Reborn Trainer

Chapter 41 Wearing the Gang

The bamboo hat covered half of Shi An's face, making it even more difficult to see clearly in the darkness.The leader didn't bother to ask, and hurriedly said: "How do you know who we are looking for?! Where did they go?!"

"Out of the city, over the wall." Shi An pointed behind him, "I saw you from a distance."

The leader immediately shouted: "Come out from the inn! Stop searching! Take a team out of the city immediately!"

He pulled Shi An over while shouting, "Where did you come from? With that group of people?"

"The two of us are just servants." Shi An raised his bamboo hat, and quickly glanced at the dragon clan standing in front of him.

Those people were obviously stunned, their eyes were fixed on Jing Yun who was still nodding his head, their faces were pale.

They didn't know what Yantian and the others planned, but the young man in black wearing a bamboo hat was obviously not someone they knew.

Did the priest really fall asleep or was he fainted?

Shi An only took a hasty glance, then put down the bamboo hat and continued: "My younger brother is sick, they treat us as a burden and leave us behind."

The leader glanced at Jing Yun. In such a noisy environment, this little baby is actually sleeping soundly?This half believed Shi An's words.

"You two come with me." The leader said: "The Lord City Lord will ask you some things."

He paused, then added: "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you."

Shi An nodded, carrying the burden on his back, holding his big eyes, and followed the leader.When passing by the dragon people, those people stretched out their hands nervously, as if they wanted to hold him.

He turned his head and said in a very low voice: "Leave here as soon as the door opens tomorrow morning, and you can find Yantian by the woods outside the city."

The man was taken aback, and immediately took his hand back.After all the people and horses left, his companion pushed him a bit, "That's right, Mr. Priest! Shall we go and save..."

"No need." The man waved his hand with an incredulous expression on his face, "I think...that young man's voice just now is a bit like..."


"... Forget it, Brother Yan must have ordered this. Let's not make decisions on our own. Let's leave early tomorrow morning!"

"it is good."

The city lord stayed up in the middle of the night and drank three cups of extremely strong bitter tea. He sat in the lobby full of ruthlessness, and his attendants stood aside and did not dare to say anything until he saw the night outside No.18 times. There was finally a voice at the door.

The attendant let out a long breath, and whispered: "My lord, it is Jiang Yu who has returned."

The mayor narrowed his eyes and hummed.

Jiang Yu is the leader of the patrol team. In the middle of the night, he went from house to house looking for people, and he was worried that he would be punished if he could not find anyone back. His face was already covered in sweat under the situation of shock and anxiety. He brought two A child hastily entered the door, and when he saw the city lord, he immediately saluted and said: "My lord! The person who knows the inside story has been brought back!"

The city lord never expected that his subordinates would bring back two children.A child was still confused, being carried on the back by a boy in black and wearing a bamboo hat.

"Nonsense!" The city lord slammed the cup down, causing Jing Yun to tremble, but there was still no sign of waking up, he just muttered something in a daze, and rubbed his cheek against Shi An's back.

At this time, Shi An brought back the mask again, standing under the lights, it seemed that he was completely unaffected by popularity, cold from head to toe.

The city lord shouted: "Jiang Yu, have you eaten the guts of a leopard?! You dare to perfunctory me after catching two children?!"

"No, my lord!" Jiang Yu was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and said straightly: "They are the same gang as the thieves who offended you, but the older one ran away and left the younger one behind!"

"What?" The city lord frowned, then looked at the child again, "You." He pointed at Shi An, "Why are you wearing a mask? Take the mask off for me."

"No." Shi An said coldly: "Cao Min is sick and cannot see the light."

"Bold!" The city lord was about to get angry again, but the attendant quickly stopped him and whispered, "My lord, these are just two children. Our wolf tribe has always protected our cubs, no matter whether they are members of the wolf tribe or not. If outsiders find out go……"

He paused, "We have An Xun's eyeliner in Guangming City. If he catches you, your position will be lost, my lord."

The city lord was startled, and then restrained his temper, took a deep breath and said: "Forget it, just wear it. My child, let me ask you, what happened to the Fuji Inn?"

Shi An carefully put Jing Yun down, let him lean against him, brushed his fingers over Jing Yun's forehead, his face hidden in the mask became gloomy, but his tone was still calm and indifferent, and he said slowly: "I and This is the first time for the master to come to the Wolf Clan, and the master wanted to do some small business, but was deceived by the people from the Fuji Inn, and they teamed up to rob us of our money."

Shi An stroked Fu Jingyun's shoulder again, "The master hurt someone in a fit of anger, and he was afraid of being punished by the city lord, so he tied up a few deceitful guys and sent them to the adult's house. The master originally wanted to do something It's a good thing, it's inevitable that someone will be deceived by them in the future, but I didn't expect to anger the adults."

The city lord snorted coldly, "Hearing what you said, your master still has some tricks to do? It's no wonder they can escape... Who is this next to you?"

"He is my younger brother." Shi An said: "We are the servants that the master bought on the way. My younger brother is not in good health recently. The master thought he was a drag, and now he sees the matter and ignores us."

The city lord raised his lips, "You just said that you can't see the light, and your brother looks so weak, heh, little brother, you can teach me, what a stupid businessman it takes to buy you two useless servant?"

Shi An fell silent for a while, and didn't say anything for a while.

There was a dangerous silence in the room, and after a long while, the city lord said gloomily, "It's full of nonsense, it's impossible to treat my Guangming city lord as blind and deaf! Come on!"

"Wait..." A weak voice sounded, it sounded like half of the breath was stuck in his throat.

Several people immediately looked at the little doll.

Jing Yun just felt uncomfortable all over, and he didn't know what was going on. For a second in his memory, he was still thinking about how to get out of the city, and then... the memory was interrupted.

Now his body is uncomfortably hot, he probably has a fever, his limbs have no strength at all, he can only lean on Shi An like a boneless person.

Shi An's body was very cool, which slightly reduced the restlessness in his heart.

"My lord, although my elder brother can't see the light, he can do things quickly and won't cause trouble to the master. I'm just not acclimatized for the past two days... probably because I came to the wolf clan for the first time, but I didn't have any illnesses before. .”

Jing Yun looked at the person sitting on the seat with watery eyes, and said sadly: "Now that my two brothers have no master, I don't know what to do next. Maybe the master left us on purpose so that he can escape smoothly. , if my lord falls into the trap like this, who will I tell my brothers about their hardships?"

The city lord frowned and stared at him for a while, and the attendant next to him also said: "My lord... these two children are not old, what can they lie to us? Maybe they were really left by the thief to take the blame."

The wolf family protects the cubs, whether they are from their own family or not, as long as they are children, they will not be too strict.But they are not merciful to real enemies.

Although the city lord has a grumpy and ruthless temper, but after all, he has just added a newcomer to the family.Thinking of the child in the room, and looking at the poor Jing Yun in front of him, all kinds of doubts were finally suppressed.

"That's all." He stood up and waved his sleeves, "Come here, take them out... find a doctor for that child, he blushed like that, I'm afraid he has a severe fever."

Jiang Yu immediately responded, and stepped forward to hug Jing Yun.

Shi An didn't want him to touch it at first, but seeing Jing Yun's flushed cheeks, he finally let him go.

The doctor in the medical center was dug up in the middle of the night, and was about to yell at someone, but when he saw the doll in Jiang Yu's hand, he yelled, all anger was forgotten, and he was busy letting people in.

Turning on the lamp, Jing Yun's face became even uglier under the lamplight.

"This, this, this, why did you come here after it was burned like this! If it is later, it will be life-threatening!" The old doctor said angrily, and was busy fetching water and medicine again.

Jiang Yuping was scolded for no reason, he couldn't speak, so he had to stand by the side for a while, then turned to Shi An and said, "I still want to find the escaped thief, you..."

"With me here, sir, don't worry." Shi An said, "I will watch over my younger brother."

Jiang Yu nodded, put down the money again, then turned around and went out the door.

The old doctor didn't bother to ask what was going on, and sent Shi An running up and down to change the decoction.

It wasn't until dawn that Jing Yun's fever subsided completely.The old doctor let out a sigh of relief, he was extremely tired, and patted Shi An on the shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work, the old man should go to sleep for a while, you should also rest."

Shi An nodded, and when the old doctor closed the door and left, he collapsed on the side of the bed as if exhausted, looked sideways at Jing Yun's sleeping face for a while, took off his mask, and leaned over to kiss the child's forehead.

"It's been a while since I've seen you, and you've tossed yourself like this." Shi An sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand and pinched the child's fingers, put the mask back on, and fell asleep leaning against the bedpost.

Shi An slept very alertly this time, and he woke up as soon as Jing Yun made any movement.

Jing Yun opened his eyes and looked at the bedpost for a while, seemed to remember what had happened, and frowned and looked at Shi An.

"You..." He squinted his eyes, seemed to want to say something, but swallowed it back, and said, "Where are the others?"

"They left first." Shi An told the story from the beginning to the end, and at the end he wondered: "Since you don't know, why did you still have a good conversation with the city lord last night?"

Jing Yun said lazily: "I was already awake when the city lord threw the cup. After listening to half of what you said, I can make a rough guess."

Shi Anfang kept holding his hand and stood up, saying: "Young master is brave and smart, I admire you."

Jing Yun stared at him for a while and asked, "Did we meet somewhere?"

"No." Shi An shook his head, "I'm just passing by."

"Where are you from?"

"...No home, no father and no mother, living in all over the world."

Jing Yun stopped asking, and said after a while: "You are very similar to someone I know."

"Oh?" Shi An thought for a while, "What kind of image?"

"I can't say it, it's just a feeling." Jing Yun sat up and felt that his limbs finally had some strength, so he stretched his shoulders and said, "Brother, please, can you pour me a glass of water?"

"Okay." Shi An immediately turned around to look for tea, but found that there was a medicine stove in the room but no teapot, so he had to go out to look for it.

As soon as he left, the blank look on Jing Yun's face disappeared.Squinting your eyes and grinding your teeth: Good you Longling, do you really think I'm a fool and can't see it?Don't say you changed your voice and blocked your face, I can recognize you even if you turn into ashes!

big liar.

Jing Yun suddenly fell into the bed, stared at the bedpost and thought: What did you say let me do it, but he slipped out? !The dignified patriarch actually disregarded the safety of his clansmen, what kind of thing did he do!

How long has he followed this way?When did you start following?Do you have anyone with you?In case something happens halfway, no one knows what to do? !

Jing Yun didn't want to think about it, the more he thought about it, the colder he felt all over his body, and he almost vomited blood with anger.

That person always said he was stubborn, obviously he himself was not much better!This temper... Jing Yun grinds his teeth, no, he must let him know that this matter is wrong!

"The water is coming." Shi An pushed the door open and came in, Jing Yun closed his eyes and swallowed his anger.

"Do you want me to help you?" Shi An stood by the bed holding water and looked at him.

"No...thank you." Jing Yun sat up, took the water and poured it down, and asked, "I seem to be healed, what shall we do next?"

Shi An stretched out his hand to probe his forehead, and said after making sure it wasn't burned, "Let's get out of the city sometime."

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