is so good, but now it is - really fragrant.

The magician saved him time and effort while working, while the sword master gave him a healthy and strong body.

Combining the two, wow~~

No matter what kind of profession, as long as it does not exceed the second level, it will be unlucky to meet him.

Because facing a magician, he can be a swordsman, and facing a swordsman, he can be a magician, or a combination of the two, which is absolutely unexpected.

To describe it in the words of people before time travel, that is, they don't talk about Wude.

After the villagers left in the afternoon, Rhea began to inspect the project.It's not that he doesn't trust everyone, but that the bean curd project in his previous life really scares him, and he's used to checking.

He even checks the hotel before checking in. As soon as he sees something wrong, he picks up his bag and runs away.

I don't want to be buried alive, so I have to change places.

It's not that he was exaggerating, but there were quite a lot of examples like this in the last world.

Therefore, Ruiya has very strict requirements on the house, forbidding bean curd projects.

Rhea checked and found nothing wrong.Also, his stone bricks are made by himself, and he knows the quality very well.Besides, even the size and weight are the same, as long as the eyes are not crooked, basically there will be no problems.

After half a month, the main body of the house was completed.

It looks no different from an ordinary western manor from the outside, but the layout inside is the same as that of the country of Rhea, that is to say, the appearance is consistent with this world.

For example, the rooms are all arranged according to the courtyard.There are main rooms, east and west wing rooms, and side rooms.

He built five courtyards, large and small, of which the main courtyard was where he and Xiya lived.

In addition, there are four small courtyards that I haven't thought of doing yet, but when Xiya grows up and wants to live alone and have a private space, he can choose a courtyard to live in.

The remaining three courtyards were mainly added by Rhea for the sake of a good layout.

There is the main yard in the middle, four small yards on both sides, and a backyard behind it, but this backyard is mainly used to raise livestock and poultry. At that time, he will also buy a carriage that can be used to pull things.

Although his own wind system can also carry things, if one day he is tired and doesn't want to work, it is good to have a carriage.


Rhea tilted her head.

"Dad, sit down."

He also wanted to take his son out for a walk, not to mention how far it was, just to go to the town, so that he could meet more people and learn about human beings, so that he would not be easily deceived in the future.

It is said that the elves are a very kind and simple race, and they are easily deceived.

Many elves are caught by humans pretending to be injured because they are too kind.

Rhea didn't want her son to become such an elf, although he respected kind people very much.But good people should not be deceived.

Harmfulness is not allowed, and defensiveness is indispensable.

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