He wanted to start violently, but at this time his shortcomings were also exposed, and his little strength was not harmful at all to this world of violent physiques.

Putting down the sharp sword in his hand, Lu Li sat down panting.

The sword he found in the room can cut the wall into pieces like cutting tofu with a single stroke, which shows its sharpness. Of course, this building, like the Black Tower, will automatically repair itself in a second once it is damaged.

However, the sunspot in front of him didn't even have any scratches.

The sweat dripped from his head drop by drop. It was so hot at night and the whole building didn't even have a window. Lu Li couldn't help fanning the box with his hands, and squirted a drop of sweat onto the box.

The drop of sweat touched the surface of the box and was swallowed immediately, but left a hole the size of a sweat drop on it.

It seems to be an object corroded by sulfuric acid.

This scene was witnessed by both Lu Li and Xia Zuo, and Lu Li immediately pressed his sweaty palms onto the box. When the box touched his sweat, it was like a flame that had been doused by cold water, continuously emitting white smoke. And leave traces of ablation.

However, when Lu Li wiped all the sweat all over the box, it only melted the outer layer of skin, and it still couldn't be opened.

"and many more……"

Xia Zuo calmed down, "Our method at the beginning was wrong, the key is not on the box, but on you..."


"Cut your hands." Xia Zuo suddenly ordered.

Hearing Xia Zuo's words, Lu Li also thought of it. In the novel, once the desperate situation is reached, the blood of the protagonist will definitely become a magic weapon. Of course, if it is a romance drama, then the heroine's tears will become a peerless medicine.

He cut his finger without hesitation, and a drop of blood dripped on the box.

Sure enough, the effect was outstanding, the box began to shake violently, and when more blood touched it, the box seemed to be unbearable, and suddenly split in two, like a peach core that was broken open by someone.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Li wasn't very excited, he was just a little afraid that something like Watermelon Taro would pop out of this box...

But Xia Zuo was deeply silent, and it took him a long time to open his mouth: "Lilu...is your name Lilu?"

"Huh? This is the first time you called my name!"

Lu Li teased him, not understanding why Xia Zuo suddenly became so serious.

Xia Zuo couldn't get back to his senses, he paused and said, "That Lilu, did I tell you something?"

"what's up?"

"Be a thief, the whole world can't escape your palm, maybe you can steal the dragon egg back..." Xia Zuo suggested sincerely.

Lu Li thought about it seriously, and answered him: "After stealing it, will the angry dragon tear it into pieces and feed them to their children?"

"...Go and see what's in that box." Xia Zuo replied after being silent for a long time.

Lu Li suddenly looked forward to what kind of amazing treasure was hidden in this box, and he slowly approached the box that had been split in two.

However, what appeared in the cracked box was only a piece of paper.

...and a tattered piece of paper, with yellowing on all sides, it can be seen that it has been used for many years.

Crumpled, like ass paper.

This is so stupid.

Lu Li asked disgustedly, "Is this the baby you said?"

Xia Zuo snorted, "I don't know."

In fact, Xia Zuo himself has never seen this thing before, but he firmly believes that this is definitely not an ordinary piece of paper.

Already resistant to Xia Zuo's cynicism, Lu Li picked up the piece of paper and looked at it over and over again: "No matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary piece of paper, oh no, it's not even an ordinary piece of paper, it's a piece of paper. A torn piece of paper."

"Detecting user information..."

When the mechanical voice of the third person suddenly appeared out of nowhere in this empty space, Lu Li shook his hand and almost threw the paper out of his hand.

Lu Li saw a faint glow on the torn paper where nothing had been written on it, but it wasn't dazzling. Instead, Lu Li looked forward to it.

"The race of the user is human..."

"Assessed user level is..."

The mechanical sound was very evocative in the dark, and it made Lu Li feel like he was transported back to the era of science fiction. He thought that this kind of sound could only be created by a highly developed civilization.

"It's the special voice of the dwarves. The stuff they created once almost subverted the world."

"Implanted with the carrier of the reconstructed consciousness, after combining with magic, it has autonomous consciousness and language ability..."

Xia Zuo's voice was unprecedentedly serious.

At the same time, the light on the paper in Lu Li's hand gradually spread to the entire paper, and the light swayed up and down, giving Lu Li the illusion that it was reading some data, and maybe a "404 not found" popped up in the next second. .

While he was thinking wildly, the dull voice continued: "The user's magic ability is 1, and the user level is the lowest level. Only the extreme use mode can be turned on."

Um?He still has a little magic value?

"Extreme mode is starting, please don't use magic."

He can do whatever he wants, Lu Li couldn't help thinking.

"Start the countdown, 10 seconds countdown..."





He held his breath and waited for the countdown to end, the mechanical sound stopped abruptly, and the light followed.

Then, in the middle of the yellowed paper, a beam of intense golden light went up vertically, scattered around to form a light source, and projected onto the ceiling.

A man's figure appeared from the light, slowly growing taller and gradually becoming as big as an adult's palm, with golden light in the transparency, the figure slowly opened his eyes, his indifferent eyes seemed to despise the entire human race.

That face seemed to be an art that can only be completed with the most elaborate carving, with eyes half down, not yet fully awakened.

"Human beings, I am the consciousness, and I will answer everything for you."

This voice seemed to come from beyond the sky, with an infinite sense of remoteness, softer than a male's voice, like a handful of ice-cold mountain springs, the spirit is alive, but it makes people tremble uncontrollably.

This phantom called Divine Consciousness just appeared on the piece of paper in Lu Li's hand. Although it was more than ten centimeters in size, Lu Li couldn't feel the slightest weight.

Stunned by the scene in front of him, Lu Li instinctively asked, "Who are you?"

"Answer: Divine Consciousness, which means the phantom of God, comes from the stolen fire of the soul of the God of Light. The name of the creator cannot be said. The method of use is to ask questions, which can answer all questions in the world. The difficulty of the questions is limited by the level of the user. , with no upper limit."

God... Hearing this word, Lu Li was dumbfounded.

This fortress thing related to God was held in his hand like a cold dish!

And what's with the "answer", it sounds so much like answering questions during an exam. Hey!

But before he had time to complain, the mechanical dull voice appeared again.

"Today's opportunity to ask questions has been used up."

As he said that, the light dissipated, and his consciousness also disappeared. The scattered halo under his feet gradually turned into a spot of light, and then completely disappeared, and the room returned to a dark space illuminated only by candles in the corner.

Both he and Xia Zuo fell into infinite silence.

Suddenly, Xia Zuo yelled, "What the hell did you do just now!"

"I didn't do anything." Lu Li said innocently.

"Damn it, you dare to say nothing and do nothing. You asked such a stupid question just now. You didn't do anything!" Xia Zuo was going crazy!

"How did I know there was only one chance."

"That was divine consciousness just now! God is answering questions for you, how dare you ask so casually!"

Knowing that Xia Zuo would easily fall into roaring mode when he got excited, Lu Li was used to it, but now he felt that he really delayed Xia Zuo's chance. In fact, Xia Zuo wanted to ask himself how to get freedom, right?

Lu Li was very considerate this time. He waited for Xia Zuo to rant back and forth many times without answering back. Finally, Xia Zuo gradually calmed down.

Xia Zuo said dejectedly, "That's great, today's visit was for nothing!"

Lu Li comforted, "Then come back tomorrow, doesn't it mean that there is an opportunity every day? Let's come back tomorrow night in the dark."

Xia Zuo sighed: "No, you have already opened this thing. If it falls into other people's hands, the Bright Continent may collapse..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Xia Zuo said with a serious face: "Fold the paper."

In order to appease Xia Zuo, Lu Li folded the paper in four squares.

"And put it in your front breast pocket."

Put it in your pocket... eh?

Lu Li's half-bent hand stopped: "You want me to steal this thing?"

"What stealing, I want you to save the world."

Fuck, there is such a high-sounding reason, Lu Li almost praises Xia Zuo's ability to distort the facts!

Who knew that Xia Zuo said more righteously: "No one could open this box before, but now you open it and throw it here, and it will be taken away by someone with ulterior motives, and not everyone has as low a mana value as you at a glance. One is that a pervert wants to destroy the world, didn't you become the indirect pusher?"

Lu Li was dumbfounded: "This..."

"Besides, if you hadn't opened this thing, it would have been just a waste before, and no one could use it..."

"What you said makes sense..." Lu Li admitted that he was very happy to hear this.

"Could it be that you have nothing to ask?" Xia Zuo threw out his usual seductive tone.

Questions...of course Lu Li has questions. His biggest question in this world is how to return to modern life...

If this thing really answers everything, doesn't that mean...

"What if we are found out?" Lu Li felt uneasy after all.

Xia Zuo vowed: "No, you are a magical insulator, and no one can find it. As long as you find a similar box and put it in, no one will find it!"

"It makes sense!"

The two people with their own ulterior motives secretly stole God out of the "Holy Demon Tower". When walking on the road, Lu Xin's beating became much faster, as if he was floating in the sky with every step.

He held the position of his heart and felt the folded paper against his chest.

Fuck, I brought the "God" with me...

Lu Li felt that he had picked up the biggest cheat ever.

So, when he was lying on the bed at night, he didn't take off his clothes, but covered his chest and closed his eyes.

But how could he possibly fall asleep?So he started counting the names of the dishes, starting from braised in soy sauce and chanting until they were steamed before he gradually became sleepy.

One second before he fell asleep, he was still thinking beautifully that he might be going home...

................................................................................................................................................................................................................ …………

When he woke up the next morning, Lu Li just opened his eyes when he found that Jin Zhengyi had just woken up. Lan Youyou looked at him with sleepy eyes, and looked directly at Lu Li like this.

If it was before, Lu Li would have dodged away in a panic.

But this time, he suddenly became extremely calm.

So what if the person in front of him looks like Lu Li, when he returns to the original world, he can go back and declare war on the real Lu Li again, and complete the unfinished mission, but this time he can’t choose the rooftop , Even if you choose, you must choose one with a lightning rod!

"Good morning, classmate Jin."

Lu Li said to Jin with a smile while lying down. He touched his chest and felt that the "spiritual consciousness" was still on him, and it felt like all the flowers in the world were blooming.


Jin didn't know why Lu Li was different than usual, but he still responded gently.

After finishing everything with Jin, Lu Li woke up Lei Batian who was still sleeping late, "Come on, come with me to meet my lovely students."

Lei Batian looked at Lu Li sleepily, wondering what the hell he was up to today.

Because of snoozing, the ears and tail were limply drooping, like a rabbit, and the cute Lu Li couldn't help but reach out and rub a few.

Lei Batian was taken aback by Lu Li's sudden attack. The monster instinctively appeared, and the symbol of thunder and lightning appeared on its body.


Golden Eye quickly pulled Lu Li towards him. At this moment, a golden lightning bolt hit the place where Lu Li was fighting, splitting a scorched black hole in the floor.

Lu Li was a little stunned.

Lei Batian covered his face: "I didn't do it on purpose, don't touch people randomly..."

The frightened face only lasted for a while, before Lu Li suddenly smiled again: "It's really naughty~"

Waving his hand: "It's fine if you don't go, you can play by yourself!"

He turned to Jin again and said, "Let's go to school, we should be on the way, right?"

Looking at the smiling Lu Li in front of him, Jin was silent for a moment before responding, "Yes, teacher..."

"Let's go!"

Lu Li dragged Jin out.

Lei Batian's almond-like eyes were still full of tears, looking at Lu Li's leaving back, he said sobbingly, "Is this the wrong medicine..."

The author has something to say: I found out that it’s already [-] words and I haven’t started writing emotional scenes_(:з」∠)_……

No.30 six lessons

Following Jin all the way to the teaching building, Lu Li said goodbye to him with an extremely bright expression, and went straight to his own floor.

Looking at the back of Lu Li, who had been extremely weird since this morning, Jin fell into a brief thought, and the whole figure disappeared in the next second.

In fact, he always teleported to the classroom. Today, Lu Li suddenly wanted to go to class with him, and he couldn't refuse, and it felt good to walk such a distance once in a while.

On the other side, Lu Li, who hadn't reached the class yet, heard the noisy voice from Class 13 from afar.

Stepping into the classroom, everyone immediately hid their small actions and looked at Lu Li obediently, with an innocent expression on their faces.

Although these bastards have calmed down a lot since the last time, the fact that they don't like to study can't be reversed at all.

He wanted to get angry at first, but when he thought of the "spiritual consciousness" in his chest, he immediately softened his heart. He might return to modern times soon, so he should treat them better, so he had to say what he wanted to say immediately. Swallow it.

He pulled a smile and asked: "What are you arguing about so early in the morning? Do you have no class in the morning?"

Annie, who was sitting in the first row obediently hugging the bear doll, raised her head and replied crisply: "Pei Ji, you didn't come."


Lu Li was surprised. Although Pei Ji's lectures were usually boring, she was never one to arrive late and leave early.

"Then..." Lu Li looked at the idle students in the classroom, feeling helpless.

Immediately, there was a sense of self-immediately seeing that the classroom was full. When he was in school, whenever the classroom was powered off, he was the one who made the most trouble. Now he seems to have no right to criticize them.

Lu Li held his chin and thought for a while, "Since the teacher hasn't come yet, let's have a chat, what should we talk about..."

He remembered that when he was in school, whether it was the head teacher or the teacher who talked to him, he always liked to put on the appearance of someone who had experienced it, and asked him earnestly: "A guy like you who doesn't even have ideals, do you want to keep messing around?"

But no one knew that he actually had ideals at that time. He wanted to become a football player. He also got into that good high school because of his sports skills, but because of his poor grades, the teachers never paid attention to him. , always said that he is a person without ideals, and his future life will definitely be muddled.

He wasn't disappointed either, because Lu Li himself felt that in China, football players should go with the wind. [I am definitely not complaining about the World Cup]

Now he has been in this school for more than half a year, no matter what the original things are, they seem to feel like a world away.

Inexplicably falling into a 45-degree sadness, Lu Li looked at the whole class looking at his face, and said softly, "Dreams, tell me about your dreams."

As soon as he said that, the class, which was still whispering, became quiet again.

"What? Are you shy?"

Lu Li could understand this kind of youthful mind, dreaming of such illusory things, it must be difficult to tell others, just like he never refuted the teachers saying that he had no dreams.

He tried to put it another way: "Then tell me, have you thought about how to go in the future?"

Seeing that everyone was lost in thought, Lu Li of course set his target on the heartless red-haired Locke who was sitting on the seat: "You, get up and talk."

Locke was a little dissatisfied with being called out for the first time, so he answered sullenly, "I never thought about it!"


Lu Li nodded and told him to sit down.

Locke's cat-like round eyes widened, as if he didn't expect to be let go so easily, and sat down resentfully.

"Anyone else want to talk?"

The whole class was silent, all lowered their heads, as if they were unwilling to answer this question.

Lu Li thought for a moment, then said, "Since everyone doesn't want to talk about it, then write it down, and the class monitor will put it away and give it to me before school is over. That's the deal."

At this time, Pei Ji came in, his footsteps were heavy, and his figure became even thinner as he walked through the wide door frame.

But Lu Li didn't think too much about it. He patted Pei Ji's shoulder and said to the whole class, "Okay, the teacher is here, everyone must pay attention to class, and don't, have, sleep, sleep!"

"Locke, remember to collect your homework, huh?"

So, humming a song and went back to the office.

He just sat in his seat when Xia Zuo, who was originally silent, suddenly said, "You..."

Lu Li took a sip of water to moisten his throat in a good mood: "What's wrong with me?"

"...you don't belong to this world?"


All the water spewed out of his mouth, and the other class teachers in the office looked back at him one after another. He was not in the mood to pay attention, and his eyes were flustered, not knowing what to do. Could it be that Xia Zuo heard what he was thinking just now?

"No wonder you're so happy to have obtained the consciousness. I originally thought you wanted to ask about the location of the national treasure..."

Even after knowing such a weird thing, Xia Zuo still didn't forget to tease him.

Lu Li asked cautiously, "Don't you think I'm a different kind?"


Xia Zuo smiled contemptuously: "What are you, anything can happen in the Bright Continent, no matter where you come from, aren't you still a person?"

Up to this time, Xia Zuo still maintained such a cool attitude, which moved Lu Li so much.

The next second Xia Zuo continued: "But before you leave, you must get me out of your body first!"

Lu Li gritted his teeth and agreed, "No problem, I'll ask God how to reshape a physical body for you tonight."

It just so happens that he is not fully ready to return to the original world, he still has a lot of things to do, he has not said goodbye to the old man Tapper, and he has not let the group of 13 bastards feel the feeling of being a winner in life, at least before leaving, he must Don't leave any regrets, it's okay to help Xia Zuo solve the major issues in life first.

When school was over, Locke walked slowly into the office and handed a stack of papers to Lu Li.

Lu Li took over and asked, "Have you collected everything?"

Locke, just like Lu Li's high-cold bastard back then, let out a "hmm" face. He didn't like the office very much, and he didn't like the teacher even more.

"Well done, brat." Lu Li happily patted his butt.

The sound of "snap" sounded, and Locke clutched his butt in horror. He completely lost his unruly expression before, and instead had a frightened face with "Damn you doing it" written all over his face.

"Go back... You said that if you study the space movement class well, you can teleport over here to scare me and take revenge on me."

Lu Li still didn't forget to talk about it at this time, he felt that he was more and more like the nagging menopausal head teacher he used to be.

Locke nodded reluctantly: "Goodbye, teacher."

Turning around and walking out of the office slowly, he suddenly turned around, looked at Lu Li hesitantly and said, "Well, something seems wrong with the theory teacher today."

"Little Jiji? What happened to him?"

Shocked by the title "Little Jiji", he bared his teeth impatiently: "How would I know!"

Then he left decisively.

Lu Li wanted to wait until tomorrow morning to say hello when he was at work, so he squeezed the "dream" in his hand and decided to take it back to the dormitory to read.

When he arrived at the dormitory, what Lu Li saw was Lei Batian pawing on Jin's body, his face full of happiness, and his little fleshy face rubbing against Jin's body.

"Hmph." Labor and management will turn against each other if they don't come for a day. Can the feelings in this world be trusted?

It's a pity that Lei Batian has never been a perceptive beast. When he saw Lu Li coming back, he just greeted him happily and continued to stick to Jin. Jin also teased him with a smile.

Just about to show some education, Xia Zuo suddenly laughed and said, "It's best not to pester you, find a place where no one is around and try to open your consciousness."

That's right, Lu Li forgot about this problem.

Suppressing the jealousy in his heart, Lu Li went to take a shower first, sat on the bed early, and read the dreams written by the children in class.

I just came out of the shower after writing, and just sat on the bed, and thunder began to rumble outside, low black clouds gathered and rolled, thunder and lightning flashed from time to time in the clouds, and the air became particularly stuffy.

He found that Jin was staring out of the pitch-black window in a daze. The window was still wide open, and the howling wind deformed Jin's thin clothes, revealing his slender figure.In this world of mages, it seems that the thin figure is the trend. Although there are also muscular fighters, the handsome mage is obviously more popular.

Lu Li couldn't help standing behind Jin, he wanted to see what Jin's expression was like at this time, in his mind, a winner in life with both talent and beauty like Jin didn't have this kind of "looking at the sky 45 degrees sad" " reason.

Before getting close, Jin had already turned his head, the expression on his face was still extremely gentle, and Lan Youyou's eyes seemed to contain infinite tenderness no matter when he looked at it, such a person was born to be the seed player of the Saint of Love.

Lu Li's mind suddenly opened up. With a standard male number one background and face like him, he will definitely meet a "cleaning girl" exclusively for him in the end, and stage a bloody and touching romantic drama.

"Looking at what?" Jin asked with a smile.

Jin, this kid, has rarely called him "teacher" since he woke up last time. He really has no "teacher-student concept" anymore, but who made Lu Li feel good, so he answered with a smile: " Look at you~"

"Okay, I get it now."

Jin nodded and smiled.

The next second suddenly appeared before Lu Li's eyes, as if a large high-definition picture had been enlarged suddenly. He almost lost control of the beauty that was too close.

Jin You's deep blue eyes looked down at him: "Isn't it clearer if you look at it this way?"

Lu Li felt as if he was running away, but he still had lingering fears. Fuck, this kid has been cheating recently, and he felt like he was slipping away.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but there seems to be something wrong with Jin today, and he can't tell.

Finally at night, Lu Li yawned, making sure that Jin and Lei Batian were both asleep before getting up secretly.

He walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and carefully took out the piece of paper that had been on his chest.

On a dark and windy night, Lu Li squatted under the shower, looking at what looked like "toilet paper" in his hand, his face full of nervousness.

"Xia Zuo, what do you think I want to ask?"

Lu Li waited for the activation of his "spiritual consciousness" and tried to organize his words.


Xia Zuo maintained such a cool style on his lips, but Lu Li knew that he must be very disturbed, so he smiled knowingly.

Xia Zuo: "Don't laugh, I'll be scared to death by you in the middle of the night."

Land from:……

The consciousness has been activated, but he was still reminded that he can only use the "extreme mode". Looking at the face of the consciousness, although there is no expression, it is so beautiful that it is breathtaking.

Deliberately lowering his voice, Lu Li thought for a long time and asked, "How can I bring Xia Zuo in my body back to life?"

After a long time, there was no response from the consciousness.

Lu Li couldn't help looking at it carefully, wondering what was going on, when the mechanical voice sounded: "I'm sorry, your question exceeds the limit of the extreme mode, so I can't answer it."

"Today's questioning opportunity has been used."

The light disappeared, and the entire bathroom fell into darkness again.

"Xia Zuo, don't blame me for this today?"

"I don't blame you for making you so weak!!!"

Lu Li habitually covered his ears, staring at the sky speechlessly, but at this time, there was a strong thunderbolt, and the rain suddenly fell, pattering.

The wind tonight seems a bit noisy...

The author has something to say: What?~

No.30 seven lessons

The next morning, Lu Li came to the office in a bad mood.

Only last night did Lu Li realize that things were not as simple as he had imagined. His magic value was too low, causing his "spiritual consciousness" to be used in the most extreme mode, causing too few questions to ask, and causing Xia Zuo to fall from his body. He couldn't get out of this world, which made him unable to go back in this world.

The consciousness in this state is like a mobile phone with only [-]% battery left. After turning on the extreme mode, you can only make calls and send text messages, and all other functions are turned off!

After all, he was still too weak, but Xia Zuo also said that this thing must not be known to others, otherwise it will definitely lead to huge disasters.

This kind of hopeful and disappointing feeling is really not good. Lu Li lay on the table feeling weak.

But when Pei Ji stepped into the office with the book in his arms, Lu Li felt a greater depression. He felt that he could see thick dark clouds above Pei Ji's head.

"Little Jiji, are you in a bad mood?"

Lu Li walked up to Pei Ji's side and asked him eagerly.

Pei Ji slowly put the thick textbook on the desk, drooping her shoulders, and said in a hoarse voice, "No..."

He said no, the expression on his face was very honest, little Jiji.

Thinking that he was going up and down because the students didn't make progress in their studies, Lu Li comforted him: "Don't pay too much attention to the study, it doesn't matter if they don't understand now, maybe one day they will be enlightened..."

Just as he was about to mention the classic story about Jiang Taigong's 80-year-old, it seemed inappropriate after thinking about it, so Lu Li swallowed it.

"No..." Pei Ji shook her head, as if her whole soul had gone out of her body.

Lu Li asked again: "Then you..."

At this time, the class bell rang, and Pei Ji walked out of the office with heavy steps again: "I'm going to class..."

"The next class is self-study time..." Before he could finish this sentence, Pei Ji had already disappeared from sight.

Lu Li was confused, when Catherine rushed in, whipping her whip loudly.

Catherine obviously also saw Lu Li, she rolled up her whip unnaturally: "Is your body recovering well?"

Hearing the beauty's awkward concern, Lu Xin was in full bloom, and jumped up from the seat like a spring, and patted his chest: "Don't worry, you're as strong as a cow!"

"……That's great."

Catherine smiled awkwardly, stepped on her high-heeled shoes and "dumped" out of the office again.

Looking at the curve of his back wrapped in the fiery red tights, Lu Li felt a little dizzy.

"Niu Ke is much better than you." Xia Zuo took the opportunity to appear again.

Hearing Xia Zuo's voice, Lu Li became depressed again. He limply squeezed his face on the table, and resumed the powerless mode: "I thought you wouldn't talk to me anymore..."

God invented this kind of thing, and he is clearly a tormenting little goblin.

It was the first time Xia Zuo saw such a decadent Lu Li, his sneering face remained the same, "It's just that I can't think of a way out, waste wood is really waste wood."

Lu Li immediately sat up: "So you have a solution?"

"Don't underestimate me, I used to be a thief who used to wander around the world relying on my IQ..."


Before school, Lu Li gave the students in the class a summary of the day and thought inspiration as usual.

"I read what everyone wrote, and I really think..."

Lu Li waited until the whole class focused on him before continuing, "Some of you really need to practice your handwriting."

The whole class turned upside down and protested loudly: "Teacher, can you be more reliable!"

Only then did Lu Li seriously say, "Actually, my teacher always asked me why I came to school?"

Some students asked: "Then how did you answer?"

"I didn't answer, because I don't like that teacher, and I don't want to talk to him." Lu Li followed with a tongue sticking out expression.

A student below giggled.

"Later he asked me to write it on paper... I wrote: Why did I come to school, I didn't study well, I didn't have any dreams, and I would just be taught by the teacher for no reason, but I went to school by myself every day when I opened my eyes, There is no reason to go to school, and there is no reason not to go to school..."

"Do you feel the same way?" Lu Li stopped and asked them.

Some people nodded slightly, and some were lying on the table in thought.

He went on to say: "However, I erased the long string of words again, and finally wrote the three words "that's it" on the paper and handed it in. The teacher asked me to copy those three words five times in a fit of anger. A hundred times."

A group of students suddenly fell down laughing, but they listened more attentively.

"At that time, I thought like this, even if I wrote such a long sentence with my heart and soul, my life would not change because I told the teacher what I thought. In the eyes of the teacher, I was still a poor person with no dreams and no future. Poor student. Then why do I have to say so much, it's better to let those words rot in my heart. "

"Until now, I still feel that it is better to only let myself know some things. Only I can understand what kind of thoughts some things are. Just like your dreams, those colorful things exist in your hearts. Even if I know It can’t help you achieve it, so you should remember it yourself.”

Lu Li suddenly pointed at Locke: "Especially you brat, if you dare to give up halfway, you will die!"

"Okay, school is over!"

After Locke was named, he glared at Lu Li like a wild cat with frizzy fur, and then reluctantly led the whole class to say, "Goodbye, teacher..."

The students rushed out, and suddenly Lu Li was the only one left in the classroom.

He looked left and right, and took out his consciousness from the blind spot of the back door.

"If anyone comes, please tell me." Lu Li did not forget to tell Xia Zuo.

"Understood, but what do you want to ask with him now?"

Lu Li waited for the opening of his consciousness to activate, and answered Xia Zuo: "Didn't you say that his consciousness can't help us solve our problems for the time being? I don't think he can answer big questions, but he should be able to answer some simple questions."

The light of divine consciousness appeared, eyes still half-drowned: "Human, what doubts do you have today?"

"Why is Teacher Pei Ji in our class so depressed?" Lu Li asked his consciousness seriously.

The air was stagnant for two seconds before the cold tone of spiritual consciousness spit out from his thin lips: "The trial of the holy."

Then the entire figure disappeared into the air, the speed seemed to be faster than before, and it turned into a piece of tattered paper again.

It was the first time that Lu Li used his "spiritual sense" correctly, and only then did he know that his baby teeth were cold when answering questions with his divine sense.

"When such a great thing is in your hands, it's no wonder you're not high-handed and cold when you're asked this kind of nonsense?" Xia Zuo's cool tone was exactly the same as his divine sense.

Folding the paper carefully and putting it in the private pocket of his chest, Lu Li said, "You don't need to use it for nothing, anyway, you have an opportunity every day."

But what is this Holy Trial?It sounds like extra secondary.

"do you know?"

During this time, Lu Li almost regarded Xia Zuo as an encyclopedia that he carried with him. Whenever there was anything he didn't understand, he would ask him, and whoever used it would know.

"Bright Continent's once-a-year talent selection method is for students from all over the continent. The methods of trial are extremely cruel and harsh. Generally, if you don't die, you will lose half your life. But once you pass the test, you can directly get the king's personal method

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