Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 137 Asking for Subscription

Later, Yuri couldn't stand it anymore, so he sent Weili to the palace directly and asked her to feed his uncle.

It's a pity that Yuri doesn't know that his uncle has a physique that doesn't get fat no matter how much he eats. Wei Li didn't make him fat by feeding him five meals a day, but instead made Rhea lose several catties.

Isn't it just a few catties? Yuri suspected that the flesh growing on his body was transferred from his uncle.

Why did he gain weight after four meals a day plus exercise, while my uncle had five meals a day and sat on a chair all day, not only did he lose weight but also lost weight?

Yuri can't figure it out no matter what?In the end, he had to admit that he was not as good as his uncle.It is also a skill to be able to eat five meals until they disappear.

Rhea didn't know Yuri's little thoughts, and probably wouldn't care if she knew.

It's a bit difficult to see yourself gaining weight.

As a god level, if you can't manage your body well, then this god level is basically a false god level.He has never seen any god-level and holy-level fat people, and everyone manages their bodies very well.

"Father." After dinner, Xi Ya followed Rhea to the study room and looked at it. It was exactly the same as it was a hundred years ago, except for some more books, and the other places remained unchanged.

"Come back, don't run around, you will follow me from tomorrow!"

Rhea sat on the chair behind the desk, looking at the tall and tall son.The elf was already good-looking, and his eldest son was especially good-looking.

Walking on the road, all the girls screamed and blushed.

It is said that on the way back to the palace, he did not know how many flowers and handkerchiefs he received, but Xi Ya, like the wooden man, was not half tempted.

The same goes for the other three, but Rhea, the father, is not worried at all.

He doesn't marry himself, so naturally he won't force his sons and daughters to marry.Besides, they are still young!When they have someone they like in the future, they will be anxious without Rhea urging them to get married.

"Yes." When Xi Ya came back at this time, she definitely knew what would greet her, but he couldn't escape, and neither could the brothers and sisters below.

After so many years of ease, it's time for them to roll up too.

So Hina and the others were brought into the palace by Shia, and ran back and forth between the palace and the manor every day.

They have to be busy helping Xiya again, and they have to come back to accompany Weili. Everyone finally knows how the top turns.

The empire's stall is too big, even with the help of several younger brothers and sisters, it still took almost a year for Xi Ya to sort it out.

And at this time, Wei Li's life also came to the end.

"Mom~" Yuri knelt in front of the hospital bed, holding Wei Li's hand and crying bitterly.

"Sister, don't worry, I'm here!" Rhea sat on the other side, leaning over and whispering in Wei Li's ear.


Wei Li said weakly that she was different from Luna and the others.When Luna and the others went to the underworld, it was not yet the end of their lives, but they made an appointment in advance to go to the underworld together, and then waited for the god of death to come and take them to the underworld.

Wei Li is now really running out of oil lamps, and she is struggling to speak now.


Willie held out her hand to her husband.

Rhea stood up to change her brother-in-law, Claire did not sit, but squatted directly beside the hospital bed.

"You will help me take care of Rhea in the future, I can't continue to take care of him."

Wei Li's words caused Rhea to hold back the tears she had been holding back, and she could see her again, but the death of her relatives still made people sad.

From now on, he will not be able to go back to the manor to see Wei Li in his free time, even if he can visit them from time to time through the back door, it will not be as convenient as before.

"I know, don't worry!"

Claire nodded. The only people he cared about most were his wife and Rhea. He would keep his promise to his wife, take good care of his wife and brother, and then work hard to cultivate Ascension to the God Realm.

Then through the gods, to the underworld to reunite with his wife.

"I'm relieved now. Yuri, listen to your father and uncle~"

After Wei Li finished speaking, her hand slipped from her son and husband's, and her eyes closed gently.

Grim Reaper appears in the room, and Willie's soul floats out of her body.

If it was someone else, it would not be the turn of the god of death to come forward to meet the soul himself.But who makes this soul special!

"Your Majesty." The God of Death hurriedly saluted Rhea, and it was still a big salute.

"No, take my sister to the underworld!" Rhea avoided his salute, and gently reached out to touch the face of Wei Li's soul.

"Sister, wait for me in the underworld."

Wei Li's soul nodded with a smile, and after Rhea imprinted her, she went to the underworld with Death.

"Father." Shea and Ciri came in carrying the coffin.

"Let me do it!" Claire wiped her face, stood up, picked up her wife and put her in the coffin.

"Dad, don't be sad. Mom is under the care of death in the underworld, so it must be the same as before." Seeing his father's sad look, Yuri felt a little sad.

It will be difficult to see his mother again in the future. He has to cultivate hard, otherwise his father will ascend to the God Realm, and it will be meaningless for him to stay on the mainland alone.

"I don't know? I want you to tell me." Claire rolled her eyes at the elder son. Although there was disgust in her tone, Shia and the others knew that Claire had a lot of affection for Yuri, at least he was not as good as Wei Li's younger son. Yuri.

I don't know if it's because they are all married. The children born after Yuri became more selfish after they became a family.

It's not that their selfishness is wrong, but their selfishness is too strong, they want to drag everything to their own little home, and they don't think about whether their behavior will anger Rhea and hurt their parents.

Because they were too selfish, the people in the manor didn't have much contact with them afterwards.These children can't understand why their grandparents treat them coldly.

I never look for reasons on myself, I only blame my grandparents for being partial.The same is true for the youngest sons including Willie and Claire, who feel that they prefer big brother Yuri.

In fact, they grew up with their parents and never suffered at all.Because Yuri was busy with everyone in those years, even though Rhea helped lead him, in fact he suffered a lot.

Because Rhea's child care is painful, it is really painful, but she is not soft at all when she is strict.

On the contrary, the other children really have never suffered. They grew up with the high-level magic fruit at home.Yuri didn't have this kind of treatment at that time. It can only be said that his heart is too big and he will never be satisfied.

If Rhea didn't want to see their son's blood on their hands, Wei Li would have dealt with these unfilial children and grandchildren long ago.

"Their actions are really bad, but killing people can't solve the problem, it will only make it worse."

The matter of Mia and Mary was enough for Rhea to learn a lesson, and he did not allow Wei Li to follow their old path.

Because of Rhea's words, Willie and Claire dispelled their thoughts.But for the younger son's family, they couldn't love them at all.

"Okay, shut up." Yuri is still more afraid of Claire, he loves himself, but when it comes to his mother and uncle, Claire will be unreasonable.

What about the son?He hit it right.

Years of experience told him that Clare is in a very bad mood now, so it's better not to mess with him.

"Let's go!"

Rhea and Claire carried the coffin in front, and Yuri and Shia carried it behind.

It is a great honor in the eyes of outsiders to be able to carry the coffin of the emperor and the crown prince.Although Yuri and Claire don't value these things, they can't stand outsiders wanting to curry favor with them!

So many people came to Wei Li's funeral, and the gate of the manor was almost crowded.

But when Wei Li's coffin was carried out, they still left the manor silently and stood quietly by the roadside to mourn.

The emperor's face is very ugly, they had better not do unnecessary things.

For these uninvited people, the whole manor did not look good.Who doesn't know who, it's all for the emperor to see.

Wei Li was buried next to Luna and the others, and Claire stroked the name on the tombstone.

"Brother-in-law, it's time to go back." It was getting late, Rhea said looking at the sunset.

"it is good."

When Claire stood up, she staggered. It was because she had squatted for too long and her blood was blocked.

"Be careful."

Rhea hurriedly supported him.

"I'm fine, thank you Rhea. Willie, I'll see you tomorrow."

Claire stretched her legs and left with Rhea after recovering.The cemetery fell into silence again, silently waiting for the next person to be buried here.

In the 245th year of the Gregorian calendar, Emperor Shengyang entrusted state affairs to the crown prince and chose to retreat.

Rhea did not hide the matter of the demons from all the people of the Holy Sun Empire. Everyone knew that the demons would come back in a few hundred years.

Only then did everyone understand what kind of pressure their great emperor was under.

And the emperor's retreat is also to improve his own strength, so that he can fight against the demons in the future.

For a moment, the entire Emperor Shengyang became united, even if he was heartless, he knew that the demons were a terrifying creature.As for taking refuge in the Demon Race, I'm sorry that no one has thought about it.They are native races of the mainland, while the demons are foreign races, and they will also spread a terrible toxin, which will turn the mainland races into devils who have no intelligence and can only eat people.

There have always been records of the demons, and although tens of thousands of years have passed, there are still a few memory crystals handed down.

After everyone saw the demons in the memory crystal, no matter how frightened they were, they had to strengthen themselves.Because of fear, it makes everyone unwilling to accept their fate.

They are living beings, not like those in memory crystals, not to mention grotesque, without wisdom.

But any intelligent race is unwilling to become such a species.

This is Rhea's idea, the continent is not his only continent, but the continent of all races, and all races should know about it.

It is said that mourning soldiers must be defeated, but sometimes they are used well and can inspire everyone's courage.

Because of the good guidance, let everyone know that this empire is not the empire of Emperor Shengyang alone, and the mainland is not the mainland of Emperor Shengyang alone. Everyone should love the mainland and the country first, and then love their own small family.

No matter how scary the demons are, they can inspire everyone's fighting spirit.

Rhea let the crown prince handle state affairs and went to retreat by herself, which did not cause any turmoil.

Because it is very clear, everyone understands why the emperor retreated.Anyone who wants to harm the empire does not need the government and the army to do anything, ordinary people will solve it for the empire.

This retreat has lasted for hundreds of years. On this day, as usual, everyone dealt with state affairs under the leadership of the crown prince, watched TV programs by the way, had a meal with the family, and talked.

Just when everyone thought that today was the same as usual, the sky suddenly darkened.

"what happened?"

"Why is it dark?"

All races in the continent ran out of the house and looked at the unusual sky.The sky at noon is darker than at night, isn't that abnormal!The street lights outside were all turned on, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

"It's so cold, mom is so cold!" In families with children, all the children called Leng.

"Mom is here, baby don't be afraid." The mother held the child in her arms and took the cotton coat from her husband.

"Dad, I'm scared."

The child was very scared, and either called mother or father.

"It's okay, my father is here, and so are my grandparents."

The child's father held his wife and children in his arms and comforted them.

"The demons are coming."

Everyone didn't react at first, but after a while before dawn, all races understood that the seal of the demon clan was broken, and the demon clan broke the seal and came out.

"What about Your Majesty?"

A child asked naively, because since they were sensible, their parents and elders have been telling him that the only person in this world who can protect them is the Emperor Shengyang.

So when they are in danger, the children's first reaction is to ask where His Majesty is.

"Your Majesty still..."

The parents were just about to tell the children that His Majesty was still retreating, when suddenly the dark clouds cleared and the sky brightened.

The darkness faded, and the children who were cold just now became warmer all of a sudden.

"It's so warm~Mom and Dad, it's dawn~"

The children clapped their hands happily.

All the televisions in the entire empire suddenly turned on automatically.

"It's Your Majesty~ Don't worry everyone, the emperor has left the customs~"

When people in the house saw the TV, they shouted to the outside.

"Don't shout, there are also big screens outside."

Everyone gathered in front of the TV and the big screen, with excited expressions, and kept chanting the word "Great Emperor".

"It's Your Majesty."

The nobles and ministers of the imperial capital came out of the house and looked at the man standing above the imperial capital.

Because of his appearance, the darkness faded and the sun appeared again.


At the seal of the demons, the demons who had just climbed out were burned by the sun.

Being in the dark seal for a long time, the scorching light of the sun is an invisible harm to the demons.


One has four seals, the mainland has three, and the sea has one.The crown prince Xia is in the eastern continent, the eldest princess Xina is in the southern sea area, the second prince Xi Rui is in the western continent, and the third prince Alex is in the northern continent.

The four His Royal Highnesses each suppressed a seal, making it impossible for the demons to break out completely for the time being.

"Great Sea God, please lend me your strength to destroy the invaders~"

Hina raised her staff, she is already a god, she can set off a tsunami in an instant, flooding a city.

"Great God of War, please lend me your strength to drive away the demons~"

Ciri raised her sword staff, and the powerful golden magic surrounded the entire sealed place, surrounded by copper walls and iron walls. Not only could the demons not get out, but they also had to face the pain of thousands of swords piercing their hearts.

"Great God of Life, please lend me strength to destroy the demons~"

Shea raised her staff, and suddenly colorful elemental magic fell on the seal, and the magic that had just crawled out was directly turned into dust.

"Great Beast God, please lend me your strength to expel the demons~"

Alex raised his staff and began to absorb the dark elements in the body of the demons. The magic that just came out turned into dry bones visibly with the naked eye.

The magic also uses dark magic, but the dark magic on them has changed, and the magic energy is corrosive and contagious.

However, if Alex does not come into contact with the Demon Emperor, he will not be infected by the Demon Qi.

The four of them had to deal with the Four Great Demon Kings, and Rhea was in charge of the Demon King.

As adults, their strength has grown to a terrifying level.

Of course, they are not the scariest ones, but the Great Emperor Shengyang—— Rhea Shenghui.

After retreating for hundreds of years, no one knows what kind of strength he has grown to now, including the God of Light and the God of Darkness.

Spirit world

The gods gathered together and looked at the four godheads floating on the main hall.

"Arthur, your godhead of the God of War has been taken away." The God of Light looked at the godhead of the God of War, which he and the God of Darkness had taken from the mind of the God of War, but unexpectedly it was snatched away again.

"It's okay, I think Rhea will give me one back."

The second king Arthur looked at the god of war and asked him if he would be tempted?He must be moved, after all, he is the main god-level godhead.

There are countless godheads at the main god level. Now that there are four here, it means that four main gods have fallen.

Originally, the God of Light assigned the Godhead of the God of War to his son, but he did not expect that he would not snatch it in the end, and the Godhead of the Lord God recognized the master in advance.

"You're so stupid, everything in your hand can be snatched away." The Dark God's face was dark. When he took it out, he said that Arthur should be the first to recognize the owner.

What did the God of Light say?

"It's okay, it's not too late."

Yes, the result of this short period of time was that he was tricked by that stinky boy again, and the God of Light fell into the big pit and couldn't get out, and lost the main godhead that his son had obtained by the way.

"I never understood, how did he do it?"

It is very difficult to let the godhead recognize the master. First of all, your strength is strong, and then the godhead must meet the attributes.

Why didn't he choose the godhead of the god of life, the god of the beast god and the god of the sea god for his son? Naturally, it was because the attributes didn't match!Even if Arthur got it in his hand, there was no way for the godhead to recognize him as the master.

"That kid has so many minds, if you know him, you won't be able to take it away."

The Dark God said angrily.

"That's right. If I knew, I wouldn't be tricked by him over and over again." The God of Light sighed. His ancestor did the most boring thing, and he got tricked every time.


The God of Darkness turned on his taunting posture, completely ignoring all the gods present, and taunted his brother fiercely.

"...Look at the mainland, the demons have already appeared, and we have to be prepared."

Talking about talking, the God of Light is no match for the God of Darkness, so we had to change the subject.

Although he knew that he was changing the subject, there was nothing wrong with the words of the God of Light. Everyone was very concerned about this battle.

If the mainland hadn't set restrictions, the God of Light and the God of Darkness would have been able to make a move, and there would be no need for the human world to be trembling for hundreds of years, worrying about the demons breaking out every day.

Now that the demons have really appeared, the gods feel relieved to find that the races on the mainland are finally waiting for you, which makes the gods very puzzled.

The gods paid attention to the mainland in the God Realm, and the demons who were temporarily suppressed by Emperor Guangming and his four children felt very uncomfortable.

"Long live the emperor, long live your highness~"

The mainland creatures cheered, their Majesty and His Highness are really amazing.

Although everyone knows that the Demon Race will be hit hard by several highnesses, it is because they have just broken the seal, and the first to come out are some shrimp soldiers and crab generals, so the highnesses will succeed, but everyone is happy!

Morale was boosted, and all ethnic groups began to prepare.The Emperor and His Highness have already made a move, and it's time for them to do the same.

The soldiers are ready, and the professionals are also ready.The magician is in place, the warrior is in place, the swordsman is in place...

The magic crystal cannons were pulled out, all of them were high-level or above, and there were more than a dozen magicians guarding each cannon.

Ministers, nobles, and professionals, at this moment, no one is escaping their responsibilities, and they are all ready to go into battle.

"Report to the Marshal, there should be 600 people, but there are actually 600 people."

The minister at the head stood up and reported to Delger.

"Okay, return to the list."

Delger stood in front of everyone in a battle suit.


The chancellor returned to his ranks and looked at the Reichsmarshal.The emperor suppressed the demons in the sky, and the leader was handed over to the marshal.

Delger looked at Donna in the magician team, and silently moved his eyes away amidst her smile.

"Remember, you are the masters of the continent, and the demons are the invaders."

Delger didn't say much, what should be said has already been said.If you don’t listen, it’s useless to say more.


The crowd responded in unison.

"Set off."

Derjie led more than 1 holy-level professionals from the imperial capital towards the demon seal.As for the god level, it is a mobile force, and they will go to rescue wherever there is danger.

In addition to this hallowed level, other cities also have advanced and holy levels, but there are not too many of them in each city, and they cannot leave easily.Their responsibility is to protect the city and the people, so they need to stay behind.

Over the past few hundred years, the entire empire has a total of 14 holy-level professionals, [-] high-level professionals, and even more middle- and low-level professionals.

But even so, the empire still did not relax itself, and has been working hard to arm itself.Because of the threat of demons, the empire has always had a phobia of insufficient firepower.

There are tens of thousands of magic crystal cannons, all of which are holy-level, and have been sent to several major seals. When the demons come out, the cannons will be blasted for a round to reduce the number of demons and reduce the pressure on the front line.

The emperor said, regardless of the cost and consumption, he was bombarded to death.As for now, the demons are blocked by several highnesses in the seal, so there is no need for cannons to suppress them for the time being.

Otherwise, if this shot goes on, it is very likely that the remaining seals will be completely opened.

So they have to wait until the time is right and the marshal gives the order before they can do it.

At the same time, the Heavenly Emperor Shengyang and his four children killed the demons while suppressing them.

When Xi Rui surrounded the demons, all the demons were stabbed by his golden sword, and all the demons were turned into golden water.

Hina gathered water and turned into ice, and there was a thousand miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, and the demons were directly numb from the freezing.Immediately, it was broken into pieces and could not be recovered at all.

Alex is the most arrogant, using dark magic to attack the demons while absorbing the dark elements from the demons to fight for war.

As for Xi Ya, he was the easiest to deal with. What the demons are most afraid of is light and dark magic.One is to restrain, and the other is to use it in reverse.

It's unfortunate that Shia has both.

So his dark magic and light magic were used alternately, and the demons who came out of the seal soon died one after another.

Originally, the demons wanted to use dark clouds to cover the sun, which would be beneficial to the recovery of the demons.

It's a pity that the Demon Emperor and the Four Demon Kings worked hard for a long time, but they were finally covered by dark clouds, but they were destroyed by Emperor Shengyang.

Under the sunlight, it is very difficult for the demons to completely break the seal, or even restore their full strength~

And I don't know if it is the illusion of the Demon Emperor, but I always feel that there is something familiar in the sun.The Demon Emperor didn't know that part of this familiar power came from the God of Light.Rhea bypassed the God Realm and the Dao of Heaven, and directly borrowed some power from the God of Light to let the dark clouds fade away.It is precisely for this reason that the Demon Emperor feels familiar. After all, half of the power of the Sealed Demon Clan comes from the God of Light.

Rhea didn't care what the demon emperor was thinking, he raised his staff, and the staff with the belief in the life of the mainland burst out with colorful light, passed through the seal, and directly hit the four major demon kings.

The four major demon kings who hadn't recovered from the original injuries were wounded, and what was even worse was that they didn't know what magic the other party was using, so they couldn't be cured.

The Demon Emperor can even burn his hands when he touches it.

"Ah, damn it. Where did the Wild Boy come from? What kind of magic is this?"

The Demon Emperor stood behind the seal, looking at the ridiculously young humans in the sky.

His strength is strong.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the Demon Emperor had to admit it too.Of course, this strength is only relative, because he has not recovered his strength, as long as he recovers his strength, he will not be afraid even if the God of Light and the God of Darkness come.

At the beginning, he was unprepared, and was sealed by the God of Light and the God of Darkness. This time he was prepared, and it would not be so easy for them to sneak attack.

The Demon Emperor, who didn't know the restrictions in the mainland, wanted to avenge the God of Light and the God of Darkness, and felt that the two main gods won by sneak attack.

Regarding this point, the God of Darkness and the God of Light are not guilty at all.Why are they procrastinating when the battle can end earlier.

If you talk to the demons about being aboveboard, isn't that just an adult snatching a cub's lollipop?Be as boring as possible.

The only thing they want to protect is the creatures on the mainland. The demons are invaders, and they care about being upright. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

The four great demon kings looked at the seal that was suppressed again, and they couldn't break the seal for a while.

Moreover, after being sealed for so many years, their strength has also been severely damaged, and there is no way for them to descend on the mainland as aggressively as they did back then.

At that time, they were so high-spirited. After destroying countless worlds, they came to this magic plane, which was especially suitable for their demons to survive.

It's a pity that the gods here are powerful. Although many races were transformed into low-level demons by them, they were still suppressed by the God of Light and the God of Darkness.

Forget it all, as long as the seal is broken.What's hateful is that their seals, for some reason, continuously absorbed the magic power in their bodies, and then even the Demon Emperor made a move on the seals, but they still didn't move at all.

I don't know what the two wicked gods, the God of Light and the God of Darkness, did to the seal to make this seal seal them steadily for tens of thousands of years.

If it weren't for the demons in the later stage, they wouldn't have much magic power, and the seal wouldn't be loose.

Finally, the seal was opened, and Hao Erlang from the Demon Race was about to go out for some activities, and transform some new Demon Races by the way.

As a result, there were actually someone outside guarding them specially, and they were wiped out as soon as they went out.

Through the seal, the Demon Emperor looked at the little boys in the sky.

Their strength seems to be inferior to the gods tens of thousands of years ago, but for some reason, they easily suppressed the seal and killed countless demons.

"Just wait for me. When the seal is completely broken, I will be the first to kill you."

The Demon Emperor said angrily.

However, no matter how much he said harsh words, Xi Ya and the others outside the seal couldn't hear them.

They only knew how to keep killing the demons that came out of the seal, and what made them even more hateful was that these little bastards actually killed the demons while gnawing on the magic fruit to restore their magic power.


There is an indecent sentence that I don't know whether to say or not, this infinite reply is too rascal.

However, Xi Ya and the others didn't care about it, they continued to fight while eating, using the Demon Race as a place to spawn monsters.

As they kill more and more demons, the more merits they have, the deeper their connection with the gods of the gods.

In fact, it is impossible to recover the magic power so quickly by eating the magic fruit, and the power borrowed from the godhead, otherwise they would not be able to easily suppress the seal and kill the demons.

The biggest difficulty in destroying the demons is that they are very difficult to kill. The current demons have not recovered their strength due to the seal, and it is easier to kill them without magic supplements.

That's why Rhea told them, while they are easy to kill now, they can kill as much as they can, and don't waste all their efforts.

That's why Xi Ya and the others didn't hold back, and kept killing them.

Why are you hesitating?Hurry up and take advantage of the demon's disease to kill the demon.

So the demons were sad, and batch after batch died.What's even more hateful is that the demon emperor ordered the demons not to go out, and the boy outside who looked familiar to him did not know what tricks he used?The low-level demons didn't listen to him at all, and even some intermediate-level demons crawled out of the seal stupidly, and were killed by a few brats.

"who are you?"

The Demon Emperor was so angry that he couldn't help but use his unrecovered strength to talk to the people in the sky.

"The Demon King? Oh, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that all the demons will die."

Rhea didn't expect that the Demon Emperor would take the initiative to talk to him, which surprised him.But it's nothing, after three lifetimes of dating, this is the first time he chatted with the Demon Emperor before they even fought!

Chatting is fine, but chatting doesn't prevent him from attacking the demons.

All the demons with higher strength were injured by him with life magic.Life magic is more restrained than light magic against demons, and demons have no way to heal them.

Life magic has a corrosive effect on the demons, not to mention healing, and it is extremely painful.Several great demon kings and their high-ranking demons, as if they were directly irradiated by the sun, burned all inside, which was very uncomfortable.

"There's something wrong with this magic." The four great demon kings supported their chests, the wounds on their bodies were constantly eroding their bodies, no matter how they treated them, it was useless.

Because there is no dark element under the seal, they have devoured quite a few demons, and their injuries still haven't recovered.

"Your Majesty, be careful with this person."

The demon kings looked at the demon emperor worriedly, the man outside was really powerful.He gave them a heavy blow without making a fuss, but they couldn't even go out to take revenge.

If the seal is not broken, they will not be able to get out.Only after the seal is completely released can they, the high-level demons, go out.

"The Emperor knows." The Demon Emperor also saw that, if the Demon Race wanted to go out, the biggest enemy was that boy in the sky.

The little ghosts who came out of nowhere, the God of Light and the God of Darkness have not yet appeared. These few boys caused him to lose many demons, and the four major demon kings under him were also injured.


The Demon Emperor grabbed an intermediate Demon Race and swallowed it directly.

Regarding the actions of the Demon Emperor, none of the demons felt that there was a problem, and everyone was used to it.

The demon race is so ruthless that they even eat their own people.

It's just swallowing an intermediate demon clan. As long as they don't attack the high-level demon clan, the demon clan will not stand up to resist the demon emperor.

The Demon King also knew in his heart that if he dared to attack the high-level demons, all the demons would resist, including the Demon King, who would no longer listen to his orders.

Even though the Demon Emperor's family is the only one, he can't bear the fact that all the demon clans are united.Therefore, the Demon Emperor can attack the middle and low-level demons, but he cannot attack the high-level demons.

The same is true for the high-level demons. Even if they have enmity with each other, they must restrain themselves, and they cannot blatantly kill a high-level demon.

Every high-level demon represents the super fighting power of the demons, and they cannot fight internally.

Because of this system, even if there are small frictions among the demons, they are still relatively united on the whole.

This allowed them to wipe out one world after another, and they didn't suffer a big loss until they came to the Magic Continent.


What is going on with this magic continent?It's not like they haven't been to a powerful world before. Didn't the demons win in the end?Why did everything change after coming to this magical world?

First, it was jointly sealed by the God of Light and the God of Darkness, and finally the seal was loosened, and the demons were able to go out and regain their strength.

In the end, I ran into a few boys who didn't know their origins, and blocked them in the seal, unable to move a step.

I haven't seen him for tens of thousands of years, and the demons in the outside world can't understand it anymore.

Rhea and the others don't care what the demons think, they just know how to keep destroying the demons, and if they don't come out, they just cast magic to get them out.Life magic is poison and medicine to the demons, and it is the best bait when it is used.

They killed for three full days and three nights, and didn't stop until no more demons came out.It's not that they don't want to be seduced anymore, but that the demons have learned to be good, so that the low-level and middle-level demons will not be lured out if they are a little farther away from the seal.

"Father, are we good?" Several children gathered around Rhea, looking at him flatteringly.


Rhea reached out and touched the children's heads, and the depression in her heart dissipated a little.

He saw that the merits of the children were deeper than before, and a gratified smile appeared on his face.

This time, I will never let you fall again.

No one knew what Rhea was thinking, and they happily went down to rest.And Rhea continued to stay in the sky, not letting the dark clouds cover the sky to give the demons a chance to recover their strength.

As long as the demons don't have the chance to recover their strength like the first and second generations, even if the seal is broken, their strength will be greatly reduced.

Originally, the Demon Emperor wanted to wait for a few people to leave, continue to attract dark clouds, and let the mainland return to darkness, so that the demons can recover their strength.

As a result, the boy in the sky didn't move at all. No matter how he raised dark clouds, he always easily dispelled them.

Not to mention dark clouds, he can't even attract a drop of water.

The sun shines on the seal, and as long as the demons touch the seal with their hands, they will be burned immediately.

"Damn it, boy, you go against common sense and let the sun hang high in the sky, aren't you afraid that the creatures on the mainland will be sunburned to death?"

The Demon Emperor seemed to have good intentions, but actually asked with malicious intentions.

"Haha, the Demon Emperor is worrying too much. In just a few days, I still won't be able to kill my mainland creatures."

Rhea replied with a smile, watching the Demon Emperor struggle uselessly.

Let the sun hang high in the sky, Rhea told all the creatures on the mainland hundreds of years ago.Half a month at most, just be patient for half a month.

As for sleeping at night, who doesn't have black curtains.As long as the curtains are drawn, it is no different from night time.

As for water, there is no shortage of water in the mainland.Hundreds of years ago, instruments for converting seawater into drinking water were developed. Now the water we drink is a mixture of seawater and freshwater.It's only half a month, and it's not enough to make life on the mainland difficult.

It’s okay for Warcraft to not sleep for half a month. If you really want to sleep, you can just find a place without the sun and have a cat.As for drinking water, don't worry about it.

Because of the agreement, there are running pools everywhere in the World of Warcraft Forest, and if the World of Warcraft wants to drink water, just go there and drink.

So the words of the Demon Emperor were clearly heard by all the creatures on the mainland, but none of them cared.

What is there to care about?already known,

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