The sharp steel thorns pierced Ji Xiao's chest, his clothes had already been pierced, but they only stayed on the skin, and could not penetrate any further.Although it made Ji Xiao feel stinging, it would not hurt his life.

Both Ji Xiao and Tuka were stunned, unable to believe the strange situation in front of them.

Ji Xiao would not naively think that Tuka was just scaring him, and had no intention of putting him to death. The severe pain in his chest indicated that Tuka had really hit him hard, but why didn't he break through?When did he practice the indestructible body of a vajra?

Ji Xiao didn't have time to think so much, taking advantage of the gap when Tuka was dazed, he crawled and dodged.Tuka reacted, the anger in his eyes became stronger, his hands turned into steel claws, and he tried his best to stab Ji Xiao's chest, but he still couldn't get in!

Ji Xiao gritted his teeth in pain, as if someone poked his body hard with his fingers, although the pain was not enough to penetrate into his body, he was sent directly to the King of Hades.Something flashed through Ji Xiao's mind, but Tuka's pursuit made it too late for him to think deeply, and he just ran for his life.

Tuka was completely furious. Even if he was an A-level supernatural being, his attack could still injure the opponent indistinctly, but Ji Xiao was unscathed.When did Tuka fall to the point where even a tiny ant could not be trampled to death? This person must not stay, otherwise, what face would he have left in the world!

But the chaotic scene didn't allow Tuka to do whatever he wanted, and he had to deal with it with all his strength when an eighth-level beast rushed towards him.Waiting for Tuka to deal with this strange beast, Ji Xiao has already found the manager and is protected by the manager.No matter how arrogant Tuka was, he did not dare to confront the Luca caravan. He could only give Ji Xiao an annoyed look from afar, and then quietly dodged aside, skillfully attracting the strange beast that attacked him. When others are around, misfortunes are brought to the east.

Knowing that he was safe for the time being, Ji Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Tuka was a bit apprehensive.Just why couldn't Tuka kill him just now?Ji Xiao didn't think that his cultivation had reached the point of copper skin and iron bones, otherwise he wouldn't be covered in blood by the rubble thrown up by those fights.

Ji Xiao suddenly remembered that Du Lu couldn't bomb the entrance of the cave with his supernatural power, and he immediately figured it out.It must be because of the core and holy light in the body!He is now equivalent to a humanoid purification stone, which is more resistant to supernatural attacks than a stone that is 'illuminated' by the purification stone.The steel thorn transformed by the supernatural power could not pierce his body, only because Tuka's own power could make Ji Xiao feel the pain.It's like some monsters in the game will be attacked physically, but immune to magical attacks.No wonder the ability attack didn't affect him when the ability man was fighting with the beast.

This kind of knowledge didn't excite Ji Xiao for long. Although he was immune to supernatural attacks, he was completely fragile in front of physical attacks.If he hadn't run fast just now, if Tuka punched him a few more times, he would have been killed as long as he had his own strength.

He is still too weak!

No one knows what Ji Xiao went through just now, and it is impossible to uphold justice for him. The crazy attack of the strange beast made everyone overwhelmed. There are only more than 50 people left in the team of more than 30 people, thanks to the holy light transmitted by Ji Xiao, otherwise the loss would be even more serious.And the strange beasts also lost most of them, piles of huge corpses piled up as high as hills, but the remaining strange beasts still occupied the entire sky, black and dense.

The loss of personnel and the powerful attacks of the alien beasts could no longer prevent other alien beasts from joining the battle between the ninth-level vulture and Lei Mo, and the battle situation in the sky was also reversed with the addition of these alien beasts.Leimo was covered in blood, panting heavily to deal with the attacks from all directions, the temporary strengthening of the Holy Light was about to dissipate, and he had no time left.

Must fight desperately!

Lei Mo's eyes were stern, he concentrated his energy, held the epee in both hands and held it high, the epee was surrounded by thick air, the original dark sword became dazzling, and the nearby seventh-level or eighth-level beasts were impacted by the dazzling light, powerful The force rushed them so that they couldn't get close.

Remo locked on to the ninth-level vulture.


Remo disappeared, and the nine-level vulture only saw a light rushing towards it.It's too fast, so fast that it can't dodge at all, and can only strengthen the shield.But this light was several times stronger than the previous attack, and the amazing power made the shield that the vulture was proud of also invalid.With a bang, the shield was punctured and shattered, the air flow in the entire sky was chaotic, all the nearby beasts were shaken to the ground, and sand and stones flew away from the ground dozens of meters away, like a tornado passing by.

The throat of the ninth-level vulture was pierced, and the shrill screams shook the ground. The supernatural beings covered their ears in pain, unable to bear such powerful sound waves.

The blood of the ninth-level vulture spurted out, and it fell to the ground dead beyond death.At the same time, Lei Mo also lost consciousness and fell from the sky. If the manager hadn't caught him quickly, he would have fallen half to death.

Ji Xiao trembled uncontrollably, "Is he still alive?"

"Alive, alive!" the manager shouted excitedly.

Ji Xiao, who had been overdrawn for a long time, lay limp on the ground, fortunately, fortunately, he was still alive.

After the ninth-level vulture died, the other beasts wailed to the sky one after another, and they disappeared without a trace as they did when they came here.

The surviving people cheered collectively, and fell to the ground like a pile of mud.Today's battle made them extremely overdrawn. If it wasn't for God's favor, even if they weren't torn apart by the strange beasts, they would have died several times due to the excessive toxins in their bodies.

But, cool, fucking cool!I have never used so many big moves at once. In the past, I had to calculate every move, lest the poison would be too strong. It is not like how I want to use this time.

Of course, Tuca would not have this experience.

Tuka had no choice but to make a move at the last moment, with more than half of the toxins in his body, and he was full of resentment.But when he saw that Lei Mo's life and death were unknown, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, looking at Ji Xiao and Lei Mo was like seeing a dead person.

Feeling the vicious gaze, Ji Xiao's heart beat like thunder. Lei Mo hadn't recovered yet. If Tuka wanted to do something, he would definitely be unable to resist.Should he speak to the manager?After all, Remo saved everyone.But will the manager believe him?Even if they believe it, will it help them?Ji Xiao didn't know what to do. The manager didn't see Tuka's performance in the caravan, and he didn't take care of it.

Ji Xiao thought for a while and said, "Boss, although these strange beasts are gone, I don't know what will happen later. Leimo hasn't recovered yet, can you ask the boss to ensure his safety?"

Ji Xiao looked at Tuka pointingly, the supervisor squinted his eyes, and responded immediately, sending Rocky and Wade to take turns to look after him.

This made Ji Xiao breathe a sigh of relief. With two A-level supernatural fighters guarding him, Tuka should not be fooling around.Relying on others is worse than relying on himself, he has to step up his practice, as long as Lei Mo can wake up, Tuka will not pose a threat at all, and he will never mind killing Tuka this time.

wow - wow -

Rocky sat up from the ground and rubbed his ears, "Did I have an auditory hallucination, how did I hear the cry of a child?"

Someone sneered, "You are dreaming, how could there be children in this place."

"I heard it too."

"Could it be some strange beast? The cry of some strange beasts is very similar to the cry of a child."

"Everyone, come and see! What is this?"

Immediately, all the paralyzed supernatural beings jumped up from the ground, and a white ball with a diameter of about 1.5 meters covered with cracks lay on the ground, and the baby's cry came from here.With a click, the ball couldn't support it and completely shattered, thick liquid overflowed, and a baby lying in the cradle appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah, how could there be a child in this egg?"

"Could it be the child of some strange beast?"

"You stupid, didn't you see that cradle? How could a strange beast make that thing. And this child is still wearing human clothes, so it must have been put in by humans."

"Who would put a child in an egg?"

"I seem to have heard of this kind of storage method before. It's something for taking fragile children to faraway places."

"I said that I just saw a white thing smashed down, and I guess it was it."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, guessing that the child might have been snatched from which parent by this strange beast.Although Ji Xiao was also curious, but Lei Mo was in a coma, so he didn't have much interest.

Tuka leaned forward and took a look, "Such a tender child, the meat must be very sweet."

The scene was silent, and everyone looked at Tuka in disbelief.Although the weak and the strong prey on the strong in this world, the struggles among human beings have never been less frequent, and many people die by the same kind of knife every day.But although this world is cruel, it still thinks that cannibalism is a terrible thing.

"Anyway, it's death. It's better to be buried in a human's stomach if it rots here and is eaten by strange beasts."

"Why are you so disgusting?" Rocky said in disgust.

Tuka raised his eyebrows, "Do you still want to raise him?"

Lodge fell silent immediately. There were still more than ten days away from the city of Phils, and their personnel decreased sharply. Along the way, they not only had to worry about the attacks of strange beasts, but also guarded against human beings who robbed their way.Although he is an A-level supernatural fighter, if he is allowed to bring a child, the chance of losing his life is too high.How can you protect yourself if you don't even dare to use the ability, otherwise it will affect this fragile little life?

Rocky insisted, "That can't eat him."

Tuka snorted, "Fake morality, if you don't eat it, I will eat it, and no one will grab it."

Tuka was about to reach out to grab the crying baby, but was stopped by a clear voice.

"You are not allowed to touch him!" Ji Xiao never expected that someone would be so cold-blooded and vicious, watching an innocent child die in front of him and being eaten, no matter how hard he went through, he couldn't do it .

"What are you, you dare to meddle in my business. I want to eat him, right in front of you." Tuka showed viciousness, and went directly to snatch the child, but Rocky quickly let him go.

Tuka had a hideous face, "Rocky, are you going to fight against me?"

Rocky raised his chin, "I just don't want to fight my conscience."

Tuka was angry, his whole body was tempered, and he was ready to go.

"What are you doing! Get out of the caravan if you want to fight among yourself." The steward yelled.

Tuka is afraid of the manager, now that the poison is more than half, let alone reckless, angrily returned to his original shape, turned his head and walked aside.

Rocky didn't feel relaxed, looked at the child in the basket, and said melancholy: "What about this child?"

It is impossible for anyone in the caravan to be willing to carry such an oil bottle. They don't want to die because of an inexplicable child. Even the head steward turned his head away and ignored it.Although they have a bottom line, they are not very kind.

Ji Xiao looked at the little baby who was blushing from crying and was probably only eight or nine months old, and thought of the little one at home, feeling a little sour. "Give it to me, I'll take care of him."

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