Crossing the West Magic Farm to raise cubs

Chapter 94 Asking for Subscription

"Don't pay attention to the people outside, you come here to do your homework."

Shia took out a few homework books and placed them on the table.

"Brother, why did you bring your homework with you when you went out!"

The younger brothers and sisters wailed, they deliberately left their homework at home, but Xi Yaqi was the one who took out the homework they had deliberately left behind.

"Come and do your homework."

Xi Ya didn't talk nonsense with them at all, and took out the homework and arranged it.


No matter how reluctant, you can only write in the past.

So after Karina came back, she saw this scene.


Is it time for such a young child to start learning?

Although Karina had heard that children in the imperial capital started hiring tutors at a very young age, it was the first time she had seen it with her own eyes.

"Aunt Karina, you're back!"

Several children put down their pens and stood up to greet Karina.

Instead of putting on airs based on their status, they treated her as an elder.

"Yeah, keep writing, don't worry about me." Karina waved her hand, learning is important.

"Yes." The children continued to do their homework, and Karina sat on the small stool next to Rhea's chair.

"what happened?"

Rhea, who had kept her eyes closed, opened them.

"Your Highness, do you think I should forgive him?"

When she came back, Karina was stopped by Gail. Although he spoke sincerely, she felt uncomfortable when she heard it.

"Do you want to forgive?"

Rhea didn't answer directly, but asked her back.

"No, I don't want to forgive him." Karina blurted out without even thinking about it.

"Look, you already have the answer, don't you?"

Rhea smiled.

"There are so many good men in this world, and there is no shortage of him. Come back with me, and I will introduce you to a man who is better than Gail, who is more dedicated than him, okay?"

Rhea's words made Karina feel a big stone in her heart.

"At the execution ground before, Uncle Dylan persuaded me to accept Gail, saying that he still misses me and will treat me well. But..."

Although Karina did not refute Dylan's words, she was unwilling in her heart.

"Don't worry about Dylan, let him talk to me if you have anything to say." Rhea waved her hand to indicate that she didn't care.

He doesn't like chasing wives to the crematorium, and prefers that they hoist the ashes of their predecessors.

Girls are no worse than men, they have the right to find their own happiness.Instead of being hanged from a crooked-neck tree, what else could they have given them but to have hurt?

"Yes." With Rhea's words, she would dare to refuse Dylan's offer next time.

"Don't worry! I support your decision. There are many good single men in Xinsheng Town. Tell me which one you like, and I will propose marriage for you."

Rhea sold every single man in town without hesitation.

"Yes, I will trouble Your Highness then."

Karina couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"No trouble, no trouble. You are such a beautiful woman, I am afraid that the steps of the manor will be trampled down by then."

Rhea waved her hand and said it was nothing, the girls could have preferential treatment.

Because she had made a decision, Karina also saw the death of her enemy's family with her own eyes, so she packed her luggage and left with Rhea.

As for the Viscount's Mansion, leave someone you trust to clean it up, and then let Dylan have time to come and have a look.

She will come back in the future, at least after she gets married and has children, she will bring them back to see Leo and his father.

When she was led by Rhea and landed on the back of the dragon, Karina was still very nervous.

Sitting on the back of a dragon?This is enough for her to blow for a lifetime.

Dylan and a bunch of nobles came to see him off.

Everyone used their best acting skills to demonstrate to Rhea what it means to be reluctant.

Rhea didn't believe what they told him to stay for a few more days, don't think he couldn't feel their spiritual excitement.

I believe you ghosts.

"Karina, are you really leaving?"

Gail, who still didn't give up at this point, continued to ask her.

"You can find someone to live in the future! It's impossible for me and you, let's get together and break up!"

Since you chose to let go, now I don't want to look back.

Karina's decision surprised the nobles and their wives present.

The nobles didn't talk about it, but felt that Karina would regret losing such a good man as Gail sooner or later.

Only their wives saw the light in Karina's eyes.

She won't regret it, she really doesn't care.

In comparison, they are much worse than Karina.

Karina was able to divorce her ex-husband after avenging her child, and even dared to see her ex-husband's family beheaded, they were not as good as her.

In the same situation, they don't know if they can reach Karina's level?

In any case, they all admired her.

Karina is free, and they are still trapped in this small world.

"What happen to you guys?"

Finding that his wife's complexion was not very good, the nobles rarely expressed concern.

"Hmph." With a cold snort, the ladies turned around noblely.

I never saw them care when I needed it before, but now they don't need it anymore, and they come to care a few words one by one, do you think they care?

No, don't care anymore.

After getting into the carriage, he let the carriage leave without waiting for them.

The nobles who were left in place looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked at Dylan.

"My lord, what should I do?"

"Hehe. What should I do? I can figure it out." Dylan, who had a good relationship with his wife, got into the carriage and drove away hand in hand with his wife.

He doesn't care about other people's affairs!

All of them didn't think about their wives when they were messing around outside, but now they are needed, and others don't need them anymore.

The son is basically an adult, and the husband can be lost.Anyway, the only thing they can rely on in the future is their son, so forget about their husband!I can't rely on it at first, so I might as well throw myself away earlier and be happier.

The wives have figured it out, and they don't usually feel jealous of their husbands anymore. They go shopping every day, or hold banquets and talk about jewelry. In short, they never mention their husbands.

"They seem to be different from before." Karina sat on the dragon's back, and this time there were two more people on the dragon's back that she had never seen before.

His Highness said that it was the elders of his family who came here to protect him.

"Isn't that good?" Rhea sat on Carlo's back, and the children slept on his legs because they got up too early.

"It's good. They didn't look at me very well before. Now they don't look at me with hatred. It's a normal look."

Karina is talking about things that happened before she got married.At that time, she had a bad relationship with many girls of the same age, and only a few had a good relationship with her.They were the ones who asked about Rhea before.

"Um~ Maybe it's because Karina you are so beautiful!"

"Is there?" Karina touched her face, she could still say she was beautiful before.

She has been haggard a lot these years, let alone beautiful, she dare not even look in the mirror, for fear of seeing her aging appearance.

"Yes, you feel that you are not as good-looking as before because you haven't had a good rest. When you rest, you must be very beautiful." When Rhea praised people, her tone was sincere, and the person who was praised was very happy. Comfortable.

"Thank you."

Karina was comforted by Rhea's words.

"You're welcome, I'm telling the truth."

Rhea nodded, emphasizing that what she said was true and not deceiving.

"Your Highness, the girl who can marry you must be the happiest girl on the mainland."

Karina sighed.

"..." Rhea, who had never thought about getting married, didn't know how to explain it for a while, but...

Seeing that she didn't mean it, Rhea changed the subject.

Marriage is impossible to get married, he has cubs, why marry?

Isn't the reason for getting married just to procreate?He already has children, so he can avoid getting married!

"Karina, after you go to the manor, do you want to live in the manor or outside?"

Rhea suddenly remembered, what if Karina doesn't want to live in the manor?He is about to arrange another place to live.Ask questions before you can solve the problem.

"Your Highness, I'll just live in the manor! It's convenient to take care of the young masters." Karina looked at the Zhengxiang cubs sleeping on his lap, and she didn't want to leave them now.

I don't know if it's because of love, but she likes being with the cubs very much now.

"Okay! It just so happened that Cecilia in the manor kept saying that living in the same courtyard as an elf was a bit lonely. You are both women and you should have something to talk about."

Rhea decided to arrange people to live with Cecilia, one husband is not a man, and the other is a good husband.The main thing is to give Karina some positive influence so that she will not reject men in the world.

Not all men are scumbags, there are good men too.

"Okay, thank you Your Highness."

When Karina heard that she was going to live with a female elf, she suddenly became curious.

Elves are very proud, they are willing to live with humans?Rhea didn't say much about Cecily, after all, it was her private matter.He only said that there was a reason for her to stay in the manor, and Karina could ask her if she had a chance in the future.

Of course, what surprised Karina the most was the eldest son, the elf cub, why was he adopted by His Highness?Isn't it said that the cubs of all races are the most important?

She felt that there were many mysteries in Rhea, which made her very curious about what happened to him, and made her adopt the cubs of the four major races in one fell swoop.

"You're welcome."

After Rhea finished talking, she stopped talking, but meditated quietly.

Karina sat on the back of the dragon, meditating silently.Too many things happened in the past few days, and she didn't have time to calm down and think about it.

Now on the dragon's back, Rhea was meditating, and the cubs were sleeping.

The other two men who were said to be His Royal Highness's protectors leaned on the back of the dragon with their eyes closed.

For a while, the air was a little quiet.

At noon, Carlo found an open space to land. They were going to eat here at noon and take a nap by the way.

On the open space without any shelter, Rhea set up tents again, this time he made two tents, one big and one small.

After all, Karina is an adult woman, and they cannot live with a bunch of big men.

Hina was also hugged by her.

At lunch, Karina was amazed by the food that Rhea and the others brought out.

"too delicious."

Karina ate a piece of steamed meat and said.

"Eat more if it's delicious."

In addition to steamed meat, there are also steamed pork ribs, barbecue, braised pork, etc. Xi Ya eats separate dishes, which are meatballs made of vegetables and meat, steamed eggs and mushroom soup.

"Dad, I want some soup too."

Alex handed over his small bowl.

"Okay." Rhea served him a bowl of soup as well.

As for Carlo's own father, he was ignored by the little dragon cub again.

But right now he didn't have time to talk to his son, because his mouth never stopped, and he competed with Alger for food.

There is also a lot of food in their space rings, how can they go out without preparing some food?

When they came out this time, each of them stuffed a lot of food in their space, which was cooked by Luna and the others with the cooks.

It was enough for everyone to eat for ten days and half a month. The reason why they didn't prepare food for several months was because they would return to the manor soon.

"You two have such a good relationship." After eating a bowl of rice, Karina quietly sipped the soup, admiring everyone's eating postures by the way.

It can be seen that Carlo's posture is the most heroic.

Then there are a few cubs.They are young, and their eating posture can't be elegant, but they are all cute!

Then there are the two men who protect His Highness.

Although they are not slow to eat, they can be seen from their posture as well-bred people.

As for Rhea, she opened an 8000-meter-thick filter, and she thinks his eating posture is the best.

It was obviously nothing special, but Karina could tell from his actions that he respected and cherished food.

"What's wrong?" Rhea stopped her chopsticks seeing Karina looking at her all the time.

"No, I just feel that His Highness is really different from many people."

"What's different? Aren't they all the same?"

Rhea laughed, why did everyone say that when they saw him?

He felt that he was a very ordinary person, nothing different.

"You are His Royal Highness, but you don't give me the feeling of aloofness that royal families and nobles have."

Karina had also met a nobleman from the imperial capital before, and the other party even asked her to be his lover.

His father rejected the other party without hesitation. This was his only daughter, and it was not given to someone as a lover.

Afterwards, her father asked her to avoid the nobleman, even afraid that the nobleman would use force, so she was locked at home and not allowed to go out.

Karina was not angry either, and drank tea and arranged flowers in the garden at home every day.

It wasn't until the nobles left that her father agreed to let her go out.

Now that I met Rhea, and looked at the aura of the great nobleman that everyone envied at the beginning, I immediately felt that the other party was too flamboyant.There is no background, a taste of nouveau riche.

Alger and Angus couldn't help pricking up their ears when they heard such words.

Especially when they heard Karina say that Rhea was different from other great nobles and royal families, they nodded in agreement in their hearts.

Isn't that so!

Rhea has a peaceful breath that they have never seen before, and he treats all races equally no matter what race he faces.

He has no prejudice against the mixed blood that is not accepted by everyone.

When speaking to them, there is no disdain, no disregard.When I saw that their life was difficult, I didn't look at them with pity and sympathy.

He looked at everyone with normal eyes and told everyone that life would get better and better.

Everyone believed his words, and life really got better and better.

The smiles on the faces of the mixed-race people are getting more and more every day.

The half-breeds that everyone is talking about are also talking about Rhea.

"Strange, why hasn't His Highness come out these days?"

The townspeople who hadn't seen Rhea for several days missed him and couldn't help but ran outside the manor to take a peek.

"What are you doing?" Yuri, who just came back from the field, came back from the vegetable field with a basket of vegetables, and saw many acquaintances from the town hiding outside the manor.

"Yuri? Why didn't you go to school?"

Today is school time, and it's not time for vacation yet.

The puzzled eyes of the townspeople made Yuri's face darken.

"Whether I go to school or not is none of your business? But what are you doing sneaking around outside my house?"

Yuri rolled his eyes, thought he didn't want to go to school?

Because Wei Li had to plant rice seedlings at home, she thought it was an opportunity to educate her son well, so she made a special trip to school to bring him back and let him work behind the workers.

As soon as I finished planting the rice seedlings and went home for dinner, I was arranged to pick vegetables in the vegetable field.

"... Yuri, do you know why His Highness hasn't come out these few days?"

Everyone glanced at each other, and finally chose to ask Yuri.

"Oh~ You guys came to look for my uncle. I haven't seen anyone these days. Do you miss my uncle?"

Yuri was able to be the boss at school not only because of his status as Rhea's nephew, but also because of his brains.

He knew that the people in the town respected his uncle very much. Usually, when his uncle went out, he would carry a lot of things in his arms when he came back.

They are not valuable things, but vegetables grown at home and fruits picked by themselves.

Things are worthless, it's all in everyone's mind.

Rhea couldn't refuse, so she had to accept.

Fortunately, they were all ordinary things, so Rhea dared to accept them.In exchange for something valuable, he will return it to everyone just like he did to Karina.

Good intentions, valuable things will be free, everyone should take them back by themselves!

The more Rhea was like this, the more everyone wanted to feed him. In the end, more and more things were stuffed into him. Rhea tried to avoid everyone when she went out.

Even if someone wanted to give it away, Rhea ran away with wind magic.

It's better now, there is no one who stuffs things as soon as he sees Rhea.But everyone is still very enthusiastic, and they will say hello when they see him.

Rhea always responded to everyone with a smile on her face.

"You don't need to be so blunt, I'm sorry. Yuri, do you know why His Highness didn't come out? We've been guarding for two days."

The townspeople were a little embarrassed after being exposed by Yuri, but everyone insisted on asking him.

"I don't know. Uncle is an adult, how do I know why he didn't come out?" Yuri replied unhappily. He is currently being punished and is annoyed!

As for his uncle's whereabouts, how would Yuri know?His uncle didn't even show up in the town these days, and he didn't even see anyone in the manor.

What's even more exasperating is that my cousins ​​are not there either, they must have gone out with my uncle.

He couldn't even see his uncle, and he didn't want to tell the townspeople about Rhea's presence at the manor.

Although everyone didn't tell him, Yuri still knew that he couldn't talk nonsense about Rhea's absence from the manor.

If the bad guys know that uncle is not in the manor because of his talk, he will be beaten to death by his parents and grandparents.

"Yuri, what are you doing outside? Hurry up and come in." Wei Li stood at the gate with a kitchen knife in her hand and called her son.


Yuri picked up the basket, ignored the disappointed eyes of the townspeople, and ran towards Wei Li.

"What are you talking about outside? I heard your voice a long time ago, but I didn't see you coming in. I thought you were abducted."

Willie twisted her son's ear and dragged him into the manor.

Everyone saw Wei Li's fierce appearance, and hurriedly dispersed.

The women in the town are more fierce than each other.

The skills are also getting bigger and bigger. There are so many old men in the town, and they are eaten to death by their wives.

Seeing Willie twisting her son's ear, they thought of the tigress at home.

They covered their ears and ran fast.

"Mom, let go of my ear, it hurts!"

Yuri was dragged into the manor with a basket in his hand and his ear covered with one hand.Since his dominance at school was exposed, his status at home has plummeted.

In the past, Wei Li was reluctant to beat him, and even if she did, she basically acted the same way.Not to mention that there is Claire, the father who loves his son, and he is not willing to touch Yuri.

Fortunately, the parents beat him as if they were playing, and they took turns beating him three times a day.

He had never eaten so punctually, and the key point was that he was in great pain.

Yuri made up for the childhood that he didn't have before.

"You can let go, tell me that you didn't tell anyone outside about your uncle's absence?"

The last sentence Wei Li said softly in her son's ear.

"No, I'm not that stupid!"

Yuri pulled away his mother's hand and put the vegetable basket in her hand.

He was not sensible before, and felt that his behavior in school was very imposing.Now that he knows what he did wrong, he also has the courage to change.

What can we do if we don't change it?Uncle is angry, big cousin is angry, if these two get angry, he will be in trouble.

Besides, he was not willing to make his uncle angry.As for the big cousin, if he can't beat him, he can get angry at will.

"Aren't you stupid?"

Wei Li looked at her son with a sneering smile, not stupid, how could she ask her classmates to give her food and drinks in the name of Rhea at school, and let them clean up for him.

"You are talking about the old me. I am not the old me. Mom, you can't look at me with old eyes."

Yuri is good at this, as long as Rhea doesn't agree with him, he won't do it.

Apparently his uncle didn't like what he was doing at school, so he was ashamed as he was, and he admitted his mistake in front of everyone.

He was ridiculed by the whole school afterwards, but he endured it.

What can I do if I can't bear it?Not going to school anymore?Or skip school?

Uncle won't like these two things, so Yuri can only bear it!

This is also the mistake he made before, and now it is just a rebound.

Although everyone was upset, they could only tease him with words, no one dared to do anything.

Even if he made a mistake, his uncle is still His Highness!

Everyone ran on Yuri a few words, but the people in the manor would not say anything if they knew about it.If you really want to beat someone up, do you believe that Yuri's father will come and beat you?

Claire is an eighth-level great magician, very powerful.

So Yuri has no one to play with him at school now except Jerrys.

But Yuri doesn't care.

"You don't want us to look at you with old eyes, you have to be obedient, and don't always make us angry."

Wei Li gave her son a blank look, and went into the kitchen with the dishes.

"Mom is really annoying, and I didn't do it on purpose. If I knew that doing that at school would affect my uncle's reputation, I would definitely not do it!"

Yuri felt regretful in his heart!

Now everyone in the family has opinions on him. They are afraid that he will become a gangster. They wish to remind him [-] times a day.

"Yuri, what are you doing standing in the yard without going inside?"

Just when Yuri was regretting his actions, he suddenly heard his uncle's voice.

"Uncle's voice? It's over. Could it be that I miss my uncle so much that my ears have auditory hallucinations?"

Yuri shook his head, feeling that there was really something wrong with his son.

"Yuri, what are you thinking about in your little head? I'm not hallucinating."

Rhea's voice sounded behind him again, and Yuri turned around quickly.

"Uncle, is it really you?"

Yuri saw that Rhea, who was holding his cousins, was looking at him with a smile on his face, and rushed up.

"What are you doing?"

Hina yelled, and she was hugged by Yuri.

"Hey cousin, long time no see! I miss you all."

Yuri couldn't hug Rhea, because his cousins ​​were all around him, so he decided to settle for the next best thing, hugging his cousins ​​first.

"...I don't miss you at all, let me go."

Hina pushed Yuri away, and then watched Yuri hug their brothers and sisters all over.

Did this kid take the wrong medicine?Usually wish to be ten kilometers away from them?Now take the initiative to hug them.

"Cousin, cousin, I'm not the same person I used to be. Don't look at me with old eyes! Do you know what reformation means? Just look at me."

Regardless of the refusal of his cousins, Yuri forcibly hugged them, then squeezed in front of Rhea and hugged his thigh.

"Uncle, I miss you so much? Where have you been? I can't even find you."

Yuri started the method of acting like a baby.

"That's his purpose, isn't it?"

Ciri's eyes flashed with anger, and he said how this kid saw them so enthusiastically, and he was trying to push them away to snatch his father after a long time!

"Needless to say, it must be so."

Alex squeezed his somewhat hard fist, and decided to play a game of sandbags with Kerry later.

"Forget it, let him go this time!" Xi Ya deserved to be the eldest brother, they went out for a few days this time, Yuri thought it was normal for his father.

"But if he still behaves like this in normal times, everyone is welcome."

After Xi Ya blinked at his younger siblings, Hina and the others immediately understood what he meant.


The brothers and sisters nodded.

Fire, theft, and Yuri, they understand.


When everyone received the news that Rhea and the others had returned, they immediately ran out from various places in the manor.

Luna still had a knife in her hand, and Wei Li didn't have a knife, but she had a spatula in her hand.As soon as he saw him, he dropped the knife and the spatula.

"Mother Luna, Uncle Eric, Goya, Willie, Claire, Cecilia, hello! We are back."

Rhea patted Yuri on the head and waved to everyone.


The women in the family screamed and ran towards Rhea, and Yuri was quickly squeezed out by his mother, grandmother and aunt.

"are you OK?"

Shia wanted to help Yuri who was pushed to the ground, but he didn't want to get up.

"No, not good."

Yuri, whose self-esteem was severely injured, had tears in his eyes. He was a man and couldn't cry.

"Yuri, what are you doing sitting on the ground? If you don't get up yet, you're an older child, and no one will help you."

Claire walked over slowly, just in time to see her son sitting on the ground, thinking that he was going to play tricks again, and immediately said to him with a stern face.


He was obviously wronged, but in the eyes of adults, he was cheating.

Yuri was almost wronged to death.

Is there any reason in this world?But the person who said this was his father, and Yuri had no choice.

"I'm up."

Yuri stood up with tears in his eyes.

Xia twitched the corners of her mouth, and patted the ashes that didn't exist on his body.

"It's miserable, it's really miserable."

Seeing this scene, Xi Rui couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for Yuri.

They didn't expect that Yuri's status at home would be so low that they had only been away for a few days.


Yuri couldn't help crying when he heard what his cousins ​​said.

But unlike before, his cries filled the entire yard, but he whined like a small animal.

Because no one cared about the crying and making a scene before, so even if he was hoarse from crying, no one would come out to comfort him.

Yuri, he's completely out of favor.

"Okay, the man is still crying, is it ashamed?"

Shia flicked his pointed ears. Although Yuri's elven blood was not as strong as Claire's, it was still obvious.

Maybe because his parents are half-breed elves, he looks more obvious, and his ears are standard elf ears.

"No shame, I'm still a child, not a man."

Yuri rubbed his eyes and said.

"Don't rub your eyes, your hands are not clean." Shia pulled Yuri's hand away and took out a tissue for him to wipe his face.

"It's dirty."

"Woo~ not dirty."

Yuri knew that Shia had a cleanliness habit, so he obediently wiped his face with a tissue.

Recently, his life in the manor was really miserable, and he was asked to do any work at home.

Although it was not his turn to do heavy work, he was allowed to do some miscellaneous things.

He never thought that one day he would have endless work to do.

How good it was before, every day besides eating is playing.As for homework, he won't write until the last minute.

Grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and uncle all love him, and now he cries and no one cares about him, thinking he is cheating.

Sure enough, the story of the wolf came made everyone no longer believe him.


After Rhea hugged everyone, she came over and squatted in front of Yuri.


Seeing Rhea, Yuri quickly wiped his face and pulled out a smiling face.


Rhea took out a handkerchief, dampened it with water, and wiped his tabby face and hands.


A man cannot cry.Yuri, who said he was a child just now, changed his words again.

It attracted the disdainful eyes of my cousins.

"Sorry, I seemed to squeeze you just now, did you hurt from the fall?"

It's not that Rhea didn't see Yuri sitting on the ground just now, but he was hugged by Luna and the others before he came over, so he had to comfort everyone before coming to care about Yuri.

"It's okay, I'm an older child, and I won't be affected by a fall."

Yuri patted his chest, as if the grievance just now was an illusion of everyone.

"Great, our Yuri has finally grown up."

Rhea looked like Yuri who had turned into a child. Most of his impetuousness disappeared, and he became more sensible.

In the past, I would definitely have to roll on the ground a few times to express my displeasure.


Yuri hugged Rhea, sure enough, only uncle is the best in the world.

Both parents thought he was cheating, only uncle believed him.

In the future, don't fight against your cousins, otherwise, even if uncle believes in him, he won't like a child who always has trouble with his own children.

"Okay, don't cry! Uncle will take you to wash your face, and let your mother make a dish of braised pork later, we Yuri loves it!" Rhea picked up Yuri, and this time Shia and the others were not jealous.

Instead, he looked at Yuri with a smiling expression.

Huh?Cousins ​​and cousins ​​don't seem to be in the right mood?

Yuri lay on Rhea's shoulders. Normally, if he was hugged by his uncle, he would definitely attract the glaring glances of his cousins. Why do everyone's faces look more normal now?They didn't stare at him.

Faced with Yuri's doubts, the cousins ​​immediately rolled their eyes at him.

This kid is really difficult to serve, and there are so many opinions on his kindness, it seems that he should be more aggressive.

Seeing the impatient expressions of his cousins, Yuri nodded inwardly.

That's right!This is his familiar cousins.

"Yuri has grown up."

After Yuri was taken away by Rhea, Alex said.

"Before, I was spoiled by everyone. If we knew that he was dominating the school, we would have taken action to discipline him."

Hina waved her hand, mainly because she was inexperienced.

They were well-behaved and sensible in school before, and they have never done such a thing.When it was Yuri's turn, they didn't think about it. Who knew that Yuri, who was usually a bit of a bear at home, became the boss at school.

Occasionally, he said that he was the boss a few times, but everyone didn't take it to heart, because what kind of boss could a child's boss be?

It may be that a few children who are better at playing are shouting and playing.

Shia was called the boss by her classmates in school before?Because he is the monitor.

What a normal name!In the end, I didn't expect that the boss was really the boss, the kind of school bully.

Fortunately, everyone discovered it. If it is discovered two years later, Yuri will not be able to correct it.

"What we didn't do, Yuri has done, it's really promising!"

Ciri felt a little strange, since they were Rhea's sons, and they had never been so arrogant in school.Yuri is a nephew who is even more arrogant than them, and Ciri has to sigh that the ignorant are fearless.

However, Yuri has also learned a lesson now. Judging from his appearance just now, he has indeed changed a lot.

"The floor of our house has always been clean, and we don't need Yuri to mop it anymore. If I see him rolling on the ground again, I will hang him for three days and three nights."

Shia couldn't help but frown when she thought of Yuri's love of rolling on the ground before. He didn't know who he learned from the brat, and he was full of bad habits.

"Several young masters, can I bother you?"

Karina came over, she came to a strange place, facing a group of people she didn't know, she was very restrained.

Carlo and Goya left, and the couple hadn't seen each other for several days, and they had a lot to talk about.

As soon as Alger and Angus returned to the manor, they went back to the yard by themselves, leaving Karina standing there alone.

"Ah~ Aunt Karina."

Shia and the others slapped their foreheads, everyone's enthusiasm made them forget to introduce Karina.

"Xia, is she that lady?"

Luna and the others finally realized that besides Rhea and the others, there was another guest in the manor.

"Yes, Grandma Luna. She is Aunt Karina."

Hina walked over and led Karina to several female elders at home.

"Aunt Cecilia, Aunt Karina, please take care of me." Shia said to Cecilia.

The only ones in the family who can persuade Cecilia are Shia and Rhea.

Listen to Cecilia's words to other people when you are happy, and you can't find the elf when you are unhappy.

"okay, I get it."

Cecilia did not refuse, and she would definitely not want to be replaced by a big man.But for a beautiful woman like Karina, Cecilia still wouldn't refuse.

Besides, her yard is quite big, and she usually lives alone, so she feels very lonely.Now that there is one more person who can talk to her, what is she not happy about?

"Is that Karina? Come with me! I'll take you to the yard where we live and see if there is anything else we need to buy. We'll go out and buy after dinner."

Cecilia pulled Karina over and took her to see her future residence.

"Thank you, Cecilia." Karina looked at the extremely beautiful elf in front of her, and felt that today was a day when her eyes were not enough.

Needless to say, the scenery in the manor, there is such a beautiful elf in front of me.She even saw a half-breed male elf just now, and his beauty surpassed that of a human.

"No, you were brought back by Rhea, everyone will like you." Cecilia told the truth, the people who can bring Rhea back and live in the manor are all very good people.

Oh~ That white-eyed wolf who betrayed Rhea doesn't count, she

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