Reborn Trainer

Chapter 55 Chapter Family

After staying in Shawar Town for another half a month, Su Ying was taken away by the men called by Langyuan.Jing Yun's health improved a lot, and he was supervised by the world to take the medicine like a meal every day, and the blood finally returned to his face, and his spirit improved.

Long Ling never showed a sad face after losing his temper that day, and just chatted with Jing Yun all day long. Jing Yun always felt awkward about the relationship between the two, but he couldn't bear to reject the person in front of him, so he had to obediently obey.

Seeing that Jing Yun was recovering, Long Ling was finally willing to have a good talk with Lang Yuan. In fact, both of them knew that the matter of cooperation had already been settled.

To show his sincerity, Lang Xian also specially found a special herb that can only be found in the northern desert, called "Moon Glory Grass". beautiful grass.

Its leaves are crescent-shaped, and its roots are deeply rooted, and the best part of the medicine is the stem part. It is boiled for three days and three nights, and finally the medicine dregs are refined into pills. The decoction can strengthen the body and prolong life. The elixir can clear fire and detoxify, and can also suppress impatience.

You only need to take one elixir a day. After the medicine is refined, Long Ling asked Jing Yun to take it after making sure that there is no other harm.

Regarding Long Ling being so cautious, and even somewhat suspicious of Lang Xian's sincerity, Lang Yuan said it didn't matter, so the cooperation plan between the two went smoothly.

What is known so far is that the bishop wants to find more priests to achieve the effect of testing the medicine. Su Ying was arrested, whether Lang Xian can get the antidote, and whether he can sneak into the teaching circle has become an unknown, but Lang Xian decided to take the risk Take the initiative to contact the bishop and try again.

The map Lang Xian given by Su Ying has been confirmed to be true. They don't know what the bishop wants Jing Yun to find, but there must be something the bishop needs.

Originally, Lang Xian and Su Ying's plan was to snatch him away halfway. According to the old plan, go to the point on the map first, and return to the altar after finding something.

"Then shall we act separately now, or together?" Long Ling looked at the two of them, "I want to take Yun'er back to the clan to recuperate first."

"Where's the map?" Lang Yuan looked at him.

"Su Ying once said, can other people use those flowers?"

Lang Xian thought for a while, "It stands to reason that if you are only looking for ancient giant beasts, then anyone can go. As for the kind of flowers Su Ying mentioned... since he only looked for Jing Yun, it is possible that only Jing Yun Just do it."

"I think so too." Yan Yun raised his hand, stood aside and said, "Patriarch, only we adults are the real ones, the others are all fake, maybe only adults can have an effect on that flower .”

Yan Yun's words were justified, and the others looked at each other and nodded.

"In this case, as long as Jing Yun doesn't go, they have nothing to do." Long Ling said: "Then let him wait. As for the giant beast... our team will continue to check."

"Didn't it mean that only priests can control giant beasts?" Lang Xian was a little worried, "If there is one, I'm afraid there's nothing they can do about it with so few people."

"Do you really think there is?" Long Ling glanced at him, "The ancient giant beast, although I don't know what it looks like, is not an ordinary person. It has been hiding in a valley for hundreds of years without being discovered by anyone? Do you think it is possible? ?"

Lang Xian really had nothing to do with the child's violent temper, so he could only say, "Forget it, do whatever you want."

"Let's split up." Seeing that the two had made an agreement, Lang Yuan nodded and said, "We will continue to track the bishop's whereabouts, and we will also pay attention to the tiger clan's movements in private. We will contact you if there is any news."

Long Ling nodded, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he thought of taking Jing Yun back.

So people sent a letter to the elder first, without specifying the specific reason, but simply said that Timo was injured and could not move on, and the investigation was temporarily terminated.

So on the second day, several people packed their bags and said goodbye to each other. Langyuan even sent out a small group of people to secretly escort Long Ling and the others back. The brothers from the Yan family couldn't protect them personally because they wanted to continue leading the team on the road. They were escorted by people from Langyuan. Anyway, feel at ease.

Because He Shiren wanted to take care of Jing Yun's body, he also followed him back.

Entering Guangming City again, Long Ling thought it was funny when he thought of the previous oolong incident.

He was riding with Jing Yun at the same time. Since Jing Yun lost his memory, his originally quiet character became more silent, but his face no longer had the look of anxiety and worry, but was much simpler.

Long Ling touched his head and asked, "Do you remember when we came here before? You were plotted against by a group of people and your money was robbed."

"Really?" Jing Yun was surprised, "No one was injured, right?"

Long Ling comforted herself, the child would only think of others at all times, what else could this be, if not the gentlest person in the world?

He also thought of Jing Yun's cruelty to Su Ying, and forcibly suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.Lang Yuan just made a big fuss, hmph, what does he know about Yun'er?

In a short period of time, the Fuji Inn has been remodeled into a small tavern, and the owner has also changed. The plaque reads "Drunk for half a lifetime", and there is a line of small words "Why give a gift of floating life" below it.

This is much more literary than the previous Fuji Inn.

The waiter in the restaurant saw a few people from a distance, and his eyes fell on Lang Yuan. He was startled, and hurriedly saluted, "Patriarch! Master Priest!"

Lang Xian turned to look at Long Ling, "Should we rest here? Or keep going?"

Long Ling glanced at the little girl, thinking of the bad things going on here, no matter how decent this restaurant is, it still makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Forget it, let's keep going." He pulled the rein of the horse, "Drive!"

The horse quickly left the front of the restaurant.

Jing Yun turned his head and glanced at the restaurant strangely.

Although I don't know why... But I seem to feel a familiar atmosphere. Although familiar, it is not friendly, and it makes people uncomfortable.

"Yun'er?" Long Ling looked down at him, saw him lying on his shoulder and looking behind, and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"..." Jing Yun thought for a while, but decided to say it out, "That restaurant is weird."

Lang Yuan and Lang Xian looked over, and Lang Xian frowned, "What's so weird?"

"There is a bad smell." Jing Yun felt that he couldn't explain clearly, so he had to say, "Anyway, it makes people uncomfortable."

Lang Xian nodded, "I will send someone to watch over here."

Long Ling turned to look at him, "You believe everything he says? Is it too much fuss?"

Lang Xian smiled, "This is a real priest, his ability will only get stronger and stronger in the future, so I naturally believe him."

Long Ling snorted, noncommittal.

Soon a few people arrived at the gate of the wolf tribe, and the wolf yuan did not send them off, but secretly ordered the guards to protect them secretly.

"You..." Long Ling looked at him and then at Lang Xian, and couldn't help asking: "Do you really want to contact the bishop?"

"Then what else can we do?" Lang Xian looked at him, "How about using Mr. Timo to lure him out?"

Long Ling immediately changed his face, "Don't even think about it!"

"That's it." Lang Xian shrugged, "We don't need to be a little kid to worry about, don't worry."

"Who's worried about you?" Long Ling was speechless at this man's thick skin, pulled the reins and left, "There will be a period later!"

Lang Xian couldn't help laughing, and shouted from a distance: "You forgot something."

Jing Yun turned his head to look, and saw a tall wild deer with long horns running towards the road, with obsidian-like eyes fixed on Jing Yun, and rushed straight over.

"Big eyes?" Long Ling slapped his head, "Sorry, I forgot about you."

Big Eyes spat angrily, then rubbed his head in front of Jing Yun.

Jing Yun stretched out his hand to touch it, and asked curiously, "This... came to find me?"

"It was originally yours." Long Ling put him on Big Eye, "Let's go, let's go home."

The journey was smooth and smooth, Long Ling raised all his vigilance, but luckily nothing happened again.

When they could see the dragon city gate, the elders had been waiting at the gate for several days.

"Here we come!" Elder Zhi said excitedly, "My God, I'm finally back."

Elder Xian also breathed a sigh of relief, "Seeing the patriarch's letter made us unable to eat and sleep well, so we can only rest assured here."

Long Ling felt a little guilty, dismounted and hugged Jing Yun, and led him to apologize to the elders, "I'm sorry, I made the elders worry."

"Forget it, just be safe." Elder Xian hugged the two children into his arms, his arms even trembling slightly.

Elder Ya, who had been deaf all year round, kept repeating at this time, "It's fine as long as it's fine."

Long Ling felt warm in his heart, this is his home, this is the place he wants to protect, it must not be destroyed casually!

Jing Yun was also a little flattered, and after being hugged for a while, he said: "Elders... hello."

Elder Xian patted his head, "I heard that you were injured, where is the injury? Are you okay?"

"..." Jing Yun glanced at Long Ling, seeing the encouraging look he gave him, he had no choice but to say: "I'm sorry, I... have lost my memory."

"Amnesia?!" Several elders collectively stared wide-eyed, only the deaf Elder Ya continued to repeat, "It's fine, it's fine."

Elder Xian: "..."

Jing Yun was taken back to Long Ling's mansion to rest, while Long Ling went to discuss matters with several elders non-stop.

This talk went into the middle of the night, and Jing Yun felt guilty staying alone in the mansion, so he had to wait and wait with the lamp on, but this wait was until the second day.

Jing Yun didn't know when he fell asleep lying on the table. When he woke up, Long Ling was hugging himself with dissatisfaction, "Why don't you go to bed? You are just a little better, but you want to make yourself sick ?”

"I'm sorry." Jing Yun looked at the dark circles under the young man's eyes, and touched them with some distress, "I didn't expect you to take so long, I want to wait for you to come back."

"...It's my fault, I didn't tell you." Long Ling kissed his fingers, satisfied to see that Jing Yun's ears were red, and said: "Are you still sleepy? If you don't want to sleep, I will take you to a place."

"Don't sleep anymore." Jing Yun sat up, "Where are we going?"

Long Ling took Jing Yun to the tallest tower in the city. The bell rang before the wind moved. The scenery from here was refreshing.

"It's so beautiful." Jing Yun stood on the tower, the wind blew the hair on his forehead, making his expression look more docile and pleasant.

Long Ling touched his face, "The night we got married, you hid here with Qi Sheng."

"Qi Sheng?"

"The person you treat as your own brother is a useless brat whose greatest use is to make you happy." Long Ling pinched his nose, his eyes full of doting.

Jing Yun was a little embarrassed, but felt that such a Long Ling looked reassuring.

He smiled, "Then should I go and see him?"

"Not busy." Long Ling hugged him and looked at the scenery below. There were people coming and going on the small street, and on the other side were large valleys and lush forests.

Summer has passed long ago, but the wind in late autumn still carries a sense of dryness and heat.The leaves of the trees in the forest are beginning to turn yellow, and layers of green or golden colors overlap together, like a painting by magic, which is too beautiful to behold.

"He knows you're back, so he will naturally come to you." Long Ling hugged him and sat on the railing, putting his arms around him, "Finally back, let's have a quiet time together."

"...En." Jing Yun nodded, remembering that he had died together before, he couldn't help but feel strange, and was full of curiosity about the surroundings, turning his head left and right to look.

A big bird flew from the sky, with off-white feathers and a bright yellow beak.It squealed loudly and looked at Jing Yun with a stern look.

Jing Yun was about to raise his hand to let it fall, when he saw it fly up again in panic, and soon disappeared.

Jing Yun: "..."


There was a loud roar, mixed with the child's surprise.Jing Yun looked down, and saw a child downstairs riding a horse, holding a bow and arrow, and a gray-black wolf cub beside him.

He was looking up at himself, his little face was dirty, but his eyes made people couldn't help but like them.

"Oh..." Long Ling sighed, "Your annoying brother is here."

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