Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 78 Asking for Subscription

The king of all, slaps those people and monsters who don't listen to his father's words from the air and throws them to death. "

Alex really wants to be the king of the air, leading the air force to be invincible in the air.

"Brother, what about you?" All the younger ones said, and they looked at Xi Ya.

"Me? I want to be my father's child forever. I have no other wish except this."

Not some elf emperor, nor some great emperor, just want to be Rhea's child.

Rhea, who was looking at the documents, looked up at her eldest son.

"Dad, can I?"

Shea looked at Rhea and asked.

"You are, you have always been Dad's son! You are also, no matter how good you are in the future, you are all Dad's children."

Rhea came over and took all four children in her arms.


The children leaned in his arms, looking happy.

Before going to bed, there were four compositions on Rhea's desk.

"I want to be the marshal and lead the army to quell the disputes in the mainland for Dad, so that everyone can live the life Dad dreamed of." This is Xi Rui's.

"I want to be the marshal of the navy, and by the way, also serve as the head of the healer group and the logistics group, so that my father and brothers don't have to worry about the rear." Hina is still very interested in the healers and the head of the logistics group.

"I want to be the most powerful dragon king in the sky, but anyone who can fly can't escape my wings. Dad, don't worry, I will never let people fly over my head." Alex's ambition has always been No big deal, he just wanted to help the Emperor and Rhea.

"I want to be a child of my father for the rest of my life. No matter how old I am, I want to say "Dad" the most."

Shia even drew a smiling face on the front.

"Come on! My children."

Rhea turned off the lights in the study and went out to look at the starry sky.

"Tomorrow will be a fine weather! I have to get up early to move bricks again. It's really hard for me."

With the sound of opening and closing the door, the manor finally returned to calm.

good night!

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