[Net King] Fantasy White Night

Chapter 34: Preliminaries

The second weekend in May is the day of the regional qualifiers, and the final qualifying teams in each region are eligible to participate in the county competition.

With Li Haida's strength and self-confidence, this kind of competition is not even as good as an ordinary school practice match, so on the list for the competition, except for Bai Ye and Kirihara, who are the two main candidates, they are all alternates in the first and second grades.

It has been nearly eight months since Bai Ye joined the tennis club. His tennis skills have improved so rapidly that most people can't even imagine it. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is Li Hai's new trump card.The only shortcoming is that he has not played a game in a serious manner.

And Kirihara, as the second-year ace of Lihai University, has the potential to be favored by all seniors, and will be the next head of the tennis department.He also needs more room to grow.

As a matter of course, everyone unanimously decided to leave more competition opportunities to these two.In the preliminaries, except for one bye, Li Haida had a total of four rounds, so Kirihara and Bai Ye took turns to play the third singles of the final set - with Li Haida's level, there was no need to play a full five sets, each round Three games will be able to win the opponent.

Bai Ye carried the tennis racket and walked towards the tennis court. Senichiro Sanada was sitting on the supervisor's seat.

"Ito," Bai Ye was suddenly stopped by Sanada when he passed by, "15 minutes."


Sanada is quite familiar with someone's procrastination game habits, and said coldly: "This level of competition is not worth wasting time at all."

Ah, hello, black-faced god, don't you see that the opponent wants to kill us with his eyes?Bai Ye complained silently.

"So, what if I don't finish the game in 15 minutes?" slightly curious.

Sanada lowered the brim of his hat: "Confiscate all the novels and double the homework." For someone, this punishment is more effective than additional training or iron fist punishment.

Bai Ye blushed: "I just asked casually..."

How long is 15 minutes? During the game, the teenager who couldn't look at his watch was a little uncertain.So he changed his usual style of play and still played from the bottom line, but at the beginning he mastered the rhythm and took the initiative to attack.

Okada Kasuke looked at his opponent, the long-haired boy with a leisurely expression, and suppressed his anger.As the head of the school's tennis department, he is an ambitious person, but since he was promoted to junior high school, he encountered Li Haida in the regional preliminaries for two consecutive years, and the results were more tragic each time.

Facing the arrogant arrogance of Li Haida's group, he really wanted to destroy the pride of the other party, but the strength of the opponent was too terrifying, and all the dissatisfaction and resentment could only be suppressed in his heart.

This time will be his last chance. He hopes that his school can enter the Kanto competition under his leadership.

Singles [-] was the most critical match of this round. The opponent was someone he had never met before. Okada guessed that the weak boy was probably an ordinary member of the second grade. —Perhaps, he could use the trick he had practiced hard for half a year to defeat that unknown Li Hai tennis player, at least get back one point, and completely shatter the myth of the king Li Hai's victory, so that his opponents no longer dare to despise him.

Bai Ye had a good start, and he served the ball in the first game.He patted the yellow ball, squinted at the person opposite, and muttered: "Ah, that Okada looks a bit dull!"

The main candidates of Lihai University stood behind Sanada and watched the game.

"Pfft, what is Xiaobai talking about all by himself!"

As soon as Nioh finished speaking, he saw the long-haired boy throwing the tennis ball high and high, sending out a high-speed topspin ball.

"It's so fast," Marui blew on the bubble gum, "it's 220 kilometers per hour! It seems that the deputy minister's threat is very useful."

The characteristics of Bai Ye's tennis, the first is the extremely fast speed, and the second is the sharp rotation and weird angle.

"Fifteen, love."

Okada Kasuke held the racket tightly with both hands, his body was tilted to the left, his eyes were fixed on the spinning tennis ball beside the sideline, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on his forehead.Forced to calm his rapidly throbbing heartbeat, he tried to calm down, turning his gaze to his opponent once more.

Ito Baiya, the young man whose name he heard for the first time, was unfathomable and powerful enough to make him panic.

Another high-speed serve...

Another high-speed serve...

Okada felt that he was so suppressed that he couldn't move his body, while his opponent looked relaxed from beginning to end.

"Game Lihai Oito, 1-0."

"Swap venues."

Bai Ye walked past the supervisor's seat and asked, "Hello, how many minutes did it take me?"

Liu Lianer accurately reported the number: "Two minutes and 22 seconds."

Sanada glared at him: "Be serious."

Bai Ye choked for a moment: He was very serious today, okay, and obviously everyone said before that the opponent is too weak, so there is no need to bother.

Due to Sanada's "motivation", Bai Ye decided to maintain the previous rhythm and end the game directly.

Okada's serve is a little tricky, and his purpose is very obvious, forcing the opponent to run all over the field through the diagonal ball to consume energy.

Bai Ye immediately saw through his trick, and his footsteps slipped. Those who watched the game felt dazed. The long-haired boy had already reached the landing point of the tennis ball. Even before the ball hit the ground, he made a volley and directly hit the tennis ball back.

The speed of the return of the ball is also amazing, so that his opponent has no time to fight back.

"Ah!" Okada, who lost two points in a row, couldn't help roaring.

Bai Ye hooked the tennis line, and kindly reminded: "It's so loud that it breaks the sound. It's not good to have a broken voice, Okada-san."

His tone was relaxed and his expression was too innocent.Okada Kasuke felt that his chest was blocked by something, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe out or swallow it back.

Fumita Marui burst out laughing: "Oh, that Okada is about to go crazy with Xiaobai's anger."

Okada Kasuke could no longer calm down, and couldn't help but use the trick that he wanted to hide in the first place. It was a serve that hurt his arm and couldn't rebound.

This skill is actually not bad, but Bai Ye is used to the national level tennis skills of his teammates. It is really not difficult to catch this kind of serve - so what if you can't rebound, directly intercept the ball, return the ball to wipe the net, and land in a straight line, so that the opponent can't catch the ball at all. .

At two minutes and 47 seconds, Bai Ye broke serve.



Bai Ye tugged at the loose ponytail, sighing to himself how dangerous it was... almost being punished.

Everyone in Lihai who watched the game sighed secretly in their hearts. Sure enough, there is pressure to be motivated. In the face of Sanada's punishment, Bai Ye's slow style of play can also become fierce.

Bai Ye held a tennis racket, stood in front of the net, and stretched out his right hand towards the person opposite.

Okada stared at him steadfastly, for a long while, his palm quickly brushed against his hand, and without waiting to hold it, he immediately pulled his hand away.

"Ah, he seems to be very angry..." Bai Ye murmured, closed his hands, turned around, and walked out of the tennis court slowly.

Kirihara scratched his curly hair: "It's so ugly."

Hearing the sound, Bai Ye walked over and asked, "What is so ugly? Is it my game?"

"It's about your opponent!" Kirihara explained, with a disdainful tone, "But the match is really not interesting, the opponent is too weak."

Marui nodded in agreement: "There are no opponents worth watching in the regional preliminaries."

Bai Ye packed her tennis bag and glanced sideways at the nearby audience: "Yeah, yay, you guys are so straightforward, everyone has heard it."

"Cut," facing the angry eyes of a group of people, the kelp-headed boy rubbed his nose with his fingers, "Aren't people allowed to tell the truth!"

Sanada slapped Kirihara on the head: "Shut up!"

Bai Ye kept up with his teammates with a smile, glanced at the opponents in this round and some students from other schools watching the game out of the corner of his eye, and tapped his chin with his fingers, he suddenly felt that the teenagers in the Lihai Tennis Club were very capable of attracting hatred!

King Li Haida did have the capital of arrogance, and the other three rounds of competitions also had a perfect ending. The only place in the county competition was easily won by them.

For the teenagers in the tennis club, their daily study and training has not changed in any way from before, and they are methodical and step-by-step.However, with the start and end of the preliminaries, the news agency, which had been idle for a few days, came to Sanada again, wanting to do a special feature on the national competition.

With the persistent insistence of the news agency, Sanada finally agreed to interview the candidates after three chapters with the other party—mainly because the headmaster spoke, and the prestige of the tennis club was too high to be enough to enhance the influence of Li Haida in Kanagawa .

As one of the main candidates, Bai Ye attracted the attention of many people in the preliminaries, and of course he was also one of the key subjects of this interview.Seeing the girl who interviewed me, I was a little speechless—I really couldn’t figure out why this crying Huatian school girl always likes to be close to me?

The girl is always cautious and weak, but her personality is contradictory and stubborn.

"Can I ask Senior Ito a few questions?" Hanata Saki whispered with a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other.

Bai Ye played with the fan in boredom: "Yes." It was originally an interview with a news agency, and the other party's question was simply nonsense.

"What do Ito-senpai think about this year's Junior High School Tennis National Championship?" This is the topic of this interview.

The boy directly borrowed Sanada's answer: "There is no dead end in Lihai's three consecutive championships."

"As the main candidate, do you usually have a lot of training, and will the pressure be heavy?"

Bai Ye thought for a while: "It's okay!" He has a strong recovery ability, no matter how tired he is during training, he will recover quickly after rest. As for stress... this is an unfamiliar term for him.

Hanada Saki asked about the daily life of the tennis club intermittently. Most of Bai Ye's answers were based on what his teammates said. After all, the principle of the tennis club is to keep all information confidential.

"Can I ask a personal question?" the girl muttered.

"Tell me."

Hanata Saki directly took out a questionnaire.Bai Ye took it over and took a look, there was a black line, and there were hundreds of questions on the answer sheet, most of which were "like the most..."/"hate the most..."/"best at..." and other questions.

"Senior Ito can answer slowly," the girl stood up, "I'll come back to get the questionnaire before this weekend." She bowed and left the tennis club.

"Yagyu!" Bai Ye, who was staring at the questionnaire in a daze, immediately cheered up when he saw the purple-haired boy walking into the lounge, "I'll borrow your questionnaire for reference."

Yagyu pushed his glasses: "Ito-kun, there is no standard answer for this kind of questionnaire." Seeing that the other party's eyes were tangled, "If you don't want to answer, you don't have to fill it out."

"is this okay?"

"It's a personal matter, and you have the right to keep it private."

Bai Ye immediately relaxed: By the way, this kind of questionnaire is designed like an exam paper, so people don't have the desire to answer the questions at all.

The author has something to say: [Imitation of encyclopedia profile]

Name: Ito Byakuya

Romanization: ItoByakuya

Sex: Male

Height: 168cm

Weight: XNUM X kg

Birthday: May 3

Constellation: Aries

Blood type: type A

hair color: black

Eye color: dark blue close to black

Aliases: Dreamy White Night (previous life), Xiaobai, Pretty Sister (Xiaojin's name)

Birth Flower: The Beginning of Life - Jialan

Grade: Group A, 3rd year

Handedness: Right handed, left handed equally flexible

Playing type: bottom line type

Racquet: MIZUNO, silver white

Special skills: Ye (illusion serve), floating light (return skill), others to be perfected

Hobbies: reading novels, taking care of flowers and plants, tasting food

Frequently visited places on campus: library, garden

Good at subjects: liberal arts, physical education

Difficult subjects: mathematics, physics and chemistry, music

Use of pocket money: buying books, flowers and plants, food

What I want most now: A place where I can fly with paper cranes

Motto: no

Daily routine: practicing swords, looking after flowers and plants, cooking

Specialties other than tennis: illusion, fencing, cooking

Catchphrase: ah, ah, hello

Favorite colors: white, blue, cyan

Favorite music: Classical music (influenced by Tezuka as a child)

Favorite books: mixed tastes, read more fantasy, suspense, strange talk, unofficial history, recently came into contact with pure love novels

Family members: grandfather, parents, sister

Father's Occupation: Executive of a multinational corporation

Grandfather's Occupation: Priest of a shrine

Primary school: a private school in Florida, USA

*Spot check of items on a certain day:

1) A dead phone

2) Two blue hair ties

3) comb

4) A strange novel, a pure love story

5) A puppet doll sent by Tezuka

6) Sanada's calligraphy "Diligent Study and Practical Practice" splashed with miso soup

7) A hand-drawn road map sent by Liu Lianer

8) Yagyu's notes

9) Workbook

10) A bunch of treats

(After checking, Sanada pointed to the homework: "Too many mistakes, redo it!!"

The next day, Bai Ye got a new copybook: "Stand up and learn")

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