Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 120 Asking for Subscription

"speak English."

Xi Ya glared at her, and said nothing to him.

"Okay, okay, I'll just say that. Because I've seen the changes in the mainland. It's hard to say about the new races, but the changes in the human race and the orc race are the biggest."

The orc, who was not very smart at first, actually developed his brain further after systematic study.Moreover, his temper has also been controlled, and he is no longer the violent and angry orcs before.

Every time they want to get angry, they just need to say the name of the Great Emperor, and they will calm down.

At the beginning, the effect was not obvious, but as the Holy Sun Empire became stronger day by day, the changes of these orcs came into the eyes of those who cared.

The orcs are no longer irritable and irritable, and they are extremely loyal to Rhea, even if they want to provoke them, they will not be able to provoke them.Because no matter how nice they say, the orc tribe only recognizes Emperor Shengyang.

It was Emperor Shengyang who gave them a good life. This was the only thought in the minds of all the low-level orcs.

And it's only been a few decades, and they haven't forgotten their previous life.

What do you miss about the days when you couldn't eat enough and didn't wear warm clothes?What kind of orc empire, it's just an empire of middle and high-level orcs, it has nothing to do with their low-level orcs.

Although low-level orcs are not very strong, geniuses occasionally appear.These geniuses are loyal to the Holy Sun Empire because of their parents and themselves.

They gradually became the top ranks of the orc clan, and those high-ranking orcs in the past were marginalized.

Without power, even if they are high-level orcs, there is no way to make the orcs listen to them.What's more, the low-level orcs are still unwilling to listen. Everyone only knows that the naturalized high-level orcs in the past have bad intentions, and each of them has to do one thing before going to work every day.

Throw unwanted garbage at the door of the high-level orcs, let them know that the low-level orcs are not easy to deceive, and they also have brains.

The door was smashed by garbage every day, and the senior orcs complained to the community, but the community always sent them away on the grounds that they had not caught the criminals.

In order not to live among the garbage, they had to hire someone to clean it.

"Is it you?"

The high-ranking orc looked at the low-ranking orc with a cleaning tool in his hand, and gritted his teeth.

"Hello, I am the cleaning staff arranged by the community staff. Is there anything that needs to be cleaned up?"

The low-level orc who threw out the garbage in the morning and turned into a cleaner at noon to earn extra wages smiled and asked the high-level orc in the most gentle voice. They have never talked so softly with their sons!


Although it is very uncomfortable, it is not the time of the orc empire, and the high-level orcs have nothing to do with them. They can only take the low-level orcs to the area that needs to be cleaned.

Knowing who the murderer who threw these things was, the senior orc couldn't take revenge, and spent every day holding his breath.

On the contrary, his wife and children don't care, those who go to school go to school, and those who work work.

There used to be many concubines in the family, but the Holy Sun Empire stipulated that one husband and one wife should have no concubines, so those concubines were released when they were naturalized to the Holy Sun Empire.

His wife has no relationship with him either. If it wasn't for the children, they would have divorced long ago.

Being able to be the wife of a high-level orc has good qualifications, and she can live a good life with her own children.

It's not like high-level orcs who can't afford to look for a job, but they adapt very well.

No one in Shengyang will make fun of the working women, they are having a good time outside every day.

The same is true for their children, who no longer have to endure the abuse from their fathers, carry their schoolbags to school every day, and go home to do their homework and talk to their mother about what happened at school.

It's just that everything is going in a good direction except that he no longer calls his father.

It's not that the senior orc didn't want to teach his wife and children the same old way, but if he dared to make a move, the orc would call the police immediately, and he would be arrested by the police, and he would go to jail for a few years.

His wife can more justly divorce him and divide his property.

Of course the senior orc was unwilling, these properties were his last hope.

For the same reason, the high-level orcs did not dare to do anything to their wives and children.

Jena, who moved to Alfonsoia in the early years, took her son and a group of concubines and opened a jerky shop in the provincial capital.

It may be the talent of the orcs. The jerky they make tastes great and can be stored for a long time, so the business is very good.

Jena sent all her children to school, and she took her concubines into the jerky business, counting how much money she made every day before going to bed.

The Beastmaster and her brother were confined to the provincial capital, and could not go anywhere except the provincial capital.

Although food, clothing and drink were provided by the government, they were handcuffed and deprived of personal freedom.

Seeing their daughters and sisters appearing free and at ease, it is false that they are not jealous.

The Beastmaster came to the door several times, but was driven away by Jena.

"What are you doing here? Without your daughter here, your daughter would have died a long time ago."

Jena kept accounts at the counter, which she only learned after she came to Shengyang.It doesn't matter if you can't read or write. There are literacy classes in the society, and they will be taught how to calculate accounts.

Jena and those concubines have studied very seriously, and these things will be their skills in the future.

They graduated a year later and opened this jerky shop.Speaking of which, they were able to open the shop because of the help of community workers and classmates in literacy classes.

Their jerky is delicious, but I don't know it.After the students tasted it, they told them that they can open a shop, because their jerky is better than others.

Jena accepted the suggestion and rented a good shop under the arrangement of the community staff, and her life became better day by day.

Even occasionally, there are annoying ones, such as the crippled beast king and elder brother standing in front of her now.

"Jenna, we are also your father and elder brother after all, why are you talking to us!"

Brother Jena has always been the only one in the family except for his father.Even though his wife and children don't listen to what he said now, brother Jena is still immersed in the past and is not willing to face reality at all.

Jenna had always been deaf to his words, ignoring them at all.

"Get out." If you get annoyed, it's just a word.

The Waste Beast King and Jena's elder brother were handcuffed again, they were no match for Jena, and were finally thrown out of the jerky shop.

And passers-by on the road looked at the forbidden weapons on their hands, and they knew that they were stubborn orcs, and everyone didn't take a good look at them.

There are not many orcs like this in the Sacred Sun Empire. Even some orcs who can't let go of their noble status in the past are unwilling to go back after getting used to the life of the Sacred Sun Empire.

There are no people who serve them, and they are not allowed to treat low-level orcs as their own slaves.But apart from this point, how could it not be better than in the Beastman Empire?

Eat well and dress well.There is still money in hand, and I will be naturalized after a few years.

Now they go out to work like their wives and children to earn money every day. Although it is harder than before, they earn the money by themselves, and they feel proud.

The change in thinking made the female orcs who originally wanted to divorce them slowly live with them.

The children are also closer to them than before, coupled with the teaching of the school, the violent genes originally inherited from the father have also been calmed down.

The children have accepted the correct three views, and they also know that beating and scolding their wives and children is a bad habit.Respect for mother, and use of relatives is no longer the main thing.

Therefore, people who are still wearing forbidden magic or forbidden weapons are not trusted by the Holy Sun Empire.

Such people are respected by everyone.

Not to mention that the human race doesn't like it, even the orc race who are orcs don't like it. They always feel that they will make trouble.

So people are watching them every day, more closely than the police, and they will call the police immediately if they find something wrong.The eyes of the masses are discerning, and the bad guys are no match for their sharp eyes.

Rhea didn't even think that it would be the orcs who stared at these people.

Therefore, the orc race lived very well in the Holy Sun Empire, and they have adapted to living with the human race for decades.

Except for some orcs who like grasslands, most of them moved into the territory of the human race and lived a life of the human race.

As for the orcs on the grasslands, they raised cattle, sheep and horses, and sold them to the state except for their own food.Farming is very hard, but the income is also very considerable!

Everyone eats well and dresses warmly.With the status of low-level orcs, he also gave birth to some small orcs with good talents.

Holding the little orc, the low-level orc cried.

It turned out that it was not because of their poor genes, but because their bodies were too poor, so they couldn't give birth to small beasts with good talents.Even if it is only an intermediate level, it proves that their low-level orcs can also give birth to intermediate-level orcs, but the probability is low.

Low probability and no birth at all are two different things.

Therefore, these low-level orcs did not miss the period of the orc empire at all, and praised the Holy Sun Empire and the Holy Sun Emperor every day.

When they heard that these cattle, sheep and horses were sent to the soldiers in the war zone, they chose the strongest ones for the government.

There was even a [-]% discount on the price. Although they didn't earn that much after the discount, they were happy.

What they sent by themselves is not the same thing as what others forcibly took away.One is willing, the other is forced to buy and sell.

Can these two things be the same?Mentioning this matter, he dragged out those high-level orcs to flog their corpses.

So the current development of the Holy Sun Empire is benign, at least no one is causing trouble in the country.

It's not that they don't want to, but that they can't make a fuss, and no one follows them.

You are not stupid, the days are all contrasted.

Most people are still willing to live a peaceful life, who wants to live on the edge of a knife every day!

Although the original life was very enjoyable, there is no fulfillment in the current life.

People who are used to living life to the fullest never want to go back to their old days.After refusing, he turned around and sued them.

This kind of person, one tells one.

After a series of coquettish operations, let alone rebellion, those orcs with malicious intentions retreated home as soon as they heard the word "police".

Faced with their cowardice, the wife and children dismissed it.Even if the other orcs didn't call the police, they would.

After decades in the Holy Sun Empire, they have learned to use other methods to protect themselves.

Senior male orcs are no longer their heaven and earth, let alone harm them.If there is domestic violence by high-level orcs, please use your rights to report to the police.

The army returned, and everyone stood on the street to present flowers to everyone.


Donna personally hung a wreath around Delger's neck, and now she has also been transferred back to the imperial capital.


"Thank you." Seeing her, Delger was a little embarrassed but thanked her anyway.

"Go, Your Majesty is waiting for you in the palace."

Donna stepped out of her way to make way for him.

"Thank you."

Delger left without looking back.


Willie was not in a hurry to enter the palace, but walked to his daughter's side.

"Dad, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Donna shook her head towards her father and pointed to the side.

"Who do you see over there?"

"Karina, Xiuer."

Willie saw the white-haired wife and the son supporting her, and happily ran over to them.

"Father, welcome home."

Xiu Er was very happy to see Willy.

"Karina, why did you come out, it's not safe outside."

Willie took over his wife from his son, and Karina is already over 100 years old. Although she still has a few decades to live, she is indeed not too young.

Karina, who can only stop at the intermediate level, has a lifespan of only one hundred and fifty-six.Willie is bound to accept his wife's early death, so now he is very worried about Karina's health, and usually doesn't let her squeeze into crowded places.

"I'm fine, don't worry!"

Karina hugged her husband back. She has lived happily for decades.A few years ago, she stepped down from the position of chief of the Intelligence Bureau, and now Xiu Er is taking over her position.

No one thought that the soft and sticky little dumpling would grow into a big shot in the Intelligence Bureau.

Compared with his mother, his methods are better, and his appearance is very deceptive, no one guessed that he is the director of the intelligence bureau.

"Father, don't worry! I have already asked brother Xi Ya to help my mother read it."

Xiu Er patted Willy on the shoulder.

"At first, the Emperor said he wanted to improve my mother's aptitude, but my mother refused." Xiuer looked at Karina, whose head was covered with white hair, and the corners of her eyes and mouth were also covered with wrinkles. He couldn't understand why her mother refused.

Grandma Luna and the others who refused along with their mother, Gail and the others were very worried. As children, they certainly didn't want their parents to leave early.

Because they are not young anymore, although the life expectancy of the mixed blood is about [-] to [-], but they are several decades older than Karina, and the time of death will probably be about the same as Karin .

"We will go to the underworld after we die. Today the emperor made an exception for us. In the future, more people will beg on the emperor's head. We have guarded the emperor's reputation all his life. How can we let him be in this matter? It's difficult!"

Karina looked at her son and shook her head, even if they broke through to advanced levels, so what if they could live for hundreds of years longer?Their qualifications are not enough to become gods, unless the emperor uses life magic to thoroughly cleanse them, otherwise it is impossible for them to reach the god level.

But in this way, isn't it telling the world that their great emperor has the ability to change people's fate against the sky?

In this way, how many people will ask the emperor?This is what no one wants to see.

Only if they enter the underworld according to the end of their lives, then they will not embarrass Rhea.

Rhea knew everyone's thoughts, he could only hug Luna and say sorry.Even Luna and Rhea didn't do this, and others were not qualified to let Emperor Shengyang do this.The reason why everyone is unwilling to improve their qualifications is because of Rhea.

"sorry Sorry……"

Luna and the others looked at Rhea, who valued him more than his own child, and stroked his head to comfort him.

"Riya, you are not wrong, it is our own choice."

Longevity is good, but the consequences of longevity are also what people don't want to see.

The potion that can change aptitude is already Rhea's counterattack to low-level life, and he can no longer use life magic to change his life against the sky for the second time.

Even if Rhea is willing, the Heavenly Dao of this world will not be willing.

As for Xavier, he is the exception.With his strength, he shouldn't belong to the mainland, so the use of life magic on him was not rejected by heaven.

The same is true for Xi Ya's children. Their talents are very high, enough to make them ascend to the God Realm.

What does the affairs of the gods have to do with the way of heaven?What Tiandao wants to maintain is the balance on the mainland.It is forbidden by the law of heaven to wantonly create longevity species.

Think about the four high-level races, their life span is long enough, but their fertility is poor, this is the balance of heaven.

If there is unlimited reproduction, the entire continent will not be dominated by the human race, but will be equally divided among the four major races.

Rhea understands the balance of heaven better than anyone else, and Luna's rejection made Rhea feel relieved.

His proposal to upgrade everyone's aptitude is sincere, but he also has scruples in his heart.That is the way of heaven, he is not enough to compete with the way of heaven.

"Don't be sad, we just went to the underworld ahead of time. If you miss us, go to the underworld to see us! We know you can do it, right?"

Luna's comfort made Rhea feel better.

Indeed, the underworld is really nothing to him. In his previous life, he was like entering his own back garden. You must know that he almost split the Dark Palace.

"it is good."

Rhea agreed, and would often visit them in the underworld in the future.

It's just that Luna and the others are getting old, and Rhea originally wanted to take them into the palace, but the air in the palace is not as good as that of the manor, and even the magic elements are not as active as the manor, so Rhea had to stop thinking about it.

It's just that he goes back to the manor to stay for one night every two or three days, eating and talking with everyone.

Claire is already at the holy level, and Carlo and Goya have also crossed the threshold and entered the god level. Their protection, the manor is safer than an iron barrel.

But this time Claire planned to go into the elf forest with Rhea, and she had already obtained Rhea's permission.It is enough for the manor to have two god-level protections, Carlo and Goya.In addition, Alger and Angus would come here from time to time, and Rhea wasn't worried about Hina's safety.

As for Cecilia, if the demon in her heart does not disappear, she will not be able to step into the god level. In this respect, she lost to Carlo and Goya.

It's just that Cecilia knew that this trip to the elves was her chance.


When Xiya came back from the manor, Rhea was talking to Delger, and what they were talking about was the matter of subduing the elves this time.

"Is His Royal Highness going too?"

Delger looked at the young elf. Apart from the deviation in his appearance, His Highness the Crown Prince was the one who most resembled His Majesty among the several princes and princesses in terms of expression and temperament.

"Yes, he and the elves still have grudges to settle."

Rhea nodded, and this time Shia would follow.

What the Elf King did back then, he and Xia should also give an explanation.

"Then this time, only Your Majesty and His Royal Highness will go to the Forest of Elves."

Delje wanted to take charge of the imperial capital for Rhea, and he would definitely arrange for his confidants to stay in the imperial capital when the emperor went out.Delger has a high status and is also the marshal of the armed forces. He is indeed more suitable than anyone else.

"Yes. Xavier will follow, so you don't have to worry about my safety."

Angus and Alger, who had been by his side to protect Rhea since he had risen to the god level, had resigned.They returned to the palace, beat their son from time to time, and urged him to practice.

Rhea has become a god-level, how can he still be a saint-level!

Under the urging of his grandfather and father, Alexander's strength has improved greatly, and Angus and Alger are even more reluctant to leave.

Alexander was their son and grandson, so he naturally hoped that he would already be a god when they ascended to the God Realm.

Otherwise, when they reached the God Realm, they still had to worry about whether Alexander could ascend.

So this time, the two of them will not go to the forest of elves with Rhea, it can be regarded as the strength hidden in the imperial capital!I just go back to the manor occasionally to ask everyone if there is anything that needs their help.

Delger can still consult with them if he has something to do. After all, they are all people who have been emperors, and they have enough vision and brains.

"Your Majesty, I always feel that there is something wrong with the Elven King." Derje stayed on the battlefield all year round, and his intuition was still very important.

"I know, Cecilia said that she left the elves because she drank a glass of juice given to her by the current elf king."

Cecilia had already made it clear to Rhea that she always wanted to return to the elves, just to avenge herself.

She didn't leave voluntarily back then, but was tricked by the Elf King. The other party wanted to plot against her. Cecilia endured the discomfort and left the Elf Clan.

All her strength was used to suppress the unknown medicinal properties in that glass of juice, and as a result, her body was completely damaged.Does she really not want to have children with her husband?

No, although her husband told her very considerately that he didn't want to give birth to a mixed race, leaving the child to suffer in this world.

The real reason was that the glass of fruit juice had been mixed with an emotional potion, and the Elf King wanted to do something wrong to Cecilia.

Cecilia didn't want to be succeeded by him, and escaped from the elves after suppressing the medicine.

Later, she was lucky enough to meet her husband, and the medicine on her body was lifted.But at the same time, her body was also destroyed, and it was impossible to have children.

Her husband also knew this, so he said that and took the responsibility on himself.

"Amelia, my husband searched for medicinal plants and magic plants in order to research the potion to cure my body. But we searched all over the mainland, but we didn't think of the same thing. I don't know where the Elf King got it from. So I want to go back to the forest of elves, seek revenge from the elf king, and at the same time find the medicine and research it. This is Ameliaka's last wish, and I will fulfill it for him."

Cecilia's inner demon is her husband and revenge, so she has been unable to break the inner demon and step into the god level.

It was because her obsession was too deep that she had become her inner demon.If it wasn't for the Elven King's medicine, she could have children with her husband, so what if she is a mixed race?She can protect them from suffering.

But because of the Elf King, she couldn't even keep her husband's flesh and blood. How could Cecilia be willing to do this?

The seeds of hatred kept burning in her heart, and just when she was about to be completely blinded by hatred and finally died due to elemental disorder, several cubs broke into her cave.

The existence of the elf Xia awakened her sanity.

Once Queen of the Elves, she was loving to the elves.The reason why she changed later was because she saw the possibility of revenge in Xi Ya, so she always wanted to abduct Xi Ya back to the elves.

It's just that Shia refused to go back, Rhea and the others also kept a close eye on Cecilia so that she couldn't take Shia away.

Of course, the more reason is that she doesn't want to bring powerful enemies to the elves. Rhea, who has several god-level protections, is not something the elves can provoke.

She wanted revenge, but she didn't want to harm innocent elves.

This time Cecilia led the way, in addition to revenge, she also hoped that the elves would let go of their prejudices and come out of the forest.

The prejudice of the elves over the years has made them more and more stubborn and self-closing. The development of the human race is no longer the weak human race before. The magic crystal cannon made by the human race has the ability to blast open the gate of the elf forest.

"This elf king doesn't look like an elf at all, but rather a despicable villain."

Shia didn't have a good impression when he mentioned the Elf King. In his memory, the Elf King had been targeting him.It wasn't that the Elf King didn't want to kill Xi Ya, but that Xi Ya had received a lot of attention at that time, and he hadn't become a god, and the elves and elders could suppress him.

Later, when she wanted to do something, Xi Ya was sent to Rhea again.Relying on his god-level status, he asked the human prince to hand over Xi Ya, and the result was that the forest of elves was bombarded by the magic crystal cannon.As for the enchantment of the forest of elves, it can only stop people, but it cannot stop cannons.

If it weren't for Rhea's inability to separate herself at that time, and there weren't so many elves to care about them, the elves would become the second of the four major races to be subdued after the orcs.

That's really subjugation, because elves are relatively proud, they look down on all races, if you subdue them all without force, they won't obey orders.

This time, in addition to the army, they will also take dozens of saints and nearly a hundred ninth-levels to the forest of elves.

Although there is only one god level elf, there are still a lot of holy levels.

There are also a lot of high-level elves, so so many holy and ninth-level elves are needed to go together.

The current Holy Sun Empire has unified the mainland. Although there are still some small places that have not been fully naturalized, the people at the top have been conquered by the Holy Sun.

And their holy level, ninth level, and even god level have been incorporated.

The god-level person who escaped from the Yulan Empire back then had bad luck. He was killed by the fake Xavier, and his heart was also eaten by the fake Xavier.

Because of the need to maintain the energy in the body, the fake Xavier will always attack the god-level heart, because the god-level heart contains all their power.

Such a bad luck, Delger laughed when he found out.After a hard run, he ended up with a dead body.

Delger stayed in the imperial capital. Besides sitting in the town, he had another task, which was to clean up the Blood Cross Organization.

The leader of the Blood Cross has been taken away by the god of death, and the organization Blood Cross should not exist anymore.

The way of heaven repaired the time and space, and the time and space of the three generations merged. In the future, there will be no Emperor Guangming, nor Emperor Shenghui, only the current Emperor Shengyang.

Except for Rhea, the God of Light and the God of Darkness, and Xavier who know a little bit of the truth, no one else will know about the merger of the three time and space.

As for the Four Emperors...

Rhea thought of the children, and rarely stretched out her arms to hug the eldest son.

"Xia, don't be impulsive when you go to the forest of elves this time, remember?"

"Dad, I won't trouble everyone."

Xi Ya's face was a little bit shy, he was so old and let his father hug him, it was really embarrassing.

"Father is not afraid that you will cause trouble, but that you will be wronged."

When they arrived at the Forest of Elves, those elves would definitely not have a good look at Shia.As the Son of Prophecy, even if it was a false prophecy released by the Blood Cross, the elves firmly believed it, and they hated Xia.

I firmly believe that Xia will destroy the elves, even if everyone tells them it is false, the elves will not believe it.

In their hearts, just like the Dragon Clan, they only believe in themselves.Sorry, we don't listen to the words of other races.

And the Elven King...

He will be the biggest obstacle to the trip of the elves this time. He has ruled the elves for too long, and the elves trust him very much.

Even if Cecilia told the truth, they would not believe it.

Coupled with Xi Ya, the son of the prophecy, a peaceful settlement is impossible, and a few elves will always have to die to make them realize the reality.

Now it is no longer the previous continent, and now there is only one voice of the Holy Sun Empire on the continent.

There are rumors of the sons of prophecy among the four major races, and Rhea had to subdue them and educate them ideologically.

Prophets are liars, and most prophecies come true because of them.If there is no prophecy, everyone will not target the Prophet's Son, and naturally the things in the prophecy will not happen.

Many times, prophecies are man-made.The children of prophecy will walk on the path of prophecy, and they are all forced out by others.

What is the reason for the extermination of the second world?Isn't it because of the prophecy?Because of the reasons of the second world, it caused indelible damage to the Three Emperors, so when it was discovered that the situation was wrong, Rhea, who should have been sleeping in this life, had to wake up early.

According to the agreement, Rhea's real awakening time should be when he was 22 years old, and 20 years of deep sleep was enough for him to integrate with his body.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident in the middle, and Rhea woke up early.The representative of waking up early is that his memory is incomplete, thinking that he has time traveled and survived instead of the original owner.

But in fact, he didn't time travel at all, but was sleeping in his body all the time. The real time travel should be when he was in the first life, that's called fetal wear.

As for the second and third worlds, they were just games of his own making, so time-traveling wasn't really counted.It was just because of amnesia that made him think that he had traveled through time.

On the day of departure, the Holy See of Guangming sent two unicorns, which were still holy.


Several cubs climbed onto the unicorn and rode it before Rhea and Shea got on the horse.

"Thank the Pope for me, I will visit my uncle next time I have a chance."

The one who sent the unicorn was the Holy Son. This was the second time he and Rhea met. The first time was at Rhea's enthronement ceremony.

Compared with that time, Rhea's aura is stronger now, and the Holy Son was secretly startled when he saw it.

Even someone who has been a great emperor for hundreds of years doesn't have such aura, right?

As expected of the man who unified the continent, just standing there is the focus of the audience.

"Okay, my lord, I will bring it."

The Holy Son nodded with a smile, and stepped back a few steps.

Rhea and Shia came to the unicorn, and Hina and the others jumped off the unicorn.

"Dad, they are so smart, and I want unicorns too." Ciri fell in love with unicorns at first sight.

It looks very similar to wildebeest, but its whole body is white and glowing.The unicorns on the mainland are basically raised by the Holy See, and there are no other places.

As the exclusive mount of the Holy See, unicorns are very popular among paladins.

But the number is limited, and only a small number of knights can get it.Originally, Eli and the others also owned unicorns, but they came to protect Rhea, so the unicorn mounts remained in the Holy See.

It's just that their mounts are only ninth-level, unlike Rhea and Shea, the Pope sent two holy-level unicorns directly.

There are less than ten unicorns in the entire Holy See that have reached the holy level, and the Pope and Son account for one-fifth of them.

A few cardinals were assigned holy unicorns by the Pope because of their great contributions.There may be less than three unicorns left that have not yet recognized their owners.

The pope sent all the last holy unicorns here, which shows that he attaches great importance to Rhea and Shea.

"I'll tell the Pope later that there are no more saint-level ones, but there are still some eighth- and ninth-level ones."

The Son did not wait for Rhea to speak, but assured Ciri.

"Thank you grandpa."

Xi Rui and the pilgrims smiled sweetly. This one is a generation higher than Rhea, so the children have to call him grandpa.

Shengzi twisted his face when he heard the word grandfather. He thought he was still young, so he became a grandfather in the end.

A man who was almost two hundred years old actually said that he was young, Rhea couldn't help but give him a sideways glance.

What about the face?

No more.

The Son of God looked at their Highness the Son of God with a holy face, and he was determined not to lose face at such a time.

"Let's go!"

Rhea turned on the unicorn, Xia pushed away the hand of the entourage, and followed Rhea's appearance and turned on the horse.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

All the nobles and ministers of Shengyang came to the palace to send Rhea off to the battle.

An army of one hundred thousand, one hundred ninth-level and sixty holy-level, followed Rhea and Xia.

As for Xavier, he went to the forest of elves first.His strength is high, he can listen to news, and he can also prevent the Elf King from discovering his existence.

This is Xavier's experience gained from years of trespassing in forbidden places. As long as he wants to hide himself, no one on this continent can really find him.

It is more convenient and useful for him to go to the Forest of Elves to inquire about news first than others.

The army walked unhurriedly towards the forest of elves. After the forest of elves received the news, the elves were in a mess.

Ordinary elves hid in the tree house and prayed to the god of life, hoping that the elf forest could escape this disaster.

As for the elf king and the elders, get together in the elf tree palace to find a way.

"My lord, how should I deal with the army of the Holy Sun?"

The first elder was holding his staff. This was the biggest crisis in the Elven Forest. If the elves were not resolved properly, it would cause a huge blow, and in severe cases, even exterminate the clan.

"I have no choice, but is there any way for the elders to stop the army of the Holy Sun? For example, if the dragon clan rescues, the two clans join forces, even the Holy Sun Empire will be afraid!"

The elf king held the elf scepter, his face was ashen.

What can he do, he is the only god level in the entire elf clan.Don't other countries and races have god level?There are also some, but they still lose in the same way?

"It's useless, the Dragon Emperor won't agree."

The Dragon King recalled all the Dragon Clan back to Long Island, and Long Island was far away from the mainland. The Dragon Clan was very safe. There was no need for the Dragon King to offend the current number one power in the mainland, the Holy Sun Empire, just because of an elf clan.


"Then what should we do? Should we just surrender like this?"

The second elder was so angry that he slapped the table.The fruit basket on the table jumped a few times because of his actions.

"Don't worry, there will always be a way. The army of the Holy Sun has not arrived at the Forest of Elves so quickly, but we have to come up with an idea as soon as possible, otherwise it will really be too late."

The first elder wanted to sigh, but the Elf King obviously had no good solution. The Dragon Clan had been eliminated, and the Mermaid Clan could not quench their thirst far away, and their strength would also be discounted after they landed.Whether it is a [-]% discount or a [-]% or [-]% discount depends on whether the opponent's strength is deep or shallow.

The Forest of Elves is in a mess right now, but the purebred elves are alright and relatively calm.After all, their strength is relatively high, and I believe that the Elf King and the elders can protect the Elven Forest.

Ordinary elves are not so calm, praying to God is the basic operation.It's just that the God of Life can't help them now, because he is now being arrested by the God of Light.

I didn't move him before because the God of Life is the only god with life magic.

But it's different now, there are two more people with life magic, and it's okay if the god of life dies, just use the offspring to replace him later.

"Great God of Life, I beg you to save the elves! The army of the Holy Sun is about to come to the forest of elves, and they are a group of demons.

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