Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 59 Asking for Subscription

"Uncle Eric, don't be unhappy! Everyone is so happy, you're hurting yourself by sitting here and drinking!"

At the dinner party today, he even invited the Holy Light Knight, it is impossible not to invite Eric.

It's just that after he came, he didn't smile.If Angus hadn't kept pulling him to talk, he would have quarreled with Wei Li again.

"Riya, do you think I really did something wrong?"

Eric couldn't figure it out. He just wanted to find someone to accompany his daughter. Although the other party was a bit lazy, there were many brothers in the family and they were not bad looking.

Of course it can't compare to Rhea, none of the mixed races in this village can compare to Rhea in terms of looks.

But it's not the matter between Rhea and Willie that fell through!

He managed to find such a person, why would Wei Li not want to?

"Uncle, do you think that person can compare with me?"

Rhea pushed the barbecue towards Eric, and he picked up a bunch of vegetables and ate it himself.

"No, he can't even compare to your hair."

Although Eric can't compare with Luna and Willie's concern for Rhea, but if he really wants to compare the two, he must choose Rhea.

The other party can't be compared with Rhea at all, but Rhea was raised by him as a son, how can the other party compare to him!

"That's right, my lazy sister is willing to raise me because I am her younger brother, so why should the other party have it?"

Rhea asked Eric in one sentence.

Yes, why should he?

His own daughter usually doesn't let her do too much work, so is it possible that he still wants her to work hard for a man?

He's not Rhea.

After being reminded by Rhea, Eric understood why Wei Li disagreed.

It's not necessary for their family to find someone from their own village, they can also be from other villages.Of course, people in other villages are very unreliable, and they may tell the story of the mixed blood village at any time.So unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not find someone outside for his daughter.

"Uncle, don't worry about my sister. I will find her a good home. Don't worry~"

Rhea's words brought Eric back to his senses.

"What kind of good family can you find? Don't you just wander around the village like me."

Eric expressed his disbelief, and he also said that he would bring a big beauty back to Mia!Now I can't even see the shadow, where to find someone.

"Uncle, have you forgotten that there are other people in my family available!" Rhea turned to Angus and the Holy Light Knights, and Eric understood.

That's right, isn't there a few ready-made candidates in the village now?

Rhea's original intention was to let Eric take a look at his interpersonal relationship. With the royal family and the Holy See around, it shouldn't be too easy to find a suitable candidate!

As a result, Eric turned his mind on the Holy Light Knights.


Rayamor, can Holy Light Knight get married?

"Yes! We all have wives, and we are all priests. Except for the Pope and the Holy Son, everyone in the Holy See can marry."

The Guangming Cult is not a cult, a religion, or an organization, so why don't people get married?

As for the Pope and the Holy Son, they must serve the God of Light, so naturally they cannot get married.

Of course, the main thing is that they are afraid that after they get married and have children, they will think about passing on the Pope's position to their children, and then make a series of things happen.

Therefore, it was stipulated from the beginning that the Pope and the Holy Son could not marry, which avoided future troubles.

The Holy Son, who was sent to the Holy See, knew from an early age that he would not be able to get married, and he would not get married when he grew up to inherit the Pope's throne.Rather than getting married and having children, they yearn to become gods and go to the Kingdom of Light to accompany the God of Light.

Eric ran over excitedly to inquire about the news, but returned in disappointment.

"Rhea, they are all married."

"Uncle, don't worry, they are married, but there are still a lot of Holy Light Knights in the Holy See!" Rhea could only comfort him.

Besides, there are only five here, and there are tens of thousands of Holy Light Knights, it is impossible for them all to get married, right?

There is also the Holy Sun Empire, there must be outstanding young people, and they don't have to stare at the Holy Light Knights.

"Yes, it's impossible to get married. Rhea, your sister's lifelong affairs will be left to you." After Eric figured it out, he didn't plan to force his daughter anymore. Anyway, her daughter is still young and just turned [-]. In a hurry to get married.

"Okay, I know."

Rhea nodded hurriedly, as long as you don't quarrel, he can dig out any kind of husband Wei Li wants.

"It's done~"

As soon as Eric felt relieved, he went to find someone to fight for wine.

Wei Li took the opportunity to run over and asked Rhea in a low voice.

"Well, don't worry. Brother, what can't be done?"

Rhea made an OK gesture.

"Thank you brother, I really have earned a brother like you!"

After getting an accurate answer, Wei Li patted him on the shoulder and ran back to Luna to tell him the good news.

"That's great! Congratulations, Wei Li!"

Goya and Luna sat together, they drank fruit juice and ate tender and delicious chicken. The good news that Wei Li brought back was worth having a drink with everyone.

"It's all about Rhea!"

Wei Li happily clinked glasses with Go Ya and told the great hero.

"Riya is really reliable! Much more reliable than the one at my house." Goya glanced at Carlo who was drinking with Angus, and couldn't help doubting her eyes.

After thousands of choices, I chose a scumbag.Of course, I'm relieved now.But he was really scum before!

"Hee hee~ In fact, he is not bad now, my brother said that he has begun to be different from before."

Wei Li told Go Ya everything she asked from Rhea.

Carlo did put away his former scumbag and planned to live a good life with Goya.

It is true that some dragons in their dragon clan have bad habits, and he used to too.But it's all for laying eggs. He has a little dragon cub, so naturally he won't lay eggs with other dragons.

Not only did he sever ties with other dragons, but he also severed ties with females of other races he had found before.

"I know, he's told me all about it, but he's so angry when he hears it."

Although he knew that he was not his first dating partner, he was still very angry when he heard it!

"Don't be angry, it's all in the past. Since you have decided to be together, live a good life!" Luna stretched out her hand and patted Go Ya's hand to comfort her.

If it was changed to before, she would not dare to clap the hand of the holy class.

But it's different now. In Rhea Manor, apart from Rhea and a few kids, the weakest ones are the saints.

There are too many saints, and it seems that they are not worth much.

Although the village chief and Mia came less often, they were not as worried as they were when they saw Carlo. After all, the temper of the Dragon Clan was really unstable.

"I know, don't worry!"

Go Ya smiled in relief, as early as when she decided to be with Carlo, she gave up pursuing the past.

The sky and the earth are here, and now the baby is the biggest.


Alex, what's your choice?

Ge Ya looked at the little dragon cub with worried eyes. It was not a few days before that day, and the little dragon cub still looked at the memory crystal from time to time.

Does he still want to go back?

Do you and Carlo have a reason to prevent him from going back?

As for the soul that was supposed to be their child, didn't it mean that Emperor Guangming took care of it?Someone who can make Alex miss so much will definitely take good care of him.

So Go Ya and Carlo are not worried about the little soul, they just want to keep their son.

There is still a big difference between having feelings and not having feelings.

Obviously they are all sons, but Alex and them have feelings, so they care more about this son.

As long as there is nothing wrong with the little dragon's soul, they are not worried.

And they have confidence in another Rhea, just as they have confidence in Rhea now.

Since the other party dared to do it, he would definitely protect the little dragon's soul.

The day that Goya and Carlo have been worrying about has not yet come.A group of people met to have a picnic by the river, and even Eric got involved.

The next day, everyone got up early and had breakfast.Rhea started preparing the picnic.

He even made a set of metal stoves, all the materials were washed and cut, and packed on plates. When he arrived at the river, he could cook directly from the stove.

Now that there is a space bracelet, it is very convenient to carry things, but he wears everything that needs to be used.

When they came to the river, Rhea first built a tent.Compared with the one on the grassland, this one is much bigger.

After all, there are several more people in the family!So after Rhea ran out of magic power, she finally built a big tent, which can satisfy everyone to lie in and take a nap.

During the break, Go Ya had already taken Hina down to the river to play.Except for Rhea, Luna and Willie who were busy preparing lunch, they gathered together in twos and threes to chat and fish with the fishing rod made by Rhea.It’s just that after fishing for more than half an hour, I haven’t seen a single fish.

People can't help but doubt their technology.


Two mermaids, one big and one small, were swimming in the river, and Hina saw the scenery she had never seen before.The sight in the river is different from that on the river. The sun shines on the bottom of the river through the river water. It is not very bright but beautiful.

A very large fish swam past their heads.

Hina's eyes lit up and she began to drool.She was already thinking about how to cook them.

"No, this fish is poisonous and cannot be eaten." In fact, Goya is the same, especially this fish has a lot of meat and few spines.

The only regret is that it is poisonous. The whole body including the scales are poisonous and cannot be eaten.

Suck~ The saliva is about to flow down, but I really can't eat it!

It was a pity to let it go, and then countless fish swam past their heads, sides and feet.Some can be eaten, and some cannot.

But for any delicious fish, Go Ya caught it and knocked it out, trapped it with water bubbles, and then threw it into the interspatial ring.

As long as the oxygen in the blisters is there, they will not die.

There are some who are unwilling to be caught, but they can't escape the crushing of the holy level, and they all become their harvest in the end.

"That fish is super delicious when grilled." Hina pointed to one of the fish and said, Dad caught it last time, so I have an impression.

"There is also a shrimp, that shrimp is edible, Aunt Goya, catch it quickly."

Originally, I went to the river to learn more, but I didn't expect it to become a fishing operation of two mermaids.

But they didn't let go of any fish that tasted better.

Some of them were even water monsters, and Go Ya caught them all over.Even the high-level water monsters were helpless in front of the saint-level who had recovered most of their strength, and they were all caught by her in the end.


There was a sound of water, and Go Ya and Xi Na emerged from the river.

"Brother, Siri, Alex, come and see what fish I caught~" Hina's voice was full of excitement.

"Here we come. What kind of fish does my sister catch?" Xi Rui was concerned about the food.

'Sister Hina, is it fun in the river? 'Alex wondered more about her first trip down the river?

Xi Rui and Eric Li, a tiger and a dragon, are picking wild flowers by the river, planning to give them to Xi Na.

This was the river swim she had been looking forward to for a long time, and she finally got it.Seeing her come back, he quickly surrounded her and questioned her.

"... I don't remember." Hina was puzzled when asked.

She only remembered that He Geya went to catch fish, but she didn't remember watching the scenery in the river at all.I just took a few glances at the beginning, and then I stared at the fish in the river.

Nothing that could be eaten escaped her eyes, but when I asked her what unique scenery she saw under the river, I'm sorry I didn't have the impression.


It's cold, everyone doesn't know what to say.

Rhea wanted to cover her face again, this is what he taught.

Foodie can't be set down, it is indeed his daughter.The few children I raised, except for Xi Ya, all the other children are foodies.

At noon, Rhea made another whole fish meal, this time with shrimp.Adult arm-length prawns are directly steamed and then topped with a hot oily sauce.

To describe it in one word, that is—fresh~

After lunch, everyone took a brief nap, and Goya took the children into the water together. The protective cover formed by water magic made several cubs go for a swim in the river.

This time, everyone didn't catch any more fish, although they couldn't help but want to eat them when they watched the schools of fish swimming past their heads.But they refrained, because Dad said he would write in his diary when he got home at night.

It’s okay to come out to play, but you have to do your homework.

It doesn't matter if you can't write, you can speak it out, and the effect is the same as writing.

It never occurred to me that after going out for a picnic and homework, the children almost cried after returning home.

But Rhea said so, and they had no choice but to do so.

Even the youngest Alex simply drew today's day trip by the river!Originally wanted to write a [-]-word novel, but Dragon Claw was inconvenient, so he could only draw a not-so-good-looking picture with a brush and send it to Rhea.

There are many fish in the painting, each fish is different, even the scales on their bodies are different.It can be seen that Alex put his heart into painting and was praised by Rhea.

After all, you can tell at a glance whether you have put your heart into it.If you don't remember it carefully, it is impossible to draw so many kinds of fish.

"Thank you Alex, I love it."

Alex smiled shyly.

Rhea hugged him and looked at the other children.

Seeing Dad looking over, everyone lowered their heads and continued to write diaries.I can write like Shia, concentrate on writing with a pen.If he couldn't write, he learned how to draw from Alex.

In short, don't even think about not doing your homework, it's impossible.

Which child wrote the best in the end, Rhea didn't say.He just treasured all the diaries they wrote, which is something his treasures he won't give to anyone who wants them.

On the seventh day after their dinner, when the children were still immersed in the joy of the picnic, the day of Alex's departure finally arrived.

It was very sudden, and everyone was not ready yet!

Rhea and Alex stayed in the rec room, the door tightly shut.

A group of people surrounded Carlo and Goya to comfort them outside, even the Holy Light Knights came.Xi Ya and the others lay on the window sill of the study and watched, not letting them approach, because they were afraid that something would happen later, and the adults would not be able to take their existence into consideration.

"Didn't you just say you won't leave? Why did you still decide to leave?" Ciri couldn't figure it out.

"Maybe it's because Emperor Guangming is more important to him!"

Shia can understand Alex, because Rhea is also the most important thing to him.

"Uncle Carlo and Aunt Goya will be very sad." Hina looked at the sad faces of Carlo and Goya. Will Alex leave after seeing them like this?

"Alex, have you made up your mind?"

Rhea took out seven holy magic crystals with different attributes and placed them on the ground, and asked Alex.


Yes, please help me, Uncle Rhea.

Xiaolong nodded, although it was a bit selfish, he still decided to do it.

"Okay then! But is it really okay if you don't tell them? They're worried."

Who Rhea said they were, the little dragon cub and him both knew it well.

'No, let's do this for now! '

Xiaolong Cub shook his head, he was afraid that his decision would be shaken.

"Then, stand in the middle of the magic circle."

Rhea drew a magic circle, which was taught by Emperor Guangming using memory crystals, but this memory was erased after he saw it.It has to be said that this great emperor is indeed a character, and Rhea admires his methods very much.

I don't know when he can achieve the other party's achievement~

The magic circle is not difficult to draw, but the difficulty is that seven elements are needed to activate the magic circle.

Rhea is not strong enough, so she needs the help of seven holy magic crystals.

This is not an ordinary magic crystal, it is a holy grade!Such an extravagant approach is probably only willing to be willing by Rhea and Emperor Guangming.

For the sake of a little boy, the number of holy-level magic crystals that broke his head outside was seven at a time. Sure enough, Emperor Guangming and Rhea are super-love children.

If it weren't for the support of the Holy See and the royal family, seven holy magic crystals would not be so easy to get together.

Even Carlo only took out a fire-type one.


Thank you, Uncle Rhea.

Standing in the middle of the magic circle, the little dragon cub thanked Rhea seriously.

"Don't worry, he must miss you too."

Rhea said to the little dragon cub who was a little nervous.

'Um. '

Little Dragon Cub nodded, he was not worried.He will see the Great Emperor soon, and he has a lot to say to the Great Emperor!

"Then I'm starting, are you ready?"



"Eternal light and darkness, please respond to my magic power and guide nature to open the gate of time and space~"

In Rhea's hand, Alexander asked the best alchemist in the empire to make him a full-attribute staff, with a non-attribute god-level magic crystal inlaid on it.

This was found by Alexander from the private treasury of his ancestors. For this reason, the ancestors wrote letters from the God Realm and scolded him.

Alexander doesn't care so much!Son is more important.

So this only non-attribute god-level magic crystal was inlaid on the staff.

As the spell sounded, the entertainment room began to emit colorful light, and countless elements frantically rushed towards the entertainment room.


Carlo and Goya saw the magic light up, and the couple collapsed and wanted to rush inside to prevent the little dragon cub from leaving.

"Don't be impulsive. If you interrupt the spellcasting, both Rhea and Alex will be backlashed."

Angus pulled one with each hand, and the five paladins also held a dragon and a mermaid tightly.

This is no joke, no matter how sad they are, Angus can't hurt his little great-grandson.

Unexpectedly, one god level plus five holy levels almost failed to hold them down.

The power from their parents was beyond their imagination. If it wasn't for the fear of hurting Rhea, they would have been almost freed by Carlo and Goya.

It was precisely because they thought of Rhea that they couldn't let go.

Twenty minutes later, the colorful light dissipated, and the seven elements also disappeared.

Angus and the others knew that they had succeeded, and they let go of the hands that were holding Carlo and Goya.

But at this moment, they stopped struggling and sat down on the ground, looking at the entertainment room stupidly.

"Alex, my Alex."

Goya lay in her husband's arms, pearls kept falling, and Carlo hugged her tightly.

"Ge Ya~" Long usually howled a few times, but now he held back the sadness in his heart and comforted his wife.

"Brother and sister, do you think Xiaolong is really gone?"

Xi Rui scratched his face, although he was a little reluctant to part with the little dragon cub, but he missed the Emperor Guangming very much, and they all saw it.

So although sad, but not sad.Because the little dragon cub is going back to meet his favorite Emperor Guangming, just like they will come back to see their father no matter how far they are from home.Of course, they will never leave their father, and no one can persuade them.

"I don't know." Xi Ya and Xina shook their heads, and the little dragon cub didn't say anything this time, apparently because he was afraid that they would leak the news, so he kept a secret from them.


Ciri was a small person, and she also learned to sigh.

"Hey, what a crime~"

Luna and Wei Li watched from the sidelines from the beginning to the end, but they knew that they couldn't help with this matter, so they could only fetch clean water and let Ge Ya wipe her face.

"Mom, do you know where the little dragon cub went?"

Wei Li and Luna don't know the whole truth, they only know that the little dragon cub doesn't seem to belong here, where to go back.

Go Ya and Carlo are so sad because they are reluctant.

"How do I know! Your brother does know, you can ask him later. If you can tell, Rhea will tell you."

Luna shook her head and walked up to Go Ya.

"Wipe your face!"

Luna handed the twisted veil to Carlo and asked him to wipe Goya's face.It has always been known that the eyes of mermaids will turn into pearls, but now string after string of pearls fell to the ground, but no one reached out to pick them up.

These are not pearls, these are the tears of a mother's despair.


Carlo and Goya didn't take the veil, they just stared at the door of the entertainment room stupidly, motionless.

There is still a little hope left in my heart, I hope that the little dragon cub chooses to stay at the last moment.

Because there is a magic circle inside, people outside can't hear the movement inside, they can only see countless magic elements and colorful lights.

The door of the entertainment room was opened, Goya and Carlo looked forward.

But when they saw that the person who came out was Rhea, they showed despair again.

"what happened?"

Rhea was taken aback when she saw the despair of Carlo and Goya.

"Alex~ my Alex~~" Goya let out a piercing scream, and the people in the manor couldn't help but cover their ears.

But everyone found that it was useless, and the mermaid's voice would still ring in their heads.

"It hurts~"

The few children were the first to scream because they were the weakest.

"Goya, shut up." Rhea yelled to shut up.

The uncomfortable appearance of the children made Rhea yell at Go Ya in disbelief.

"..." Go Ya was yelled at by him, and her screaming stopped immediately.

Because Rhea usually gave them a too gentle impression, and it was rare to see him angry, even if he was unhappy, he would not yell at others like this.

So for a moment, the whole manor was stunned by him.

"Not coming out yet, do you want to make Goya and Carlo sad?" Rhea said angrily.

He obviously didn't say this to the people in the yard.


Everyone hurriedly looked towards the entertainment room again.

Because the door was opened, everyone heard the sound of friction inside, and soon a little boy with dragon horns appeared at the door.


Carlo and Goya rushed over to hug him.

"what happened?"

Angus and the others did not disturb the family reunion, but surrounded Rhea one after another.

"Alex decided to stay, but he wanted to see the Emperor of Light again, so I temporarily opened the door of time and space to let them meet. By the way, I will use the remaining power to help him transform, otherwise the image of the little dragon cub It is usually too unfavorable for gully.”

Rhea spread out her hand holding the staff, and he asked Alex to tell Carlo and Goya.But the kid refused to say anything, and insisted on telling his parents after it was over.

After listening to Rhea's words, everyone showed weird expressions.

Of course, Carlo and Goya heard it too.

"Ai, Li, Ke, Si~"

The touch and joy just now turned into anger at this moment.

Clap, clap, a burst of applause resounded in the manor, and then...


The cries of the children spread over the manor, which made those who heard it sad, and those who listened wanted to laugh!


Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha~ Let him not talk! This is bad luck."

Ciri patted the window sill while laughing, and even Xina laughed so hard that the fish's tail came out.

Shia shook her head while laughing, the beating of Alex was not wronged.

There is no better dragon than him, and he has decided to stay, so why didn't he tell his parents?

Well now, let's play mixed doubles!

Rhea, he is speechless now, except for stroking his forehead and leaving the noisy manor with his staff in his arms.

Forget it, let them go, I don't care.

So Rhea, who really didn't care, left the manor like this, and he came to the river.

"Fire Cloud Beast?"

Rhea saw the Fire Cloud Beast drinking water by the river, and hurried over.

"Oh~" It's Rhea~

When the Fire Cloud Beast saw Rhea, it stopped drinking water and let Rhea hug its head and rub it.

"How are you recently?"

Because there are Angus and the Dragon Clan in the manor, the Fire Cloud Beast hasn't been near the manor for a long time, and Rhea hasn't seen it for a while.

"Aww." The Fire Cloud Beast nodded, it was fine.

It has been eating well and sleeping well in the forest recently.As for the discomfort of the master calling it, the Fire Cloud Beast ignored it.

What are you looking for?It's happy outside now and doesn't want to go back at all.

"That's good, I want to go to the forest to find you sometime! Do you remember the human-shaped plant that Shia dug from the forest? I want to find some more, it is a wonderful medicinal plant Woolen cloth!"

The Fire Cloud Beast lay on the ground, and Rhea leaned against it.

Talking to it about some things that happened recently, Huoyun Beast didn't make a sound and listened quietly.

Rhea doesn't want someone who can go along with him, he just needs a quiet listener.

When Rhea said goodbye to the Fire Cloud Beast, some of the boredom in his heart disappeared.

The Fire Cloud Beast, who had made a tree hole all morning, rubbed Rhea's hand, and then ran into the forest under his gaze.

"Dad is back~"

Ciri saw Rhea coming back and ran towards him happily. "Siri, you're gaining weight again!"

Rhea picked up her youngest son, walked into the manor, and found that everyone was gathered in the yard, and no one left.

Including the Holy Light Knight, they all looked at themselves with eager and curious eyes.

"What's wrong?" Rhea took a step back in fright.

"Dad, they wanted to know why Alex didn't leave, since the magic circle was activated."

Is the activation of the magic circle with such a large loss just to let Alex see the Emperor of Light?

Everyone doesn't believe it. Isn't this too much?

Anyway, I have to get some words from Emperor Guangming, right?Otherwise, how could they be worthy of those saint-level magic crystals that turned into ashes?

That's right, all seven holy magic crystals turned into dust.When they entered, there was only a pile of magic crystal ash on the ground.

Even the magic circle disappeared after it was activated, and they couldn't see what the original magic circle was like.

Angus, who was still curious and wanted to study the magic circle, gave up.

His little great-grandson really did a watertight job, and made it clear that he didn't want people to have this magic circle that could travel through time and space.

A behind-the-scenes black hand is troublesome enough. Rhea doesn't want the magic circle to spread, and it's also for the stability of the mainland.

Otherwise, just a few people can make a lot of things, such as rebirth, time travel, should this world be better?

Now it's like this, isn't it created by the black hands behind the scenes!

Isn't the three worlds enough for Angus to learn a lesson?How many worlds are you going to create?

"Didn't I say it?" Rhea tilted his head, he remembered that he said it, just to let Alex meet the Emperor of Light.


Everyone still felt that there was an inside story, and they didn't believe that he was purely for the little dragon cub to meet the emperor.

"No but, that's the only reason." Rhea interrupted their guess.

"For me, there is nothing more important than the brat, including the so-called unification of the continent." Rhea didn't care about their thoughts after speaking, and directly led Shia and the others back to the study.


The study was occupied first, and Rhea nodded to the embarrassed Carlo and Goya. "I told you a long time ago, if you didn't tell your parents, you would definitely be beaten." Rhea put down Ciri, and said to Alex who was crying on the desk.

"But, I thought Mom and Dad loved me very much and wouldn't hit me."

Alex turned his head and said, he didn't expect to hit his parents who love him so much, and he was not vague at all.

Although the dragon's skin is very thick, those few slaps are painful and it's over.But his self-esteem was gone, and it was extremely embarrassing to be spanked in front of so many people.Not to mention that the young version of the Three Emperors is also there, he is even more ashamed.

"That's just what you thought, what I said."

Rhea didn't sympathize with the little dragon cub at all, and reminded him several times before, but he didn't take it seriously.

"Have you remembered this lesson? You are afraid of being self-righteous in everything. Stand up, wipe away your tears, and apologize to Carlo and Goya. You made them sad."

"Well~ I remember."

Alex nodded, stood up and wiped away the tears on his face, and obediently walked in front of his parents.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry. I was wrong, and I will never hide it from you again."

Alex held his father with one hand and his mother with the other.

He didn't say it, he wanted to surprise his parents.

But he forgot that surprise can also turn into despair.

Although Alex's stay really surprised Carlo and Goya, but at the same time it also shocked their no longer young hearts.

So the little dragon cub's butt suffered, and he was spanked by his parents for the first time after he was born.

Sure enough, childhood is incomplete without being beaten by parents.

Hina and the others were punished by Rhea!Not to mention that the little dragon cub got into such a big trouble, and only got a few buttocks. It must be because Carlo and Goya love him so much.

If it were another parent, it would be difficult for the little dragon cub to not have a swollen butt today.

"Alex, you freaked us out today, you know that?"

Go Ya and Carlo squatted down and hugged their lost and found son. Maybe only they knew how desperate they were at the moment the light disappeared!

"I was wrong, Mom and Dad are sorry." Xiaolong Cub cried again, he really didn't expect his decision to make his parents so sad.

"Uncle reminded me that I was disobedient and insisted not to tell you."

The little dragon cub dared to act bravely, and Rhea reminded him several times, but he didn't take it to heart every time, and always felt that everything was within his expectations.

Relying on the soul of an adult dragon, he even asked Rhea not to tell her parents.

In the end, the overturn did not meet Rhea's expectation.

"The reason why I didn't insist on letting him tell you is to teach Alex a lesson. No matter what happens in the future, I hope he can think twice before acting." Rhea looked at the little dragon cub, hoping that the lesson he learned this time would be true. can remember.

"I remember." Little Dragon Cub nodded, not daring to forget and not forgetting, a lesson he learned for life.

He heard the cries of his parents in the entertainment room, so in the end he hesitated to come out.

If Rhea hadn't forced him to come out, he didn't know how long it would have taken him to dare to come out!

Because of a guilty conscience, I dare not face my parents.

"Don't be like this in the future, you really scared us." Go Ya took out a handkerchief and wiped away her son's tears. The child kept saying that he was an adult, and based on what he did, she and Ka Luo wants to teach him as a newborn cub.

Which adult dragon can do such outrageous things?

Ge Ya didn't know that the Dragon Clan did too many outrageous things.

Someone like Alex is not out of line.

Rhea, who has seen through the truth, wants to touch her forehead again. If she wants the Dragon Clan to be reliable, it is better to just change their temperament.

"Is that Rhea? I am causing you trouble. Alex is usually a bit of a sand sculpture, but he is still very reliable in business, so please take it easy." come to mind.

Now he wondered if Emperor Guangming was scared by Alex's unreliability, that's why he brought the dragon into his world and asked him to help teach him.


"Clean up, I saw that Aunt Luna has already prepared lunch." Finally rubbing his forehead, he took over this trouble, at most, he will teach Alex and Shia together in the future.

"Papa Rhea~"

The little dragon cub suddenly yelled at Rhea.


Sanxiao's eyes were round, and she looked at Alex angrily.

"Alex, why did you suddenly call Rhea like that?"

Carlo looked at his little boy, didn't he refuse when he was asked to recognize Rhea as his adoptive father?

"The emperor said, if I want to call him dad, I can just call him dad. Rhea's dad is the same as him, so it doesn't matter if I call him dad."

Alex was a little shy when he said this, but with Emperor Guangming's words, he was finally able to combine the two into one to see and wait.


You tricked me, Emperor Guangming.

Rhea looked at the sparkling eyes of the little dragon cub, and couldn't say no to it.


I had to answer the call dad.

"You robbed my father, I will fight with you~"

Ciri rushed towards the little dragon cub.

Ge Ya and Carlo were unprepared, and the little dragon cub let the little tiger jump directly on the ground.

One dragon and one mermaid were dumbfounded. It wasn't that they persuaded the fight, and it didn't seem to be the case if they didn't persuade them.

He could only look at Rhea with pleading eyes.


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