Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 128 Asking for Subscription

A person with normal three views cannot understand this kind of behavior.

Even in the previous life, there were many men who said outside that the red flag at home would not fall, but the colorful flags fluttered outside.A man who can say such things is not worthy of marriage.

Because in terms of marriage law, Rhea is very strict.Marriage is a lifetime event, and if two people can get married, it means that there is fate.But when you have a wife and children, you still dare to find someone outside. This is not taking the law seriously, and it is also disrespecting your wife and children.

Therefore, for those who cheat, regardless of whether they are men or women, Rhea is severely punished.Not only fine, but also to leave the house.As for their children, both parties are responsible for raising them, and the monthly child support is paid according to the local living standards.

It doesn’t matter if you lose a penny, the government will conduct an audit, and if there is no transfer of money, you will be warned.

Those who failed to pay child support after three warnings were arrested directly.

In his previous life, he couldn't see and couldn't do anything for them.But in this life, everything will be according to his will.No one can take chances, the so-called money and power can mess around, it doesn't work for him.

Otherwise, one day, when women receive education and awaken their awareness, they will refuse to marry one by one because men let them down too much. Where will the population come from?How can a country develop and continue without a population?

But can this blame women for being selfish?If there is someone who can be with you for a lifetime, who would refuse?It's just that most men let them down.

What Rhea has to do now is to let these men stand up and don't let the women down.

Population is the top priority of a country's development. He doesn't want to let married people give birth to babies in order to increase the number of newborns in the future.

It's okay to have a baby, but the problem is how to give birth to the baby?It's useless to just be born, but not to be able to support it!

So what he has to do is to try to balance these relationships and not let the child become a burden on the family.Therefore, the schools in the Holy Sun Empire are free of tuition fees, at most, parents are required to pay a few silver coins for books.

Adding up more than ten years, it is only one or two gold coins, which no matter how poor a family can afford.

Reducing the burden and reducing the burden not only reduces the burden on the students, but also the burden on the parents!

Therefore, Rhea waived the tuition fees of the students regardless of the tightness of the national treasury.At the same time, a sum of money was allocated from the finances for the construction of schools.

In addition, the salary of teachers is also very good, so many people are willing to take the teacher qualification certificate and enter the school to become a teacher.

Once there are schools, teachers, and students, the school will be completed.

As for other facilities, they can be built little by little later, and there is no rush.

Rhea took the Dragon Emperor to visit the newly built village school, and let him see what the new Shengyang Empire is like.Although the Dragon Clan is powerful, the population of the Dragon Clan is a shortcoming, no matter how strong they are, there is a limit.And the new Sacred Sun Empire will become stronger day by day, and it is the earliest possible thing to flatten Dragon Island.

It is about a hundred miles away from the imperial capital, and it is a very ordinary village.

But it is such a village, everyone lives in old houses, but the school in the village is beautifully built.

Black tiles, white walls.There is also the national flag of Shengyang raised in the sky, which is all the facilities of this school.

Because it is built in the village, this school only has basic classrooms and toilets, and there are no canteens or dormitories.Students eat at home and sleep at home, which is very convenient.

Such a simple school can be built in just one day with a magician.Therefore, all the villages in the Holy Sun Empire, large and small, started to have schools.

Most of the schools are already in use, with students attending classes during the day and returning home at night.

"Not only the human race, but other races including the dragon race will also build schools in the future. The dragon race can no longer waste their time."

Rhea said to the Dragon Emperor.

"You have a long lifespan, so when you were young, you either played or slept, and you didn't practice seriously at all, let alone study. Because of your long lifespan, no matter how hard you work when you grow up, you will still have time. But Dragon King, you really think this is the way to go." okay?"

Rhea asked the Dragon King to look at the human cubs below who were studying hard. They are not long-lived species, and most of them live only a few hundred years old.

But the human race has created a miracle that no other race has.

Even without Rhea, the human race is still one of the overlords of the mainland.In addition to the preference of heaven, there is also the creativity of the human race.

Other races only rely on their own talents, and the talents of the human race are actually the worst.But the human race is good at summarizing, and has researched the skills and meditation that suit them.Let the human race, which is not easy to cultivate, quickly surpass other races.

The lifespan of the human race is indeed not long, but the human race can still rely on its short lifespan to accomplish things that other races cannot.

The Dragon King was hit hard by Rhea, because he knew what Rhea said was true. The strength of the Dragon Clan looks very strong now, but the Dragon King's psychology is clearer than anyone else. The number of saints is getting less and less. He and Carlo are two dragons.

The human race is different, there will be one god level every few years, and the holy level is almost more than the dragon's dragon mouth combined.

"I have to think about it." The Dragon Emperor looked at the hard-working students, and then took a look at the beautiful school.

He admitted in his heart that although most of the human race are ordinary people, ordinary people also work hard to change their destiny.

You don't necessarily need great strength to change your own destiny.

The person who made the magic crystal cannon is just an ordinary person.The person who invented meditation is even a low-level magician.

The Dragon Emperor also knows all these histories.It is precisely because of the magic crystal cannon that the human race has become one of the overlords of the mainland from a race that anyone can bully on the mainland.

Coupled with the god level that the human race appeared intermittently later, the human race completely occupied most of the continent.

Not to mention the current Sacred Sun Empire, this is a real colossus.

The Yulan Empire and Raging Fire Empire that were wiped out before were all inconspicuous countries in the beginning.Even the four high-level races, when facing these empires, cannot afford to lose face at all.

But after the establishment of these empires, the Dragon Clan did not dare to be too arrogant, because when the several great empires joined forces, even the four major races had to be careful.

It can be seen that the strength of the human race is not as bad as they say.The slaughtered dragons, captured elves, orcs, etc., can all see the ferocious side of the human race.

The human race does have many shortcomings, but the efforts of the human race are above all races.

Even the Dragon Clan has to admit this, and the efforts of the Human Clan are commendable.If the human race doesn't work hard, they are still captive slaves of various races, instead of treating other races as slaves for so many years.

Of course, these two kinds of Rhea feel bad. Compared with slaves of any race, an equal society is easier for people to progress.

Some people have no qualifications in cultivation, but they are masters in other aspects.Some people are making great strides in cultivation, but they are no different from idiots in other respects.

What Rhea has to do is to give everyone a platform to show their abilities, instead of respecting the strong like before.

If the strong cannot defend their homeland, they have nothing to be respected.And the weak are not inherently weak, they also have a strong side, which many strong people can't do.

The weaker a person is, the more he wants to become stronger.

This is the case with the human race. Among all the races, the human race has the worst talent and the worst life expectancy, but with their own efforts, today the mainland is dominated by human races. Isn't this a reward from the heavens for their hard work!

"The dragon race is different from the human race. We don't have to do anything. After adulthood, the dragon race is a high-level race. Only a small number of dragon races can't meet the requirements because of their poor innate conditions. But with practice, the worst is level seven."

After returning to the palace, the Dragon Emperor said without admitting defeat in order to save face for the Dragon Clan.

Especially when it comes to the talent and physique of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Emperor is especially proud. Because of the strength of the Dragon Clan, no race on the mainland dares to offend the Dragon Clan easily.Even if he slays the dragon, he doesn't dare to do it blatantly.

This is the confidence of the Dragon Clan, and of course the Human Clan can't understand it.

"I admit this. There is no race on the mainland that can surpass the dragon race. Presumably the Dragon Emperor is very proud of his dragon race identity?"

Rhea lifted the teapot and poured tea for the Dragon Emperor.

"of course."

The Dragon Emperor raised his chin. As a dragon, he was born to be proud of his race.

"But His Majesty the Dragon King seems to have forgotten why the Dragon Clan has difficulty conceiving." Rhea's words instantly hit the Dragon King's sore foot.

"You are talking nonsense." Can the Dragon Emperor admit it?Of course they wouldn't admit it, how could the Dragon Clan have difficulty in giving birth!Even if this is something that everyone knows well, the Dragon Emperor will not admit it.

"Just treat me as nonsense! Hasn't the Dragon Emperor thought about why the dragons have difficulty in conceiving? Apart from your strength, the more important thing is that the dragons have no merits for this world." Rhea really didn't want to be with her. Dealing with dragons, all dragons are the same except for Alex and the now changed Carlo.

It's just that compared with the elves, the number of dragons is rarer, and it is more difficult to see on the mainland.They respect the strong of the human race, but to the weak of the human race, they are just reptiles in their eyes, and it is not worth the trouble of the dragon race.

The Dragon Clan is such a realistic species, the strong can be exchanged for their respect, and the weak are not worthy of their eyes.

"What do you mean?"

The Dragon Emperor grabbed Rhea's hand, as if you don't want to leave unless you explain clearly.

"Don't you understand? The dragons have no credit for this world except for their endless demands. You have taken away countless treasures and brought them into the dragon tomb, disrupting many civilizations, and the treasures have lost their functions. Faster-growing continents stagnated."

Rhea has carefully studied the races of this world, or it was studied by Emperor Guangming and Emperor Shenghui. He just took advantage of the previous two lives.

He found that the more powerful the race, the more restricted it was.And all of these races only ask for and don't contribute to the mainland.

So most of them went to extinction in the end. It is said that the number of races on the mainland once exceeded four digits, but now there are only one or two hundred.

Many of the races that have ever existed were brilliant.He even established his own country.But none of them escaped the extermination in the end, all because they caused too much damage to this world.

For example, the Titans who almost broke arms with the Dragons, they look very similar to the Humans, but they are very powerful, and their heads are about the same size as the original Dragons.

But why is there only sub-Titans left in such a powerful race? The real Titans disappeared as early as 5 years ago.

It is because the Titans can only destroy. For example, they eat meat, and only eat monsters and other talented races. A Titan eats hundreds of talented people on average every day.

Their existence is destroying the balance of the continent, so the meteorite fell from the sky 5 years ago, and the Titans disappeared.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, does the way the Titans disappear sound familiar?"

Compared with the Titans, the Dragons are much more restrained in this respect.Although they also ate, they did not destroy the ecology, so the meteorites at that time only reduced their number and increased the difficulty of their reproduction.

Instead of directly destroying their race, it is already the love of heaven.


The Dragon Queen's back was sweating, and soon a piece of clothing was soaked with sweat.

"There are also giant insects. They cannot transform, but they can burrow into the ground and love to eat vegetation. Wherever they exist, no grass grows everywhere they go. Finally, 6 years ago, the same meteorite landed, and the giant insects disappeared. On the mainland."

Every time Rhea mentioned a disappearing race, the Dragon Emperor had to wipe off his sweat.

Don't look at the Dragon Emperor's usual arrogance, but he is very clear in his heart that the total population of the dragon clan has decreased by more than a dozen dragons compared to 1000 years ago, and the decline is every 1000 years.

Is this really a warning from God to them?

"What about the elves?"

What about the elves who are as famous as the dragons?I haven't seen the elves making any contribution to the mainland, so why are they all right?

"Although I really don't want to admit it, the elves have indeed made great contributions to the mainland in terms of the environment and plants. The food we eat now, the first race was discovered by the elves, and they were also cultivated."

Although Rhea doesn't like the current elves, he still respects the ancient elves.At that time, the elves looked at the races in the world with a mentality that all living beings are equal, so when they saw that the races in the world had nothing to eat, they took out the land they cultivated to grow food.

However, only the human race has developed these races and cultivated them from generation to generation, and finally they have become the food that can feed the entire human race today.

Then there are plants, and the elves have made great contributions to this. Even the current elves mainly focus on protecting nature and never destroying the environment.

So don't look at the fact that elves and dragons are also restricted. Only purebred elves are restricted, while the restrictions on subspecies elves are limited.Therefore, the total population of the elves is much larger than that of the less than [-] dragons.


The Dragon Emperor refused to accept it, and felt that the Dragon Clan also contributed.

"Then, the Dragon Emperor, can you give me an example?"

Rhea calmly picked up a cup of tea, took a sip and asked with a smile.


The Dragon Emperor thought for a long time, and in the end there was only one fight.

"...You are destroying, and have nothing to do with contribution."

Fighting, apart from destroying the environment, has no benefit at all, right?

"Increase the population of mixed blood?" Their dragon clan has contributed a lot of mixed blood to the mainland. Isn't it a contribution to the increase in population?

"I think you want to be beaten to death by the mixed blood outside."

Rhea shot him a sideways look.

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. There's nothing wrong with admitting it generously. Just change it in the future."

There is no joke, no sarcasm, but the Dragon Emperor is embarrassed to say any more.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the dragon clan had no contribution to the mainland.Even before the dragon clan had a big reduction in personnel, there were dragon clans fighting everywhere, including the human race, and the fights of the dragon clan made people's lives miserable.

Fight other races, dragons fight dragons.In short, the Dragon Clan at that time was either fighting, or on the way to fighting.

It may be that the Dao of Heaven has a feeling, and feels that the mainland will be pierced by the Dragon Clan sooner or later if it continues like this, so it directly gave them a ruthless blow.

Meteorites fell from the sky, and the Dragon Clan will never fight with people again except for robbery.

"What will the Dragon Clan do now?"

The Dragon Emperor looked at the noble emperor in front of him, feeling a little sad in his heart.The survival of the dragon clan actually had to discuss with the emperor of the human race.

"Let go of your arrogance and build this continent together with everyone. In the future, fighting against the demons together is your contribution, and Heaven will remember your merits after seeing it."

Rhea has always known that only races that contribute to the world can be continued.His unification has only benefits and no harm to the mainland, and Tiandao knows this very well.So knowing what he did, he just gave him some punishment and warning.

Now that his own plan is completed, Tiandao III merged, erasing the space-time loophole.No one knows the truth except him and a few others.

"Is it possible? What can the Dragon Clan do?" It's not that the Dragon Emperor doesn't want to think about the Dragon Clan, but he really can't think of what the Dragon Clan can do?

Apart from fighting more fiercely, the Dragon Clan can only sleep, the kind that can't wake up after sleeping for hundreds of years.

"The dragon clan can protect this world. It is precisely because you are so powerful that you can become the patron saint of this world."

Rhea stood up and walked to the mainland map.

"Dragon Emperor, look, this world is very big. There are dangers everywhere, and the speed of the dragons is very fast. You can protect this world."

For example, if there is an earthquake there, the Dragon Clan can rescue it as quickly as possible.Another example is that if a tsunami occurs there, the Dragon Clan can also use the fastest speed to rush there to rescue.

In short, the dragon family is very easy to use. After all, it is fast and strong. Such a good brick is useful anywhere!

Rhea even wanted to use the Dragon Clan to create the strongest unit. After all, the professionals in this world are people who go against common sense.Regardless of whether you fight or not, one of the things is to damage the environment, and more importantly, it will hurt ordinary people.

This ordinary person does not only refer to human beings, there are also many lower races, and they also do not have much self-protection ability.

"...I can agree, but on one condition."

The Dragon Emperor held out a finger to Rhea.


In the sunny imperial capital, two rays of light suddenly flew out from the royal palaces.

A white light, a colorful light.

The two lights were colliding fiercely over the sky of the imperial capital, because they were too far away, everyone could only see the two lights chasing back and forth in the sky.

However, the gods like Angus flew out of their residences one after another.

"Who is the emperor fighting with?"

Ordinary people can't see it, but the god-level Derjie and the others can see it clearly.It was Rhea who was fighting someone, and neither of them held back.

"It's the Dragon Emperor."

After Carlo received the summons from his son, he rushed from the manor to the palace.Originally, he wanted to prevent the Dragon Emperor and Rhea from fighting, but he seemed to be late.

The two have already fought in the sky.

"Why did they fight?" Alger asked Carlo.

"I don't know, I just came." How could Carlo know, he obviously rushed here at the fastest speed, but the two still hit each other.

"Would you like to ask?"

Angus looked at the two people who were in a ball in the sky, and said a very unreliable idea.

"Are you going to ask?"

Alger gave his father a blank look. Anyone who asks at this time will be swept away by the typhoon.Don't even look, who dares to intervene between these two?


Alexander looked at Xavier, a little hesitant, but he was not happy to let the Dragon King and his son continue to fight.

It's okay for the Dragon Emperor to be hurt. If Rhea is hurt, he, a father, will feel bad.

"...At this moment you think that I am your teacher?"

Xavier said angrily, since he came back, he officially took over the task of teaching Alexander from Angus and Alger.

But the apprentice didn't know if it was because he had been the Great Emperor for a long time, even though he had entered the holy level for a long time, but he just didn't understand, and he was so anxious that he wanted to beat the apprentice.

The more he taught, the more angry he was, and he almost couldn't resist giving his apprentice a seal just now, but he was attracted by Dragon Emperor and Rhea.

"I'm worried about Rhea." Alexander touched his nose in embarrassment, and now he can only ask his teacher.

As for grandpa and father, they are far worse than teachers.

Great-grandfather, when he saw that his friend was fine and the country was unified, he happily went back to the God Realm, and he didn't plan to come back anytime soon.

Although the God Realm is boring, he who can only hide in the palace every day is even more boring.

"I go……"

Xavier just wanted to say that he flew up to ask, only to hear a loud noise in his ear.


There was a huge explosion and a bright light in the sky.The explosion shook the capital, and the strong light made it hard for everyone to open their eyes.

"what happened?"

The residents of the imperial capital squatted down or lay down on the ground with their heads in their arms. They were happily watching the two rays of light from the sky chasing after each other, but they were frightened to death by the loud noise.

The gods of the imperial capital flew down, and the surrounding elements of Dragon King and Rhea exploded, and the two were not affected at all in the center of the explosion.

"I've always known that human beings with all attributes are the most terrifying, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon. The strength I've always been proud of has been defeated by you."

The last time we met, although the Dragon Emperor was afraid of his colorful elemental bomb, he knew that if he worked hard, he could win.

It's only been a few decades now, and Rhea is already at the god level. Not to mention, it was only the third element that caused the elemental explosion just now.

As powerful as the fifth or even seventh elements did not appear, and the Dragon Emperor was already injured.

After hearing what the Dragon Emperor said, everyone looked at him, only to find that the Dragon Emperor's hands were bleeding.But the moment the dragon's blood flowed out, it was burned by the surrounding powerful elements that hadn't dissipated yet.

"It's not fair to you to fight me. I said you can't win."

Rhea held the staff in his hand, and the long sword stood quietly in front of him.He actually bullied the Dragon Emperor a bit, and the strength of the third generation has gradually integrated into his body.

In the first life, the Dragon Emperor was indeed very powerful.At that time, if he didn't put in some effort, he couldn't beat the Dragon Emperor at all.

Of course, later on, he surpassed the Dragon Emperor.Not to mention the second life, Rhea, who sat on the position of emperor entirely by killing, is stronger than the first life.

At the beginning of the third world, his strength was indeed not that strong.But after his memory recovered, his strength was like riding a rocket, and he could jump several times in a day.Coupled with the later merger of Tiandao III, the strength of the previous two generations gradually returned.

Rhea is now fighting the Dragon Emperor, saying that she is bullying him is not wrong at all.He didn't even show his real strength, and the Dragon Emperor was injured.

"I know I can't win, but I still want to give it a try." The Dragon Emperor shook his head. Sometimes he knew he couldn't win, but he still wanted to fight hard.

Not for anything else, just want to fight with all my strength.I don't know when he stopped fighting with others.

No one in this world is the opponent of the Dragon King. He didn't even have a chance to fight back, so the Dragon King restrained his temper.

His strength has been increasing over the years, but there is no opponent who can give him the best of his strength, including Xavier.

Xavier's swordsmanship is indeed very good, but it is only limited to this.Because in addition to magic, the Dragon Emperor also has a powerful body and dragon breath.Xavier couldn't force the Dragon King's full strength, so the Dragon King never looked for Xavier once.

But when he met Rhea, he knew there was someone who could give him the best he could.

"Now, I am finally satisfied." The Dragon Emperor was not discouraged after losing, but closed his eyes instead.

"Dragon Emperor." Carlo wanted to go, but was stopped by a sword.Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Rhea's sword.

"Don't go there, the Dragon Emperor is advancing."

Rhea's sword automatically flew back to his hand, and it was his sword that stopped Carlo just now.


Carlo's eyes widened. Can the Dragon King advance?Is he about to ascend?

"This is to be promoted to become the next god."

Xavier knew best that he had become a lower god a few years ago, but he chose not to ascend because he was only the most ordinary god in the God Realm.

As for the Dragon King, even though he has only advanced now, Xavier did not dare to say that he is the opponent of the Dragon King before.

In fact, the Dragon Emperor is only one step away from the next god, and he has been stuck for thousands of years on this step.

But his strength has been growing, so he was able to destroy a demon king of the demon clan in one fell swoop in the first life.

In that life, he broke through the bottleneck of the next god by himself.And in this life, with Rhea's help, he broke through the bottleneck ahead of schedule.

Seeing that the Dragon Queen was powerless, and grateful for his help in the first life, Rhea directly condensed the purest light element and penetrated into the Dragon King's body.Then use life magic to let him digest these elements.

"Thank you." Half an hour later, the Dragon Emperor opened his eyes, and he thanked Rhea.

Without his help, it would take hundreds of years for him to stabilize the strength of the next god.After all, the elements in the mainland are not as rich as those in the God Realm, and he is a lower-level god, so he needs more elements.

"I don't belong to the gang for nothing, you have to pay me back."

Although he took the initiative to help the Dragon Emperor because of the reason of the first life, it doesn't prevent him from taking advantage of this matter and successfully taking over the Dragon Clan!

"it is good."

The Dragon Emperor agreed.

The general situation cannot be changed, plus the matter of the Demon Race, the Dragon Emperor will consider the overall situation.

The demons are the enemies of all creatures on their continent.

"There is a volcano near Long Island, which will erupt in a few hundred years, so the Dragon Clan can no longer live on the Dragon Island. It is better for the Dragon Clan to move back to the mainland. I will designate a special area for the Dragon Clan."

The first Rhea knew that Dragon Island would sink in a volcanic eruption.Fortunately, the Dragon Clan was fighting against the Demon Clan on the mainland at that time, and a small number of cubs also escaped from Dragon Island under the protection of the Dragon Clan who stayed behind.

But the Dragon Tomb of the Dragon Clan was destroyed, and countless treasures were gone.

Alex knew about this, but he is still young, and he is not the emperor of the Dragon Clan, so there is no way for everyone to move to the mainland.

Only when he grows up and becomes the Dragon Queen again can he ask everyone to move and dig out the dragon's tomb by the way.

The dead Dragon Clan was reburied, but he accepted the treasure inside unceremoniously.

Alex had a good idea, but he didn't expect their father to abduct the Dragon Clan earlier.

"Dragon Island will be very dangerous in the future, and it will not be safe for dragons to live on it." Rhea told Dragon Emperor about the volcanic eruption.

"But that's an extinct volcano!"

At that time, the Dragon Emperor also studied it specially, and determined that it was an extinct volcano that allowed the Dragon Clan to move there.

"Extinct volcanoes can also become active."

Rhea knew that he didn't believe it, so she asked him to go back and check.

"There should be some movement now, but it will take hundreds of years to come back to life." Being alive doesn't mean that it will erupt immediately, and the volcano also needs to accumulate energy.

Anyway, it is Alex's race, and he is very kind to his youngest son. Rhea has a little more patience with the dragon clan, and is not in a hurry to unify the dragon clan.

"I'll go back right away." The Dragon Emperor didn't have time to talk to Carlo, so he turned around and flew in the direction of Long Island.

"Great, it will be much more convenient for the Dragon Clan to move back to the mainland in the future." Carlo had long wanted to go back to the Dragon Clan to visit, but Dragon Island was too far away, and the little fish cubs were too small for him to leave.

"Don't worry, it's still early before the volcano erupts."

Rhea flew over and patted Carlo on the shoulder.

"I know, but I'm just worried!"

Carlo also knew in his heart that the volcano hadn't erupted so quickly, and this time the dragons had enough time to migrate.

"With His Majesty here, what do you have to worry about. I really don't feel relieved, why don't you go back and have a look?"

Derjie felt that he was worrying unfoundedly, so if he was really worried, he would follow him back!The cub is looked after by his mother and everyone in the manor, and he doesn't lack his time.

"It's fine, Rhea, tell Goya, I'll go back to Long Island to have a look, and I'll be back soon."

After Carlo finished speaking, he disappeared.

"Your Majesty, did he leave like this?"

Delger didn't expect Carlo to be so big and a dragon, so he left as soon as he said it.

"It's okay, let him go back and have a look, otherwise he will always worry about it."

Although the Dragon Emperor and Carlo have a communication crystal to contact, but what the crystal can see is too one-sided, and cannot convey all the correct information to Carlo.


Seeing that Rhea didn't blame himself, Delger was relieved.Although their majesty is still as friendly as before, for some reason, the majesty on their bodies is getting heavier and heavier.

Sometimes everyone dared not look up at His Majesty, and even felt breathless under his gaze.

Except for a small number of gods and saints who saw a little bit of this god-level confrontation in the imperial capital, most of the residents didn't know what happened, but it was a pity that the beautiful light was gone.

Also, the sudden earthquake startled them, but fortunately there were no casualties.

The earthquake caused by the explosion of the elements was reported by the officials as an earthquake, and Rhea felt a little guilty after seeing it.Fortunately, the house did not collapse and there were no casualties.

"I see."

Rhea didn't say that he was fighting the Dragon King, but the fact that the Dragon King came to the palace couldn't be hidden.

"The Artoroa Valley will be renamed Dragon Valley in the future. The prime minister sent people to build the valley there, waiting for the dragons to migrate." Rhea said this to Lynn.The relocation of the Dragon Clan is a major event, and the time it takes for the entire clan to relocate is not a day or two, and it is too late to start building the Dragon Valley now.

"As ordered."

Lynn took over the task. Of course, the money for the construction of the valley had to be allocated by the Ministry of Finance.

This is also coordinated by Lynn. Lynn has been the prime minister for many years, not only taking over the title from his father, but also becoming more and more official.

With the help of people like Donna, although the government has a lot of work, they can complete the tasks assigned by their Majesty on time.

Apart from the relocation of the dragon clan, what the Holy Sun Empire needs to do now is infrastructure.This one can't be rushed, only slowly.

But none of the people of the Holy Sun Empire had a rebellious mentality, because everyone knew that this matter could not be rushed.Even remodeling requires planning.

As long as the planning is done, the reconstruction can be completed in no time.

After all, the imperial capital, which is the most difficult to renovate, has already been rebuilt. As long as the other places are planned well, the money can be completed quickly.

In 100575 of the continental calendar, the dragon clan surrendered to the Holy Sun Empire, and the dragon clan also migrated from Dragon Island back to the mainland. In the same year, Emperor Shengyang completed the unification of the mainland.

From the second year onwards, the continental calendar was officially changed to the solar calendar, and this year is the first year of the solar calendar.

On August [-]st of the first year of Shengyang, hundreds of ethnic groups came to the imperial capital to participate in the new Shengyang National Day.

"There are flowers everywhere on the street, what do you think of this arrangement, Your Majesty?"

Lynn and Donna accompanied Rhea on the streets of the imperial capital for a private visit, mainly to see if anyone was doing something in private.Because of the National Day, everyone is very busy, and it is easier to see the problem.

So Rhea sneaked out for a stroll while everyone was busy.


Flowers are rare in this season, but don't forget that there is magic in this world.This time the layout of the street was done by the elves, so it is not surprising that there are colorful flowers everywhere.

These flowers can also be taken home by ordinary people after the celebration, without any waste.

"Oops~" A child ran over and bumped into Rhea's leg, and sat down on the ground after rebounding.

"Kid, are you alright?"

Rhea pulled the boy up and checked him.

"Uncle, I'm fine. Sorry, I didn't look at the road just now and bumped into you."

The child patted his butt, indicating that he was fine.At the same time, he apologized to Rhea because he didn't look at the road and ran into people only when he was running around on the street.

"Then pay attention next time. There are carriages on the street. If you accidentally bump into a carriage, you will be injured."

Of course Rhea wouldn't care about a child, but he should also be reminded not to run around on the road, or he might get hurt.

"Uncle, I will remember, thank you."

The child is sensible and knows that Rhea's reminder is for his own good, so he sincerely thanked him.

"Your Majesty, the current imperial capital is much better than it was decades ago. That child looks like an ordinary person, but he is cleanly dressed and very polite."

Lynn looked at the children who ran to join their companions. He still remembered the first imperial capital. Although it was better than other places, the clothes worn by ordinary people were either tattered or patched, and they also had a sour smell.

"Looking at his age, he should be in elementary school." Donna interjected, children who have been to school must be polite.

"Not necessarily."

Rhea raised her chin in the other direction, Lynn and Donna looked over and silently covered their eyes.

"Mom, I still want his toy, you grab it for me."

A little fat boy who was about ten years old but weighed more than 100 catties yelled at his mother.A ten-year-old child must have been in school for several years.And the person he wanted to snatch was a three-year-old cub, who seemed to be of mixed race.

"Okay, okay, mom will grab it for you right now."

His mother doted on the child unprincipled, and the son immediately robbed him if he asked.

Fortunately, the parents of the three-year-old cub were nearby and stopped her from snatching her son's toy in time.

"What do you want to do?" The mixed races were all taller and had an advantage in strength.No need for anything, just one stop can put pressure on ordinary humans.

"No, nothing."

So arrogant that he snatched the three-year-old's toys, the little fat man's mother was also very cowardly.Knowing that he was no match for this mixed-race father, he immediately gave up.

"Mom, I want a toy, hurry up and grab it!"

It's a pity that she has a son who only has toys in his mind, and she immediately expressed her intentions, not to mention the parents of the mixed-race cubs, even passers-by looked at the pair of mothers with weird eyes

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