"Where are you going, come quickly and get the tools." Du Lu greeted with a loud voice.

Ji Xiao came to his senses. Just now he walked towards the entrance of the cave unknowingly, and he was already more than ten meters away from Du Lu.Ji Xiao's heart trembled, and he hurried towards Dulu.

Du Lu stared, "What are you walking around, strange beasts may appear at any time, I am not responsible for taking you away."

Ji Xiao apologized again and again and followed Dulu closely. Before leaving, he subconsciously glanced at the abandoned deep mine. The silent call had been inducing him to go there, strongly attracting him.

Ji Xiao shook his head, he couldn't be easily bewitched, although the voice suggested that he was not in danger, but he couldn't be so naive and reckless, if there was any conspiracy, he would be dead.

"Are the tools free?"

The method of excavating purification stones here is very primitive, completely relying on manual work without any machinery, just like black coal kilns.

Du Lu rolled his eyes at him, "You're so beautiful, the cheapest basket, hoe, and gloves need a first-class purification stone in ten directions."

Ji Xiao opened his eyes wide, "So expensive?!"

He clearly saw that the baskets those people were carrying were the simplest rattan baskets, the hoes were also very small, like children's toys, and the gloves were the white gloves commonly seen on construction sites.

Du Lu shrugged, "It's unreasonable, but it's not easy for people to transport them here. Although there are few strange beasts in the air in this place, it is very troublesome to encounter one. It takes a lot of abilities to kill it. If you are unlucky, the whole army will be wiped out. Who If you don’t bring it in outside, you deserve it.”

Ji Xiao smiled and asked, "How long does it usually take you to enter a hole?"

"It's about an hour or two if it's fast."

"I'll take a look around first, and then go into the cave with you next time."

Du Lu glanced at him and didn't say anything, just told him not to run around, and if anyone found fault, just report his name.

Ji Xiao agreed, and the two split up.

There are several stone houses near the entrance of the mine, which are much stronger than the place where they live, and they sell tools and food inside.Ji Xiao didn't go up to ask the price, but stood aside and observed, and soon had a full understanding of the prices here.The price was not much different from what Du Lu said, and he didn't cheat him.

It's just that the materials here are pitifully scarce. The tools for mining are only baskets, hoes, gloves and clothes. The gloves and clothes are made of cotton and linen, which are very simple and rough.The food was only water, a flatbread made of unknown origin, and meat of an unknown animal. What surprised him was that meat was the cheapest.One level of first-level purification stone is about equal to three pieces of inferior stone, which can be exchanged for about [-] milliliters of water or noodle bowl-sized cakes or five catties of roasted meat among the cheapest food.That is to say, he needs at least three first-level purification stones for food, which is the nine-party defective stone.Including accommodation, you will need a total of four square first-level purification stones a day, which is about twelve square bad stones.

Ji Xiao didn't know how many purification stones he could dig out in a day, so he didn't know if he could afford it.I asked Du Lu before, but Du Lu didn't tell him how many purification stones he could dig out in a day, only that everyone is different, and it's purely a matter of character.However, Du Lu also mentioned that he has no supernatural powers, and there will not be many toxins and impurities in his body, so the chances of attracting purification stones will be high.This is also an important reason why supernatural beings like to treat ordinary people as slaves. Relatively speaking, ordinary people have a greater chance of winning the lottery.

One of these stone houses is very special. This stone house is the largest in the Gobi Desert, and it is also the most elegant and clean.There were more than a dozen people sitting inside, all in good condition like ordinary people.These people are all dressed in white robes and look very holy. They rub, cut, and grind the stone with tools in their hands.

Ji Xiao stood in front of a booth and looked around curiously, even more nervous than the stone owner standing by, he still doesn't know what those purification stones look like!

Although the tools of these stone interpreters are very simple, they can move very quickly. After dancing a few times with the stone in their hands, the purification stone inside is exposed.It is like a transparent crystal, but it is very turbid and contains many impurities.

The stone interpreter shook his head, "Defective products, the purity is very low, and the capacity is also small, less than one side."

Although the owner of the stone was disappointed, he didn't care too much. He didn't let the stone interpreter continue to untie it, but let the stone interpreter continue to untie the next piece.Stone Jieshi Jieshi is very expensive, and defective products are of little value. Most people will go back and toss by themselves. Only those with high grades and large capacity will let Jieshiren continue to extract the purification stone completely.

Ji Xiao finds it miraculous that the larger the purification stone, the larger the capacity, which completely subverts his concept of capacity.One of the purification stones was extracted and was larger than an egg, but the capacity was not as good as that of another pearl-sized purification stone.

Ji Xiao walked around the shop and found that the first-level purification stones are very rare, and there are many white stones and defective products.White stones are stones without purification stones, accounting for more than [-]%, defective stones account for [-]%, and even less than [-]% of first-level purification stones, and even more than one level of first-level purification stones are pitifully rare.Ji Xiao tried to summarize the appearance of rough stones containing purification stones, but found that they were less regular than jadeite rough stones, very willful, and completely depended on their character.

When Ji Xiao walked out of the shop, Du Lu had already brought back a basketful of rough stones.

"You are back, how is the harvest?"

Du Lu walked to an empty booth and poured out the stones with a clatter, "You did a good job, you should have better luck today."

The stall owner said with a smile: "Dulu is the luckiest person in this mining area. I have helped him solve the third-level purification stone several times before, and the other time it turned out to be a fourth-level purification stone! I hope to have the same good luck this time." .”

Du Lu had a bitter expression on his face, "The last time I saw a third-level purification stone was a year ago, and it was less than one party. Now I will be happy to have a first-level purification stone."

The stall owner also shook his head and sighed, and also missed the glory of the past, "I'm afraid this mining area will not last long. I think this mining area has developed a ninth-level high-level purification stone, which caused a sensation in the entire empire. The ninth-level purification stone Ah, if I die in this life, I will have no regrets."

Dulu laughed, "This happened hundreds of years ago, and now even imperial nobles and those famous supernatural fighters can hardly see the seventh-level purification stone."

The stall owner moved very quickly, and within a short while he untied Du Lu's basket of rough stones. In a big basket of rough stones, only one first-level purification stone was untied, and there were six or seven squares of defective products. The cost of unraveling the stone costs three defective stones.

"The harvest is not bad."

Du Lu smiled wryly, "I used to be able to get at least three first-level purification stones from a basket, and more than twenty defective stones."

The stall owner comforted: "Old man, the value here is not the purification stone for corrupted supernatural beings, but to curb the degree of corruption."

Dulu shook his head and sighed, picked up the defective stones with corners exposed and rubbed them with his hands, only to see that the stones turned into powder and flowed out from the crevices of his hands, and when he opened his hands, only the small finger-sized defective stones remained.It only took a few minutes, and all the defective stones were released.

Ji Xiao was speechless, these rough stones were very hard, Dulu could knead them into powder so easily, it was heaven against heaven!Since it's so easy to untie, why didn't you do it yourself in the first place?Kneading directly in the hole saves time and money.

Du Lu looked at Ji Xiao who was empty-handed, "You didn't buy any tools?"

"I have no money."

Du Lu's cloudy eyes were all clear, "I will lend it to you, and you will pay double tomorrow, and so on."

This usury is ruthless enough!

Looking at the worn-out baskets behind Du Lu and the chipped hoe in his hand, Ji Xiao had an idea.

"Sell me your basket and hoe, and I'll give you a first-level purification stone tomorrow."

Du Lu clicked his tongue and said, "Young man, you are smarter than me!"

I don't know why Du Lu likes to call him a boy. After Ji Xiao argued several times, Du Lu still went his own way, so Ji Xiao didn't bother to care about it.

"You won't be able to use these tools for long. I'm reusing waste, and the price is very fair." Ji Xiao figured it out clearly in his heart. He was lucky enough to recite these two days to earn this amount, and these tools can be used for at least ten days. eight days.Based on Dulu's production rate, he should be able to earn money for new tools, even if they don't repair them.But if he buys new ones, if he can't dig out so much in the past two days, unless his character explodes, he won't be able to pay back Dulu's money in his life.

"Five-party first-level purification stones, there can't be any less."

Ji Xiao frowned, "Six-party defective stone."

Du Lu was stunned, "Seven Remnant Stones!"

"make a deal."

Ji Xiao was humming a ditty at the front, and Du Lu was stroking his beard behind and muttering, "Why do I feel like I'm losing money on this business?"

After Dulu bought new tools, Dulu advised him to take off his clothes before going in.Ji Xiao looked around at other people, thought for a while and took off his clothes and trousers, but the inner board refused to take off.He is not in the habit of walking birds in the street, not even in a dark cave.Fortunately, he likes to wear big pants, and he doesn't feel shabby wearing them outside.

"Why is there no light here? How can I find the purification stone in the dark?" Ji Xiao walked into the cave with difficulty, feeling the stone wall, tripped over the stones under his feet from time to time, and got scratched several times on his body, very embarrassed.

He felt as if something was missing before, and it was only when he entered the cave that he remembered that there was no light!Not only did they not bring lights, but so did the others, all of them were acting in the dark.Unlike outside scrambling to get into the cave, the situation in the cave is much more relaxed, walking silently without any hostility, even if you step on someone, you will not be scolded, and the other party will at most give a cold snort as a warning.

Dulu proudly said: "Because we can all see, the bodies of supernatural beings have been strengthened, and their night vision is better than ordinary people like you. Of course, the most important thing is that open flame lamps will produce carbon dioxide and make people hypoxic. Other artificial lamps will Make the harvest lower."

Ji Xiao was very envious, such actions in the dark really made him feel insecure, and his walking speed was much slower than usual.Fortunately, Dulu didn't walk too fast, so he wouldn't be thrown away.

After walking for about ten minutes, the stone wall and some stones under my feet were emitting a faint light, which was very faint. If it wasn't for the darkness here, I wouldn't be able to see it at all.And the more he walked inside, there were more and more glowing stones. Although the light was very dim, it was nothing, but some light made him not feel empty in his heart.

"Huh? Are you walking well now? You haven't fallen for a long time."

Just now, Ji Xiao almost staggered a few steps and fell over a dozen steps, being laughed at by Du Lu all the time.

He had no choice but to walk on this kind of angular stone without shoes, the ground was full of potholes, and sometimes a big stone suddenly popped up in the middle of the road, which caught people off guard. It was normal for him to fall when the road was dark.His feet are probably all rotting now, as if he was stepping on a knife edge.Ji Xiao bit his lower lip to keep himself from screaming, his feet were trembling with pain, cold sweat broke out on his body, and tears came out.If it wasn't for the survival crisis, he would have given up a long time ago, and he would have to wear shoes to come in next time no matter what.

Ji Xiao was slightly surprised when he heard what Du Lu said. Didn't Du Lu see that those stones would glow?

Ji Xiao thought for a moment, then carefully asked: "Well, it seems that it's not so dark anymore, is there any difference between this road and the road in front?"

"Different? No, probably because you are used to the darkness."

That meant Duru hadn't seen the glowing stones?Is it because the light is too weak to be worth mentioning in front of the night vision of the supernatural being, so they can't see anything strange?Ji Xiao didn't express his doubts. In the unknown world, it's better to talk less, safety first, and these things will be known gradually in the future.

After walking for about ten minutes, Ji Xiao heard the sound of someone wrestling in front of him, and shouted angrily, "Idiot! I've been here for more than half a year, and I haven't adapted to the darkness here. You're such a useless piece of trash!"

The light was too dark, Ji Xiao couldn't see the people in front of him clearly, but the obedient meaning, the wrestlers should be civilians enslaved by supernatural beings. Could this civilian not see the glowing stone?As you go deeper into the cave, there are more and more glowing stones, and they are brighter than before. As long as you pay attention to your feet, it is almost impossible to fall.The deeper you went, the more people fell down, and even Dulu was tripped, but Ji Xiao felt that the cave was getting brighter and easier to walk.

Du Lu didn't see the depression in front of him, he fell down suddenly, staggered a few steps, and cursed: "Fuck, it's finally here, I fell to my death. Boy, get ready to start work."

Without Du Lu's reminder, Ji Xiao knew he had arrived.

Different from the narrow passage just now, the big hole in front of you is very wide, as big as half a football field, and you can vaguely see figures squatting everywhere.There are more and brighter luminous stones here than in the front. The most amazing thing is that these luminous bodies can swim, especially the most luminous stones, which swim most actively. Like fireflies in the dark, they can scatter light and Can merge with the light in other stones.These lights seem to dislike humans very much. As soon as humans get them, they will jump into other stones. As a result, most of the stones that fall into people's hands are the dimmest stones that do not move and have no light.

"Young man, why are you in a daze, hurry up and dig! It doesn't matter if you can't see it, just pick a few stones and throw them into the basket. Anyway, I can't tell the difference, it's just random grabbing."

Only then did Ji Xiao come to his senses, his heart was beating fast, could these lights be what he thought?

Ji Xiao didn't dare to delay, and took out tools to dig stones from the stone wall.He found that when he got the shiny stone, the light did not go away.Ji Xiao saw a very shiny stone, which was very eye-catching and attractive. Ji Xiao dug it out with great effort, but when he got the stone, the light from the nearby stones also rushed to the stone in his hand. , fused together to become brighter, it is estimated to be as bright as two or three watts of fluorescent lamps.

What shocked Ji Xiao even more was that this beam of light jumped out of the stone and swam into his hand, entering his body and dissipating into his whole body after a while.That cold feeling, like the feeling of dripping medicine into the blood vessel, is much more comfortable than that.Although the feeling was very weak, it made Ji Xiao feel refreshed all over his body like never before, and the wound pain seemed not so obvious.

Ji Xiao froze in place, what exactly is this light?

"Young man, are you done digging? Hurry up, we have to come in a few more times later." Du Lu urged.

Only then did Ji Xiao come to his senses, he only had less than a third of the contents in the basket, "I'll be ready soon, just wait a minute."

Du Lu snorted coldly to express his dissatisfaction, Ji Xiao didn't dare to delay and quickly picked up the scattered stones on the ground and put them into the basket.Half is dull, half is glowing faintly, and there is a brighter stone.

What was the matter with these glowing stones, he would soon understand!

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