He liked the soft fur of the little milk cat very much before, and now he has added this pair of breathtaking eyes, it is really beautiful no matter how you look at it!

Bewitched by the beauty, Gu Beiqing even forgot when the little milk cat woke up.But even if he thinks about it, as long as the cat doesn't leave, nothing will happen.

But he stretched out his hand directly to hug the little milk cat, put his nose against the little milk cat's head, rubbed it affectionately, looked into the eyes of the little milk cat, and asked with a smile: "Can't the little milk cat The little milk cat called you, can I give you a name!"

"Meow, meow, meow..." Yi Jingchen seemed to vaguely know that he had lost his memory, what was his name?Why have a name?What is your own name?He has no impression at all.

He also felt that he should be able to speak, but now he didn't know how to say it. When he opened his mouth, it was just a series of voices that he didn't like very much, so let's talk less!

Gu Beiqing didn't understand the ignorant eyes of the little milk cat, and said with a smile: "I agree! Okay, let's choose a nice name!"

Gu Beiqing thought for a while, Ahu and Mimi were too ordinary, and he was saying that this is a silver tabby cat, so he couldn't be called Xiaobai.Of course, Xiaobai is also very ordinary. This is his first time adopting a pet, and it is still a little demon cultivator. He must have a domineering name, preferably a name that he can still call after transforming into form in the future!

Thinking of this, and thinking that people nowadays raise pets as their sons, he couldn't help but think of their family's seniority.

When he was in junior high school, he heard from his father once that their family ancestors had seniority typesetting. Later, in order to avoid enemies, they didn’t arrange typesetting again. Their family’s generational typesetting was taken from Jin·Fu Xian’s "Poems of Filial Piety" Two sentences: "Think hard and be loyal, and righteousness will not fight."

If the characters are typed according to seniority, the middle character of his father's name should use the character "Yi", while his name should use the character "Ze", then his son should have the character "No".

"That's right, the word "naturally rebellious" really suits you!" Gu Beiqing smiled.

It is impossible for him to have a child of his own. Without this little demon cultivator, he would at most accept an apprentice and would not have a son at all.Now that this little Yaoxiu is raised as his son, if the ancestors knew about it, they probably wouldn't want to agree. The word "no" just proved it.

After thinking for a while, Gu Beiqing smiled again. "The so-called negativity is positive, we simply bear it to the end!"

Holding the little kitten in one hand, pointing the little kitten's nose with the index finger of his right hand, he said, "From now on, you won't be called no no." Don't care!Gu Beiqing didn't say these three words!

"Meow, meow, meow!" Han Yinli understood Gu Beiqing's meaning and knew that this was the name he gave himself, but he seemed to have a name himself, so he yelled twice in resistance.

"I like it, as long as I like it!" Gu Beiqing felt that he had chosen a very good name, Xiao Nai... No, no, there is no reason not to like it, so he just decided on it!

They looked at Gu Beiqing.He licked Gu Beiqing's palm with his small tongue, he was hungry.

Gu Beiqing had never raised a cat before, but he miraculously understood what he meant.

"No, I'm hungry! Then you stay inside first, and I'll cook for you!" Gu Beiqing put Nobu back into the Spirit Gathering Formation, looked at him, and obediently got down.

After getting down, Nobu looked at Gu Beiqing eagerly, as if to say why he didn't cook for him.

Gu Beiqing was shocked by his actions. In his impression, no matter whether it is a demon cultivator or a beast, they are very vigilant towards unfamiliar environments and unfamiliar people.

Like no no, he didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, and turned his back to strangers, he had never seen a demon cultivator before!

Thinking about it, it should be that Nobu's perception is more acute, and he relies on him so much knowing that he has no malice. Gu Beiqing is very satisfied with this little demon cultivator he adopted.

Gu Beiqing cooked chicken and rice for him.

No, he is a demon cultivator, and he is very sensitive to spiritual energy. He didn't eat a bite of those chicken strips, and there was not a single grain of rice left.

Gu Beiqing also smiled when he saw the half bowl of chicken strips left. He kept it as a pet, and the natural aura of the monster cultivator was the most important thing, and he couldn’t afford it as a bowl of rice. It looked like he had to eat all of it before washing it. Another bowl of water was filled for him.

Before, I thought that he was not a demon cultivator, and only thought about adoption, but didn't think about buying cat supplies for him, so I found it inconvenient.

No, he can go to the toilet by himself, he can use the toilet, and it’s okay to eat with him at the dining table. After all, it’s not a real pet, but now Gu Beiqing realizes that after so many days, he just lies on the soft cushion of the sofa On the ground, there is not even a cat litter of its own.

I opened a treasure and ordered a cat litter, and bought some cat toys.

After the spirit stones are exhausted, no, no, no, no, they will not stay quietly every day. A demon cultivator is a demon first, and all of them have the nature of a demon. Don't say that it's just a kitten who just started practicing.

After eating enough, Gu Beiqing didn't need to say anything, he went back to the spirit-gathering formation to lie on his stomach, and fell asleep again not long after.

After buying and returning the things, seeing that he fell asleep again, Gu Beiqing started to busy himself with his own affairs!

The batch number of Qingshen Dan's health care products needs to be completed, and there is another major problem to be solved, which is the factory building.

Even if it is a health care product, the batch number can be obtained without a family workshop. This is a mandatory condition and must be available!

Gu Beiqing had no experience in this field at all before, and he entrusted the problem of the factory to a third party, who could also help find a suitable manufacturer.Gu Beiqing just pays!

Gu Bei settled the money in his hands, it was only enough to rent the factory for one year, and after weighing it, he could only pay.

With the batch number of the factory, the medicine can't be sold in a day. The medicinal materials in his hand made about [-] bottles of the simple version of the light body pill.

After giving it to his parents, he still has more than 170 bottles left in his hand.I don't know who to try these!

These are not things that can be solved by thinking about it. Gu Bei checked the group that he hadn't logged in for a long time. When he just bought something, he had already processed the customer's order information, and there were about ten or twenty orders in a week or so.

The reason why he opened the group was that a group friend left him a message, asking him to go and have a look in the group. That person didn't say anything else, so Gu Beiqing had a hunch that it was not a good thing!

During this time, people from two groups came to him to buy paintings, but he declined them both.Let him watch the group now, probably it has something to do with this.

Open the group. At this time, there are quite a few people in the group, just chatting in general. Gu Beiqing didn't speak in the group, so he directly checked the chat history.

Gu Beiqing searched using keywords, and quickly found out that a topic three days ago turned out to be another artist in the group saying that he was exhausted.

In this group, Gu Beiqing joined an online painter group very early on, and the group was full of famous painters on Weibo.

Among them, there are many conflicting styles. After all, there are only a few popular styles now. It is the pursuit of painters to draw their own characteristics within the general style, but there are some people who don't think so.

There was one before, who was very angry with Gu Beiqing in the group. Every time Gu Beiqing made a painting, this person would explain it on his own Weibo. , just ignored him all the time.

The rhetoric this time is probably still the same. Gu Beiqing has nothing to care about. He is not buying paintings now.

The words written by monks can inspire others, and the paintings can reveal more information, which is not a good thing for some mortals with weak spirits.He still doesn't make trouble for others.

Looking at the irony of yin and yang, Gu Beiqing is used to this person's attitude. He was really unwilling to talk to this person before, and now there is no need for him. He is a monk!

He hasn't reached the foundation building period yet, and there is nothing wrong with him. After his foundation building, this guy is still so rampant, slandering him in a strange way, and he can kill himself without taking action.

Look at the sleeping person, Gu Beiqing didn't reach out to touch it this time, after all, he was already awake, and he was sleeping now, so he woke up immediately.

Change clothes and go for a run.

Gu Beiqing insisted on running twice a day, one hour each time, and didn't go far, just going around their own community and the opposite community.

The community opposite their home is newly built, and there is a planned four-lane road in the community. Because it has not been opened yet, it is surrounded by the community, which is a good place for everyone to relax and exercise in the morning and evening.

Every day, Gu Beiqing crossed the road and ran twice in the neighborhood opposite, and then went back to his own neighborhood to run twice. After about an hour or so, he went home.

In this way, he ran like this for the first two days, and insisted on it after he came back. In this way, he lost a catty every day, no matter who checked it out, he would be fine.

While running, Gu Beiqing was thinking about how to sell the simple version of Qingshen Pill. Because the name was useless, when he declared the batch number of the health care product, he directly called it Qingshen Pill.

Although the name has not changed, in Gu Beiqing's mind it is still just a simplified version.

Gu Beiqing was troubled here, when a man ran up to him and struck up a conversation with him!

"Brother, the effect of your running to lose weight is so fast!" The person who came was a young man with a good figure and no appearance of fat.

"It's okay, you don't need to lose weight with your figure!" Gu Beiqing was very happy that he was finally found out that he was losing weight.At the same time, I felt a little jealous of this man's figure.

"I'm the coach of the gym in our community. You live in this community!" The person who came was Du Le, the owner of "Kangle Gym".

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