Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 129 Asking for Subscription

Even the aristocrats had to buy dolls with their ID cards.If you miss it, it will be gone.

The mixed-race father waited in line for three full days before he could buy such a doll.Because the child is too young, he can buy it for the child as a parent, so this doll also has a name on it, but this name is his child's name.

Now the little fat man wants to snatch the doll after he likes it. How can there be such a cheap thing?Things are not expensive, but they are rare.It's true that the little fat man's family dotes on him, but no one wants to queue for a few days to buy a doll.

The little fat man is very envious of those who own dolls. He has one for every classmate. He takes it to school every day, but the teachers and students in the school are so greedy.

After class, everyone gathered around the classmate, wanting to touch the doll.Fatty also wanted to be the center of attention, so when he saw the doll in the hands of a three-year-old child, he asked his mother to snatch it.Because he knows that his own family is not willing to buy it for him, but they are very happy to let his parents take other people's for nothing.

It's a pity that he kicked the iron board this time. The parents of the three-year-old cub are not easy to mess with.

Most of the mixed races are professionals, but they are not something that an ordinary family can afford.

"Stop talking." The little fat man's mother covered her son's mouth, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that she was no match for the mixed race.

If it was a few decades ago, she would still be able to beat and scold the mixed race with her identity as a human race, because they dared not fight back.But now, if she dared to do this, she would be taken to prison for free meals.

The reason is to provoke the relationship between the human race and the mixed race and destroy social stability.

The current Holy Sun Empire is no longer the Human Race Empire of the past. People of all races can often be seen in the imperial capital.Moreover, he walked on the street openly, no longer afraid of being bullied or taken away as a slave. If there is any, enthusiastic people will report it immediately.

Because the government has said that there will be rewards for those who report correctly.

How can everyone not be enthusiastic when they hear that there is an award!There are always some people who hide in the dark, but they will always be found out by enthusiastic people.

Regarding this point, Rhea didn't know what was going on, and he suddenly thought of the Chaoyang crowd.

Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, there are many enthusiastic people!They always appear mysteriously, and then report the bad guys to the government or the police.

With their presence, the atmosphere in the imperial capital has improved.

"Oh~" the little fat man's mother suddenly let go of her hand.

"Let you cover me."

The little fat man had a smug expression on his face.

Everyone took a closer look, and saw a tooth mark on his mother's hand, and blood was visible.

"Yo~ whose family's unfilial son is this, even biting my mother."

Everyone looked at the little fat man and shook their heads, what else would such a son want him to do?Now that I dare to bite my mother, I will definitely not care about my parents in the future.

"it's okay no problem."

A flash of resentment flashed in the little fat mother's eyes, but she still smiled and said that she was fine.


Originally, everyone was quite dissatisfied with her, but after seeing her being bitten by her son, everyone lost their interest in watching the excitement and dispersed one after another.

The mixed-race parents also left with their cubs in their arms.


Rhea watched the chubby mother and son leave cursingly, and motioned for Lynn and Donna to follow.

"Your Majesty, is there something wrong?"

Lynn and Donna didn't understand, but they and Rhea followed behind the mother and son calmly.

"That's not Little Fatty's biological mother." Rhea didn't miss the resentment in her eyes, it wasn't the look a mother should have.

"No way? Seeing that she loves the little fat man very much, I don't even blame him for being bitten."

Donna couldn't understand, if it wasn't for her own mother, how could she endure the biting by the little fat man.

"Sometimes the truth is beyond people's expectations. Do you think that not scolding is a sign of love?"

Rhea didn't explain it, and could only say that the novels in the original world opened his mind, and there were also such examples in real life, which made him have to think deeply.

"Your Majesty says no, then it's definitely not. Let's follow up and see." As a fan, Lin En unconditionally believed in their Majesty. This great emperor has never made any mistakes.


Although Donna was puzzled, she didn't continue to ask.Because as long as you keep up with it, you will know the truth.

This is a very ordinary residence. Compared with the tall buildings next to it, this residence is still in the style of the imperial capital decades ago.It is short and old, and it is out of tune with the current imperial capital.

"Strange, how come there is such a house in the capital?"

Not to mention Donna, even Lynn is weird.In the early years when the imperial capital was demolished, such houses should have been demolished long ago and replaced with tall and beautiful buildings.But looking at this house, it is obviously still in the style of decades ago.Who doesn't want to live in a good house, why is this one unique?We must know that the compensation paid by the government is very high, which is enough for them to exchange for a big house of two to three hundred square meters.

What made the family prefer to live in the dilapidated house rather than move out?Lin En and Tang exchanged glances, becoming suspicious of this family.

"I'll go to the side to inquire."

Donna walked quickly to the building next to her and asked her neighbors about the family.

"They are lazy, they look down on the neighbors around them, and they always say that they will make a fortune in the future, so they don't like us in every way. As for the demolition, I heard that they are the ones who open their mouths and ask for [-] gold coins. Gold coins are indispensable, and finally angered the planning bureau, and directly put his house in line."

When the neighbors mentioned this family, they didn't have a good word to say.

If a neighbor is like this, it may be that the other party has a grudge against the family.But if all ten people are like this, it can only show that there is something wrong with this family.

"His Majesty."

Donna told Rhea everything she found out.

"Do the neighbors really say that? The people in their family said that they will make a fortune in the future?"

Rhea took out a fan and tapped on the palm of her hand, the doubt in her heart was gradually no longer doubt.

"Yes, that's what everyone said, and it was the hostess of this house who showed off herself."

Donna nodded. She didn't understand why the other party was sure that she would get rich in the future?The prophets dare not predict what will happen to them in the future.

"Wait, you cast a blood magic on that little fat man and his parents."

Rhea is now [-]% sure that the little fat man is not born to this family.

"Yes." After all, Lynn and Donna had been executive officers for many years, Rhea had a solid idea when she said it.

After the little fat man and his parents came out, Lynn immediately cast a blood magic on the three of them.

"Your Majesty, it's really not your own."

Lynn finished casting the spell and looked at Rhea in surprise.How did His Majesty guess it?

"As long as the brain is big enough, there is nothing in this world that cannot be imagined."

Rhea squinted: "Donna, call the police."

"Yes." Donna immediately went to the police.

When the police arrived, they took the family of five under control.

"When I was in the hospital, I changed the child. The other party's family is a wealthy businessman, and they are ordinary people just like their family."

Ordinary people certainly have no way to cast blood magic, nor would they think that someone would deliberately replace their children.

"What a ruthless family, no wonder they teach the little fat man like this. This is because they want to destroy other people's children so as to pave the way for their own children."

Originally, the little fat man could live in a wealthy family, because of their behavior of changing children. Although the little fat man is doted on by his adoptive father's family, this doting is not because he really loves him, but to destroy him.

It is said that torturing a child is like killing a child, and the little fat man's adoptive parents think so.

When the time comes, the truth about the son-changing will be exposed. The biological parents will see their son like this, and the adopted son has been raising them for decades, how could they want to have a son.

"I'm going to beat them up." The more Donna thought about it, the more angry she became, she turned around and wanted to go back and beat them up.

"Forget it, it's not worth wasting my time for a few scumbags. I'll send the little fat man to the youth training camp later, hoping to teach him well so that he can correct his bad habits."

Rhea frowned, there must be more than one such thing.He cannot let the wicked go unpunished, and let innocent people bear the responsibility they shouldn't have to bear.

"Your Majesty, what are you thinking?"

Lin En was not surprised by the little fat man's arrangement, after all, their Majesty has always been kind and kind.Although the little fat man has a personality problem, but in this matter, the little fat man is the most innocent. He didn't grow up like this himself, but was deliberately raised like this.

Now that the two families are in trouble, of course the rich businessman will not just let it go.

They threw the son who was raised at home back to the home of the little fat man's adoptive parents, and took the little fat man back.Although this son is not good anywhere, he is their own flesh and blood.

What Rhea is worried about is that now his biological parents feel guilty towards him and can still treat him well.If Fatty is inferior to his adopted son in all aspects, his biological parents will compare the two when they think of their adopted son who has been carefully raised by them.The adopted son is better than the biological one in every way, and the biological parents must have some thoughts in their hearts, and the little fat man should be wronged by then.

And he couldn't go back to the house of the little fat man's adoptive parents. No one in that family was really kind to him.The adoptive parents will definitely go in because of human trafficking. Their biological children are already ten years old, so they naturally have to return to the homes of their biological parents.But the fake young master still has grandparents at home, the real young master is not their grandson, and because the real young master sent his son and daughter-in-law to prison, the other party will definitely take the real young master's anger.Besides, the fake young master is their own grandson, and he looks better raised than the little fat man, anyone would choose the fake young master.

He is not treated well by his biological parents, and his adoptive parents are not good people. The real young master is too pitiful.The fake young master takes up the identity of the real young master and enjoys material and education that he shouldn't enjoy.

And the real young master who was harmed by them should be targeted because of these bad guys, why?

That's why Rhea made a move and asked Master Zhen to go to the youth training camp. When he graduates, he will be a good boy.He didn't believe that seeing such a son, his biological parents would still dislike him?

What kind of fake young master is innocent, only those who have no intention of changing sons are called innocent.This person who put his heart in exchange for his son is not innocent at all.He enjoyed the benefits that he shouldn't have enjoyed, and then stepped on the real young master to take the position. If the child was young, he really didn't know, otherwise Rhea would not let the fake young master go so easily.

"In the future, we will arrange someone to go to the hospital to check the blood of the newborn."

He didn't allow the matter of exchanging sons to appear again.

Although the novel is false, the stories in the novel also come from life.

If there is no such thing in real life, it is difficult to write a novel.

It can only be said that reality is more exciting than fiction, how many children have been entrapped.The fake young master's family clearly enjoys the status and benefits of the real young master, but they make things difficult for the real young master, which is really embarrassing.

Adopted sons and parents are brothers, so they should love each other.If it wasn't for intentional exchange, it would still be convincing to say this.But after deliberately changing things, and still saying such things, isn't it obvious that he is stepping on the real young master to climb up!

No matter whose mouth this kind of words came from, Rhea wanted to put an end to all these things at the source and not give the bad guys any chance.

Because the true and false young master case occurred in the imperial capital, and it was still a few days before the National Day.

Everyone was worried about their children, and the therapists were dizzy for a while.

If there is a senior magician at home, the senior magician will check it, and if there is no one, go to the hospital or medical center to find a therapist.


People in the imperial capital were in panic, and they couldn't even attend to the National Day of the first year of Shengyang.The ministers are all worried, only Rhea, the emperor who should be worried the most, is still like a normal person, what to do, it will not be affected at all.

"His Majesty."

Everyone looked up at Emperor Shengyang, it was their emperor who broke the case of true and false young masters.Originally, the ministers wanted to complain that the people who broke the news were too busy, and even if they wanted to do it, they had to wait until the National Day to do it!

It turned out that Emperor Shengyang was the one who exposed the truth, and everyone pinched their noses to admit it.

Although a lot of troubles were unintentionally added, but in the words of their great emperor, being able to save a child can be regarded as a boundless merit.

"I know you guys are blaming me, so you shouldn't expose the matter now. It's just that I would rather have a flawed National Day than let a child continue to be misled by vicious adoptive parents. You have to remember that the child's business has nothing to do with it. Small things, even if it’s National Day, can’t give way.”

Rhea was very angry about this matter, so he directly exposed the truth. As for letting other races see human jokes, he didn't care at all.If he cared, he wouldn't puncture it on the spot.

"We knew we were wrong." The ministers bent down and bowed their heads. Apart from the ministers of the human race, there were also ministers of other races. They all entered the power center of Shengyang after their race surrendered.

In fact, after this incident was exposed, other races' favor towards Emperor Shengyang skyrocketed, thinking that he was very humane and cared for cubs just like them.

"Forget it, the day after tomorrow is National Day, let's let you have a relaxing National Day! lest you keep complaining about me."

After Rhea finished speaking, the ministers saw a flash of colorful light in the hall, and Emperor Shengyang was no longer in the hall.

"What about Your Majesty?"

Ministers, you look at me, and I look at you.

"Outside the hall." Delger was the first to react and ran out of the hall.

"Let's go and have a look." Lynn led the finance minister and the others out of the hall.

I saw Ruiya flying over the imperial capital, because the colorful lights attracted the residents of the imperial capital to come out to watch.

"It's the emperor, everyone, come out and see the emperor!"

"Father~Mom~ come out quickly, the emperor is in the sky."

Those who did not come out were called out by their relatives, and all the avenues and alleys in the imperial capital were crowded with people.

"I know that everyone is worried these days, worrying that the child raised at home is not their own. Today, I will personally perform blood magic on everyone, so that everyone can understand."

Ruiya didn't need to speak in the sky, everyone knew that he was Emperor Shengyang, and it was more certain that it was him at first.Because every year, they will receive New Year blessings from Emperor Shengyang through the big screen.

Rhea took out the staff, and the seven-color elements instantly enveloped the entire imperial capital.

With his current strength, there is no way to cast magic on the entire continent, but as far as the imperial capital is concerned, Rhea is still no problem.

With the help of the magic array of colorful elements, the entire empire is shrouded in blood magic.

All the residents of the imperial capital personally watched a large-scale blood test, and at the same time, their blood relationship with their children was also revealed.

With a population of several million, there is actually a situation where they are not their own.With blood tracing, the truth came out.

And most of these are intentionally exchanged children, because now the children are born in hospitals, creating conditions for them to exchange children.Among them was a nobleman who raised a son for others and was cuckolded.

It was a child born to his wife in an affair with someone else, and the noble was so angry that he kicked out his wife and fake son, and even went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to divorce the marriage.

Because the woman was at fault, the noble not only did not need to pay her alimony, but also asked her to compensate for the economic and mental losses over the years.

Although Rhea favored women and children in this regard, he punished the wrong party more severely, whether it was a woman or a man.

His sympathy is for innocent women and children, not for those who have made mistakes.There is no such reason in the world. You cannot be extra merciful to you just because you are a woman.

Under the blood magic, most people are happy.Only a few were angry or disappointed, but as the truth came out, the kids all went their separate ways.

Especially for those with bad intentions, there are still a pair of silver handcuffs waiting for them, and they may even have to eat in prison for several years.

For these people, Rhea has no sympathy at all.It is the children who have been replaced, the innocent ones are sent to youth training camps, and the state teaches them.Correct their three views and cultivate them into talents useful to society.

Because of this measure, those fake young masters will suffer.Of course, this misery is relative, but life is not as good as before, and at the same time, people around me point and point.

Although the fake young masters are not of age, the exchange case has nothing to do with them.However, as the child who was the murderer behind the child changing case, it is inevitable that everyone will criticize or gossip.

Originally, none of them were children from wealthy families, because their parents' actions have allowed Master Zhen to enjoy so many years and received the best education.They should not complain anymore, because if there is no exchange, they would not be able to enjoy the past glory and wealth and the best education.

If they knew a little bit of shame, they shouldn't bother the real young master's family in the future.If you are shameless, the hard days are still to come!

Rhea didn't completely ignore them, but sent someone to watch them.Although he annoyed their parents, he was more tolerant of underage children.

It won't really make them bullied, but it's just that they will inevitably hear some gossip, and even Rhea can't help them.

I have tried my best not to let everyone discuss this matter, but I can't stand it because too many people know about it, and they will whisper a few words in private if they don't say it publicly.

Compared with ordinary people, they cared more about their own families. The ministers and nobles in the upper class of the imperial capital paid more attention to the strength of Emperor Shengyang.

A magic formation that can cover the entire imperial capital, how far has their emperor's strength reached?

Some people even chased after the Dragon Emperor, and this time the Dragon Emperor also brought the Dragon Clan to participate in the grand ceremony.The dragon clan hasn't finished moving yet, because there are still many dragon tombs on Dragon Island, and it will take some time to clean them up.But this time is the first National Day after the reunification of the mainland, and the Dragon Clan has to save face to participate.

Surrounded by everyone, the Dragon Emperor had no choice but to admit that he couldn't do it.

"Don't ask, I can't do it."

"Wow~" Everyone was shocked.

Even if the Dragon Emperor can't do it, then the strength of Shengyang Emperor is very terrifying.

People who had some thoughts in their hearts suddenly dared not move.

I really dare not move, the strength of this Emperor Shengyang has surpassed that of the lower gods, and even the recognized number one powerhouse in the mainland said that he is not as good as him.

From this reasoning, we can know how terrifying the strength of Emperor Shengyang is.

Not to mention outsiders, even Xavier and the others want to know how far Rhea's strength has reached.Of course, what everyone is more concerned about is why he can still cast magic even though his strength surpasses that of the lower god?Doesn't the mainland have restrictions on him?

"Don't ask, you just don't want to answer." Rhea smiled and rejected everyone's questions.

"The upper limit of this world is the lower god." Angus looked at his great-grandson and said.

"Yes, that's right! Is there any problem?" Rhea didn't deny Angus' words, but she didn't admit that she was a lower god either.


Angus blinked, then stopped asking.

"What's going on?" The others hadn't reacted yet.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." After Angus, Alger also reacted.

"what happened?"

The reaction ability of others was not as fast as theirs, so Xavier caught the apprentice and asked.

"Teacher, shhh~"

Alexander made a silent gesture. Although he still didn't understand, everyone agreed to stop asking.

"I don't know."

Angus came to the new palace, which has become Rhea's private palace. He usually does not deal with state affairs here, but in the old palace.

"What don't you understand?" Rhea saw him coming in and refilled a cup of tea for him.

"You, I don't understand."

Angus looked at his great-grandson. He didn't know when, he felt afraid to look directly at this great-grandson.

Since Rhea was very young, he has been guarding each other.But it's been almost a hundred years, and he couldn't believe that that insanely lazy person would be the emperor in front of him, who was full of imperial majesty.

"It seems that this is not the first time you have said such things to me."

Rhea took a sip of tea and said.

"Because I never understood you."

Sometimes Angus even wondered, is he really his great-grandson?

"Don't think about it, it's guaranteed to be replaced." Rhea saw Angus's hesitation. He was genuine in the first place, and there was no such thing as a replacement.

"You don't look like a person at all before and after, but I checked it myself, and you haven't been taken away."

Angus watched him grow up. Before the age of 17, Rhea was lazy and didn't know how to deal with people.No matter how you look at it, it is different from the current Rhea.

"I don't need to lie to you about this matter. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xavier. He won't lie to you about this matter?"

Xavier and Angus have a very good relationship, and they will not tell the truth for the sake of Rhea.

"I'll ask." Angus turned his head and left.

Rhea didn't care either, it was already very difficult for Angus to bear it until now.

"Uncle Xavier, please tell me, is Rhea an Adonis?" Angus asked Xavier directly.

Rhea was the later name, but Adonis was the name given to Rhea by the God of Light when Rhea was still in his mother's womb.

"Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"

Xavier was holding Alexander to practice the sword, and Angus' words made him stunned for a moment, and both Alexander who was practicing the sword and Alger who was watching were stunned.

"Because he is too different from the child I protected." Angus directly expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, Alexander and Alger also looked concerned. If it wasn't for their son and grandson, how would they face Rhea?

Xavier was a little embarrassed. How would he answer Angus's question so as not to reveal that it was him who was in Rhea's body?

"Hey, I can tell you with certainty that there is no substitution, it has always been him. As for why he behaves like two people, that's a secret, I'll tell you when I have a chance in the future!"

Without Rhea's permission, Xavier would not tell anyone else about it, even his best friend's son.

He didn't even mention his own students, so naturally he wouldn't tell Angus either.

"Why can't you tell us now? As his relatives, we always have the right to know!"

Angus couldn't understand why he couldn't tell them.

"Tell this to your Majesty." Xavier said angrily, knowing to embarrass him.The emperor didn't allow it, if he dared to tell everyone privately, he would have something good to eat later.

"..." If Angus could ask Rhea, he would not have come to Xavier.

"Teacher." Afraid that his grandfather would not be able to get off the stage, Alexander quickly tugged on Xavier's sleeve, asking him to show Angus some face.

"Hey~ Angus, you are not a child anymore. Since I haven't told you, the truth obviously cannot be easily revealed. What's the point of you keeping asking? If you can't tell it, you still can't tell it."

Xavier sighed, he was also the son of his friend after all, if possible, why would he not tell him the truth without saving face?

Isn't this really impossible to say?

"As relatives, I can understand your feelings, but this is not something that can be said by understanding."

Although Xavier didn't know why the emperor was unwilling to tell everyone, but based on his understanding of the emperor, it was definitely not intentional, and there should be some special reason.

"You just don't want to say it." Angus waved his hands and walked away angrily, leaving Xavier to sigh.

The son of his good friend has always been arrogant.And his personality is a bit domineering, and he always likes to control everything in his own hands.However, he couldn't grasp any of the things about Rhea.

Even he doesn't even know why Rhea changed, which is actually very painful for people who like to control.Obviously there is a big secret in front of him, but he can't inquire about it, let alone how uncomfortable he feels.

uncomfortable?Hold on!

Can Rhea not know?Of course he knew what kind of character Angus had. After all, we had been together for several lifetimes, and we knew his character well, if not [-]% to [-]%.

But he just didn't say it, the reason was just because of the merger of the three generations, Tiandao didn't want too many people to know that's all.

Although Angus and the others knew a little about the first and second lives, most of them were guesses, not directly known.Most of what Alex said were modified memories, so naturally they didn't count.

But it's different from Rhea and Xavier.Heavenly Dao will directly erase their memories, because it does not allow people to know too much.

After all, traveling through time and space is originally a taboo.

Even Xavier only knew part of it, and this part was told to him by the God of Light.No matter how much, he doesn't know.

The only ones who know the whole truth are Rhea and the God of Light and God of Darkness.

Even Xia and the others' memories were sealed, and Alex's memory was wrong from the beginning.

He was not sent by the Emperor Guangming, and the memory in his mind was just the truth modified by the Emperor Guangming.

The real Alex was hidden in the soul by the Emperor Guangming after his death.It was not until the third life that his soul was cultivated and completed.

"His Majesty."

Xavier came to Rhea after thinking about it after Angus left angrily.

"Sit." Rhea knew what he wanted to say, but just like his strength, he couldn't say it.

"Your Majesty..." Xavier sat in front of Rhea, opened his mouth and found that he couldn't open it.

What can he ask?

Even though he seems to have a lot of status in the Holy Sun Empire, that's because Rhea didn't care about him.This is the legendary boss who dared to hack the Bright Shrine and the Dark Shrine.

In fact, Xavier has always wanted to know what happened in the first place to let this big guy hack the shrines of the two main gods.

The point is, the two main gods had to succumb to his threat.People who can threaten the two main gods of light and darkness, like the demons, have been sealed for tens of thousands of years and have not come out yet.

"You know that you told Angus not to ask, why do you still ask me? Xavier, don't force me to erase your memory." Rhea said seriously.


Xavier didn't expect the problem to be so serious that it would even wipe his memory.

"I see." Xavier was not stupid to be able to cultivate to the lower god.Because people who are too stupid are already dead.

"Go!" Rhea didn't explain because he couldn't explain.

Both he and Tiandao have their own purposes, and this is just to get what they need, but there are some things he can't do too much.

"Yes." Xavier left.

Rhea propped her forehead with one hand and closed her eyes to rest.


Alex came in quietly.

"Alex, why are you here?" Rhea opened her eyes.

"Father, I miss the emperor."

Alex was lying in Rhea's arms, and he didn't dare to tell others, including his eldest brother Shea.

He was afraid that everyone would say that he had no conscience, and that his father was so kind to him, yet he still thought about Emperor Guangming.

"Is that so? But now we can't find the Great Emperor. Daddy will give you the crystal of the Great Emperor Guangming?"

Unable to explain that she is the Emperor of Light, Rhea had to give Alex the crystal she recorded in her first life.

"Why? I have saved enough seven holy magic crystals, why can't I find the emperor?"

Alex took out seven holy magic crystals. These magic crystals were given by Rhea, Carlo and Goya, and it took decades to save up to seven.

Because every time you open time and space, you need a seventh-level holy magic crystal, which is too expensive.So in the past few decades, Alex never mentioned to Rhea that he wanted to see the Emperor of Light.

Now that he has collected all the magic crystals, why can't he see them?

"Alex." Rhea held her youngest son in her arms and patted his back lightly.

"Because the emperor has important things to do now, he has no way to meet with you." Rhea couldn't tell him that the magic circle that opened time and space was not real.

Even if Alex chose to go back, Emperor Guangming would persuade him to stay, and it would not be successful from the beginning.

The figure that Alex saw in the magic circle was actually the hands and feet of the God of Light, and he pretended to be the Emperor of Light.

Because the two are so much alike, a little more make-up will make it difficult for everyone to tell who is who.

Why can't Alex recognize it? This is actually the fault of the magic circle, because the image transmitted by the magic circle is not very clear.

Alex thought it was because of time and space, but in fact it was just to prevent him from recognizing the God of Light and not the Emperor of Light.

And that magic circle only serves as a link between the God Realm and the mainland, allowing the God of Light to pretend to be the Emperor of Light.

The so-called asking Alex to go back and talk to Emperor Guangming was a lie from the beginning!How would he open time and space for Alex?Because he himself is here!

"Father, I miss the Great Emperor very much!"

He had been thinking about it for decades when Alex cried in Rhea's arms when he heard that he couldn't meet.

"Father knows, but Alex, time and space are very mysterious, even the Emperor Guangming can't do whatever he wants." Rhea said it to herself rather than to Alex of.


Alex wept in Rhea's arms.

Rhea couldn't tell him that she was the Emperor of Light, so she could only pat him on the back to coax him.

Half an hour later, Alex was tired from crying and fell asleep crying.The magic crystal in his hand fell to the ground, Rhea put him on the bed and came back to pick up the magic crystal.

Rhea has always known that Alex misses Emperor Guangming, but she never thought that he would secretly collect magic crystals.

Returning to Alex again, sitting on the edge of the bed and gently stroking his face.

"I'm sorry, Alex, you have already met the Emperor Guangming, but he can't tell you that he has been with you all the time."

Rhea's voice was so small that even he couldn't hear it, and then he used the magic crystal to activate the magic circle.

"Riya, my child, do you have anything to ask me? A magic circle suddenly appeared in the God Realm."

After a while, a person who looked exactly like Emperor Guangming suddenly appeared in the room.

"No, just now I was thinking about whether to let you be the Emperor of Light again, but I thought about it and let it go!" It's better not to give Alex a hope.

"Tsk, what do you think is not good for you to raise? It's too troublesome to have to raise a kid."

The God of Light naturally understood what he meant, and said with a big face.He never thought that one day he would pretend to be his descendant to deceive people.

"Oh, I don't know who said it back then, but I'm so clever that I can even fool the cubs of the four major races." Rhea went back ironically, and he was so angry at that time~

Will you speak?Who lied?

"Can we expose this matter?" Guangming asked with little confidence.

"Didn't you mention this first?" When he wanted to mention it?

"My fault." The God of Light has learned to admit his mistakes first when confronting his descendants.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Although the God of Light was satisfied with Alex's reliance on the Emperor of Light, he was also worried about Rhea.He knows better than anyone how soft-hearted this kid is. Do you think this plan was planned by him on a whim?

No, it's to save Alex and the Three Emperors, as for the main god's divinity, it's just incidental.

"Take one step at a time. Now it has nothing to do with me. It needs me to deal with the demons, so it won't do anything to me."

What Rhea has to worry about now is not herself. Anyway, she and herself have compromised with each other, and they can still live in peace at present.

"God of Light, you don't have to worry about me, it still needs me now, so I'm safe."

After Rhea finished speaking, she smiled at the God of Light.

"You can still laugh. Is it true that you have to wait until it hits you before you get nervous?"

The God of Light looked at his relaxed look and said angrily.

"No, haven't I already made so many preparations to protect my life?"

Rhea stood up and looked directly at the God of Light: "I've already prepared what I should do. If it wants to kill the donkey, I'm not easy to bully!"


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