The cool layer of ice made Xiao Mo unable to stop when he opened his mouth.

Xiao Che sat at the side, carefully looking at tomorrow's recipe.

It looks very warm.

Xiao Mo couldn't find anything to say, so he asked indiscriminately: "Why can't I see you when I go home recently? Don't you care about the CDA project?"

Xiao Che turned his gaze back to his face: "Don't worry, I sold the company's shares."

"What?!" Xiao Mo sat up straight, the cake in his hand trembled: "Why, why are you willing?!"

"I went back to France some time ago for this." Xiao Che replied nonchalantly: "There's nothing I'm reluctant to do. I didn't want to do it at all."

Looking at Xiao Mo's indignant expression, he patted his head: "It's nothing, the sale is a lot of money, and it can support you for a lifetime."

Xiao Mo opened his hand angrily: "That's not the point!"

"Oh, I should be able to support you for two lifetimes." She still didn't care.

Looking at his expression, Xiao Mo couldn't find anything to say, so he slapped him on the shoulder: "Idiot!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm an idiot." Xiao Che agreed, and stretched out his arms to hug Xiao Mo with a smile.

i have always loved you

The relationship between the two is basically not much different from that in a passionate relationship, except that Xiao Mo didn't say that sentence awkwardly, at least the way of getting along is not much different from that of lovers.

In other words, Xiao Mo is really thinking about one thing now. Apart from comforting each other with him, this Xiao Che has never done anything beyond the rules.

Is he...not interested in himself?

A little suspicious, Xiao Mo found Su Yun'an.

After hearing what he said, Su Yunan looked at him with bitterness and hatred on his face: "You two are not together yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"Xiao Che looked at you like a hungry wolf seeing meat, how could he not be interested in you?" Seeing Xiao Mo's puzzled expression, Su Yunan rolled his eyes: "Don't worry, he is greedy for you." Everyone can see that it may be that you have not accepted him clearly, and he does not want to force you."

"Really?" He breathed a sigh of relief.

"I tell you, don't hang him up for too long, you probably won't be able to stand a force at that time." Su Yun'an put on an inscrutable expression: "He is a wolf who has been starved for four years."

When he returned home in the afternoon, Xiao Che was rarely at home. Xiao Mo felt inexplicably nervous in his heart. After talking with Su Yun'an in the afternoon, he thought for a long time and still wanted to be with Xiao Che.

But he was a little hesitant, he really liked Xiao Che, but he didn't know what to say, he just said that he couldn't say it, he wandered around anxiously, and wandered to Xiao Che's study.

Xiao Che already slept with him every night, so this room was naturally reserved for some of his things. Xiao Mo never came in, nor did he take a good look at it.

Last time Xiao Che said that his obsession with cleanliness was gone, but when he entered the house, Xiao Mo still smelled a slight lemon smell—did he clean the house with dish soap?

Back then it was just Xiao Mo's undecorated utility room, but now that Xiao Che lived in it, it looked a lot cleaner.

It seems that Xiao Che didn't put many things, not even a bed, only a recliner that looked uncomfortable.

A stack of books is neatly placed on the bookshelf, and each one is labeled to indicate what type it is and what type it is.

Next to the bookshelf is a solid wood table, which is a bit messy, with stacks of folders, some scattered and stacked together.

There was also an exquisite-looking box on the table. Curiously, he picked it up, opened it, and found that it was the pen he gave to Xiao Che, but the box was changed.

There is a slight peeling of the paint on the part where the pen is held, and Xiao Mo can imagine that Xiao Che has used it for a long time.

At the beginning, this pen seemed to be printed, but I didn't know what it was printed on. Turning the cap of the pen, two characters of wax rubbing came into view - Xiao Mo.

The hand holding the pencil case trembled, Xiao Mo was a little surprised, it turned out that Xiao Che had treated him at that time...

His eyes started to heat up again, Xiao Mo didn't know why, the longer he stayed with Xiao Che recently, the more he felt the urge to cry.

After closing the lid, Xiao Mo put the pen case back to its original place and went downstairs.Walking downstairs, I happened to see Xiao Che hurriedly changing his shoes and carrying a lot of things in his hands.

When Xiao Che heard footsteps, he raised his head and glanced at him, with a trace of apology: "You're starving, I'll cook for you right away."

"Today I went to the company to deal with the final handover, so I came back late, you wait." It can be seen that Xiao Che came back in a hurry, and before he had time to wipe the sweat off his forehead, he went to the kitchen: " The refrigerator has the pudding I made before I left today, so fill your stomach first."

Looking at this scene, Xiao Mo was overwhelmed by the surge of happiness. At the beginning, Xiao Che was so cold and able to do everything with ease, but now he was afraid that he would be hungry, so he showed such a flustered expression.

Xiao Mo took a step forward, followed Xiao Che into the kitchen, and watched him busy up and down.

"How about we go out to eat?" Xiao Mo didn't want to see Xiao Che in such a hurry, so he proposed.

"No, the things outside are not clean." Saying so, Xiao Che stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of vegetables and began to wash them in the sink, picking off the bad parts inside.

With such a serious expression, Xiao Mo never expected to see such a side of Xiao Che.

In fact, Xiao Mo did exactly that, hugged Xiao Che from behind, and leaned his head on Xiao Che's back: "Hey, Xiao Che, let's do it."

Xiao Che froze for a moment, his voice trembling with excitement: "You, you said..."

"I said, let's do it!" With hot face, Xiao Mo buried his face in Xiao Che's back and repeated loudly.

Xiao Che didn't say a word, Xiao Mo felt a little lost, sure enough, Xiao Che doesn't like him anymore?

Xiao Mo let go of Xiao Che's arm, trying to escape from here.

In the end, he let go of his hand slightly, and Xiao Che's hand grabbed him: "Wait, let's eat the meal first." It was obvious that Xiao Che's breathing became disordered for a while: "Just hug me like this."

Xiao Mo felt Xiao Che's slightly cool hand on his wrist, and felt his hand slowly becoming hot. After making sure that he would not let go, he moved his hand away and continued cooking.

Xiao Mo felt that his ears were scalding frighteningly. He hugged Xiao Che like a koala, followed his movements, and complained slightly in his heart—does this mean to feed me, and then feed you?

Sitting at the dining table, Xiao Che quickly settled his own, and then looked at Xiao Mo with burning eyes. He was indeed too excited today. He had planned five dishes and one soup, but it was also difficult for Xiao Mo to move when he was holding him. It became three dishes and one soup.

At this time, Xiao Mo's face was buried in the bowl while eating, and every bite seemed to be counting rice grains.Xiao Che didn't urge him either, he could see that Xiao Mo was also very excited at the moment.

After a while, realizing that Xiao Mo couldn't eat, Xiao Che scratched his head in embarrassment: "How about... I go take a shower first?"

Xiao Mo's face became even redder, and he lowered his head and nodded imperceptibly.


After Xiao Mo finally finished pecking at the rice grains, he walked into the bathroom under Xiao Che's fiery gaze. He didn't know whether it was because of the water temperature or what, his skin was rubbed red like a prawn before he walked out wrapped in a bathrobe.

Xiao Che was still sitting on the bed, looking at him, his bathrobe slightly raised.

Somewhat shy, he didn't dare to look carefully, Xiao Mo turned his head away, and walked slowly in front of Xiao Che.

I could feel Xiao Che's eyes scanning him for a turn, Xiao Mo was embraced by Xiao Che in the next second, and kissed vigorously by the emotionally charged Xiao Che.

Obviously he has already done this kind of thing, but now Xiao Che is really acting like a little virgin who just fell in love. I really don't know how impulsive he was to do those things back then.

Now Xiao Mo no longer pushes and pushes hypocritically, put his arms on Xiao Che's shoulders to hug his head, and leaned towards Xiao Che.

Sensing Xiao Mo's initiative, Xiao Che pressed Xiao Mo under his body, stroking vigorously with his hands, lingering on Xiao Mo's body, the feeling of being hugged by Xiao Che was very comfortable, Xiao Mo's mouth let out a soft gasps.

Xiao Che took out a small bottle from his bathrobe pocket, looked at Xiao Mo, and bit off the cap with his mouth.

The sound of "Boom!" brought back Xiao Mo's thoughts, he watched helplessly as Xiao Che smeared the liquid in the bottle, and slowly inserted his finger into that place.

The feeling of penetrating a foreign object is not good, grabbing Xiao Che's shoulder, Xiao Mo bit his lip, endured the discomfort and hummed softly.

Xiao Che's low sigh came from next to his ear: "Be patient, it will be fine soon."

When it was about the same time, Xiao Che began to move his waist, the rhythm gradually accelerated, and the movements were so intense that Xiao Mo couldn't bear to make a sound.

The rough gasps and voices of the two echoed in the room. I don't know how many times in total. Xiao Che finally saw how pitifully Xiao Mo was being tossed, so he gave up continuing and hugged him to clean up.

What Xiao Mo saw early the next morning was Xiao Che wiping him with a hot towel with a guilty face. Seeing him wake up, Xiao Che lowered his head: "I'm sorry, I was too excited last night..."

Xiao Mo didn't speak, but smiled, and spread his body to let Xiao Che move. The hot towel felt very comfortable, and all the fatigue from the night disappeared with Xiao Che's movements.

Trying to move his body, Xiao Mo chuckled, Su Yun'an was really right, this wolf who had been hungry for four years really made him unbearable.

Lying on the bed not knowing what to say, Xiao Mo suddenly remembered what he saw in his study: "Xiao Che, the pen and tie I gave you..."

The hand holding the towel stopped: "I wrote your name

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