Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 29 Asking for Subscription

Although I only glanced at it just now, Rhea has already seen the location of the monster.

He took a stick and quietly inserted the monster into the trap. After confirming it was safe, he put his head on the trap.The third-level Firefox, a fire-type monster.It looks like a fox, but bigger and has magic.

More importantly, Firefox skins are very valuable, a complete skin can be bought for a hundred gold coins.

Rhea's saliva almost drools at the thought of owning one hundred gold coins immediately.

Just thinking that there is a daughter who is afraid of the cold at home, Rhea wiped her saliva.

Forget it, stay here and make a skirt for your daughter!

Rhea jumped into the trap and carried Firefox out of it.

The Firefox, which is about the size of a calf, weighs more than 100 catties.

That is to say, now, with the body of the previous life, let alone a hundred catties, he would be considered promising if he could carry fifty catties.

Most of them are boys who weigh twenty or thirty catties, not to mention men in this world, even Rhea can't help but look down on them.

It's no wonder that girls are forced to become female men, men really can't stand up!

The girls didn't open their mouths to weigh the weight of twenty or thirty catties, but a bunch of big men were chattering around, not men at all.

The men who forced the girls into female men, it's time to reflect on themselves.

After Rhea reflected on herself, she continued to look at other traps.

In the end, Rhea only picked up two hares and three pheasants.

In this way, he carried the Firefox, carried the pheasant and the hare and walked towards the village.

It seems that it is really necessary to make a space ring, otherwise it will be inconvenient for him to move around with the prey on his back and the prey in his hand.

If there was any danger, he couldn't even run.why?Because he would be a little bit unwilling to throw away the prey that he had not obtained so easily.

It's not like before. In the past, one person was full and the whole family was not hungry.After having two more children, Rhea had to budget carefully.He can live a rough life, but the child cannot.

"Riya, where did you get the Firefox? This is a third-level monster, and you can actually get it?"

Some villagers were shocked when they saw the Firefox brought back by Rhea.It's not that they look down on Rhea, it's because Rhea's strength is really good, and she is also timid. They still believe that Rhea dares to fight the first-level monsters, and he only thinks that he can't run fast enough for the second-level and above.

"I didn't hit it! I can't afford to brag about this bull. It fell into a trap and broke its leg. I took advantage of it." Rhea said this, and couldn't help but sigh to herself This is a big bargain.

You must know that with his strength, he can deal with some first-level monsters, and he can't even deal with second-level monsters, not to mention that Firefox is still a third-level monster!

It happened to be such a monster, who accidentally fell into the trap he dug out for Geng He and broke his leg.If the legs are fine, it can still crawl out of the trap, and Rhea is nothing.It can only be said that no one can stop luck when it comes.Firefox is a magical beast. Normally, it is impossible for it to fall into the trap, but since he fell, it was Rhea's luck.

Just like now, he has made a lot of money, the Firefox fur alone is more than the gold coins he earned this year.

It's just that Rhea took the initiative to leave the skin for Xina. He can earn more than a dozen gold coins of monster meat at most, and let Dak help him fight a magic power, and the top of the staff can be inlaid with a magic core.

In this way, Rhea can use the staff to successfully cast a third-level magic. At that time, even if he encounters a second-level monster, he doesn't have to worry about being killed.

Why didn't he kill the second-level monster, but was killed by the second-level monster? It can only be said that food is Rhea's destiny.If you are a human dish, you have to accept your fate.

He should cherish his own life, don't expect to inherit his son, daughter and manor after his death.

So even if it was a dog, Rhea had to wait until her son and daughter became independent.

It doesn't matter if you are weak now, but you will be strong in the future.

Anyway, he is also a person who has been promoted from a first-level magician to a second-level magician. Maybe he will be a third-level magician in a year?At that time, he will definitely not be afraid to fight with the second-level monsters.

Rhea, who was only so promising, thought so.

The news that Rhea called Firefox quickly spread throughout the village, and everyone ran over to watch the excitement, regardless of the finishing touches.

"..." Rhea.

"Dad, that's great."

Xi Ya and Xi Na were very generous, and clapped their little hands.

You don't have to be so enthusiastic, Dad also wants to save face.Rhea looked at her sons and daughters in embarrassment, and finally accepted the applause cheekily.

"Aunt Mary, I want to sell the Warcraft meat for money, will you accept it?"

If Mary won't take it, he'll have to go to town and sell it himself.

But his hair and eyes are troublesome, and he may not even be able to enter the town.

Because everyone is very repulsed by double blacks, and thinks that double blacks are unknown.

Therefore, there is a high probability that no one will buy his things, so he may not be able to sell them himself.


Fortunately, Mary and Charlie need it. Their family has been short of meat, and a dozen gold coins are easy for their family to come up with.

After Mary's mother married into the village, she brought more than 100 acres of land from her natal family, but the manor has always been managed by Mary's uncle and cousin, and she can get hundreds of gold coins every year just for dividends.Not to mention that her grocery store also receives dozens of gold coins every year.

These elderly couples don't spend much money. As for their children, because their genes are not obvious, they are all sent to their uncle's house for education.

It can be said that the husband and wife of Mary and Charlie only go in and out every year, and they have saved a lot of money.But they don't eat the monster meat, but send it to the cousin's house in the town.

Winter is here, and the price of meat in the town has increased by three or four times compared with the rainy season, and it is still increasing, because there are fewer prey.

Everyone will be happy to send this hundred catties of meat to my uncle's house.

They are not short of meat in the village, but my cousin and the others are short of meat in the town.

As for why my cousin's house didn't store meat, not all magicians are like Rhea, who can make artificial ice.

Moreover, magicians are not as talented as fighters and sword masters, even rich people are not willing to do it!Magicians are so proud, even Mia has his own pride, and Rhea is the special case.

What other people think is to beat everyone with magic and live the life of aristocrats.

What Rhea thinks is to use magic to make himself live a comfortable life, and if he can use magic, he will never use his hands.

In a way, Rhea is also lazy, right?

But as long as he feels happy, the mixed-blood village doesn't have so many rules.

After receiving thirteen gold coins, Rhea directly bought several sets of clothes made of monster skins, all of which were worn by children.

"Hahaha, Rhea, it seems that you can't save money anymore."

Seeing that most of the gold coins returned to her hand in the blink of an eye, Mary couldn't help laughing.

Even Charlie has a doting smile on his face. Their children are not around, but Rhea has become the treasure of everyone in the village.

"What does it matter? Use it when you use it!"

Rhea does want to save money, but he never hesitates when it comes to spending it.Because money is not saved, but spent.

Only if you want to spend money will you have the motivation to make money.

Including today's income, the family also has a deposit of ten gold coins.

"By the way, I still need Uncle Charlie to help me deal with this beast skin. It will be troublesome for Aunt Mary to make two sets of skirts."

Rhea gave the peeled skin to Charlie, who was really not very good at handling this stuff.

"Okay, just leave it to us."

"This is the magic core, you put it away."

The third-level magic core can also be worth a few hundred gold coins. "Let Dak give you a magic staff later, and you can engrave some magic symbols on it yourself, and then inlay the magic core on it."

Charlie has unearthed a lot of magic cores over the years, and knows a little about how to deal with them.

The current level of Rhea is low, and the third level will allow him to use it for a while.Wait until the strength is stronger before replacing it with a new one. At that time, he will need to go to a special magic shop to buy his staff.

Only the staff made by alchemists is the best staff in the world, and it is easy to use.

"Okay, I see, thanks Uncle Charlie."

Rhea put away the fiery red magic core, hugged Xi Ya and Xina under the playful eyes of a bunch of people and left.

In the entire village, there are only a few families who are willing to wear monster fur clothes for their children, namely the village head, Mia, Mary and Lorna.

The others made do with wild animal furs, while they themselves wore cotton padded clothes.

Rhea was not so harsh on himself, he was wearing a winter coat made of the fur of the beast he had brought back.There are also wolf fur mattresses and wolf fur quilts on the bed, which are definitely warmer than the quilts and blankets used by most people, not to mention that there is a fireplace burning in his house every day.

In fact, Ruiya Village is really good. Every household has professionals, and there is no shortage of iron and wood in the family.The fireplace also burns from morning to night, but I don’t know what’s going on with everyone. After seeing Rhea’s house, I always feel that my house is not beautiful enough or warm enough.

If Rhea heard what they said, she would definitely tell everyone that this is because everyone's pursuit has risen.

I used to think that such a life was good, because everyone muddled along.The dissatisfaction now is also because everyone hopes that their lives can go further.

So this is actually a good thing. If everyone is willing to change, they can make life better.

They are used to working comfortably, and no one wants to go back to the stinky life before.


Hina was held in Rhea's arms, and she held out her hand to show him.


Rhea looked at her daughter's hands as she walked.

"Issuing cards. Oh my god, I forgot." If he hadn't held the child in both hands, he would have wanted to pat himself on the forehead. He had forgotten that Hina was a girl, so he would naturally like jewelry.

He was too busy preparing clothes and food for the children, but he forgot that besides toys, little girls need beautiful jewelry and so on.

"I have it too." Shea spread out her little hands, with a hair tie lying on her palm.

Shia also has long hair, which can already be tied with a headband.

In this world, most people are still used to long hair, including men.There are still a few people with such short hair as Rhea.

The main reason is that Rhea thinks that short hair is easy and does not need to be taken care of.If Xia didn't like his hair, Rhea wouldn't have grown it until now, and would have cut it long ago.When he got up in the morning, he used to just shave it with his fingers, but now he has to comb it out with a comb. If it wasn't for his son, Rhea really wouldn't have the patience.

"Did you thank grandma and them?"

Rhea knew without guessing who had issued them the cards and hair ties.


The two little ones nodded, their father taught them that no matter who gave them something, they should say thank you.

As long as it is not particularly precious, they can take it.

Cards and hair bands are not precious things, they can be bought with a dozen copper coins, so Rhea didn't say to ask the children to return them.

Later, he invited them to his house for dinner and repaid the favor for the children.

"Awesome." Rhea praised that the child is never humble, great is great, why should he be stingy with his own praise?

If you boast more, you won't let your children get lost in other people's rhetoric when they grow up.

Praise your child when he does something right, and criticize him when he does something wrong.We should also tell them what they did wrong, instead of scolding and suppressing them blindly.

It is easy to develop a child's inferiority complex, so Rhea does not agree with this kind of education.

"Dad, it's great too."

Shia and Hina hugged Rhea and kissed him each.

"Yeah, we're all great."

The father, son, and father and daughter went home laughing, and soon the laughter of the children resounded in the manor, and smoke began to float out of the manor.

It's evening, it's time to cook.

"Phew, it's so cold."

Rhea got up in the morning, opened the window and looked, and it was white outside.

It's snowing, the first snow of the year has finally come down.

He hurriedly put the cloak made of animal skins on his body, and ran outside.He slept in the basement with Xi Ya and Xi Na at night recently, and he didn't know that it snowed outside last night.

The roof has been covered with snow, a thick layer, as if to redecorate his house.

Rhea hurriedly used the rattan, with the help of wind magic, to get the snow off the roof.With the help of magic, he cleared the snow off the roof of the main courtyard in just over half an hour.

"Forget it, let's do it after breakfast!"

Rhea looked at the small courtyard and the backyard. She couldn't do anything today, and it seemed that she was going to have a fight with the snow.

Using the bone soup that was boiled last night, Rhea cooked noodles, and the saozi was the cow monster saozi he made before. After it was ready, it was packed in a jar, and when you wanted to eat it, you could take a big spoon out of it, and you could eat it for a long time.

In addition to the Beef and Beast Sauce, he also made a large jar of Mushroom Sauce, which was specially made for Xi Ya, who doesn't eat much meat.As a father, Rhea naturally had to consider him.

"Dad, it's delicious."

The brother and sister were holding a big bowl, a big bowl that could hold their two heads.The noodle Rhea in their bowl is pinched and boiled, and can be eaten with a spoon or circled with a small fork.

Regardless of the size of their bowls, there are not many noodles in the bowls. Such a big bowl is their own strong request.It doesn't matter if there are too many noodles, the main thing is that the bowl is big.

They wanted to eat the same bowl as their father, which made Rhea laugh, but also satisfied the children's wishes, and specially changed them to a bigger bowl.

It's the same style as the bowl I used to eat noodles, even the design and color are exactly the same.

"I like to eat it. Dad will cook it for you later."

After Rhea finished eating the noodles, the two children hadn't eaten half of their bowls, and Rhea didn't rush them.Children eat slowly, just heat it up.

"it is good."

The two children really like to eat, although they eat very slowly, they can eat up a bowl of noodles.

Rhea cleared away the pots and put the kids in the rec room to play by themselves while he began to sweep the snow.

"elder brother."

How did they know that the two children were not playing, but lying on the edge of the window, watching their father sweep the snow.

They really wanted to help Rhea, but they were frozen back by the extremely cold weather as soon as they went out.

"We are small."

Xi Ya took Xi Na's hand, they are still young, they can't help Rhea much.When they grow up, they can help Rhea with things.Let Rhea sit then, and they'll do it.


Thinking of their long growth period in the inheritance memory, it would take hundreds of years or even longer to maintain the appearance of a child.

Can daddy wait until their time?

The two boys began to worry.

Rhea didn't know that his sons and daughters began to worry about his life. After sweeping all the snow off the roof, Rhea threw all the snow on the ground outside the fence.

The wild sheep in the backyard huddled together in the sheep shed to keep warm, which was already much warmer than they were in the wild.

When Rhea built these sheds, she didn't use thatch, but used stone bricks like the place he lived in before, and added a layer of straw outside, which has a good thermal effect.

The ewes huddled together is not cold, but used to it.They are in the wild, and when there is heavy snow, everyone huddles together to keep warm.

"Riya, have you cleared all the snow in your house?"

Charlie and Duck came to the manor carrying snow shoveling tools, because Rhea's house here is very big, and he is closed to him alone, and he doesn't know how long it will be cleared.

But when they arrived, they found that only the snow on the ground had not been cleaned up, and everything on the roof had been swept away.

"... Rhea, your speed is really fast."

Without saying a word, Charlie and Duck helped Rhea clear the snow in the yard and pile it up outside.

"well enough!"

Rhea also felt that his movements were slow. If his magic level was higher, believe it or not, he would be able to clear all the snow in the house in less than an hour?

Instead of doing it yourself like now.

Although there is magic to help, he needs to do it himself, and there is no way to use magic all the way.The magic level is too high, he wants to use magic all the time, but the reality does not allow it.

"Riya, it's snowing now, everyone stays at home for the winter, so don't come out recently."

Charlie told Rhea that it was too cold outside, even if they had orc blood, they felt that the temperature outside was freezing.

"I see. From now on, I will not go out except to go to the field every day."

No one stopped Rhea's words, because Rhea's land was very close to his manor, and the land and the manor were almost next to each other.

"Then we'll go back first, remember!"

Charlie and Duck went back after helping Rhea shovel the snow. He asked everyone to eat, but they both refused.

"There will be opportunities in the future. Your aunts are still at home waiting for us to go back for dinner!"

Rhea couldn't keep them, so she gave each of them a few catties of bones and told them to go home and cook soup.

And he also stewed a large pot of bone soup himself, so he didn't have to cook at noon and night, so the family of three could eat hot pot!

After washing and cutting the vegetables and meat, they moved the stove to the entertainment room, so they didn't have to go out of the main room today.

As for going to the toilet to take a shower, just go and come back quickly.

There is a fireplace in the bathroom, so they won't be too cold.

"Sister, eat vegetables."

Seeing that Hina only ate meat and not vegetables, Xi Ya quickly picked up a chopstick of vegetables and put them in her bowl.

Dad said, you have to eat vegetables to have a balanced nutrition.


Hina who doesn't like to eat vegetables when meat is available.

She glanced at her father quietly, and although she didn't say anything, she knew that her father was not happy with her behavior of eating only meat.

Then, let's eat vegetables!

Hina ate the vegetables in the bowl into her stomach with a small spoon. She doesn't know how to use chopsticks yet, unlike Xia who can already eat with children's chopsticks.

Hina needs to use chopsticks and has to turn over the New Year.

The meals they ate recently were either stews or hot pots, and Rhea had to boil a pot of tea every day.He also cooked some dandelion seedlings to eat in hot pot.

The taste of dandelion is a bit bitter, and neither of my children like it very much.

But under Rhea's explanation, they all endured a bit of hardship.

Because of the cold weather, the family did not eat stir-fried vegetables, but only ate stews and hot pot.Coupled with the fireplace, everyone is easy to get angry.

In order not to hurt their butts when pooping, the two children obediently ate the dandelion vegetables Rhea gave them.

Not long after eating, the two started yawning.

"Xia, take my sister to sleep in the bedroom."

Although there was a fireplace in the entertainment room, the temperature outside dropped, and the temperature inside the room also dropped.

He could no longer lie on the ground and sleep. Although everyone didn't feel cold, he drove the children back to the bedroom just to be on the safe side.

The bed in the bedroom is covered with a wolf fur mattress, which is much warmer than a carpet.During the day it is safer, they sleep in the bedroom.It was more dangerous at night, and the family slept in the basement.

After tidying up the dishes, chopsticks and the kitchen, Rhea went back to the bedroom and took a look. The two children had already curled up under the quilt and slept soundly.

Ruiyan didn't disturb them from their afternoon nap, but went to look at the field, warmed it up, and removed some weeds that hadn't been removed before.

Now he is the only one working outside, and the guards are all huddled in the house.

But with a few acres of land, Rhea quickly finished it.

He didn't stay outside the manor for a long time, and returned home to hibernate with his son and daughter when he was done.

Rhea, who is very talented, doesn't know that the village head, guard chief, and Borui are gathered in Miya's house now.

"How about it?"

After Mia withdrew her magic perception, the village head hurriedly asked.

"It was wandering outside the village. When Rhea went out, it almost rushed into the village."

Miya opened her eyes, and what she said made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

"Damn it, what exactly does this seventh-level beast want to do?"

The village head punched the table.


The table was broken, and even the cups and jugs on the table fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

"There are two senior professionals in the village, this is where it hesitates, but it doesn't want to give up, so it has been wandering outside the village."

Mia didn't care about her broken table, anyway, it would break once a year, and Borui would send a new one later.

"Hateful, if it rushes into the village, we can keep it. But he doesn't come in. The forest is its home field, which is not good for us."

The strength of monsters is generally higher than that of professionals. Even if they are of the same level, monsters may fight one against two, but the village chief and Miya can't deal with a monster one-on-one.

"Fortunately, there is only one high-level monster, if there is another one..."

Mia didn't finish what she said, but everyone understood what she meant.

"Then what should we do? Just let it go like this?"

The village chief and Miya can't leave the village without going out. Only when they are in the village can they deter other monsters, including the seventh-level monsters that have been wandering outside the village.

"Be patient, as long as it has nothing to eat, it will leave."

The villagers are all huddled at home, and it can't eat people if no one leaves the village.

The wild beasts on the edge of the forest have been eaten up recently. There is no prey here, so it can only go to other places.

"It's best to kill it."

Mia knew that once it left, other villages would suffer.The IQ of advanced Warcraft is already very high, equivalent to that of a human teenager.

"It has been staying near our village. In previous years, high-level monsters could not come in, so they retreated quietly. This year's one is very unusual. It has never given up. Could it be that our village has something it needs? ?"

The captain of the guard awakened the dreamer with a word, and he hasn't left for more than half a month. Its behavior is indeed very abnormal.

"Yeah, it does behave strangely."

The village head and the others suddenly realized, but this made them even more nervous.

Because if the village really has what it needs, then it won't be so easy to leave.

"What exactly is it?"

Everyone can't figure it out, the monsters outside have been unwilling to retreat.

"That is a fire cloud beast. Most of the beasts that can stay with us now are fire magic, water magic, and ice magic beasts. Only these monsters are not afraid of the cold to stay."

The head of Bo Reid signaled to come to Rhea's manor and talk to him.

"Is it the closest to my place?" Although Rhea knew that she was close to the forest, she was not surprised at all that there were monsters approaching.

But the strange thing is that the other party's behavior is not normal.

Rhea had never seen the Fire Cloud Beast, and she couldn't figure out why it didn't leave.

But it has not left, and it is not a good thing for the villagers.

Everyone is trapped in the village and cannot go out. Once they leave, they will be attacked by monsters.

There have been several reports of monsters entering the village in other villages, and hundreds of people died one after another.It's not that the village chief and Miya didn't want to kill it, but it fled into the forest as soon as they left the village.

The village head and Miya can't be too far away from the village, so the two sides have been deadlocked to see who can't help it first.

"Yes, so do you want to move to Mia's house?"

The main purpose of Borui's visit today is still to hope that Rhea will move.

"it is good."

Rhea is not stubborn, moving is a trivial matter, but the important thing is her life.

After packing up some clothes, quilts and food, Borui and Tiger helped him move away at once.

Rhea put everything else in the cellar, and sealed the cellar with earth magic.

"Let's go!"

Rhea walked out of the manor with her two children in her arms.

"Fire Cloud Beast."

Borui and Tiger dropped the things in their hands, took out their weapons and looked at the Fire Cloud Beast walking out of the forest.

"Rhea, call someone."

Of the adults present, Rhea was the weakest.

Borui and Tiger could resist for a while, but Rhea's family couldn't even block it, and fell into the belly of the monster.

"it is good."

Rhea hugged the two children, turned around and was about to run into the village.


The Fire Cloud Beast roared suddenly.

Well, there is no need to call anyone now, the village chief and Miya flew over directly.As soon as the fire cloud beast came out of the forest just now, Miya found out, and the two rushed over immediately.

"What's going on? Why did the Fire Cloud Beast show up?"

As soon as the village head and Mia came, they stood in front of Borui and Tiger.

When they came, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Rhea dared to let go of the child who was tightly guarded in her arms.

"I don't know, it showed up as soon as we came out."

Borui and Tiger shook their heads.

Looking at Rhea, he looked even more innocent.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either."

Rhea wanted to spread his hands, but the child in his arms affected his movements.


The two children were so frightened that they kept holding Rhea tightly, their tears kept rolling and rolling, but they didn't dare to fall.After seeing real high-level monsters, they realized that they were very different from the monsters in their memory.High-level monsters have coercion on them, although in terms of race, elves and mermaids are much higher than monsters.

But in terms of strength, the fire cloud beast can burn them to death with just a spout of fire.The two boys really feel the power of the high-level monsters, so they are very scared now.I am afraid that everyone will be eaten by monsters, and I am also afraid that I will be eaten by monsters.

"It's okay, it's okay. Grandpa the village chief and grandma Miya are here."

Rhea shook the child in his arms lightly. He wrapped the two children tightly and used his big cloak, because it was really cold outside. As soon as Xia and Xina went out, they began to shrink back. stand up.Frightened now, he shrank even more fiercely into his cloak.

"Bad beast."

Hina looked at the Fire Cloud Beast, very angry.

If she has the ability to come back after 100 years, she will kill it.

Fear is fear, but anger is true anger.

"Father is not afraid."

Xi Ya was obviously very scared, but she still wanted to comfort Rhea.

In fact, Rhea, who had no real fear, just accepted the comfort of her son and daughter with peace of mind.

"Well, with Shia and Hina here, Dad is not afraid."

Rhea wasn't joking, he really didn't understand.

It's strange to say that he is not afraid of monsters, but he has no beasts to scare him. What's the reason for this?He didn't feel the coercion of high-level monsters at all.Both Borui and Tiger couldn't stand up anymore, but he acted like a normal person, causing them to look at him with strange eyes.

"Borui, you and Tiger sent Rhea and the others to Miya's house."

The village head told his son.

"Yes, Dad."

Borui and Tiger picked up the things they threw on the ground, and walked by Rhea's side.As for Rhea's strangeness, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about it. Now is not the time to ask these questions, everyone's safety is more important.

"Let's go!"

The three turned around and were about to leave.

"Hoo ho ho~"

The Fire Cloud Beast yelled again, with anxiety in its cry.A ball of fire sprayed towards Rhea and the others, directly cutting off the road ahead.

The steps of the three of Rhea stopped again.

what's going on?

The three looked at each other, while Miya and the village chief took a few steps forward.

"What exactly are you trying to do?"

They also noticed this strange phenomenon, Fire Cloud Beast didn't seem to want Rhea and the others to leave.

"Borui, take a few steps first."

Miya asked the three of them to try one by one to see who made the Fire Cloud Beast so concerned that it wouldn't let it go.


Borui took five or six steps, but the Fire Cloud Beast didn't even respond, let alone breathe fire.

OK, not him.

Then there was Tiger, who also walked about ten steps, but he didn't let the Fire Cloud Beast scream.

In the end, it was the three of Rhea, who just took a step.


The Fire Cloud Beast yelled again.

OK, case solved.

Either Rhea or his two children.

But Mia thinks it's Rhea, not the two kids.

The Fire Cloud Beast almost rushed into the village before because Rhea came out.

Now it just confirmed its purpose, it was indeed directed at Rhea, the reason is still unclear.

"I did nothing."

The biggest achievement before was killing the Firefox with a broken leg in the trap. This is really not a good achievement, and it is even a bit embarrassing.

"It didn't say what you did, even if you didn't do anything, its target is you."

The village chief squinted his eyes and looked at the fire cloud beast.

"Why are you looking for Rhea? I know you can understand, the IQ of advanced Warcraft is not low."


Fire Cloud Beast took a few steps forward, the village chief and Miya stood there motionless, but Borui and Tigra took Rhea back a few steps.

Seeing Rhea retreating, Fire Cloud Beast became anxious again.

"Ho Ho Ho." It roared three times in a row, expressing its emotion.

"So what are you going to do! I can't understand your words." Rhea handed the child in his arms to Bo Rui, and he walked to the village chief and Mia by himself.

"You can't communicate with me. You must have a reason for looking for me, right? I don't even know. To be honest, you look terrible."

Rhea looked at the Huoyun Beast's huge body and shrank her head. The Huoyun Beast, which was about the size of an elephant, looked very oppressive from a close look.How could a giant beast that could trample him to death without doing anything be scary.


The Fire Cloud Beast bowed its head to Rhea and whined, which made everyone even more frustrated.

What are you doing?

It’s not clear, you can make gestures!Big G also wanted to know the reason why a high-level monster appeared in their village, forgetting that monsters only had four legs, and they couldn't gesture.

"Communication difficulties."

It's okay if they are pure-blooded orcs and dragons, and they can understand the meaning of Warcraft.But except for Rhea and his two children, all of them were of mixed race.Rhea is even worse, he is a human race, and he can't understand it.

None of the people present had inherited the talent to understand Warcraft language, so one, two, three, four all looked at each other in blank dismay.

What to do now?

The helpless look made Huoyun Beast even more anxious.

It turned around and shook its head towards Rhea, signaling Rhea to follow it.

Rhea, who didn't want to go with it, hesitated, why do you go, how dangerous are you yourself, don't you have any idea?

But the fire monster kept urging, and everyone couldn't bear to refuse.

It is so anxious, is there anything that needs Rhea's help?

Although everyone doesn't like Warcraft, but seeing it in such a hurry, everyone really can't bear it.

The main reason is that I can't bear it because I can't beat it.To put it bluntly, it is cowardly.

"Riya and I will follow to see, Miya, you stay in the village to protect everyone."

In the end, the village chief made the decision and decided to take Rhea to follow up to have a look.It won't work by force, let's see if we can use soft methods to solve the problem of Fire Cloud Beast.

"it is good."

Mia had no objection, and asked Borui to send the child back to the manor. This place is close to the forest, so she can go there in time if something happens.

Under the worried eyes of Xi Ya and Xina, Rhea waved to them and made a gesture of not worrying, and was led by the village chief, and entered the forest with the Fire Cloud Beast.

"Let's go back and wait for them first."

Mia took everyone back to Rhea's manor, and lit the fireplace as soon as she entered the house.

After the room warmed up, he took off the cloak covering Shia and Hina.

"Grandma, Dad..."

Shia and Hina hugged Mia's legs, they were worried about Rhea.

"Xia, tell grandma, did you really not understand what the Fire Cloud Beast said?"

Instead of asking Hina, Mia asked Xia.

Shia is an elf, he has the talent to deal with wild beasts and monsters.

"It made Dad save the beast?"

Xi Ya did understand what Fire Cloud Beast said, but he didn't quite understand it.

Dad is a human race, what beast can he save?

It would be fine not to eat the beast, and I always feel that it is too unreliable to ask my father to save the beast.


Miya looked at Xi Ya, she was too impatient just now and didn't react.I forgot that there was actually a pure-blooded elf present, wouldn't it be nice to ask him to translate the words of Fire Cloud Beast!


But the village head and Rhea have already entered the forest, and Mia can only resign herself to fate.

I hope that Fire Cloud Beast is not approaching Rhea with malice, but really wants him to save some beast!

Rhea and the village head who entered the forest came to a cave under the guidance of the Fire Cloud Beast.

"Aren't you really going to trick us into eating it?"

Rhea and the village chief stood outside the cave and asked the fire cloud beast in the cave.

Once inside, they want

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