Jellyfish Attack

Chapter 21 Scam

Han Wei chose the flying needle magic weapon in the end. Too many things happened recently, which made him feel a little restless. With this magic weapon, he can feel more at ease.

Looking at the five hundred Yuehua stones left in his pearls, Han Wei sighed softly and headed towards the shop of the Danyang faction.

On the way, Han Wei held the set of flying needles in his hand, and couldn't put it down.There are a total of 28 flying needles, all of which are crystal clear and almost invisible in seawater. They are really good things for murdering people and traveling at home.

Putting his consciousness into it, the flying needle floated up and danced around Han Wei's body following Han Wei's thoughts.This made Han Wei a little bit amused, and he didn't put away the flying needle until he came to the Danyang faction shop.

Although the shops of the Danyang School are not as luxurious as those of the Artifact Refining School, they are still magnificent.The light green gate is full of vitality.Entering the gate, Han Weidu suspected that the people in Fangshi had gathered here.

The shelves are the same as those of the Artifact Sect, but unlike the Artifact Sect where there are only a few people standing in front of each shelf, this place is almost full of people, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a sea of ​​people.

No one came to entertain Han Wei at all, and he didn't care, he protected Lan Yuan, carefully avoided the crowd, and came to the shelf to check.

With this look, he understood why there were so many people here.The shelves are lined up according to the order of pills. From the first and second ranks on the far left to the fifth rank on the right, there are all kinds of pills.Of course, if only the elixir was available, there would not be so many people, and more importantly, it was very cheap.

This kind of cheapness is for magic treasures. One thousand middle-grade moonflower stones can be used for a magic weapon in the foundation building period, but only a few dozen middle-grade moonflower stones are available for the third- and fourth-tier pills in the foundation building period. As for those first- and second-tier elixirs, they were even cheaper, and they couldn't even sell a middle-grade Moonlight Stone.

Most monks would like to bring some elixirs and treasures for emergencies, but if they can't afford them, they always have to buy some elixirs, so it's not surprising that there are so many people here.

Han Wei went directly to the shelves of third-, fourth-, and fifth-tier elixirs, carefully looked at the descriptions above, and finally selected several kinds of elixir, and went to the counter to check out.

"Thank you for your patronage, a total of 280 mid-grade moonstones." The shopkeeper smiled like a flower.

Han Wei handed the spirit stone to the shopkeeper, reached out to take the elixir and wanted to leave, but was stopped by the shopkeeper, "I see you are also a disciple of our Danyang sect, and you spent so many Yuehua stones here today, don't tell me Uncle Master doesn’t take care of you, hey, I’ll give you a pill for free.”

As he said that, the shopkeeper handed over a jade-colored transparent bottle, and a pink elixir in the bottle was very conspicuous, reflecting the jade-colored color, swaying gracefully.

Han Wei frowned and looked at the elixir in his hand. If he remembered correctly, there was no such elixir on the shelf just now, which means that the elixir should not be of high grade. Thinking of this, Han Wei lost interest. Put the elixir in the pearl, then turned and left.

"If there is a critical moment of last resort, you can use this elixir, maybe it can save your life or not." Seeing Han Wei's behavior, the shopkeeper was not annoyed, and said meaningfully.

Hearing what he said, Han Wei's heart moved, did he meet some kind of expert?But soon, this thought was suppressed. The struggle these days was enough for him to see the world clearly.

"Uncle, what is the elixir you gave him? Why have I never seen it before?" A young man behind the shopkeeper asked curiously.

"Haha, it's strange if you've seen it before. This is the latest pill I've refined. It's called Hong-Mei. How about it? Doesn't it look pretty?"

The young man smiled wryly, "It's the uncle, who actually said that a pill is beautiful. But, uncle, what is this pill used for? You actually said that it could save his life in a crisis. Could it be that? What kind of elixir is a panacea?" After speaking, the young man's eyes lit up.

"Of course it is a panacea, and it is a panacea that makes people infinitely happy. How about it, Xiao Chenger, why don't you try one too?"

The young man waved his hands quickly, as if he had remembered something, his face was full of fear, "Forget it, I still don't want it, master uncle should save this medicine for others."

"It's boring, so I don't like to talk to you. It's a waste of my kindness every time."

After exiting the shop of the Danyang faction, Han Wei felt relaxed. While casually looking at the booth next to him, he melted the elixir with spiritual power and attached it to the flying needle.That's right, Han Wei had this idea from the very beginning, with all kinds of pills, his flying needle is even more powerful.

"Fellow Daoist, come and have a look at this elixir, it is a good material for alchemy." A big man greeted Han Wei.

Han Weiwen said that when he looked at his booth, they were all the materials needed by a first-level alchemist, and there was nothing unusual about them.

As if aware of Han Wei's disappointment, the big man said again: "My herb is not catalyzed by the sect, but I dug it from the mountain forest behind after a lot of hard work. It is used for alchemy, and it will definitely have unexpected effects."

Han Wei's expression changed, he got the lecture notes that Li Qing gave him yesterday, which mentioned the issue of this herb.There is a large spirit-gathering formation above the Danyang faction, so the herbs in the faction can easily reach the first level. At first, everyone felt that it was normal.But I don't know when, someone discovered that the medicinal herbs of the Danyang sect were used to make alchemy, and the success rate of the medicinal herbs outside was more than doubled.

This once caused panic in the Danyang sect, but later everyone discovered that this effect was only for the first-order herbs, and other herbs were fine.The first-order medicinal herbs are only used by alchemists at the beginning, so people no longer care about this matter.

"How much is this herb?" Han Weiben also planned to learn alchemy, and now he had the right materials, so he just bought them.

"If you want all of them, you only need 100 Yuan Yuehua Stone."

An outer disciple only costs 50 yuan a month for a low-grade moonlight stone, and his little herb costs 100 yuan, which is a little expensive. Could it be that he is being taken advantage of, "I'm afraid it's too expensive, right?" Han Wei's tone changed cold.

"It's not expensive at all, really. You also know how dangerous the back mountain is. If it weren't for my helplessness, I would never go there." The man rubbed his hands together in embarrassment.

When he talked about Houshan, Han Wei picked up a plant that had already been processed, and his heart moved. He had thought about transporting the essence of the sun into the herb to make money, but because of Jingyue, he didn't go to Chengyao Pu, and listened to this man. It means that there should be herbs in the back mountain, so should I go down the back mountain and try my own ideas?

"If you add another 100 yuan to the mid-grade Yuehua stone, I will tell you a very important news." Seeing Han Wei's delay in speaking, the man thought that Han Wei was too expensive, so he gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

"Oh? About what?"

"Secondary flame, Qingmuyan." Having said that, the man relaxed again, "You also know that if you want to make alchemy, you must have a kind of flame in your body. Although this Qingmuyan is a second-level flame, it is very gentle. It's easy to subdue. I already have a flame in my body, otherwise I wouldn't have told you such a good thing."

Han Wei heard that, a little moved, although there is a third-level cold poisonous flame in his body, but this kind of flame is too domineering, using it to make alchemy, low-level herbs are directly turned into powder, although high-level herbs have not been tried, but it should not be too much. good.

If you can subdue this green wood flame, the 100 yuan mid-grade spirit stone is worth it.Thinking of this, Han Wei wanted to raise his head to ask about the specific situation of Qing Muyan, but at the moment when he raised his head, Han Wei felt that there was something wrong with the big man's expression.

The corners of his eyes twitched, his muscles collapsed slightly, and his hands were hidden under the booth, but he could tell from the muscles in his arms that he should be clenched with both hands at this moment.All the performances showed that the big man was too nervous and anxious, so nervous that it was unbelievable.

"I have to think about it." Saying that, Han Wei planned to turn around and leave.

"Hey, wait. I'm afraid you don't know another benefit of this green wood flame. Although it is only at the second level, it can assist other flames of the fourth level to upgrade. That's why I sell it so expensive."

A cold light flashed in Han Wei's eyes, then dissipated, and he turned around and asked, "Where is this Qingmu Yan?"

"In the back mountain, I can take you there."

"Okay, that's troublesome." Han Wei said with a smile.

The big man looked away from his smile, put away the herbs, and hurried to the outside of the workshop.

Han Wei followed behind him, seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around him, and the scenery was getting more and more primitive. When he flipped his hands over, two flying needles appeared in his hands and flew towards the big man.

"How far is it?" Han Wei distracted the big man by speaking while moving.

As expected, the big man's expression froze, "We're almost there, the place ahead is where I dig the herbs, just pass there."

At this time, a divalent water snake flew down from the dead tree next to it, and was crushed by the big man, and said: "Be careful, although there are no high-level monsters here, many monsters are highly poisonous and very poisonous." Danger."

While speaking, Han Wei had already seen the sporadic first-order medicinal herbs around him, so he stopped, folded his arms, and looked at the big man.

The big man felt a little anxious, "Why, it's right in front."

"I have some doubts now, can the flame in my body be upgraded with Aoki Homura? If not, this place is so dangerous, I will go back."

"Of course you can, you." At this point, the big man changed his face and stood there blankly.

"Oh? Go on, what kind of flame is in my body?" Han Wei looked relaxed, but his heart was overwhelmed.

"How did you find out?" the big man asked.

"You've never lied to anyone, have you?"

Hearing the words, the big man showed a wry smile, then put away all his expressions, and became serious, "Our young city master has an invitation, but you may have misunderstood him, so the young city master had no choice but to let me trick you into coming here."

"Yang Wei?"


"Do you know why he asked you to trick me into coming here?"

"This..." The big man was a little embarrassed, "I don't know, but it shouldn't be a bad thing."

"But it won't be a good thing." Then, Han Weilai came to the big man, "What is your plan? Also, who told you the type of flame in my body?"

The big man wanted to move, but found that his body was stiff and unable to move at all, his eyes were full of shock, but his mouth began to move uncontrollably, "The plan is to trick you to the side of Aoki Yan, as long as you subdue Aoki Yan, my mission is complete, as for the flame in your body, the young city master told me."

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