Reborn Trainer

Chapter 18 Marriage

Jing Yun quickly figured out what happened from the conversation of several people.

The wolves began to attack the Mi tribe a few years ago, but the purposeful movement was not obvious. Travelers who traveled between the wolves and the Mi tribe intentionally or unintentionally mentioned that the wolves were planning to expand their territory. Build houses and roads where the water comes from.

This doesn't sound like a big deal. Originally, the territory of the wolf clan was not that vast among several ancient big clans. Due to geographical restrictions, there were naturally not many clan members.Once a leader of the wolf clan mentioned the idea of ​​expanding the territory, but because most of the wolf clan is cunning and can play tricks, before the grand plan is developed, internal strife started because of the "land distribution issue", and things naturally went wrong. In the end, no one benefited.

After that incident, the wolves learned their lesson.It is no problem to let them be consistent with the outside world. Once there is not enough fear outside, and when there are huge benefits to share inside, it is very likely that they will harm themselves.

That's why for so many years, they would rather guard a semi-dry well than expand their territory.

When the traveler talked about the idea of ​​the wolf clan, he also said that he had heard it from others.The head of the Mi tribe, who is equivalent to the head of a clan, is Yuchengshui, the father of Yuhua.Jing Yun read a long series of weird pronunciations while listening to the childbirth painting, and then said "birth into water" in the language of the dragon nationality.Before he could react, Long Ling explained, "It's Mi Chang's original name."

Only then did Jing Yun find a gray-haired old man from his distant memory.

Mi Chang, similar to the title of the patriarch.Compared with the big clans, the tribal territories are small, they don't have their own army and professional law codes, and they don't have special law enforcement officers. Regardless of the size of the affairs, the power of life and death is decided by the elders or elders with sufficient status.

These tribes are scattered all over the place, or rely on the big clan to survive, or hide in the old forest without asking about world affairs, or like the Mi tribe, they don't hide themselves, but they don't attach to any big clan, they have their own way The law of survival has the necessary conditions to maintain one's own survival, and can also use these conditions to do business with various clans.

If it is not necessary, no big clan will invade these tribes.One is that they are too lazy to waste energy, the other is that they don’t want to waste resources, and the third is that these tribal people either have special skills or abilities that others cannot replace. If the whole family moves away, the territory will belong to the attacker, but so what?

Maybe you still have to send people to build and renovate, encourage the tribe to emigrate, and redeploy the people in charge of the local area, but even if you spend a lot of energy and manpower on this, you will not get what you originally wanted.

The Mi tribe is one of these tribes. Traveling merchants often come and go among their tribes, because their woodcarving products, snacks that are only produced every March, and complicated and diverse fabrics are the best. Entertainer.

Because some fabrics are favored by the wives of the chief patriarch, the Mi tribe has also benefited a lot.It's just that the tribe is still inferior to the big clan, and occasionally has to rely on the charity of the big clan, especially when natural disasters occur, the weakness of the tribe will be fully exposed.

So even though Yuhua didn't feel that he was inferior, he still followed his father's teachings, showed full etiquette and demeanor, and showed absolute friendliness to his old partners.With the priest Jing Ming present, she was even more cautious.

"It is reasonable to say that the wolf clan should not make such a decision at this time. It is almost Bailu, and the month after Bailu is the fixed "harvest season" of the wolf clan every year. They have to be busy with celebrations and rewards for a year's hard work The laboring clansmen, and the parade of the priests of the wolf tribe." Yi Hua shook his head and said: "My father and I both think this is just a rumor heard by the traveling businessman."

Elder Xian shook his head, "Where there is no wind, there are no waves. How could there be such rumors?"

Tong Hua thought for a while, "Perhaps the itinerant businessman was bought by someone to spread rumors on purpose."

Elder Xian raised his eyebrows and looked at the other elders. He didn't say anything, but the meaning was self-evident—do you think it's possible?

Elder Yi has always been cautious, he is a person who likes to think too much, this time he naturally disagrees with Mi Chang and Princess Yuhua's too hasty determination, he stroked his long beard and shook his head and said: "I can't see, who is so boring Want to buy people's hearts and spread rumors? Even if it is spread rumors, let's think about the reason why the other party did this, is there any benefit?"

Yu Hua was stopped by the question, she lowered her head and looked at the ground, frowning.

Long Ling glanced around the crowd, and while pulling Jing Yun to lead him to the wooden chair next to him, he said, "I think the same as Elder Xian, and I also agree with what Princess Yuhua said."

The others looked at him immediately.

Jing Yun also had some calculations in his heart. He guessed that Long Ling was thinking the same as himself, so he listened carefully.

Long Ling said: "I am afraid that the wolves really have the idea of ​​expanding their territory, but they may not do it right away. The Mi tribe is close to the downstream water source, compared to always needing to buy water from traveling merchants, or go a long way to bypass the Mi tribe. Going to fetch water is not a cost-effective thing. If it were me, I would choose to open a canal from the wolf city that runs through the Mi tribe, so that I don’t have to worry about the annual drought.”

Jing Yun agreed in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.Jing Ming took a look at Long Ling and said, "The elders and I also think the same, then we can conclude that this is not a rumor, but that the wolf tribe deliberately released the rumor, but the patriarch said that what Princess Yuhua said was not wrong. what does it mean?"

Long Ling said calmly, "Let me ask, if the Tiger Clan suddenly said that they wanted to attack us, what would you think?"

Jing Ming was taken aback, "It must be the whole family's strength to fight to the end."

Long Ling nodded and looked at the others.

Elder Xian half-closed his eyes, stroked his beard, and said slowly: "The Tiger Clan wants to eat the Dragon Clan, but I'm afraid the Wolf Clan and the Eagle Clan will not agree. As long as we find the right time to ask for help, we will definitely get help."

If it wasn't for the sudden attack by the Tiger Clan back then, Dragon City wouldn't have suffered such a big loss.

Long Ling nodded, and his eyes fell on Jing Yun who seemed to be in a daze.

"Jing Yun, what do you think?"

Jing Yun raised his eyes and saw that other people were looking at him. After thinking for a while, he said half-truthfully: "The wolf clan and the eagle clan will not let the tiger clan dominate, but... if we ask for help, I'm afraid it will be too late." If we can't get any benefits, the wolves are cunning, and they will definitely take the opportunity to open their mouths. According to Jing Yun, it is better for us to fight back first than to sit and wait for death, so it is better to catch them off guard?"

Long Ling frowned, "The first half of the story still sounded like that, what's the mess in the second half? Are you jumping into someone else's pit by yourself?"

Jing Yun raised a smile and stuck out his tongue.

Long Ling had nothing to do with him, she looked back and said, "The words of the priest and Elder Xian are both reasonable, especially the words of the priest, although they seem simple, have a lot of meaning in their ears."

Jing Ming raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

"When I suddenly learned that my homeland was going to change, I think everyone's heart must be filled with anger, but the panic is still behind. Even if the wolf clan can be defeated at this time, they will definitely suffer certain losses. I believe that the Mi tribe It won’t be caught without a fight.”

He looked at Yuhua, and Yuhua nodded affirmatively, "For thousands of years, we have been independent from the outside world and not subject to the jurisdiction of any big family. It is like this today, it will be like this tomorrow, and it will always be like this in the future."

Long Ling nodded, "Although the Mi tribe is good at handmade products, the warriors of the tribe may not lose to the wolf tribe. On the contrary, due to long-term carving and other reasons, their arm muscles and strength are very developed. In terms of bow and arrow range and marksmanship, it is still uncertain. Above the wolves. If it is a war of attrition, even if the wolves win, they will not get much advantage. But what if this news is revealed to the traveling merchants everywhere, so that they can consciously let the Mi tribe know?"

Jing Yun secretly nodded in his heart.

As expected, Long Ling thought the same as himself. Compared with the sudden change, boiling the frog in warm water is obviously a better way.The wolf tribe and the Mi tribe met not far away, and there has been business contact between the two.

If the news is released intentionally, but the source and authenticity of the news cannot be determined, just like what Yacho did this time, although it feels weird, he feels that it is impossible for the wolf clan to do such a thing that hurts others and does not benefit himself, so he doesn't care too much.

It's just that Mi Chang was more thoughtful and sent his daughter to send a letter to the old acquaintances, otherwise the plan of the wolf clan might really succeed.

Thinking of this, Jing Yun heard Long Ling say: "When the businessmen on both sides come and go, the wolf clan raises the purchase price and intends to release friendship. Unexpected good benefits, no one is unwilling to live a better life. As long as the clansmen of the wolf clan deliberately convey that "even if one day merges with the tribe, they will not change each other, on the contrary The thought of being able to live better, Princess Yuhua, do you think that after three or five years of this kind of life, after you get used to this kind of "friendliness", you will still resist when the patriarch of the wolf tribe is looking for you for peace talks ?"

Yu Hua was stunned for a moment, because she couldn't be sure whether such a thing would really happen.

A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on the little princess's back.

Jing Yun said: "At that time, there will be no bloodshed."

Long Ling nodded, Jing Yun looked at him, the two looked at each other, and Jing Yun had a smile in his eyes, "The patriarch is so smart, he saw through the wolf clan's tricks in just a few words. But the wolf clan is really cunning, if it is another big clan, Maybe it’s impossible to wait for three to five years, but if it’s a wolf clan, it’s not necessarily true.”

Like wild wolves, they have excellent patience and excellent division of labor and coordination.

As long as they all stand together, no prey can escape.

Long Ling raised the corners of his mouth, "You finally missed the horse's leg, I'll be rewarded for that."

The smile in Jing Yun's eyes melted immediately, he saw Long Ling's complacent appearance, and his heart was filled with warm affection.This kind of Longling is his favorite Longling. He talks and laughs with confidence. When he was young, he was full of ambition, but when he was an adult, he was reserved and domineering that no one could resist.

He can always say a lot of surprising things, like this time.I have already experienced a lot of things, so it is not surprising that some things can be thought of, but Long Ling is only 13 years old now, and the elders usually teach how to shoulder their own responsibilities, improve their moral cultivation, and manage their clansmen well.

But some things, placed on some people, are already born.

Jing Yun was relieved and pleasantly surprised, seeing Yu Hua's stunned look from the corner of his eye, and felt a little uncomfortable.

He thought that he had already made up his mind that he would not have anything to do with him in this life, as long as the other party could live his life safely, he would have no regrets.But who would have thought that the details that I didn't pay attention to when I was young, now I look at them, they are extremely dazzling, and they are deeply attracted to me, as if I want to... fall in love again.

Yu Hua didn't pay attention to Jing Yun's complex expression, she quickly came back to her senses, and immediately understood the seriousness of the matter, and said, "I'll go back and inform my father right away!"

But Long Ling said: "Princess wait a minute, I have something to ask the princess."

Yu Hua looked at him strangely, took back the steps that were about to leave, and nodded, "Please."

"Is it really that bad to cooperate with the wolf clan?" Long Ling's question was so bold and direct that Elder Deyi almost jumped up.But he was gently held down by the elder Zhi beside him.

Long Ling ignored the surprised gaze of the childbirth painting, and continued: "Actually, if the canal is opened, you will have more benefits. I know that Mi Chang has always wanted to open a canal, but manpower and energy are limited, and money is very limited. is the problem."

Yuhua frowned, looked at Longling, and found that he was asking sincerely, so he also answered seriously: "I'm afraid that Yuhua is not qualified to promise anything to the patriarch, but if you think about it from the standpoint of the tribal people , working with such a wolf clan who are good at strategy and design, I don't think we can get any benefits in the end. As the patriarch said, they can take three to five years or even longer to remove our defenses. Once we Nod, I believe that according to the nature of the wolves, they will get back from us twice as much as they have sacrificed over the years."

Long Ling raised his eyebrows, and for the first time really admired the little girl in front of him.

11 years old is not too young, but it is not considered mature either.For a princess of a small tribe, she's done too well, enough to command attention.

Long Ling raised a smile, "Thank you for your answer, I think I feel relieved a lot."

Yu Hua reacted and smiled, "So the patriarch is worried that we will be bribed? You can rest assured that the Mi tribe is not a fool, and they know who is the best partner."

She said, saluted and hurried out to reply to the letter.

Jing Yun watched the little girl leave neatly, and the pink skirt was gently pulled up by the wind at the door, forming a beautiful arc.Long Ling looked at her back with an unpredictable expression.

Jing Yun suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, his fingers involuntarily grasped the armrest of the wooden chair, and subconsciously shouted: "Patriarch!"

Long Ling withdrew his gaze and looked back, maintaining the gentleness of the conversation with Yu Hua just now, raised his eyebrows slightly, "Huh?"

Jing Yun opened his mouth, but was a little speechless.

The huge sense of gap spread from the inside to the outside, making him feel that the last moment was full of sweetness, and the moment was so bitter that he wanted to cry.

"...It's nothing." Jing Yun frowned, and slowly stood up, "I want to go to Dr. He to see the injury."

Long Ling nodded, "Go."

He said, then turned to look at the attendants in the room, "Go and follow the princess, and report back to me immediately if you have any orders."


The man left quickly, Jing Yun walked to the door in a daze, and just stepped out with one foot, Elder Xian said slowly behind him: "Yu Hua is a good girl."

Long Ling hummed.

Jing Yun couldn't see his expression, and his heart suddenly became a mess.

Elder Xian said again: "There are two years left before the patriarch will get married. What does the patriarch think... how about the childbirth picture?"

Jing Yun's heart skipped a beat, and he left the house almost stiffly.

Long Ling seemed to say something, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

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