It took another month for Shuji Tsushima's injury to heal in sevens and eighties, but only on the surface, with a layer of scabs, but in fact it was still festering inside and could not heal.

To ask why he knew—

[Status: The maximum life value in this copy is permanently reduced by 30%, cursed and unhealable wound (the wound remains festered permanently and cannot be healed), and the immunity in this copy is permanently reduced by 30%. 】

Shuji Tsushima huddled under the blanket.

The maximum life value...does it mean the lifespan?

【no. 】

What does that mean?


Just when Shuji Tsushima thought that this was also an unexplainable matter, the game system opened his mouth.

[The maximum life value is linked to the body's immunity. 】

……That's it?

Shuji Tsushima thinks that the system didn't give out all the information, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it's just a game, and the body in the dungeon probably won't survive this winter, so it's better to die than suffer...


Shuji Tsushima, who was basking in the sun in the corridor, sneezed a little, and was immediately covered tightly by Daguro with his coat.

"Children, keep warm." Dahei, who looks serious but actually likes children, told me, "Huangba specifically told me to take good care of you when he vomited out of the house."

"Really ~ Lord Kamikaze is too exaggerated~" Shuji Tsushima shook his legs, "If it's really time, Lord Kamito won't be able to stop it, right?"

Dahei looked at Shuji Tsushima with a calm face, and sighed: "You are such a peculiar child."

Not afraid of death, but also possesses strange abilities.

"Well..." Shuji Tsushima smiled lowly, "Probably because I've been looking forward to death~"

If you die earlier, you can complete the dungeon earlier and go offline to sleep!


Only then did Dahei understand the meaning of Huangba Tu's exhortation before leaving.

It turns out that this child... is a child with a world-weary personality?

Shuji Tsushima tilted his head: "Mr. Dakoku, is it the character that you want to get to the bottom of everything?"

Please don't ask, he hasn't made up the reason yet!

"Sorry." Dahei apologized dryly, "Also, it's time to drink medicine."

Shuji Tsushima, who became stiff after drinking the medicine: ...

Western medicine is really a good civilization, eh.


The crescent flower is a flower that only blooms on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Only the size of a child's palm, there are seven petals in total, each petal is as white as jade, and it will emit a faint white light under the moonlight.

This kind of flower has a very short flowering period, only seven days, and it only blooms once a year.

Crescent City, this is the place where crescent flowers abound.

Meanwhile, the oiran of New Moon City is currently preparing for the New Moon Festival three days later.According to tradition, the crescent oiran will dance in the center of the festival, on a stage covered with crescent flowers, accompanied by the bright moonlight.

With the help of the little girl beside her, Hua Kui removed her makeup, revealing the fragile skin underneath, with perfect facial features as well as sculpted features, and a pair of beautiful black almond eyes slightly curved.

"am I pretty?"

The oiran's voice was like the crisp tinkling of springs, hitting people's hearts again and again.The little girl blushed quickly.

"Oiran Tao Ji is naturally the most beautiful."

Taoji Huakui smiled in satisfaction, she stretched out her hand to look at herself in the mirror: "Yes, I am the most beautiful."

I am obviously... the most beautiful.

Taoji Huakui raised a smile: "Go down, I'm going to rest."


The two little girls who were in charge of serving the oiran exited the room. After the door was closed, Oiran Taoji held her face in both hands, and a trace of blood flashed in her black eyes.

I am the most beautiful...I am the one who is qualified to stay by that lord's side!I'm the! ! !

The neatly manicured nails dug into the cheeks fiercely, blood flowed out from the wound, but recovered instantly when Taoji Huakui removed the nails.

So... it's that lord's loss if he doesn't keep me.

Tao Ji Huakui wiped off the blood on her face with a handkerchief, smiling like a flower.

Look, I'm so strong now, and I'm still the oiran that all dignitaries want to support, so, it's okay for me to take revenge on you quietly... right?

After all, I'm a girl~ Naturally, I have the privilege of being willful, don't I?

The door was opened, and a woman with a melancholy temperament walked in.

Her black hair was tied in a bunch at the back of her head with a purple hairpin, and her deep purple eyes looked at Tao Ji Hua Kui in front of her with slender pupils like animal pupils.

Tao Ji Hua Kui, with disheveled hair, immediately sat upright and bowed: "Lord Zhu Shi."

"Spread the rumors that Crescent Flower was blessed by the Moon Goddess and can heal various injuries."

The expression of the woman named Zhu Shi did not change at all, and she ordered lightly.

Taoji Huakui was taken aback for a moment, then looked up hesitantly: "Now?"

Hearing this, Zhu Shi glanced at her indifferently: "The person you hate has been cursed, and time is running out."

"—Didn't you say that you want to do it yourself?"

Taoji Huakui was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically.She bowed her head deeply: "Yes."

Zhu Shi's figure disappeared in a burst of sweet fragrance.

Tao Ji Hua Kui's complexion was contorted, and a suppressed and terrifying laugh came out of her throat.

almost...already almost... will be mine.


"So it can't be cured."

Wrapped tightly by Huang Ba's spit, Shuji Tsushima sat on the chair and dangled his legs impatiently.

"Isn't the Lord God clearer than me on this point?"

The curse attached to the dagger and now covering the wound is a curse technique that originated in the Heian period, and there are very few records, let alone the method of lifting it.

I'm afraid only the famous great Onmyoji can lift it.


Shuji Tsushima looked suspiciously at Araba who suddenly hugged him and vomited.

"Lord God?"

"I will cure you." Huangba said firmly, "I will definitely cure you."

"...I said it wasn't your fault." Shuji Tsushima sighed, "I did it on my own in the first place, why are you so guilty?"

"Crescent flower."

Shuji Tsushima: "?"

"Recently there are rumors that the crescent flower was blessed by the goddess of the moon, and can heal any injury." Huang Ba whispered into Shuji Tsushima's ear.

Shuji Tsushima: "..."

He sighed helplessly: "You are obviously a god yourself, but do you still believe such obvious rumors?"

This sounds like a marketing tool!

"Got to try."

Canjin met his kite eyes, and Shuji Tsushima moved his lips, not knowing what to say for a moment.

The black-haired boy sighed and scratched his hair: "...I really can't do anything about you."

"I'll go, can't I go?"

So... don't look at me with such persistent eyes.

Huangba rolled his eyes.


The New Moon Ceremony in New Moon City has already started, Shuji Tsushima felt a little uncomfortable when he first stepped into New Moon City.

How should I put it... The surrounding crowd is fine, and the pedestrians are all very excited for the upcoming festival and oiran performance.However, Shuji Tsushima felt the dullness of being stuck in a swamp.

Huangbatu sensed Shuji Tsushima's discomfort, and gently hugged him.

The fresh red maple scent dispelled the wet and sticky feeling, and Shuji Tsushima's cheeks regained some blood color.

"Go and rest first."

Arabato picked up Shuji Tsushima, raised his legs and walked towards the hotel.


"One upper room." Huang Ba spat out a gem.

"Okay~ Please go to the backyard!"

Ordinary people can't remember the appearance of gods, so after Huangba left, the innkeeper's eyes were in a daze for a moment, he looked at the gems on the counter, and scratched his head in doubt.


Shuji Tsushima really wasn't used to the air of New Moon City, he didn't have much strength lying on the bed, once he left Huangbatu's embrace, the moist feeling wrapped him up again, and his breathing became short again.

A feather woven with a red maple breath fell on Shuji Tsushima, temporarily isolating that feeling.Shuji Tsushima unconsciously grabbed Araba's sleeve.

"I'm going to pick the crescent flowers, and I'll come back as soon as I go." Araba patted Shuji Tsushima's forehead, "Haori has my spiritual power, and ordinary monsters dare not approach. Take a good rest, I'll be back soon." came back."

Shuji Tsushima nodded without any strength: "...OK."

Huang Ba vomited and left.

A few minutes later, Shuji Tsushima suddenly opened his eyes with his eyes closed.

There was a knock at the door.


There were three knocks on the door, with long intervals, and the door was pulled open after a while.

Appearing in front of Shuji Tsushima was a boy dressed as a warrior who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

His dark pupils stared at Shuji Tsushima, and suddenly appeared in front of Shuji Tsushima in the next second.

strangled his neck.


This guy... is human!

The red maple feathers fluttered to the ground, and was stepped on by someone who came, and kicked aside, pinching Tsushima Shuji's hands burst out with blue veins, one can imagine how hard this person was.


The eyes are gradually getting dark, which is already a sign before suffocation.

Shuji Tsushima looked at those black eyes that implied anger and pleasure, and instantly understood everything.

...I see, this is a trap aimed at the gods.

Shuji Tsushima gradually lost the strength to resist.

Ahhh, so, don't be too nice to humans, my lord.

Humans are a bunch of...greedy guys.

— including myself.

The author has something to say:

Meng Mengzai: *Chaldean foul language*It hurts.

——Parents watching the live broadcast——

Mr. Guda (press and hold Gudazi): Wife calm down.

Gudazi: ...I am very calm, you put down the Holy Grail first.

Holy Grail: QAQ

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