Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 47 Asking for Subscription

Compared with her reluctance, for Rhea's future consideration, Luna can't take the child back.

The impression of parents in the memory of the original owner actually refers to Luna and Eric.He remembered nothing but that he had parents, and that he became an orphan after they died.

Looking at Lilith's attitude towards Rhea, everyone should understand how malicious the world is towards Shuanghei.

"Sorry, I didn't know my mother put you under so much pressure." Eric hugged his wife, he never felt that there was anything wrong with having only one daughter.

But he didn't expect that Luna would always keep this matter in her heart, and finally began to be dazed.

"Actually, Wei Li is very good, and I know it too. But I just couldn't hold back the idea of ​​wanting a son in my heart. After Mia refused to give me the potion, I secretly went to the town to buy some unreliable potions and took them back. That's what broke the body."

Let alone having a son now, it is even difficult to conceive.

Luna regretted it now, but it was too late.

And because she couldn't give birth, she became more attached to Rhea.

If she insists on thinking that Rhea is her son, why should she not be after several years of raising him?

The obsession cannot be eliminated, no matter how much medicine the body takes, it will not work.

Thanks to Rhea, who traveled through time and replaced the original owner.It's also thanks to Rhea who replaced the original owner, otherwise Luna knew that the original owner died, she might not be able to bear the blow, so she just followed the original owner.

A son forced a good woman to be bedridden, Rhea couldn't help but sigh when thinking about it.

It seems that the patriarchal families in the previous life were like this. They couldn’t do without a son, and they felt that they couldn’t hold their heads up in front of the husband’s family and the world.

In fact, except for a small number of people who are full and have nothing to do, not many people really care about whether a family has a son or not.With so much time to care about this, it is better to earn more money!

It's just that they were trapped by old ideas, and coupled with the pressure from their in-laws, they ended up driving themselves crazy.Even after giving birth to six or seven daughters, they still have to give birth, just for a son.

Rhea felt that Luna was almost the same as those women in the previous life, and he had no position to persuade.

When she gets better in the future, please try to persuade her!Now he dare not, for fear of getting angry.

He was not in good health at first, and if he was angry again, he probably wouldn't be able to run away.

I just feel sorry for Wei Li, although Luna treats her well, but it feels a little worse.Otherwise, they wouldn't have said today that they were wrong.

Because of this sentence, his vigilance was heightened.I think Luna can't do this anymore, Wei Li is fine, she shouldn't be wronged like this.

So he had to find a way to make Luna change her mind about wanting a son.

It's just that all of this can only be carried out after Luna is in good health. Thinking of this, Rhea's shoulders collapsed.


The village head stood in the middle of the road, seeing Rhea walking past him, he couldn't help but stop him.

What happened to the kid, he was so absent-minded that he didn't even notice when he was standing in the middle of the road.

"Uncle Village Chief?"

After being called back to his senses by the village chief, he realized that he was standing in front of him, which made him a little embarrassed.

"What are you thinking? I've been standing here for a long time, and you haven't seen me."

The village chief pulled the man to the side of the road and asked, don't stand in the middle, if a carriage comes by later and doesn't notice, it is possible to be hit and fly.Recently, in order to gain weight, people come and go on the village road, and if there is no horse, they will pull it by themselves.

Although the village head felt that it was probably the carriage that flew out when the two met, he couldn't be so unfriendly to the carriage!

"Uncle, do you know about Aunt Luna?"

The original owner didn't have much memory, and he naturally didn't have much. If he wanted to inquire about Luna, he would naturally have to find other people in the village.

The people in the village he is most familiar with are Mary, Charlie and Mia, and then the village chief.

"Her~ You can just ask me." The village head sighed.

"I'll go to the manor and talk! By the way, I'll grab a meal."

It's hard for the village chief to speak so confidently about Cengfan.

"……it is good."

Rhea didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and returned to the manor with the village chief.

The first thing I did when I got home was to go to the ice cellar to fetch dozens of catties of meat.

"I'll help you light the fire."

The village chief sat in front of the stove and added some firewood to it.The fire started, and the village chief's heart was as fierce as the fire in the stove.

"Village Chief, please tell me about Aunt Luna."

Rhea stir-fried the cut meat with large ingredients, then added boiling water, brought to a boil over high heat, and then simmered slowly over low heat.

In order to save some trouble, it is enough to stew only one meat at noon today, and steamed some steamed buns in the morning.

"At the beginning, I took you away from Eric's house, and I crippled the boss. The parents you kept calling at that time were Eric and Luna."

The words of the village chief made Rhea, who was adding water, give her a hand, and finally continued to add boiling water as if nothing had happened.

"So there is no problem with my memory when I was a child. I did have a pair of parents at that time, didn't I?"

The original owner always felt that he had something about his parents, and Rhea was very strange.Because if there is no such thing, why does the original owner persist in thinking that he has parents in the village?

After a long time, the source is actually here.

"You should have felt how repulsive the outside world is to Shuanghei today, right?"

The village head is not deaf, he still doesn't know what happened in the shop.


The blurt was to burn him, and Rhea felt it.

He seems to have returned to the world where witches and heretics were burned all day long in the Middle Ages, which is scary.

"Only if you feel the malice of this world, you will not run out of curiosity."

The village chief and the others didn't say it clearly, because they were afraid that Rhea would feel uncomfortable if she found out.

After all, anyone who knows that he is in a world where everyone wants to burn him to death will not feel good.

"Thank you, and thank you all."

Rhea put the lid on the pot, staring at the white smoke with complicated emotions.

Fortunately, he is not very curious about the outside world. After all, he wants to stay in the village and survive more than the splendor of the outside world.

But he was still hit by this cruel truth, and suddenly understood why he was placed at the entrance of the village.

Only here can he survive.

"Rhea? Are you all right, my boy?"

After hearing Rhea's voice for a long time, the village chief came out from the stove.

"Uncle, I'm fine." Rhea shook her head, what could he do?

The one who really has something to do should also be the original owner.

It's a pity that he is no longer here. If he were, would he still be as aggressive as before, bent on letting Wei Li's family support him?

Rhea didn't know, but he hoped the original owner would change.

"Riya, we didn't talk about these things before because everyone didn't want to put pressure on you. Now that you ask, I'll tell you."

The village chief patted Rhea's shoulder, but this time he restrained his strength and did not slap him on the ground.

"Thank you, village chief, since you are here, let's talk about the school!"

Rhea sniffled. He was feeling sorry for the original owner. With so many people who loved him, why didn't he survive?

Who was the person who killed the original owner?

Whoever it was, Rhea hoped to find the person.

But how to find it, he couldn't think of any way for a while, so he had to put it away first.

And no one can tell about his time travel, he can only find a way to find someone, but he just has no way, who will let him do it!

"The address of the school has been chosen, it's just around Mary's shop, not too far from your home."

The village chief gave the address, and Rhea immediately knew where it was.

Because there is only that piece of flat land around Mary's shop that can be used to build a house.

"That's fine, I just brought back my sword skills today, and I'll go to practice swords later, and when I'm done, I'll bring back the stone bricks and slabs and put them there."

Rhea thought for a while, the school must be built well, it is related to the place where the children stay all day, and it cannot engage in shabby projects.

So he chose the same material as his own manor, made of stone bricks.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you. But you don't need to move the bricks. Anyway, everyone's work in the field is almost done now. If there is nothing to do, let them move the bricks every day, so as not to fight and cause trouble for me all day long."

The orc blood is like this, and the temper is not very good. The village chief has to worry about the safety of the village every year during the slack.

It's okay to fight by yourself, but if you knock down other people's houses or injure passers-by, and finally turn from two people alone to group fights, then something big will happen.

"..." Reyamo agreed.

"The paper in the paper workshop has also been finished, and it has been improved according to the method you mentioned. Now the paper is divided into two categories.

A type of household paper is specially used at home. This type of paper is best produced, and a lot can be produced every day. "

When the village chief said this, he was very satisfied with the tissue paper.

After all, the way of cleaning with leaves and sticks is really uncomfortable for the villagers who are used to cleaning.

"The second category is paper for books. This kind of paper can be written normally and does not scatter ink."

"What about the books? If the money in the village is not enough, I can get some more."

Rhea took the lead in donating a hundred gold coins before, and other villagers in the village also donated more or less, adding up to thousands of gold coins.

If you go outside to buy some basic books, you can still buy a lot. After you get them back, you will organize villagers who are better at calligraphy to copy them.

Huh~ Rhea just remembered at this time, he still has printing technology, and with printing technology, those books that need to be copied hundreds of copies don't need to be copied one by one.

Didn't think of it before, just really didn't think of it.He forgot that there is no printing in this world, and it is still the most basic method of manual transcription.

"No, the money is enough. The books are also in the warehouse of Charlie's house, and they can be moved there after the school is built."

The village chief waved his hand, Rhea didn't have to worry about the money at all, if he didn't have to go to the forest to fight a few monsters.

The main problem now is that the school has not been built, so we have to step up.

"Okay. It just so happens that I'm going to study printing too."

With the help of magic, he only needs to carve the characters out of a wooden board. Even if the characters need to be carved in reverse, he still needs to study how to reverse them.

It is very troublesome if you are not a professional. You have to study everything, otherwise you will not be able to do it.

"Printography? What is this?"

Although they have long been used to Rhea saying some words that they don't understand from time to time, this is the first time they have heard of printing.

"Uncle, you will know when I make it." Rhea said with a smile.

Printing, one of the four great inventions of his motherland.

Paper had been made, and so was printing.

During the meal, the village chief was still asking, but Rhea just didn't say anything. In the end, the village chief missed the meal, but he was not happy when he left.

"I don't know how the children are doing now?"

When Rhea lay in bed and took a nap, she thought vaguely.

And the children who were cared about by him, from the moment they went to the forest, they were thinking about him.

"Wow~ What a tall tree! It's just like what Dad said, it's fun in the forest."

Xi Rui sat on the back of the Fire Cloud Beast, looked at the big tree that was much taller than the Fire Cloud Beast, and suddenly felt that she was too small, if she walked under the tree, she would not be able to see him from above.

"Has Dad seen such a big tree? Fire Cloud Beast. I really want him to see it too."

Hina reached out and picked a leaf. The five-pointed star leaves are very beautiful, and it is spring again. The whole leaf is tender green and soft, the kind that oozes juice when pinched.

"Woo~" Fire Cloud Beast replied.

"That's great." Xi Ya didn't pick the leaves, and a tree vine flew over and gave him the newly borne fruit.

There are also many wild fruits in spring, but the forest is too dangerous, and the villagers will not make a special trip to pick wild fruits.

Even the village chief and Miya wouldn't, because the forest in spring is a relatively dangerous season.

Can it be dangerous?This is the breeding season, and the tempers of the monsters are quite violent, and there are often male monsters who fight over females.

The Fire Cloud Beast just killed two male monsters chasing it yesterday. They were also of the fire attribute, but they were not as powerful as the Fire Cloud Beast.

Now there is still a monster in his cave as a food reserve, and today he has to take care of his children, so he just has no way to hunt.

As for why the Fire Cloud Beasts can be ruthless to the monsters that are pursuing them, it can only be said that the timing of their appearance is not right.

The Fire Cloud Beast regards Xi Rui as its own child, and a female monster with cubs will not go into estrus even during the breeding season.

So those male monsters are not only pursuing loneliness, but also dedicating their whole body to the females by the way.

I won't say anything, I'll just quietly watch you call, and add a meal to myself by the way.Recently, because of the extra food, it feels that its fur looks better than before, and it is much smoother.

The Fire Cloud Beast thought happily, and happily came to pick up the cubs the next day after eating.

It looked at Ciri, who was already able to transform, and was happier than taking Xing, Xing, and potions. It walked lightly and steadily. Even Carlo, an old dragon who had restrained his dragon power, had to admit that sitting It is very comfortable when the fire cloud beast is on it.

No wonder Rui Yafei said that it is better at raising cubs than herself, it seems to be true!

"This is it." Ciri looked at the cave, and immediately said excitedly to her brothers and sisters.

"Is this where Dad brought you back?"

Xina and the others slid down from the Fire Cloud Beast, and stood at the entrance of the cave to look in curiously.Everyone insisted on letting the Fire Cloud Beast bring them to the cave, so that Ciri could revisit the old place, and at the same time let everyone see the place where Ciri lived before.

Xi Ya held a few fruits in her hand, and when she got off the Fire Cloud Beast's back, she also stuffed a fruit into the Fire Cloud Beast's mouth.


After biting for a long time, the Fire Cloud Beast didn't taste anything.

It can't be blamed that it didn't taste good, the fruit is really too small, it's only as big as a child's fist!

"Woo~" Fire Cloud Beast walked into the cave first, and a few followed.


The cave is very big, and it is very clean, not even a messy grass.However, compared to the manor, this place is relatively simple, but as far as the living environment of Warcraft is concerned, it is already very good.

After receiving the news, the Fire Cloud Beast started to clean up. It also used fire magic to bake the cave, making the already dry cave warmer.

The main reason is that the fire cloud beast cultivates in the cave every day and has been in the strong fire element for a long time, so the cave is dry.

In the middle of the cave, there is also a seventh-level monster that is dying.


We can bake it at noon.

There was a smile in the eyes of the fire cloud beast, and the meat of the seventh-level monster was not so easy to eat.

"Okay, thank you Fire Cloud Beast."

Shia didn't even say that her father had prepared a lot of lunch for them, but Ciri immediately agreed.

Sigh, this brother is hopeless.

Turning around, the meat is not delicious and you have to be picky eaters. Wouldn't that embarrass the Fire Cloud Beast?

Shea, who thinks a lot without paying attention, is indeed born to work hard!

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

Ciri suddenly remembered to ask her elder brother for advice, but when she turned around, she found that Xia was distracted.

"Ciri, I told you not to yell in my ear."

Xi Yashu rubbed his almost deafened ears, didn't he know how loud his voice was?

Not only didn't count, but the louder and louder Xi Rui asked the question again.

"How about we eat the meat roasted by the Fire Cloud Beast at noon? Although there is no salt, I assure you that the meat roasted by the Fire Cloud Beast is really tender and delicious."

When Xi Rui had no milk to eat, she ate meat roasted by the Fire Cloud Beast.

The Fire Cloud Beast picked the most tender meat for him to roast, and tore it into small pieces so that it could be eaten.

"After you've finished eating, don't say such things again!"

Shia was not optimistic about this matter, Xi Rui thought it was delicious at the time, because it had never eaten the food cooked by her father.

Let him eat it now, the scene will be more beautiful!

"I'll just say it, it's definitely delicious." Ciri pouted and said disbelievingly.

"Brother, do you really care about Ciri? I'm afraid he'll spit it out later."

Xina touched Xi Ya and whispered, except for Shi Rui who was too young to hear, Carlo and Fire Cloud Beast heard it.

The fire cloud beast is not angry, it is a beast that has eaten Rhea's craftsmanship, and knows how delicious the food made by Rhea is.

Every time it finished eating the food Rhea gave it, it would take two days to get used to the raw food.

However, neither Carlo nor the Fire Cloud Beast made a sound, so it would be good for Ciri to learn a lesson.

Sure enough, at lunchtime, Xi Rui couldn't eat the tasteless meat even though it was indeed very tender.And because Rhea often taught them not to waste food, Ciri could only force herself to swallow what was in her mouth.

Then he ate a big mouthful of Rhea's cooking, and he came back to life.

"Brother and sister are necrotic, and they don't remind me." Xi Rui stared at the snickering brother and sister, he was about to die of anger.


Shia, Xina, and Carlo laughed, and even Fire Cloud Beast couldn't help laughing.

Ciri, he was even angrier.But he can't do anything about everyone, but fortunately, there are meals made by Rhea to comfort his tongue.

After lunch, the cubs played in the cave for a while, then ran out again.Because I was so excited, I didn't even take a nap, and I was going crazy playing outside.

The forest is bigger and there are more places to play.

Especially Shia, entering the forest is as easy as Hina entering a fish.

When you meet your favorite flowers and fruits, the tree will send them to you immediately.

"What kind of flower is this? It smells so good? There's honey on it~brother~"

Xina looked at the honeycomb hanging from the tree, and thought of the sweet honey and the meat roasted with honey, Xina couldn't bear it anymore.He also said that Xi Rui is a foodie, but she is also.

"..." Do you want me to dig out the honeycomb?Shia showed a terrified look.

"No, no, no, why would I do such a thing? I mean, let's let Uncle Carlo pick it. What is his little bumble bee under the might of a dragon? It's not easy to catch."

Hina waved her hand, she wouldn't cheat her if she wanted to, anyway, with Carlo as an adult dragon around, I don't believe he doesn't want to eat the barbecue made by his father.

"Can this work?" Asking the dragon to pluck the honeycomb to get honey seems unreliable.

"As long as I use Dad's barbecue as a lure, Uncle Carlo will definitely be willing." Hina has long thought of the way to deal with foodies, only food can lure him into the bait.

"..." You have studied Uncle Carlo thoroughly.

Shia didn't object, but didn't agree either.

But in Hina's view, this is already a promise.

Xi Ya didn't join in the fun, and hid far away.

The wild bees are not so easy to provoke, they have only one tendon, and they can't understand any words of any man or beast.The only one who can communicate is the queen bee, but the queen bee can easily leave the hive, so it is impossible to communicate.

He found many wild vegetables and wild mushrooms on the ground, which are rarely seen outside.

Learning from his father to weave baskets with rattan, he has been taught by Rhea himself, and the baskets he weaves are much better than before.

While he was digging wild vegetables and picking wild mushrooms, he watched Xina fooling Carlo, while Ciri was still playing drums beside him.

The point is that Carlo was really fooled by the two children.


Can you be okay?Or the elders of the Dragon Clan!He was really tricked into picking honey because of his father's craftsmanship.

Although with the thickness of the dragon's skin and its ability to resist poison, it wouldn't kill him if he was stabbed a few times, but Xi Ya couldn't guarantee whether it would hurt or not in human form.

"Woo~" My child, why don't you go over?

The Fire Cloud Beast approached Xi Ya at some point.

"No, let them toss by themselves! There are a lot of wild vegetables and wild mushrooms in the forest that are not available outside. I want to get some back for Dad to try. These kinds of taste are the best, and Dad will definitely like them."

Shia picked the best-tasting wild vegetables and wild mushrooms in his memory, and when he talked about Rhea, his eyes were full of joy.


You are awesome, Rhea will love it.

Fire Cloud Beast thought of what Rhea had said when chatting with it, saying that the eldest son Xia is the most sensible, but he is too dependent on himself, and if one day he is gone, Xia will be very sad.

In the past, the Fire Cloud Beast didn't take it seriously, because in this world, no cub would be unable to survive without its mother.

But now the Fire Cloud Beast is not sure, because Xi Ya is too obvious, although he also cares about his younger brother and sister, but they can't replace Rhea's father.

Rhea is unique, the No.1 he saw after escaping from the race, and the person he took back to raise.

"Well, so I'm going to dig a little more."

With Dad's character, if he has good things, he must share some with everyone, so if he digs less, it may not be enough.

"Fire Cloud Beast, do you know what this is?"

Xia was digging, and suddenly found a strange plant under the big tree.

Why do you say it's strange?Obviously, it doesn't exist in the inheritance memory, but it can feel the huge power in its body.

"Woo~" Fire Cloud Beast shook its head, it had never seen it before.

It usually doesn't notice the plants under its feet at all, and the only thing it can pay attention to is monsters.

"I'll dig it back and ask Dad." Shea thought for a while and told him that Dad would definitely know what it was.

So he carefully dug out a plant that looked a bit like a human, wrapped it in large leaves, and put it in a basket.

"Xina and the others haven't done it yet?"

Shia has already dug three or four baskets of wild vegetables and wild mushrooms, but Xina and Ciri are still standing under the tree, while Carlo flies to the beehive. He doesn't know what he is doing, so he just stands there stupidly. Before the hive.

'It's okay to want honey, but let the elf come over. 'The queen bee is a fourth-level monster, and already has a high IQ, so as soon as Carlo appeared, she said that it's okay to want honey, but they want to see the elves.

"..." The face of the dignified dragon elder is actually not as good as that of a cub. To be honest, this group of wild bees is the strongest monster that Carlo has ever seen.

That's right, the wild bee is not a nameless bee, but a famous gold and silver bee, gold is the queen, and silver is the king.

A queen and a king form a group. Both the queen and the king are monsters above level [-], and the queen is likely to surpass the intermediate level and become a high-level monster.

But very few, because of racial restrictions, if you want to be promoted, you must meet some specific conditions, otherwise the queen bee can only be at the sixth level.

"Impossible, who knows if you want to bully my cubs."

Carlo refused without even thinking about it, but Shia didn't hear what he said, and he would definitely refute it if he heard it.

Who is your family?We are from my father's house.

Fortunately, he didn't hear it, so Carlo took advantage of it.

'...' The queen bee never showed up, and all the queen bees came out. It was shocked by Carlo's shameless tone.

Don't think that they don't know that they have been in the forest for a long time. These cubs were raised by a double-black human race. It can't be said that they have nothing to do with the dragons in front of them. It can only be said that they have nothing to do with it.

It should be known that the honeybee will go out to collect honey in the other three seasons except that it does not stay in the honeycomb in winter.

Moreover, the gold and silver bees like gossip very much, and they are numerous and powerful, and they have already inquired about all the gossip around them.

Because the gold and silver fronts are relatively small, no one will notice what they want to eavesdrop on.

Therefore, a group of gold and silver bees are good at inquiring about gossip.

Gossip with their king and queen when they come back from collecting honey.

So the queen bee already knew the origins of the cubs, and they were not the children of the dragon clan in front of her, thanks to him being able to speak out.How did he manage to say such lies without changing his face?Or is it that the Dragon Clan's cheeks are really so thick that even the sky is not guilty of lying?

The queen bee's contempt was too obvious. Although Carlo wanted to pretend he didn't know, he succeeded in preventing him from continuing.

"I'll take you to see Shia, but your bee can't act rashly."

Carlo thought about it, the children wanted honey, and he was indeed greedy for the barbecue made by Rhea, but honey was hard to find, and he was unwilling to let him go.

He is confident that under his protection, even if the bees swarm out, they won't hurt a few children.

'it is good. '

The queen bee had no intention of hurting Xi Ya, so she agreed immediately.

"You want to see me, why?"

Xi Ya put down the wild vegetables in her hand, stood up and looked directly at the queen bee.

'You are an elf, my queen bee wants to advance and needs your help. 'The queen bee and the queen bee are a community of destiny. Even if its level is not high, as long as the queen bee does not die, it will not die.

So the level is not necessary for the queen bee, but it can make it produce higher-level wild bees for the queen bee.

Most of the current gold and silver bees are just unqualified monsters. Only the drones, which are the guards of the queen bee and queen bee, are first- and second-level monsters.

When the queen bee enters the ranks of high-level monsters, the worker bees it gives birth to will be first-level monsters.

Not only the combat effectiveness is higher, but the life span is also longer.

Drones can also enter higher ranks, as can queen bees.

This is why the entire bee colony wants the queen to advance, because it represents the interests of the entire bee colony.

"What can I do? I'm just a cub."

Shia didn't have anything about wild bees in his memory, so he didn't know who was promoted or not. Even if he was still a cub, they also found the wrong elves.

'No, it has nothing to do with whether you are a grown elf or not. '

The queen bee fluttered up and down, it was a little anxious.After finally encountering a wild elf, the hive cannot miss this opportunity.

Knowing that there was an elf adopted by the human race, the bee colony began to prepare.

Of course, they don't know anything. The queen bee and it have been brewing royal jelly since last year, and now they have some, but the amount is still small.

'The taste of royal jelly is average, but if you have inherited memories, you should know that royal jelly can increase the physique of the human race, and it can also help the mental power. '

The queen bee tried her best to convince Xi Ya that, according to the news from the bee swarm, she knew that these cubs cared a lot about that human race.

They might not be tempted to give it to other treasures, but once he heard that it was good for Rhea, he would be [-]% tempted.

Facts have proved that the queen bee guessed right, Xi Ya was really tempted.

Just like what the queen bee thought, as long as he was nice to Rhea, he would not refuse.

"I want a lot of royal jelly. From now on, you have to offer royal jelly to me every year, or I won't help." Negotiate terms with Xi Ya, if he doesn't strip all the value of the bee colony, then he is not Xi Ya .

Carlo was undoubtedly in pain when he was pitted by Shia.But when he saw him pitting other monsters, Carlo immediately became happy.

Sure enough, things didn't fall on my head, so it was very beautiful.

'...'Although I have known for a long time that this elf is different from other elves, I only know how different it is after personal contact.

No, are you still an elf?Which elf is as clever as you, a pup?

"If you don't agree, forget it."

Xi Ya squatted down to dig wild vegetables again, and his attitude was very clear. He didn't make a one-shot deal, but he would do it for a lifetime.

'good. 'The queen bee held her breath, but for the sake of the development of the bee colony, she agreed.

Witnessed by Carlo, the bee colony and Xi Ya made a magic oath, whoever violated the oath would be backlashed by magic, and finally died under the magic.

After the queen bee made an oath with Xia, she went back to the hive to pick up her queen.

'This is my queen, please help her, Your Excellency the Elf. '

The queen bee looks bigger than the queen bee, but compared to the queen bee's sharpness, the queen bee's breath is more restrained.But the aura of the king is stronger than that of the queen bee, and everyone knows that the real master of the bee colony is the queen bee.

This person controls the power of the entire bee colony. Although the queen bee has a high status, she is not a queen bee in terms of power.

'Thank you, my lord. '

The queen bee politely danced a bee salute to Xi Ya, which is a bee dance to express gratitude to the bee clan.

"Thank you, it's mutual benefit. What should I do?"

Xia and Rhea have been together for a long time, and they also like to be straightforward. He doesn't want to engage in the practice of probing. If you can do it, you can't do it. There seems to be no benefit to doing so many things, except for wasting time.


Although the queen bee told it that Shea's temper was very different from the elves they knew, but she didn't expect it to be so different.

'Your Excellency only needs to use wood magic to buff me when I advance. '

The queen bee told what Shea was going to do. If she just needed wood magic, any magician outside would do. Why must she need elves?

'Because you are the darlings of the forest, the wood element in your body is very pure. 'The queen bee didn't hide anything and told Xi Ya directly.

'The magicians of other races have impurities in their magic power, so they cannot be compared with elves. '

The advancement of the queen bee requires a lot of wood elements, and it is also high-quality wood elements.

"No, I won't allow it."

It was well said, but now it was only the last step, but unexpectedly, it got stuck here with Carlo.

'Your Excellency the Dragon Clan, I don't know why you object? ’ the queen bee stopped her grumpy husband and asked Carlo.

If we really want to fight, the entire bee colony is no match for the Dragon Clan, so it's better not to cause trouble.

"Your method is not good, have you forgotten that Shea is still a cub, you need a huge wood element to advance, and Shea, who is still a cub, can't provide such a huge elemental power for you to advance."

Carlo's words shocked the queen bee and queen bee, and slowly looked at Xiana's figure who was not much taller than them.The bodies of the queen bee and the queen bee are almost half a meter high, and the queen bee is also close to [-] centimeters.

'...'Yes, this is still a cub!

They were too impatient and forgot that only adult elves could do it, but now they made an oath with Xia, not because the other party violated the oath, but because they were beyond their power.

Who told them to find cubs!It's not Xi Ya's fault, and he doesn't know what the conditions are for helping the queen bee. How can he blame other people's cubs?Even if the magic contract is activated, the violating party is also a swarm, because they didn't make it clear, they just concealed and deceived, and it was the swarm that was finally backlashed.

This is really bad, the queen bee and queen bee are stupid.

What to do now?

Question marks appeared in the compound eyes of the king and queen.

"You can wait for me to grow up."

Xi Ya thought about it, and with his current strength, he really couldn't help, and he had to wait until he grew up to help.

'The growth period of your elves is too long, we can't wait. 'The queen bee and the queen bee were about to cry to death. Although they were mid-level monsters, their life spans were notoriously short, and they might not even be as good as humans.

So they can't wait for Xia to become an adult, and the opportunity is right in front of them, but they can't advance. How sad it is for bee!


Shia didn't expect this to happen either, and he looked at Carlo in a daze.

What to do now?

Carlo scratched his face, he didn't know what to do.

"Why don't you go back with me, and I'll ask Dad, he must have a solution." Seeing that Carlo couldn't think of a solution, Shia could only come up with another way, and went back to ask Rhea.

'The double black race?He is really smart. 'Because the bee colony is pervasive, many things are unknown to everyone, but the queen bee and queen bee know it all.

Of course, they don't know about Rhea's crossing. It's about the soul, and no matter how powerful the bee swarm is, they can't control it.

"Well, Dad is very smart, much better than Uncle Carlo." The word "great" does not refer to strength. In terms of strength, Rhea is indeed very good, but in terms of brain, he can sweep everything.

'good. 'The queen bee and the queen bee agreed, what can they do if they don't agree?

Who didn't they think Shia was still a cub before swearing?

So they really can't blame Shia, what can a cub know?It's not their own pot.

sobbing and sobbing follow shia

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