The sun hangs high, the surface temperature is high, and the scenery is distorted.

Ji Xiao and Lei Mo walked towards the west based on what they heard. There was not a lot of strange beasts there, and the level was very low, which was very suitable for Ji Xiao's cultivation, but it was not enough for Lei Mo.Lei Mo didn't plan to practice in actual combat. There were really no strange beasts suitable for him to practice near the desert forest town. He just looked for an open place to practice and comprehend moves.The "Qi" in ancient martial arts and the strength and agility of the body, that is, martial energy, complement each other. When the body is healthy, the breath in the body will be more abundant, and the breath will promote the body to evolve, and the martial energy will be strong.

The first strange beast Ji Xiao encountered was a jerboa, about the size of a fat pig, with sharp claws and teeth gleaming in the sun.Shocked by Lei Mo's aura, the long-eared jerboa did not dare to attack immediately, and stared at Ji Xiao who was weak at first glance.

Ji Xiao swallowed, trying to recall the skills taught by Lei Mo.On the day he killed the iron-backed centipede, he asked Lei Mo for advice, hoping to learn ancient martial arts.Lei Mo said that there is no tricky method for Gu Wu's early training. Only by making the body strong can it be possible to condense the "Qi" in the body. The body is like a container, and only when it is strong can it carry the domineering "Qi".

Ji Xiao didn't expect to achieve it overnight, especially from Du Lu's mouth, he knew that ancient martial arts were not easy to learn. Not only did he have high requirements for talent and soul purity, but he also needed a long time to cultivate his physical fitness in the early stage. Ordinary people are just stronger.Unlike supernatural beings who can instantly kill second- and third-level alien beasts as long as they trigger their abilities, they can easily advance to the next level by simply sucking spar in the early stage.

Ji Xiao practiced ancient martial arts not only because he wanted to have the ability to protect himself, but also because he discovered that core core cultivation and ancient martial arts had something in common. He had to strengthen his body, the 'container', in order to carry it. With more breath, the speed can also be increased, otherwise it will feel painful.It's like trying to get the liquid into the body quickly when playing a bottle, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Ji Xiao holds the sword in both hands, poses in an attacking posture, and stares closely at the long-eared jerboa that is about to move.

"Steady, chop, chop, stab." Lei Mo corrected his movements, grabbed his hand and taught him a few basic movements, and even comforted him, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Ji Xiao's uneasy heart instantly felt at ease. This jerboa is estimated to be only level one, but it can still kill him. Its sharp teeth and claws can crush stones.

Lei Mo retreated to the side to watch, not intending to participate, all he needed to do was make a timely move when Ji Xiao was in danger.Compared to Ji Xiao's nervousness, Lei Mo seemed very leisurely, not forgetting to practice while watching the battle.

The Jerboa saw Lei Mo stepping aside, and was even more unafraid of Ji Xiao, and quickly attacked him with bared teeth and claws.Ji Xiao watched its movements closely, and at the moment the jerboa jumped up, he quickly knelt down on the ground, slashed with both hands upwards, and the long sword cut through the jerboa's chest, instantly splitting the jerboa in half .

The blood splashed on Ji Xiao's face and body, Ji Xiao was completely dumbfounded, looking at the sword in his hand in disbelief, it was too sharp, it was like cutting tofu when cutting jerboa.

Until Lei Mo walked up to him, Ji Xiao was still a little dazed, "It was cut in half, this sword is too scary."

"It's anger."

"Qi? I used the Qi in my body just now? But I didn't feel it." Ji Xiao didn't feel that he mobilized the 'Qi' in his body at all, let alone expecting such an effect.

"Talent, practice. Go, change land."

Hearing this, Ji Xiao became more determined to practice hard.It turns out that the core in his body not only has the effect of purification, but also enhances his own strength, just like the qi cultivated in ancient martial arts, which explains the changes that occurred after he inhaled the purification stone.

Ji Xiao killed a first-level alien beast without any effort, so the original training plan seemed inappropriate. He took away the spar in the jerboa's brain, and the two walked together to a place where the alien beasts were more dense.It was not so easy for Ji Xiao to slay the second-level alien beast. The second-level alien beast was much stronger than the first-level alien beast in terms of strength and speed. Ji Xiao had to deal with it for a while before killing it. .After hacking and killing five or six alien beasts in a row, Ji Xiao obviously became much more experienced. He knew how to save effort and how to exert force. He could kill a second-level alien beast with just two or three moves.

Then two, three... When he left, he was able to deal with four beasts at the same time. When Ji Xiao returned, he felt that he couldn't even lift his arms. He was obviously exhausted, but he was very excited.He felt the struggle of this day, his whole body has undergone a qualitative change, and every cell in his body is evolving.Just now when Ji Xiao was meditating, he found that his core core had changed slightly, and it had evolved quietly during the killing process. Although it was very weak, Ji Xiao still felt it.Sure enough, as Lei Mo said, the two complement each other, and practicing one will also drive the other.

Lei Mo didn't waste this day's time either. After Ji Xiao mastered the essentials, he practiced in an open place nearby.Flying sand and rocks, swift as the wind, compared to Ji Xiao's little ability is not enough.

The harvest for the two of them was very good. The crystal stones they got from killing the beasts were still left over after paying the entrance fee.But the two were stopped before they reached the hotel. Ji Xiao became more confident after a day of fighting, holding a sword in his hand and ready to go.

The passerby was polite, "Please don't misunderstand, gentlemen, my name is Wade, and I belong to the Lucca Chamber of Commerce."

The Lucca Chamber of Commerce is well-known in the Osho Empire. It is one of the four major chambers of commerce. The organization is very large, and there are chambers of commerce in almost every place.Two days ago, one of their caravans came to Molin Town, preparing to go to the imperial capital. Ji Xiao also listened to it while shopping today, so he is no stranger to it.

"What do you want from us?"

"That's right, I heard that you killed the five Bill brothers today."

"The five big bears? Is your caravan going to avenge them?"

Ji Xiao frowned, thinking that it would be difficult to offend the Luca caravan because of this, but the man had already been killed, so soldiers could only come to cover it up.Lei Mo also thought of the five bears, and silently turned on the alert mode.

Wade laughed, "The five Bill brothers have committed many crimes and deserved to die. Our Lucca caravan will not stand out for these bastards."

"Then you are..."

Wade didn't hold back, and said directly: "Our Lucca caravan admires this gentleman's ability very much. Although the five Bill brothers are only D-level supernatural fighters, this gentleman can kill them with one blow. He is very powerful. Although we can't detect the actual level of this gentleman, he must be a master. Our Lucca caravan suffered a lot from the previous beast tide, and we want to recruit two escort caravans to the imperial capital. I don't know if the two gentlemen are willing."

Wade looked down on Ji Xiao, a weak chicken, but he also knew that he and Lei Mo were on the same team, so they recruited together in order not to anger Lei Mo.However, if you open your mouth too much, you can still use it as cannon fodder at the right time, and you won't suffer.

Ji Xiao thought for a while and asked, "Do you want us to join the Lucca caravan?"

"If you are willing, it would be great. If you don't want to, you can just escort our caravan to the imperial capital. The rewards of our Lucca Chamber of Commerce are very generous in the entire Osho Empire."

Ji Xiao and Lei Mo originally planned to go to the imperial capital of Fils City, which is rich in supplies, well-informed, and has a practice field that is suitable for all levels of cultivation, and it can also block the tide of beasts, which is relatively safe.They are going to the Endless Realm, and it is better to prepare there.But there is no spaceship from Molin Town to Firth City. There are too many strange beasts in the air, and ordinary spaceships are very unsafe. Therefore, there is no spaceship like Molin Town to the mining area, and there is no ground transportation team. Take the map by yourself.

This road is very dangerous, there are many high-level alien beasts on the way, Ji Xiao was worried about how to get there, but now he has solved it.But Ji Xiao didn't immediately agree. Lu Ke Chamber of Commerce is very famous, but he can't be easily fooled, otherwise he won't know how he died.

Ji Xiao very euphemistically said that they would go back to discuss, because they had no plan to go to the imperial capital before.Wade expressed his understanding and only said that he would travel in three days, hoping that they would make a decision before then.

"Shall we go with them?"

Lei Mo said simply, "You decide."

After all, he continued to practice, completely ignoring these 'little things'.

Ji Xiao was very satisfied with accepting an obedient younger brother, and secretly had an idea in his heart.

Ji Xiao is a cautious person, and he went to find Des to ask him about the Lucca Chamber of Commerce.Des knew that they were going to the imperial capital, and when he heard that the Lucca Chamber of Commerce wanted to hire them, he said that he could go together.

"The Lucca Chamber of Commerce has its own guards. The guards of each caravan are very powerful, but they will also hire scattered abilities to join along the way to resist the tide of small beasts. Most of these temporarily hired abilities will become Their cannon fodder, unless it is absolutely necessary, their own guards will not take action."

Ji Xiao frowned, "You mean, they can't be trusted?"

"You can't say that. They paid the money, and the hired people have to work hard for them. It's just a deal. Their reputation is still good. It's impossible for the two of you to go to the emperor alone. You always have to form a team. Compared with other people who do not know when to stab you secretly, the Lucca caravan can still be trusted."

Ji Xiao nodded, feeling that what Des said made sense, and left after giving him a lot of exotic animal meat.I found a few more people to insinuate, but they all got similar answers.

Ji Xiao finally decided to join the Lucca caravan, and Lei Mo had no objection.

"Hey, you went to bed so early tonight?"

Ji Xiao went to bed to get ready to rest, but Lei Mo climbed onto the bed for the first time, which made Ji Xiao very surprised.It can be said that Lei Mo is cultivating with his life, and he is willing to sleep.

"Well, accompany you."

The corner of Ji Xiao's mouth twitched, "I'm not a child, so I don't need someone to accompany me to sleep."

"Yeah." Lei Mo replied, and still lay down.

That's all, if you insist on sleeping next to Ji Xiao, and let Ji Xiao shrink to the side of the bed, if it is not caught by Lei Mo, he will fall off the bed.

"do not move."

Ji Xiao was speechless, "You slept with me, why are you hugging me?"

Remer paused, staring at Ji Xiao with his dark eyes, making Ji Xiao feel as if he was being sucked in. When he realized it, his lips had been sealed, and he still didn't inhale.

No matter how dull Ji Xiao was, he still felt that something was wrong, and was finally released, annoyed: "What are you doing? Why do you do this when you don't have to smoke."

Remo blinked, "It's comfortable."

Ji Xiao sighed, and followed the instructions: "This is wrong."


"If it's not smoking, this kind of thing can only be done with the one you love."

Lei Mo was silent for a while, Ji Xiao thought he finally understood, and was about to sleep when someone pressed him up and blocked his lips, until his mouth was almost tired and paralyzed, Lei Mo let him go, and said a word faintly— -good.

Ji Xiao no longer knows how to describe his feelings. Although Lei Mo is simple-minded, he is also very stubborn. It is useless to talk about what he believes, and in the end he still goes his own way.Unmatched in force, and unable to listen to what he said, Ji Xiao had no choice but to paralyze himself. This is another way of smoking.It is rare to be confused in life, so you don't need to think so clearly.

After the two replied to Wade, they didn't dare to relax their cultivation, and they went out early in the morning and didn't come back until evening.The meat of the killed beasts accumulated like a mountain, but it was a pity that they could only consume a little bit each time, which made Ji Xiao extremely regretful.

Do martial arts training during the day, and meditate to cultivate the core at night.Ji Xiao found that the shortening of the core training time did not slow down the growth rate, but the increase in martial energy accelerated the process of smoking.

The toxins in the desert forest town are very active, which troubled Ji Xiao very much before, but with the increase in martial power, it becomes easier to expel the toxins and absorb the spiritual energy of the world, and the speed also increases a lot.And in the process of refining, unnecessary losses were also reduced. The time was too short, and such progress was minimal, but it still made Ji Xiao excited, allowing him to slightly forget the troubles that Lei Mo's kisses brought him every night.

Three days later, Ji Xiao and Lei Mo followed the Lucca caravan and went to Fels City, the imperial capital of the Osho Empire.

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