Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 85 Asking for Subscription

"I, do you have any opinion?"

Angus came to the holy magician in a flash. Before everyone could see his face clearly, the holy magician was kicked from the air to the ground by him, smashing a hole in the hall.

"..." The dignified holy-level magician was kicked away, let alone himself, everyone present was counted as one, and they all felt embarrassed for this holy-level magician.

"Tsk, the body of a holy class is really strong, even a magician is no exception."

Only Rhea looked at the big pit and had an intuitive understanding of the holy level.

Reaching the holy level means all-round improvement, including physical fitness.

It is said that magicians are physically weak, but they are talking about magicians before the holy level.

The physical fitness of a magician after the holy level is not weak at all!Chopping bricks with bare hands is also possible.

You can tell by the way the holy-level magician who was kicked down by Angus got up as if nothing had happened. There is a watershed between the holy level and below the holy level.

Not only the life expectancy is greatly increased, but even the body is restored to the best condition. No wonder everyone wants to be holy.

Rhea's voice was not concealed, the holy magician heard it, and he looked towards the second floor.I saw that besides the paladins who appeared at the beginning, there were actually four paladins upstairs.They were clearly protecting one person, the one who spoke up.

who is he?Seeing the paladin's appearance, I was very nervous about him.Could it be the holy son of the Holy See?

There is also a person who he can't tell the depth of, and the clothes he wears are not paladin clothes, but he can kick himself out of the air with one kick, and his strength must be much higher than himself.

The holy magician had a bad guess in his mind, he would rather guess wrong and think too much.

How could a god level appear? Although their auction house has a lot of turnover every day, it's not worth a god level to come forward, and the other party doesn't like it.

Yes, Angus really didn't like it, but he couldn't stand someone's death, and attracted someone who liked it!

"I don't know who you are? How did our auction house offend you? Please tell me clearly, I apologize to you on behalf of the auction house."

The holy magician didn't dare to fly up again, because Angus and Eli were flying up there, and he was afraid of being kicked down again.

He secretly cursed the person who offended the other party in his heart, no matter who let him know, he would smash the other party's corpse into thousands of pieces.

To provoke such a powerful opponent for the auction house, not killing the opponent is not enough to appease his anger.Thinking that he is dignified and embarrassing in front of so many people, he must find this person after this matter is over.

"All of you get down and stand up. Don't try to run. Of course, you can run if you think your legs are faster than my sword. But I can't guarantee that you won't be wiped off your neck by the sword later."

Eli joked to the nobles in the VIP room.

This time, the Son of God was lured out by them, and he didn't dare to let these people escape.

The son of God said, still waiting for the rice to go into the pot!

Most of the properties of these nobles were obtained by squeezing mixed blood and ordinary people, and now the Son of God wants to let them be taken from the people and returned to the people.

Build a good province and make everyone's life better!

When Rhea said this, everyone didn't take it lightly, and no one laughed. They all thought it was something that could be done.

Take a look at the current Xinsheng Village!In the beginning, life was worse than that of civilians outside, and if you were not careful, your life would be lost.

After listening to Rhea's words, their days are envied even by the paladins.The house I live in is spacious and big, and my children don’t need money to study.

The whole village is clean and beautiful, as if it is a painting.

If they weren't paladins, they would have moved their family to Xinsheng Village.

It is relatively easy to obtain household registration in Xinsheng Village now, but it will not be so easy in the future.Shenzi said that the household registration of Xinsheng Village will be strictly controlled in the future, and it is not possible for anyone to move in if they want to.

Even now, anyone who wants to enter Xinsheng Village has to pass a test.

For those who could not join Xinsheng Village, Rhea allocated another piece of land outside the town for them.

Anyway, everyone now knows about Xinsheng Village, and mixed blood can also become a citizen of the empire, and the residents of the town dare not raise their opinions no matter how dissatisfied they are.

So those who failed the test went to build their own villages.

However, I am still very envious of Xinsheng Village, and most of those who failed the test are mostly human races.

Only a small half of mixed blood with bad character mixed in.

At the beginning, they were full of confidence, but after being rejected, these mixed races regretted it.

Those bad habits they learned outside didn't expect to prove that they were rejected.

Fortunately, this is only a small part, and Rhea didn't completely ignore them.People are sent to supervise every day. Although the newly built village is still very simple, the security is still acceptable.

No way, no way, it will make the prince even more angry.

It's not that His Highness didn't give them the opportunity to join Xinsheng Village, it's just that they didn't cherish it.

Even those human races thought the same way. As soon as they came to Xinsheng Village, they relied on their status as the same clan as the prince, and wanted to be a dominance and ride on the heads of the half-bloods.

As a result, he was taught to be a man by the guards.

Don't mention how much you regret your actions now, but fortunately His Highness is still willing to provide them with a place to stay.

Although it is necessary to build a village with the half-bloods, it is acceptable.

After all, before they went to Xinsheng Village, they were mentally prepared to live with the mixed races.

Now they have not been able to join Xinsheng Village, but there is a new village for them to live in. Except that it is not as good as Xinsheng Village, everything else is fine.

Moreover, the neighborhood is huge, and there is enough land for them to cultivate.

Most of those who can't survive outside are ordinary people, and they will naturally farm.

Moreover, His Highness even distributed seeds to them. As long as the land is reclaimed, there will be a harvest in autumn.

For these reasons, the money in Rhea's hands was spent like water.

He also has to build the City of Trade and support the cost of the school.

How to make money is a headache!The fact that these nobles secretly trafficked in mixed blood was exposed.

Isn't this just when someone gave you a pillow when you wanted to doze off?

That's you.

With this money, the money in Rhea's hands can last for a while.

It's not that he can't go in and out, Rhea has asked Lynn to arrange a caravan to sell the paper and soap he made.

Paper and soap are carefully selected, better than outside.

It's cheap and easy to use, who doesn't want it?

So wherever the caravan went, these goods were sold quickly.I also bought some special products locally and brought them back for sale.

Once back and forth, great benefits were obtained in the middle.

Considering that the current strength of the caravan is not strong, it is only sold in the province for the time being.

But Rhea planned it long ago, and sooner or later he would sell these goods throughout the empire and the continent.

With him as a backer, I believe that those who are jealous of these interests will not dare to make up their minds.

It's just that there is a shortage of people on hand now!

Rhea had a headache, otherwise she wouldn't be eyeing the hotel owner.

But this is all for the future, what Rhea has to do now is to fish the rice back into her pot.

The nobles on the second floor were kicked out by Eli, one by one in the hall imitating the crowd to stand with their heads in their arms.At this time, there is no distinction between nobles and ordinary people. Everyone is the same, and they are all captives.

Seeing that Angus and the others didn't answer themselves, they just ignored him.

"I don't know where they come from, but our province is the fiefdom of His Royal Highness Rhea. Aren't you afraid that His Royal Highness will trouble you?"

At this time, the holy magician knew to pull Rhea out as a backer.

The auctioneer from just now quietly ran over to support him, and the relationship between the two was very close at first glance.The holy class held her hand tightly, knowing that she was afraid, he patted her hand to comfort her.

"I just returned this to you. I remember that His Highness forbids the trafficking and arrest of mixed races in the province. Are you afraid that His Highness will know what you are doing now?"

Eli looked at the holy magician playfully.

After being told by Eli, the holy magician froze, and then he remembered that what he had done in the auction house would not let His Royal Highness Rhea be their backer, on the contrary, after being exposed, he would be the first to solve their problems It is His Royal Highness.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back.The holy magician started to have a headache, he didn't know how to make the auction house survive this catastrophe today.

If there was really no other way, he looked at the auctioneer next to him, risking his life to use the exclusive skill of holy and god-level—Song of Life, to send her away as well.

The song of life uses the holy-level and god-level bodies as containers, and finally explodes the elemental energy in the form of an explosion from the energy that usually exists in the body.The energy contained in the bodies of saints and gods is very powerful, and they will absorb all the surrounding elements before erupting, and when they erupt, they can instantly overturn a city.

Hey, having said so much, it’s actually — self-destruct.

"This has nothing to do with Your Excellency. No matter how you say it, you don't blame everyone. Your Highness certainly doesn't want to punish so many nobles at once. If there are no nobles, who can do things for His Highness?"

The holy magician is still quibbling, emphasizing that the law does not blame the public.

"No, he thought about it. There are no nobles, and there are other people on top. There is no shortage of people who can do things for him."

Rhea flew down from the second floor, and the Paladin was beside him, protecting him in a square shape.

Seeing him coming out, everyone automatically gave up an open space.This one looks like a boss at first glance. Although he doesn't seem to be very strong, he can give the paladins close protection. He is either a boss or his father.

"Zhengchou has no evidence, but you guys did a good job." Rhea looked at the holy magician and a group of nobles.

These nobles were provincial nobles who had gone to meet him.

At the beginning, each of them was like a grandson in front of him, but after they left, they became uncles again.

But it doesn't matter, from now on they don't even have to be grandchildren.

"Who are you? Why do you want to embarrass us?"

The holy magicians and nobles looked at this man who was protected by holy knights in front of him and behind him.

The nobles who had met Rhea before began to have a bad feeling. Although they had never seen it, rumors spread from the emperor that His Highness was protected by a strong person.

At first they were skeptical, but now looking at this posture, could it be...

Everyone looked at the gray-haired and brown-eyed man in the middle, and saw that he made a movement and took off a mask from his face.

The familiar black hair and black eyes of the nobles appeared in front of everyone, and their eyes went dark.

"Your Highness~" the nobles knelt down, and when they knelt, the others followed suit. Even the holy magician almost knelt down. Fortunately, the auctioneer around him helped him up quickly.

Well, there is no need to wait for His Highness to show them off, and now they can wait for their death in peace.

No one thought that Rhea would appear in the auction house of the underground black market.But Shuanghei is too obvious. Except for Rhea, other Shuanghei in this world would not dare to walk outside so blatantly, let alone let the paladins protect them.

"Now you know who I am? Isn't it difficult for me?"

Rhea looked at the bloodless face of the holy magician and smiled with satisfaction.As for the auctioneer who was supporting him all the time, Rhea didn't even look at him, which made the auctioneer a little annoyed.

Who cares about her annoyance at the scene!

Rhea's appearance made the nobles who wanted to resist for the last time feel ashamed.

What else could they resist?

Unless they want to treason, but seeing that these few paladins are all above the holy level, they are not even qualified to treason.

Those who dare to resist, are they afraid that the swords in the hands of the paladins will not be fast enough?

Anyone with a clear mind knows that it is best not to do this.

So they stood quietly, waiting for the final judgment.If they were honest, they might be able to leave a little spark for their family.For this reason, these nobles dare not move.

Of course, the lack of strength is also the reason. A group of five paladins at the god level cannot beat these six people together.The only holy magician dared not resist being stared at by Angus, let alone the others.

When Lin En received the news and brought people in, he saw this scene.

The nobles who used to be very arrogant in front of them are now as quiet as dumb, not to mention resisting, and they dare not say a word "no" when they are wearing magic weapons and forbidden weapons.

Rhea watched everyone at the scene being arrested, and asked people to search out all their cards and precious things, and then asked Lynn to take someone to search their homes.Of course, each team is equipped with a ninth-level great magician and great swordsman.

These ninth-level great magicians and great swordsmen are supported by the empire and the Holy See.

It happened that Rhea was short of people, so she left them all.No, it comes in handy now.

They had been living in the province before, and Rhea didn't use them.For this operation, Rhea also gave them an order, and they all came without daring to resist.What's the resistance? Both the emperor and the pope support it. Can they still surpass the emperor and the pope?

Therefore, when the army broke into the homes of those nobles, many people wanted to resist, but they were all suppressed by the ninth-level professionals.

Boxes of precious materials, boxes of gold, silver and jewellery, and even many magical implements were found and sealed.

No one dares to hide it, do you really think that the spiritual power of a ninth-level professional is vegetarian?

Even the ninth-level professionals dare not hide anything secretly, and the people who bring them are naturally even more afraid.

At this time, Rhea had been invited to the City Lord's Mansion in Kata City, looking through the copied account book in her hand.

Fortunately, the province now uses a new bookkeeping method, and Rhea finished reading the book quickly.

"Yes, everyone has done a good job. Later, I will reward everyone with [-]% and say that I treat them to a good meal."

After reading it, Rhea said to Lynn.

"Yes, thank you for your grace, everyone must be very happy to hear the news!" Lynn saluted Rhea, thanking Rhea on behalf of the soldiers.

After dealing with the soldiers, Rhea looked at the holy magician who had been threatened by Eli with a sword, and the auctioneer was still with him.

Ignore her again and ask the holy magician directly.

"Have you considered it clearly? Do you want to live or die?"

Rhea's ignorance made the female auctioneer feel unwilling, but she also knew that this was not a place for her to be willful.

In the past, relying on her father being a holy magician, she dismissed everyone, but now she is treated like this by His Highness the prince of the empire, and she feels somewhat uncomfortable.

She didn't know why this happened, but she knew that an heir to an empire was indeed qualified to ignore her like this.

"Return to Your Highness, think clearly. My daughter Donna and I want to live."

Saint-level magician Willie patted his daughter's hand to tell her not to be so nervous.

His Highness didn't kill him immediately, and he won't do it easily later.As long as he submits to His Highness, their father and daughter will not die.

"Okay, it's easy to live if you want to. Sign this!"

Rhea is still very greedy for holy-level magicians. This is the top combat power. Even his daughter is also an eighth-level great magician, which is very useful!

Willie caught what Rhea threw and opened it to see that it was a magic contract.

This is a high-level magic contract. As long as you sign your name on the magic contract, no matter whether it is a holy level or a god level, you cannot violate the contract.

"Yes, thank you Your Highness."

Willie signed his name readily, and the magic contract lighted up, which meant that he signed with his real name, and the contract was established.

Even at the holy level, if you violate the magic contract, you will be backlashed by the world, and your magic or force will be wiped out.

Rhea thought this thing was really good. He exchanged a holy magic crystal and Cecilia for ten high-level magic contracts.

There is no shortage of middle and low-level ones, all of which were sent by Alexander and the Holy See.

However, there are only a dozen or so advanced ones.

Cecilia had some that her husband had left for her.

Rhea just exchanged ten cards with her, just as she also needs a holy magic crystal to upgrade herself.

She has been stuck on the demigod level for 1000 years, and has never been able to advance.

After changing the magic contract, Angus even talked to Rhea.

"Aren't you afraid that Alger and I won't be able to control her after she upgrades?"

"Don't be afraid, she would have been promoted long ago if she could level up, and she wouldn't be stuck at the demigod level for 1000 years. If it weren't for the elves, she would have died long ago. If her inner demons are not eliminated, she will never even think about leveling up for the rest of her life."

Rhea is really not afraid, his strength is indeed not high, but he doesn't know why he can see through a person's weakness.

Ceci Riley's weaknesses are obvious, she has demons and is heavy.

Because of this inner demon, her advancement was restricted.

When Rhea said this, Angus was relieved.

When he came out this time, Rhea brought out all the magic deeds, and it hurt him so much that he used up one today.

Use one and one less!

No, he went back and studied alchemy to see if he could make it.

It is said that magic contracts are very difficult to make, especially high-level magic contracts, which are said to contain subtle rules, so even Cecilia does not have many high-level magic contracts, less than thirty in total.

One can imagine how rare this thing is.

"From now on, you are the exclusive magician of the province of Alfonsoia, and you can live in the province with your daughter. When there are no tasks, you can move around freely."

Give a sweet date with a stick, and Rhea uses it very flexibly.

Knowing that these top fighters don't like to be restrained, Rhea naturally wouldn't do this.

"Thank you Your Highness, I understand." Sure enough, Willie was very happy when Rhea said this.

Although he has become the exclusive magician of the province, he is more free than before.

Before, because of the underground auction house, he had to stay there all the time, and could hardly come out for activities.

It's different now. Although he still has to work, he can move around freely.

"However, you have no benefits for the first ten years. Wait for you and your daughter to pay for your sins. The benefits are to reward you with a holy magic crystal every year."

The magic crystal mines are in the hands of the major empires and dwarves. It is very difficult to obtain holy magic crystals, but it is not uncommon for empires and forces that own magic crystal mines.

Lynn discovered several magic crystal mines in the province, one of which was near the trading city.

The first batch of magic crystals were dug out, and everyone knew that this was a high-level magic crystal mine.In addition to the high-level magic crystals with extremely high content, there are also many holy-level magic crystals.

Originally, the holy magic crystal in Rhea's hand was still scarce.But with the magic crystal being sent, Rhea now has everything in his hands, otherwise he wouldn't be so extravagant that he would exchange the holy magic crystal and Cecilia for the magic contract.

"Thank you, Your Highness." A holy magic crystal every year is already a very good benefit.

Although he didn't have it in the first ten years, after ten years, he will be able to receive a holy magic crystal every year, and Willie is willing to work for ten years in vain.

As for her daughter Donna, the same is true.Ten years later, a high-level magic crystal will be issued every year, and the benefits will also make many magicians envious.

Donna didn't care about being depressed at this time, and happily accepted that she would become the province's exclusive magician in the future.

She didn't bother Rhea and didn't bother to bother, and let their father and daughter go out together.

He still has other things to deal with, if it wasn't for subduing Willy, he wouldn't have spent so much time with them, what a waste of time!

With no one to disturb her, Rhea started to deal with business.

This process took more than half a month, and Rhea didn't expect him to deal with it for so long, which was more than the time they spent on the road.

But it was finally dealt with, and Kata City returned to calm.

Most of the nobles died, and as long as their families participated in these things, those who were not clean would not escape.

Those innocent Rhea also let them go, as for whether these people will come to seek revenge for themselves 20 years later.

Rhea is not worried at all, 20 years?Let them find a way to survive first is true.

They were released with nothing, and they have been pampered and raised without doing any work. It is not that simple to survive.

The only fortunate thing is that most of these people are professionals, even if their strength is a little low, as long as they are willing to do it, they can still survive.

Rhea doesn't care much about these people, so just let them go!

He divided the copied money into two parts, and sent one part to the trading city to continue building the city.

A portion is used to transform the city and the surrounding environment, so that ordinary people can eat if they have jobs.

The civilians in many cities do not have land, so they can only beg for work.

In particular, every city has a slum. Although the people inside are also civilians, they are the most discriminated against.

It is already a very good life to have a piece of black bread mixed with stones every day.

What Rhea has to do now is to transform the slums and give the people in them a living job.

As for those who do not seek to make progress, Rhea will not care about them.

You can only eat if you work, Rhea asked Lynn to promote it.

With money, you can buy food.

The food was what Rhea wanted, and the remaining nobles in the province did not dare to raise the price, and sold them to Rhea one by one at the market price.

Coupled with the food copied from the homes of the nobles, it will be enough for these people to eat for the next three years.

Just do it, and the transformation of the slums began.

The first is to tear down those sheds and rebuild the underground drains.We will also build groundwater wells for everyone to drink.

These jobs are not difficult to do. Although the people in the slums are very thin, their strength is stronger than that of Rhea in the previous life.

Those jobs that cannot be done manually will naturally be done by professionals.

In addition, there are a lot of manpower in the slums, so within a month, the new slums will be built.

By the way, in the future this place can no longer be called a slum, but a public housing.

People who don't have a home can rent here for a very low price.The size of a room is not large, but although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

For the people in the former slums who often had to be exposed to the rain because of leaks in the sheds, the new house is small, but it can keep out the wind and rain and keep warm, which is already very good.

The aborigines are allocated one or two small houses, and only those outsiders who have no place to live need to rent a house.

These houses cannot be bought or sold, even if they are allocated to the aborigines, they cannot be bought or sold.

When they have money, they can move out.The government will take back the house and rent it out or distribute it to other people. In short, it cannot be traded.

On this point, the aborigines have nothing to complain about.

Because the land and the house were not originally theirs, the land was originally owned by the government, and even the house was built with the money of His Royal Highness, so it is normal that they are not qualified to buy and sell.

Because of this decision, those who wanted to take advantage had to shrink back.

In addition, Rhea was still in Kata City, so they didn't dare to make any small moves at this time.

After a group of nobles died in Kata City, not only did it not decline, but it became better than before.

Rhea sold the houses of the nobles to the merchants who wanted to buy houses in the city. This was another sum of money that fell into his pocket and made up for his loss.

Lynn followed Rhea, watching his several operations, the money not only did not decrease, but increased. Their Highness is really a business genius.

Even the slums, where he thought he needed government subsidies, not only paid for the annual maintenance fee for renting a house, but also earned the wages of the patrolling guards.

It can be said that the original slum is already self-sufficient and does not need government subsidies.

Rhea arranged these and let Lynn oversee the rest of the project.

It takes a long time to transform the urban environment, and someone must supervise it. He doesn't want to leave a lot of moths after he leaves.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will keep an eye on it."

Lin En knew that Rhea was using Kata City as a trial site. As long as the transformation is completed and everyone sees the benefits, all cities will stand up and ask for transformation.

As for why it wasn't tried in the provincial capital, it wasn't that Ruiya didn't want to, and the relationship network in the provincial capital was more complicated than that of Kata City.

There will only be more nobles there, and more trouble.

In addition, the nobles in Kata City have been almost cleaned up by Rhea, and the rest is not a cause for concern.What Rhea wanted to do, they didn't dare to refute at all.

Therefore, it is the best choice to implement one's own plan in Kata City, and it is also close to the provincial capital.

"Your Highness, you let people build houses wantonly, is it possible..."

Lynn looked at the last piece of land that was built, where Rhea designed various villas.This is certainly not for ordinary people.

"Don't tell me if you see it through, wait for Kata City to finally make a fortune!"

No matter which world, real estate is the most profitable!

Rhea left, and Lynn stood on the city gate to watch them leave.

In his hand is the new Qatar city plan.

But what flashed in his mind was the last conversation he had with Rhea.

"Lynn, have you found the man who put the letter in the file?"

Rhea looked at the city planning map in her hand and asked casually.

"Your Highness, I was wrong." Lynn knelt down.

"You admit that you let it go?"

"Yes." Lynn admitted straightforwardly.

Rhea was not at all surprised by this result. After all, Lynn personally sent the document, so I don't believe that he didn't check it before sending it.

Rhea pretended not to know because he knew that this matter could only be handled by himself.

Lynn is a noble after all, he can emulate Ruiya, but he cannot violate the noble treaty.

So after he knew this, he could only tell Rhea the truth by writing a letter and deliberately putting it in the file.

"This time, I don't care about it. In the future, if you have something to tell me directly, I think I'm still protecting my shortcomings."

"Thank you Your Highness, I will not hide anything from Your Highness in the future."

Lin En didn't expect Rhea to let him go like this, and he was very grateful to him in his heart.Lin En will never forgive anyone who dares to betray their highness in the future.

Back to reality, Lynn looked at the planning map in his hand again.

"The nobles in the provincial capital are now opposing so forcefully, and they will definitely regret it in the future."

In order to protect their own interests, they were unwilling to agree to His Highness's letter of reform.But when Qatar is fully built, who doesn't like a city that is different from the past, clean, beautiful and odor-free?

Lynn liked it anyway.

"You left like this?" Angus looked back at the newborn Kata City. I really don't know where he learned from his great-grandson's behavior of throwing his hands away halfway through.

"What am I doing here if I don't leave? I can't do everything, otherwise what would Lynn and the others do?"

He has already planned the city, and the rest is Lynn's responsibility.

"Tsk, aren't you afraid that Lynn will play tricks and poach your wall?"

Angus looked at the great-grandson who rarely came out to ride a horse, and their team also brought the hotel owner with them.

"Not afraid." After Rhea answered, she turned to look at the carriage.

"York, don't you want your house?"

Ciri leaned against the car window, talking to York, the hotel owner who was riding beside the carriage.

"Yes, I will let the family continue to drive, and I will work with His Highness." York couldn't help being excited when he thought of Rhea's invitation to join him.

Rhea didn't rush him to answer, but asked him to go home and discuss with his family.

"What are you still discussing, hurry up and agree!"

His father was a minor nobleman, and his mother was the legitimate daughter of a middle-class nobleman in Kata City. Fortunately, they were not included in the list this time.

The father and grandfather, who were afraid to do it because they were timid, were even more frightened because of this incident.

Now that he heard that his son was favored by His Royal Highness, he wished to pack York and send it to Rhea immediately.

With the support of his parents and grandfather, York packed up and gave Rhea that night.

Not only did he not feel sad or reluctant to leave Qatar, but he was full of ambition.

He wants to follow His Highness to build a fortune for himself.

He is not the eldest in the family, and it is not his turn to inherit the title.

But he could earn himself a title, perhaps higher than his father's.

His maternal grandfather was a viscount, and at least he had to earn a count for himself to have the face to go back.

Rhea glanced at York, who could talk happily with his children. His trip was a bumper harvest.

Not only the money is there, but also a few talents have been dug.

The daughter of the holy magician was actually a genius in internal affairs, so she happened to be asked to be an assistant by Lynn's side.

Rhea, who had arranged everything properly, happily took the children home.

On the way back, Rhea and the others didn't enter the town, nor did they rest in the town.Everyone is homesick and wants to go back early.

The plant tent he built when he came here grew very well. All the plants he used were evergreens that could grow even when covered by heavy snow.

Cleaned up the tent with magic. Someone lived here before and left some garbage. Rhea frowned and cleaned it up.

By the way, we used local materials and put up a sign, which read: Everyone is responsible for caring for the camp.Take the rubbish with you and don't litter it.

Of course, the signature is Rhea Shenghui.

Angus and Alger's eyes flickered when they saw the word Shenghui.

Only nobles on the mainland have surnames, like York, he also has a surname.However, most people seldom use their surnames, and only introduce their full names on formal occasions.

Because most people in this world do not have a surname, the surname is more like a status symbol.

In front of Rhea, York did not dare to say his last name.In the Shengyang Empire, who dares to say that their surname can be as honorable as the royal family?Saying the surname in front of Rhea is nothing but self-inflicted humiliation.

Everywhere she went, Rhea left a sign.

The people in the team didn't think there was anything, but the people behind saw this sign and almost cried.

It's over, they left a bad impression on His Highness.

Now these people know that these tents were built by Rhea.

One by one no longer dare to litter, and there is no such thing as not taking good care of the tent.

I can't wait to clean the camp spotlessly before leaving, because I'm afraid that His Highness will see their dirty side when they turn around.

After all, there are countless caravans going to and from this road, and everyone can guess who's house is clean and who is littering.

"Hey~ Leader, look here is another tent~"

A team of five appeared on the avenue riding wildebeest, and they have seen many such plant tents along the way.

"There is also a sign next to it, with the same words written on it, and the inscription is still Rhea Shenghui."

The female teammates in the team jumped off the wildebeest and came back after reading the sign next to the tent.

"This Highness of the Holy Sun Empire is really amazing. He actually built so many tents along the way. Our journey is very convenient."

The female team members did not mount their horses anymore, and climbed directly into the tent to rest.

When her team members saw it, they had to dismount and set up camp.

One by one, they pulled off the hats on their heads, and the animal ears covered by them were exposed at once.

"If you don't want to wear hats, just take back your animal ears." The captain glared at the team members. Although they came to human society, although they had official documents, they still had many inconveniences as orcs.


Everyone took back the animal ears, and suddenly became like humans.

"Captain, we have been searching for ten years. When are we going to find it again? We don't know where the little prince went. We are looking in this direction based on the contract between you and the Fire Cloud Beast. We don't know yet." When to find out."

The team sat down on a stone in despair. They had been looking for it for several years, and ten years had passed since the little prince disappeared.

They have been searching everywhere for ten years, but there has been no whereabouts.Last year, the captain returned to the Beastman Empire, asked his mother for the Fire Cloud Beast's master-servant contract, and re-entered human society to look for it.It wasn't until I came to the Holy Sun Empire this year that I vaguely sensed the direction.

"The little prince is already ten years old this year! I don't know how he lives? An orc who cannot transform will eventually become a real monster."

The second team member sighed while lighting a fire, and picked up the pot to cook on it.

"The rice in the province of Alfonsoia is really delicious. Fortunately, I bought a lot in the town, enough for us to eat for a while."

Since the second team member came to the province of Alfonsoia, he began to travel in various ways.

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