Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 43 Asking for Subscription

Mia is less than [-] years old now. Although she is not young in terms of human age, she is a mixed race. Her life span is longer than that of pure humans. Moreover, she is also a senior professional, which has increased her original life span. A lifespan of about one hundred.

So Miya's current age is just a middle-aged person among senior professionals, or the kind who has just entered middle age.

Is there any reason why you can't look for a second spring?Just like Rhea said before, going out and kidnapping a handsome man is better than guarding a scumbag and unfilial son.

But recently Miya seems to have gradually looked away, and she has long since stopped caring about men.It seems that I haven't heard her talk about her son recently, so I guess it's because I'm disappointed.

Although Mia hasn't asked about Carlo's son yet, from the fact that he attracted Carlo, he knows that there is no village or mother in his heart.

During the meal before, despite the village head's frequent hints, Mia just didn't ask Carlo about her son. Obviously, she knows the son better than the mother, and she already knows it in her heart.

"That's what I told Aunt Miya. When I am stronger, I will go out and tie him a peerless handsome man."

When Rhea talked about this, she finally had a little smile on her face.

Now it is one of the things that the villagers love to tease about him. Sometimes when they meet Rhea, everyone will ask him when he will tie the handsome boy back for everyone to meet.

Regarding these joking words, Rhea could only quickly change the subject except for a few dry laughs, not wanting to be questioned any further.

The embarrassment is dead, and more importantly, Rhea wonders if Miya said it on purpose, just to see him laugh.

Originally, Mia had already walked out of the shadows, but Carlo's arrival made her feel bad again.

After all, it was her son who brought Carlo here, and if something happened to the village, she could hardly absolve herself of the blame.

"Haha not bad."

Carlo laughed, feeling that it was rare for Rhea and himself to reach a consensus on this point. It seems that one person and one dragon can still have common hobbies.

"Uncle Carlo, you are so noisy!"

Shia rubbed his eyes and sat up. Carlo's laughter was so loud that he woke them up.


Rhea picked up the book and threw it at him.

"...I didn't mean to." Carlo took the book with embarrassment on his face.He was used to talking and laughing loudly, and he forgot that he was not alone now, and there were a few cubs who were taking a nap.

Rhea checked the time and realized it was only 01:30, an hour before the kids woke up at 02:30.

"Hey, keep on sleeping. Dad will keep an eye on Uncle Carlo so that he won't wake you up again."

Rhea patted each other, and finally put the children back to sleep.

The main reason is that the children haven't woken up, so it's easy to coax.

"I really didn't mean it, trust me, Rhea."

Carlo just wanted to hit his head with a book now, how could he forget that the kids were still taking a nap?

With him like this, is he still equipped to raise cubs?

No, he doesn't deserve it.

Under Rhea's stare, Carlo, who was tall and burly, shrank into a ball. Now he just wanted to make himself invisible and prevent Rhea from seeing him.

"Don't you know how to teleport? When the children wake up, you can teleport them back." Rhea looked outside and found that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there was no sign of it stopping.

So he had to put his idea on Carlo's head. He is a silver dragon who is good at space magic.

"Huh? That's right~" Carlo finally remembered that he was a silver dragon.

Because of his injury, he had no choice but to teleport him from a long distance, but the distance from the village didn't affect him at all!

"Hey what, don't tell me that you forgot that you are a silver dragon."

Rhea continued to stare, even forgetting that she knew space magic. It seems that this elder of the Dragon Clan is not very reliable anymore.

Is he really going to hand over a few brats to him to teleport back?Will you run away with the baby?Or just teleport a few children away?Like in a magic novel, where the parts of the body are separated?

The more she thought about it, the more unsafe she felt, Rhea began to hesitate.Fortunately, Carlo's level gave Rhea a little confidence in him. The main reason is that he has no choice, because the rain outside has not stopped, so he can't let the children sleep here for one night, right?

If it's just him, Rhea doesn't feel like living there for a few days.But putting it on the children, Rhea felt that it was too bitter, and the ground and outside were all wet, which was not good for the children's health, the temperature was too high!

"..." Carlo, who was told the truth, wanted to teleport away now.

But under Rhea's stare, he didn't dare.

Honestly shrunk into a ball, waited until the cubs woke up, hugged them with a quilt, and then returned to the manor in an instant.

Rhea originally planned to go back by himself. He has water magic and can control the rain from getting on his body.It's just that the range is very small, only about five or sixty centimeters.That's why he asked Carlo instead of carrying the children home by himself.

"Let's go!" Carlo came back again.

"Why are you back again?"

He had just tied up the animal skins and tarpaulins on the table, but he didn't expect Carlo to teleport back after sending off the cubs.

"It's raining heavily outside, I can't just leave you here! The boys will be angry."

Carlo turned his head and said awkwardly.

"Hahaha, okay! Then I will trouble you."

Rhea didn't continue to press him.Instead, after letting him put away the animal skin and oilcloth, he grabbed his shoulder.

"Huh." After Carlo snorted, the two returned to the manor from the tent.As for the tent, here it is, in case someone will need it.Occasionally, the children playing here can rest their feet.

Space movement is indeed the fastest magic in the world.

It took only a second or two from the east of the village to the manor, and Rhea didn't even get a drop of water on her body.

"Thank you, Carlo." Rea thanked Carlo, letting go of Carlo's shoulders.

"Father." The kids were all in good spirits at the moment, and gathered around one after another, pushing Carlo aside.

Although he didn't know what crossing the river and demolishing the bridge meant, the behavior of the boys made Carlo very speechless.

Throw it away after use, do you want to be so realistic?Cubs.

"Uncle Carlo, thank you."

Fortunately, after the little guy and his father hugged each other lovingly, they thanked Carlo at the same time.

"You're welcome, who made me an adult dragon! It's the responsibility of us adult dragons to take care of the cubs."

Carlo waved his hand to say no, anyway, this little matter is nothing to him.

"I can't go out to play this afternoon, you can play in the entertainment room!"

Rhea saw that the rain was not decreasing in the slightest, and planned to eat hot pot tonight, the ingredients were all ready-made, he just needed to cook a pot of broth.

But he was busy preparing a lot of ingredients, so he couldn't look at the children.

"They leave it to you, Carlo."

Rhea also has a little trust in him now, and he is more assured of Shia's sense of responsibility.Carlo's responsibility is not to prevent the cubs from doing dangerous things. Rhea still has a little confidence in her children, and they will not do dangerous things.

Carlo's responsibility is to protect them from external harm. After all, there are accidents every day. Who knows if there will be meteorites in the world.

I have to say that after raising a child, Rhea really thinks a lot.

Whether pessimistic or happy, he will think about it.


Although Carlo doesn't understand what's so good about the kids playing, but Rhea has asked him like this, so let's take a look at it reluctantly!

Accompanied by an adult dragon, Rhea went to the kitchen to prepare the hot pot for the evening.

Carlo complained in his heart that Rhea didn't know, and he would tell Carlo if he knew.

He is not worried about the cubs, he is worried about the little wolf king.

Although Carlo said don't care about the little wolf king, it won't hurt the cubs.But as a father, how could he not worry.

After all, the Little Wolf King is a level [-] monster, and even a dozen of Sanxia can't defeat it.

Although the little wolf king is acting very well now, who knows if it will suddenly go crazy and directly hurt Xi Ya and the others!

With Carlo staring at him, no matter how stupid the little wolf king was, he knew that he couldn't do anything to the cubs, otherwise what was waiting for him would be a space blade.

Little Wolf King, who was playing with Xi Rui in the entertainment room, suddenly felt a chill down his back.


Suddenly sneezed.

"What's wrong with you? Have you caught a cold?"

Xi Rui picked up the little wolf king and looked left and right.

"Brother, the little wolf king seems to have caught a cold, can I ask Dad to make him some ginger water?"

Ciri didn't know how deceitful her behavior was. Little Wolf King didn't know what ginger was, and thought that the food cooked by Rhea was as delicious, so he didn't object.By the time it knows what ginger water is, it will be too late to protest.

"Okay, I'll go find Dad."

Shia got up from the carpet and walked across the corridor to the kitchen.


Shia climbed over the threshold, and Rhea was washing bones at the sink.

"Xia, what's the matter?" Rhea washed her hands and wiped them with a clean towel before squatting down and hugging her eldest son.

"Father, the little wolf king seems to have caught a cold. My brother asked if I could boil some ginger water for him to drink."

Shia snuggled into her father's arms, feeling a little embarrassed.He is already a big child, and he still wants to be hugged by his father, which is really embarrassing.

"Okay, Dad will call Xi Rui when he's done."

Rhea agreed without even thinking about it. There is ginger and a pot at home, making ginger water is not a troublesome thing.

After Shia left, Rhea stewed the bones in the pot, then began to wash and cut the ginger. In order to make the effect better, he also added a little scallion white.

As for the taste, he tasted it.Not to mention how difficult it is, but it can't be regarded as delicious.A little irritating, but bearable nonetheless.

As for whether the wolf can bear it, Rhea is irresponsible.

After the ginger soup was cooked, because it was hot, he thought about it and sent the soup to the entertainment room himself instead of asking his son and the others to come and serve it.

"Dad, didn't you just say that you would call me when it was cooked?"

Ciri was still waiting for his father to call him!Unexpectedly, Rhea brought the soup over.

"It's a bit hot, and Dad won't trust you to carry it. If you sprinkle it on you, Dad will feel bad."

Rhea put the ginger soup on the ground in a newly carved wooden basin.

From now on, this basin will be the bowl of Little Wolf King, its special bowl.

It is about the same size as a washbasin, but not as deep as a washbasin, and a bit shallow.

The ginger soup is only very hot when it comes out of the pot, and it is relatively cold today, so it is not so hot after being served all the way.


Put it in front of the little wolf king.


As soon as the little wolf king smelled the ginger soup, he immediately fled to the corner.

"Little wolf, come and drink it." Ciri walked over to pick it up.It is impossible not to drink the ginger soup that Dad boiled so hard.

Besides, it has a cold now, and it will get worse if you don't drink it.At that time, it will be transmitted to everyone. Does it make the whole family catch a cold?

"Wow~" The taste is so strange, can you stop drinking it?

Little Wolf King resists and resists ginger soup.

But he couldn't resist Ciri's hand, and was dragged out of the corner by him.


The little wolf king was dragged in front of Jiang Tang, and the whole wolf was dumbfounded.


Ciri was going to wring its mouth.

"Siri, don't you think it's dirty?"

Xina directly stopped her younger brother's movements, the wolf was drooling so much, my younger brother really didn't care!

She has a brother who is very particular about cleanliness, and a younger brother who doesn't care. It's really hard for her to be caught in the middle.


The little wolf king who was said to be dirty burst into tears and drank the ginger soup, enduring the irritating taste.

Because if it doesn't drink, the adult dragon next to it will peel off its wolf skin and eat the roast cub.

With such a bright threat, the little wolf king had no choice but to drink, and he wept while drinking.It's really not because of Hina's sad words, but because of being spicy by ginger soup.

Damn, why is there such a horrible thing.

After the little wolf king finished his soup, Ciri let go of his tail.

Lying on the ground, the little wolf king lost all energy.

But soon it found out, and it began to warm up, and its whole body was warm.

Because of excessive blood loss before, although the wound has healed under Rhea's treatment, it has lost too much blood, and its body is not as warm as before. Even if it has hair on its body, its body is still a bit cold.

But now its body is starting to warm up, and apart from some discomfort in its mouth, the little wolf king's spirit is recovering.

"I'm sweating, and I'm getting cold."

Ciri took a towel and followed Rhea's example to wipe the sweat off its fur.

In winter, Rhea cooked ginger soup for the three of them.

Although the taste is not good, it is really good to prevent colds.The three of them, brothers and sisters, have never had a cold all winter, and Jiang Tang has made great efforts.

The little wolf king didn't know what to do, but their father was very busy, so he dared to dislike him when he took the time to make ginger soup for him.

"Is it warm?"

As Xi Rui spoke, she pulled the little wolf king's hair.

"Oh~" It's also very warm here.

The little wolf king lay down in front of the fireplace, and the fireplace rose again because of the rain.

In order to save trouble, Rhea put iron wood in it, so that the kids don't have to throw firewood in it.

As for Carlo, let him watch the child, but he was lying on the carpet and sleeping.

"Carlo." Rhea walked over and kicked him, and agreed to watch the child?

"Don't be noisy, it's comfortable to sleep in this weather." Carlo turned over.

"Didn't you say that you don't usually sleep? What's the situation now?"

Rhea Nu, is this how you see children?

"I'm sleeping on the surface, but my mental power has been covering the entire manor, don't worry." After speaking, Carlo moved himself to a place next to the fireplace.

Standing next to the little wolf king, one wolf and one dragon fought for the best territory.


The veins on Rhea's forehead protruded, and he wanted to stew this dragon and wolf together in a big pot now.

Perform a dragon-wolf fight.

"Dad, go to work! We will be good."

Shia took Laria's hand, and Xina and Shiri nodded together. They are good children, not like Uncle Carlo and Little Wolf King.

"Okay, you guys stay in the entertainment room. If you don't want to play anymore, you can go back to your room and do your homework."

Rhea suddenly remembered that the little guys at home hadn't done their homework for several days.

"Have you finished your homework?"

The torture from the soul made the three youngsters all dumbfounded.

When it's over, they don't even remember that they have homework.Most of all, fighting with Carlo every day, I forgot the learning task that my father told them to recognize two characters every day.

"Dad, I'm sorry."

The three children stood up and admitted their mistakes, and the ones with a sincere attitude didn't look like brats.Carlo admired it again, it would be great if this was his cub!

"Forget it, I forgot about it myself." Rhea didn't blame the children for not doing their homework. As a father, he forgot about the children's studies because of Carlo's incident. Even if he wanted to blame, he had to blame him first Own.

"But don't forget it next time. If Dad forgets, you have to remind Dad."

Rhea's words are also useful to the three little brats. If it were placed in the previous world, the brats would not remind him, and even wish that Rhea would never remember it.

"Okay, Dad."

Shia and the others really agreed, and they didn't look tired of studying at all.Even the little tiger cub, who loves to move the most, agreed honestly, and vowed that next time Dad forgets to give them homework, he will definitely remember to remind Dad.

Even if the favored person asks everyone to do the most annoying thing, everyone can happily do it.

The same is true for Rhea, he is favored by the cubs, so he can make the cubs who don't like to learn obediently learn.

Too bad~

Carlo was lying on the carpet, and when he heard what Rhea said to the cubs, he suddenly felt that the human race was really ruthless.Not only ruthless to outsiders, but even more ruthless to oneself.

If you are not ruthless, you will not do things that let the cubs who are the oldest one year old and the youngest a few months learn.

But seeing what the cubs wanted, Carlo finally chose to sleep.

Out of sight out of mind.

"Let's go learn."

After sending Rhea away, Xi Ya took her younger sister and younger brother, and the three cubs came to the study together.

"Brother, what are we learning today?"

Among the three children, Tiger Cub was the least fond of studying, but under Shia's man-marking policy, even Ciri could complete her homework on time.

The task of recognizing two big characters every day.

"Learn the two characters rain and wind today."

Shia looked at the rain dripping on the ground outside, and the whining wind.


Ciri also became interested. Compared with the patterns drawn in the book, the real rain and wind have a stronger sense.

"It's raining a lot!"

It is not that there is no rain in winter, but it is very little rain, and more snow.

In addition, they hadn't learned to read characters at that time!

"The rain is drop by drop, the wind is whistling, and it hurts when it blows on the face."

Hina lay on the window, looking at the trees being blown by the wind, and the raindrops splashing on the ground.

"Sister likes water." Ciri was held in her brother's arms, teaching one to the other just like before she was transformed.

Occasionally, she had to go down to God, and Xi Ya was not angry.

"Yes! She likes it very much!"

Hina loves to study more than Xi Rui, so she doesn't need to worry about Xi Ya.

So Shia only needs to keep an eye on Ciri.

"My sister wants to go to the river to play, but the river is too cold, and my father said that I can't go to the river."

Ciri feels sorry for her sister, because mermaids like water very much.

"We are too young, and the river is very dangerous." Shea knew Rhea's worry, and no one knew what was going on in the river.Usually Rhea catches fish and never goes down by herself.

If there are powerful water monsters in the river, Xi Na is a little mermaid, and she can't beat them at all.

As the top race in the water, many water monsters covet mermaids.Because eating a higher race can make oneself evolve into a high-level monster, or even a holy monster.

Because there is a special energy in the body of the higher races, which is usually hidden in the body, and it will only be revealed after adulthood.

It is this kind of energy that allows them to easily cross the barrier and become a senior professional.

Also because of this energy, they are easier to become saints than any other race.

So many races on the mainland are coveting the bodies of higher races, but these higher races are powerful and they dare not provoke them.

But if they meet a cub outside who has no resistance, they will be embarrassed and accept it directly.

So Rhea didn't dare to let Hina play in the river at all, even if she wanted to go, she would have to wait until they were adults.

If it didn't work, he turned around and built a big pool outside the manor, specially for Hina to play with water.

Go down the river, absolutely not.

She was rejected by Rhea before it started, so Hina was actually a little depressed.


Shia and Ciri came to her side, lying on her left and right sides.

"Brother, Ciri."

Hina looked at her brother and brother, and smiled at them.

Knowing what they were worried about, Hina smiled to show that she didn't care.

Dad is also doing it for her own good. Hina is not an ignorant little bear who disregards safety just to play in the water.

Because my father said that all drowned people can swim.

Although she is a mermaid, she is too small and her strength is extremely low. She can't even beat a bigger fish, let alone a monster in the water.

"Sister, don't be sad, brother and I are with you!"

Xi Rui directly transformed back into the form of a little tiger cub, and jumped into Xi Na's arms.



"Pfft~ It's super cute."

Hina rubbed his tiger's head and couldn't help laughing.

There is such a good family, but they just can't go to the river to play in the water.When I grow up, I will kill all the water monsters in the river and give my father extra meals.

Whoever let them keep him from playing in the river when he was a child, eating them is the greatest kindness.

The mermaid is a very ferocious overlord in the water, as long as there are adult mermaids, no monsters in the water are their opponents.

In fact, it includes the water dragon. Although the water dragon is very powerful, the mermaid is better at controlling the water.

After all, the water dragon is not the most powerful dragon among the dragons, and the water dragon is stronger than the wooden dragon.

So if you want to defeat the mermaid in the water, don't humiliate yourself.

As one of the lowest ranks of the dragon clan, the water dragon has since seen mermaids walking around.

Obviously they are water dragons, but they can't beat mermaids in the water. Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

"Xina, we have to grow up properly so that we can protect Dad."

Shia reached out and touched his sister's head, as if he liked the forest, but he never showed any longing eyes for the forest.

"Brother, I know, don't worry about me, you and my brother, I'll be fine soon."

Hina hugged her younger brother and threw herself into Shia's arms.

She didn't cry, because when she cried, pearls would fall, and her father would feel distressed.But her brother's arms are also very reliable, which made her feel better.

"I just saw the rain, and I was a little sad. Don't tell Dad, he will worry about me."

Xina was afraid that her brother and younger brother would tell her father, so she quickly added something.

"Don't worry. I won't tell Dad. He will be worried, so I won't tell him." Shea said with a smile.

Say the most hurtful words in the softest tone.

Hina twitched the corners of her mouth. She was really blind to think that her brother was the gentlest and most amiable elder brother.

Bah~ father control.

"I see." Hina gritted her teeth.

Usually you can't see it, but as long as you bump into your father, Shia will protect Rhea [-]%.Not even Hina and Ciri, Rhea came first, followed by younger sister and younger brother.

Faced with her elder brother's behavior of protecting her father like a calf, Hina sighed resignedly.

And Ciri, he has a big heart.I don't care about these at all, I am only happy that my brother is protecting my father.


Hina complained about her brother.

Ciri jumped off her sister and took human form.

"I won't tell my father! Then my father will coax you and play with you again. I'm not stupid."

Ciri always knows how to die, and is always on the way to die.

"You, say, what? Say it again if you have the ability."

Hina got angry and squeezed his chubby face hard.

"I won't say it." Ciri's face was pinched, but she was still able to speak clearly, which is also an incredible talent.

"Can you tell me?"

Xina continued to pinch, don't worry about pinching it, because Ciri is an orc with thick skin!

"No, ask."

The mouth was deformed, and finally he couldn't speak clearly.

Sheena laughed when she heard that, but Ciri refused to admit defeat.

Why make him admit defeat, he does not admit defeat, the king's dictionary does not have the word admit defeat.

"Hey~ Siri, I told you a long time ago that a story is a story, so don't take the protagonist in the story as you."

Shea heard the declaration of spiritual power in her younger brother's head, and couldn't help but say.

At the same time, he also rescued the younger brother from the clutches of the younger sister.

"No, I am the king."

The little tiger showed the king character on his head, who dares to say that he is not a king?

"Do you think you are a king because you are a king? The old king next door is also a king."

Hina's mouth is also very poisonous. Carlo, who has been eavesdropping outside, was originally relieved that the cubs were considerate of their adoptive father.

As a result, they soon quarreled, and when they heard this funny conversation, they couldn't help but burst out laughing.


"Who's outside?"

Shea turned her head.

Carlo came out the door.

"Uncle Carlo?"

"I was passing by and overheard your conversation. Do you believe this?"

Carlo struggled a bit with his own eavesdropping.

What do you say?

Sanxiao looked at him suspiciously.

"Well, I knew you wouldn't believe it."

Carlo is quite self-aware.

"I heard it, what do you say?"

Ka □ □ Cui admitted it, and the three cubs were very speechless with a smug look.

"Just don't tell Dad."

Hina didn't want Rhea to worry, she was afraid that her father would blame himself.

"Why didn't you tell him? I think your father must have an idea. He has always cared about you. If he knew that you had something to hide from him, he would definitely feel uncomfortable, right?"

Although he always wanted to snatch the cubs, he could see Rhea's kindness to the children.

Carlo is willing to respect him as a father who would rather suffer himself than let his children suffer.

Don't think there is much respect, just a little~

"...I told my father myself."

Hina was silent for a moment and ran out.

"Thank you, Uncle Carlo."

Compared to the previous reluctance, Xi Ya was much more sincere this time.

"Thank you, you don't need it, next time you see me, just don't be like an enemy."

Carlo just didn't understand, why did the kids feel so upset when they saw him?He didn't do anything bad to the children either!

"If Uncle Carlo had been nicer to Dad, we wouldn't have treated you like this."

Ciri was softer than her brothers and sisters, and she kindly reminded Carlo when she saw that she didn't understand.

He knew it was like this again.

Carlo slumped his shoulders. In the hearts of the cubs, he was not even a hair of Rhea.

Even the village chief and Mia have higher status than him. Carlo, who has never met Mary and Charlie, doesn't know that besides these two, there are two other villagers with higher status than him.

"Okay, I know."

In fact, up to now, after several blows, Carlo no longer has any self-esteem towards Rhea. He thinks Rhea is more sincere than all the people he has seen.

Woo~ Sincere enough to show him casual expressions, if he is unhappy, he will cook for him and let him eat raw meat by himself.

Such a human race, no one can say that he is not sincere.


Hina leaned on the kitchen door frame and called out to Rhea, who was chopping vegetables.


It's raining so much today, and Winnie probably won't be able to come if he thinks about it. He is naturally a little busy preparing so many ingredients by himself.

Usually, Winnie washes and cuts the ingredients in advance, and what Rhea has to do is to cook and fry the dishes, and let Winnie learn cooking skills by the way.

Today, I washed and cut by myself. Because there were more dragons and wolves in the house, he had to make half more food than usual, so Rhea didn't even let go of cutting when she heard her daughter's cry.


Hina walked up to Rhea and pulled his trouser legs.

"what happened?"

The appearance of her daughter made Rhea a little concerned, and replaced the manual cutting of vegetables with gold magic.

Although it took a bit of magic, I have to say that the slices of meat cut out by magic are really thin, transparent and visible.

He squatted in front of Hina, focusing on two things.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

Hina was a little embarrassed, she thought she was so obedient, so ignorant!Mingming's father told him why she was not allowed to play in the river, but she still wanted to play in the river. If she didn't listen to her father's words, she was not a good child.

"What's the matter? Can't you tell Dad? Tell me!"

Shia picked up her daughter and put her on a kitchen chair.

"Dad, I want to play in the water, not the kind of water in the basin, but in the river."

Hina plucked up her breath and said to Rhea, because she was afraid of seeing the disappointed look in her father's eyes, so she closed her eyes when she said this.

"Why don't you open your eyes and watch Dad say it? I know. When the rain stops, Dad will ask the villagers to help our Hina build a big pool. Later, Hina wants to play, so she can play in the big pool as much as she wants. Although It can’t be compared with the river, let alone the sea, but we can play in these two places after our Hina grows up and becomes stronger, okay?”

"Dad, aren't you mad at me?"

When Hina heard Rhea's words, she suddenly opened her eyes with disbelief on her face.

She is so bad, why does Dad still love her?He also thought about digging a pool for her. This was definitely not a temporary idea, but he had already had this idea, otherwise he wouldn't have said it without hesitation.

"Hey, why are you mad at me?"

Rhea couldn't laugh or cry, his daughter's words made him feel so strange!It's not that she did anything bad, it's just that her instinct made her want to play with water, so there's nothing to be angry about.

"But I'm not good, I didn't listen to my father."

Hina played with her little finger, looking unhappy.

She is so capricious, yet father is still willing to love her and pamper her.Hina really wanted to cry this time, she sniffled and tried to hold back.

"There is no misbehaving, my Hina is the most obedient and cutest little girl in the world, how could she be so misbehaving!" Rhea squatted in front of Hina, reaching out her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Tears left her eyes and instantly turned into pearls.

Every pearl is a tear of a daughter.Hina, it hurts Daddy when he sees you cry.

"In my heart, nothing is more important than you. Dad understands that you want to play in the water. You are a mermaid, which is natural. Your brother has always wanted to play in the forest. I know it. It's just that the forest was too cold before. Later, I will ask Fire Cloud Beast to take you to play in the forest, but you can't go too far, because there are many powerful monsters in the forest."

Rhea's last words were said while looking at Shia standing at the door.


Shia ran in and hugged Rhea.

"Thank you, Dad."

Xi Ya didn't expect that Rhea would notice his thoughts.Obviously he hid it well, but Dad still found out.

"Silly boy, you know your son better than your father. I raised you all by myself. I don't even have to guess what you are thinking."

Rhea patted the head of the eldest son again, this child worried him the most, he liked to keep everything in his heart, for fear that speaking out would make him worry and embarrass him.

"I want to hug you too, brother, please step aside!"

The little tiger rushed in, squeezed between Xi Ya and Rhea, and pushed Xi Na out.

Hina's pretty little eyebrows raised up, and she was about to scold her younger brother.

"Haha hug daddy together."

Rhea opened her big arms and hugged the three children together.

Forget it, let's settle the score with my brother later!Hina thought of being held in her father's arms.

She didn't know that Xi Rui, who had escaped, was still beautiful there!

"Then you know what I'm thinking, Dad." Ciri asked Rhea.

"I know, you want to go hunting on the grassland early, right?"

Xi Rui was originally an orc, and the orc empire was built on the grassland, so he yearned for the grassland and always liked to play around, because he didn't want to be locked in the house.

"Yes, Dad, you know it all! It's amazing."

Xi Rui admired him so much, and felt that apart from his low strength, his father was amazing in everything else!

But the strength is not high, it is nothing in the eyes of the few children, because they will be very powerful in the future, it doesn't matter if their father is not strong, they will be good, and whoever dares to bully his father in the future, he will beat them away.

The pure Ciri hasn't thought about it that much yet. He still doesn't understand that if Rhea is not powerful, he can only accompany them for a hundred years at most, and he won't even see them grow up.

"Brother, sister, dad is amazing!"

Ciri said the same to Sheena and Shia.

"Yes, Dad is the most powerful person in the world."

Xi Ya nodded, in his heart, except Rhea, no one is the most powerful.

Including the powerful Carlo, he is not the strongest, because he can't even roast vegetables for himself.

During the picnic outside at noon today, no one except himself dared to eat the dishes Carlo baked.

Even the little wolf king was unwilling to take a bite, so one could imagine how unpalatable this dish was.

Carlo, who was disliked, came to the kitchen reluctantly, holding the little wolf king in one hand and a wooden basin in the other.

"Riya, this wolf is hungry again, is there anything to eat?"

If he didn't want to exchange it for medicinal herbs, Carlo would have killed the little wolf king directly, so what if his father is an eighth-level monster?It's not that he hasn't killed before, even if the whole pack of wolves comes, he won't be afraid.

"Yes, I have milk powder here, it is still like this

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