These boys are all mixed blood, but after several generations of intermarriage with the human race, their blood is biased towards the human race.

If Rhea is more careful, she will find that the ears of those old people who wear hats all the year round are not the same as those of the human race.

There are elf-like ears, orc-like ears, and dragon-like ears and pointed horns on the top of the head.


He is complete, complete, not, has, noticed, noticed, arrived.

"Hahaha, this kid is the same as before, it's okay to be slow."

Charlie laughed. Rhea has always been so dull in their eyes. When she was a child, she learned to walk, and people could walk before she was one year old. He didn't learn to walk until he was almost two years old.

So everyone understands Rhea's dullness, so she has insisted on playing the role of an ordinary person for so many years.

"Willie, do you know what kind of mixed race their family is?"

Willie was considered to be the prettiest girl in their village, and Mary's question was obviously purposeful.

"It can't be an elf, can it?"

Rhea hadn't recovered from knowing the truth, so she said something casually.


When Xiao Xiya heard this word, he looked up at Rhea who had been concentrating on eating candy.

Is dad calling me?

"Yes, their family is descended from mixed-blood elves, because the bloodline has been separated by four generations, and if the ears don't lift their hair to look at them, no one will find that their ears are a bit pointy."

As soon as Xi Ya was carried back, she was immediately discovered by the people in the village, especially Wei Li's family, who sensed an elf whose blood level was higher than theirs.

At that time, apart from Shia, there were no other strangers in the village, so everyone knew about it immediately.

Except for a few who thought like Mary, most of them were watching Rhea's jokes.

But there is one thing that is beyond everyone's expectations, and that is the grain grown by Rhea.

Everyone is of mixed race, so they really don't know how to farm.

Even if they secretly learn how to farm with humans, the food they grow in the end can only be eaten by their own family.

On the contrary, Rhea, I haven't seen how he grows before, but the food he grows now is better than everyone else.

Why is it that everyone has human blood, and Rhea's is better than everyone else's?

Later, they went to other human villages and found that it was not Rhea's human blood that was outstanding, but Rhea herself was outstanding.

He is better than the food grown by pure human race, even the food grown by magicians in the big noble manor is not as good as Rhea.

Now this is good, everyone shut their mouths tacitly.Even people from other villages who had good relations with them didn't mention it.

Although there are also people from other villages who come to exchange seeds, but not many are exchanged.In terms of appearance, it is not much different from the food in the big noble manor.

Unless you let them know the yield of an acre of land, Rhea is safe.

After everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they decided to keep this secret tightly covered, and no one from other villages would be allowed to come to their village in the future.

Rhea didn't know that everyone secretly protected him until today.

"Aunt Mary, Uncle Charlie, thank you. And thank you all!"

Rhea hugged Mary and Charlie, thanking everyone for their care and maintenance over the years.

"Dad, squeeze."

Shia was still in Mary's arms, and he couldn't help expressing his existence with such a hug.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, son." Rhea took her son from Mary's arms, and took off the hat on his head by the way.

"Dad, no."

Shia held the hat with both hands. He still remembered his father's instruction not to take off the hat in front of outsiders.

"Xia, it's okay, you don't need to wear a hat in the village from now on."

Rhea gently took off her hat and explained to her son.In the past, he was always worried about how to explain to everyone that Xi Ya had never grown up, but now there is no need to explain.Even if he is gone in the future, Shia can live safely in the village.


Shia tilted her head, why didn't she use it again?

"Papa will take you to see Aunt Wei Li later." No wonder Wei Li asked him to pay back the money later, it turned out that it was for the sake of Elf Xia!

As for why his debts were not forgiven, firstly, it was not necessary for him to pay it back; secondly, Wei Li's family's money was not blown by the wind.

"Aunt Mary, I'll go back and make some preparations. A banquet will be held at my house in three days. Everyone is welcome to come and eat. Thank you for your maintenance over the years."

Although they were defending the original owner, Rhea became him, and he also accepted these intentions.

"Please and Uncle Charlie inform everyone, I have to go back to work first, it will take a few days to prepare food for so many people!"

Since Rhea crossed, there has never been a day when her smile is as relaxed as today.

At first it was for survival, and later it was because of worrying about Shia.

Now there is no need to worry about survival, and there is no need to hide Xi Ya's elf identity.

Two things were resolved at once, and Rhea's psychological pressure naturally became much lighter.

"Okay, I'll let everyone know."

Mary and Charlie didn't refuse. The care everyone has taken for Rhea over the years makes it affordable for a meal.

Knowing that there is no shortage of food and drink in Xi Ya now, although there are hundreds of people in the village, they will not eat all of Xi Ya's several thousand catties of grain at once.

Rhea returned home and put her son in the playground for him to play by himself, then went into the utility room and carried a few bags of wheat out.

He wants to grind the wheat into flour, and there is no need to grind it into fine flour, coarse flour will do.

There was a large oven in the kitchen, which he had intended for roasting whole lamb, and which could now be used to bake bread as well.

His bread is intended to be whole wheat, not the traditional brown bread.The black bread eaten outside is unleavened and hard enough to be used as a stone.

However, the whole wheat bread he made is very soft. Although the taste is rougher than that of white bread, he added sugar and dried fruit in it, which makes the taste even better.

Bread, the former Rhea definitely couldn't make it.Now Rhea and Mary have learned some gourmet recipes in this world. Although most of them don't like it, bread is ready to start.

"Son, come and eat bread." The stone mill at home has been grinding wheat with the help of magic, because it is placed outside the kitchen, and Rhea can grind wheat while making bread.But if he grinds for an hour, he needs to rest for an hour to recover his magic power.Repeatedly exhausted and recovered repeatedly, Rhea found that his total mana was increasing every turn.

What he did was a good exercise to the purity and quantity of magic.He decided that what he could do with magic in the future, he would never do it himself.

The freshly baked bread was delicious, and Xi Ya had already smelled the aroma, lying at the door of the kitchen waiting for the bread to come out of the oven.


As soon as she heard her father's call, Shea immediately ran into the kitchen. There was no threshold in the new home, and it was much more convenient for Shea to enter the door than before.

There are too many steps, but the eaves between the wing room and the main room are connected, so you can go back and forth without going up and down the steps.

The kitchen and the bathroom are the only rooms paved with stone bricks, because these two places often use water, and if they are paved with wooden floors, they will easily become damp, and Rhea has to worry about mushrooms growing on them.

Therefore, stone paving bricks are the most trouble-free, and they can also withstand heavy objects. Iron wood can withstand heavy objects, but it is easy to get wet.

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