He moved, and the expression on his face changed in an instant.

No one knew that he was experiencing a fierce quarrel in his mind, or being yelled unilaterally.

"How could you push it away!!!" Xia Zuo roared in disbelief.

"Why can't I push away?" Lu Li still maintained a calm attitude.

"Why are you able to push it away!!!!"

"Didn't I tell you that I can push away?"

"How dare you push it away so easily!!!!" Xia Zuo's voice was not likely to be hoarse due to roaring, so he kept it loud and full of energy.

"But the door is already open."

"How the hell do you have the nerve to open this door so easily in front of me!!!!" Xia Zuo's voice became louder and louder.

If this went on like this, Lu Li felt that he might have auditory hallucinations.

He sighed, raised his foot and kicked vigorously towards the wooden door. The door, which was only half open, opened and closed vigorously due to the force, and hit the edge of the door frame with a "bang" sound.

This sound also ended the violent storm in Lu Li's mind.

Lu Li raised his eyebrows: "Calm down?"


Silence is golden, it is also a compromise, and it is also the home of the roaring body.

Political power emerges from power, dutiful sons emerge from sticks, and peace is like a chicken in front of violence.

Lu Li, who finally regained his composure, picked out his ears. In fact, he didn't feel any discomfort in his ears. He just felt that this movement was particularly forceful and domineering in line with the atmosphere.

After the wooden door was opened, it did not lead directly to the outside of the tower as Lu Li imagined, but a room like a hall, but without any furnishings, it was just a huge and complex magic circle in the center of the floor.

The magic array of white powder emitted bursts of green fluorescence, reflecting in the entire dark space, appearing mysterious and frightening.

But Lu Li is not afraid. The so-called ghosts in this world may not have the attack power of a low-level monster. When there are many unscientific things in life, no matter what you see is scientific.

After observing for a while, Lu Li lifted his legs and walked away.

"and many more……"

What's the matter, this time Lu Li was a little impatient.

He originally thought that a top-notch criminal like Xia Zuo, after hundreds of years of ups and downs, should have cultivated an unshakable diamond heart. Cool image.

Xia Zuo's heart began to beat for a long time, if he had it.

Anyway, a long-lost sense of excitement suddenly surged from the depths of his heart. He hadn’t felt this way for a long time. It seemed that there was hope for a new life. Could he really get out of the endless procrastination of his life? ?

"If you can walk through this room alive... no, as long as you barely die, I will..." Xia Zuo paused.

He didn't seem to have thought about this possibility, and he seemed to know the answer.

But at the same time, he has a strong sense of fate in his heart, or an absurd sense of relief, as if the enemy who has tortured you for hundreds of years is suddenly hit by a car one day and seems to be about to die.

Simply, unbelievably sour.

In fact, this is the legendary golden finger feeling, of course Xia Zuo didn't know it.

"That's it..." Lu Li asked as he raised his legs and walked around, secretly rejoicing that he might be able to get more real estate.

But the moment he lifted his foot, Xia Zuo gasped suddenly, and then fell silent.

"Hey, are you alright!"

Lu Li panicked a little. Could it be that this place is really so evil that even Xia Zuo's incorporeal consciousness would be affected by him.

While thinking this way, Lu Li quickened his pace, and he reached the door in a short while.

Another wooden door, also without any locks, but closed tightly.

He raised his hand to push, when Xia Zuo's voice suddenly appeared, but intermittently, as if he would lose his breath in the next second.

"You...are...who?" Xia Zuo seemed to be undergoing a huge test every time he uttered a word.

Lu Li knew very well that at such a critical moment, if the characters in the play started to talk and express their feelings at this moment, time would be wasted, and Xia Zuo might be dragged to death. This is what a hard-witted person would do.

Full of confidence, Lu Li continued to work on it without stopping to answer the philosophical question about "Who are you and who am I? Does life have a length? Does the universe have an end? Where does sound come from, where does death go?"

Make an effort with your hand.

The door didn't open.

My heart skipped a beat, it's impossible, how can the winner of life get stuck in the last process!


Xia Zuo didn't make a sound, and Lu Li could probably imagine his expression with a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, because suddenly there was an unprecedented wave in his heart, as if every cell in his body was screaming "Fuck", obviously it was the hand. Richiazo's influence.

"Don't worry, maybe the way I pushed the door was wrong."

He pushed hard again, and felt that he didn't feel any magical hindrance or fluctuation.

Forget it, Lu Li spat hard on the palm of his hand twice, gritted his teeth, and rubbed his hands together to exert force.

Then he raised his foot and kicked towards the door.

The door seemed to be taken aback. How about pushing it with your hands as agreed?

Lu Li kicked her away forcefully, like a shy girl spreading out her soft embrace... the sun shone in for a moment and sprinkled on Lu Li's body.

Sure enough, his guess was not wrong.

He couldn't push it away because he was hungry and had no strength.

Lu Li stood at the door just like that, like the Wukong who just jumped out of the alchemy furnace, the Wukong who jumped out from the Five Elements Mountain, the Wukong who jumped out from the Pansi Cave...

"What is Wukong?" Xia Zuo asked weakly.

"Are you still alive?" Lu Li said, "Wukong is you, and he has a master, Tang Seng, who is me."


"Take a deep breath." Xia Zuo paused.


"hurry up."

Lu Li obediently took a deep breath of the air. His body was covered with the scent of sunshine and green grass. As expected, the vegetation coverage was high and the oxygen content was high, so it was very refreshing.

A feeling of refreshment spread throughout his body, and he could feel that this was Xia Zuo's emotion.

"This world welcomes you again, Xia Zuo."

Lu Li said to the air while looking around.

Suddenly there was a noisy sound from a distance in the forest, leaves were shaking, and someone was coming this way.

"Teacher Lilu—!"

"Teacher, we are here to pick you up!"

Not good, Lu Li flashed back to "Black Island" at the speed of light, and closed the door by the way.

Hearing the voices should be Doris and Locke, Lu Li's eyes almost burst into tears, as the feeling of the teacher and student's reunion filled his heart.

Listen to the movement, there are still many people.

Lu Li was very moved, and then lay down on the spot and crashed to death.

Xia Zuo gritted his teeth and couldn't believe it: "Why did you come in!!!!"

his freedom!He finally regained his freedom!

"Fart me, if they see me stepping out of this tower, can I live peacefully from now on? Don't you also understand how powerful this tower is?" Lu Li retorted without thinking.


For some reason, Lu Li felt that Xia Zuo should be humming silently at this moment.

"Hmm... your sister."

"Relax, didn't they come to us, rest, rest for a while."

"A short wait is also for a longer freedom."

Lu Li closed his eyes, his mind was endlessly repeating Brother Xiu's magical words, and he couldn't stop.

Long-term exhaustion and hunger and thirst made him rush up immediately after he was completely relaxed, successfully dragging him into the endless night, leaving only Xia Zuo active.

When the whole class of Class 13 watched with excitement as a few senior magisters chanted a spell to open the barrier and carry Lu Li out, they felt uncomfortable.

Lu Li's eyes were closed tightly (asleep), his face was withered and yellow (hungry), his clothes were disheveled and covered in dust (rolled down the stairs), he was injured with scratches (knocked by a brick), and there were faint tears on his face ( saliva), the whole person is extremely miserable.

Some girls burst into tears on the spot, and the ice face on the side quickly stepped forward to check it, and it took a while to breathe a sigh of relief.

Jin, who followed closely, took a deep look at the principal next to him, making the principal sweat coldly.

Catherine couldn't help but burst into tears.

It was clearly a good show that was rewarded with hard work, but there was one person at the scene who felt the most uncomfortable.

This person is Xia Zuo.

At any rate, he has been a gangster for many years, and he has done a lot of cheating and abducting things. He is also deceiving people. Why is he not treated so well?

Self esteem hurts.

Lu Li didn't wake up in the infirmary this time, but in his own bedroom.

And, upon waking up, it was Kim's unusual caring eyes.

"How do you feel?" Kim asked thoughtfully.

Lu Li replied truthfully, "I feel very hungry."

Jin froze for a moment, and then replied with a gentle smile: "Wait a minute."

Lu Li smiled and sighed, as expected, Xiaobie is better than newlyweds... Bah, what is he talking about!

Xia Zuo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "He watched you at the head of the bed for 10 minutes without moving."

"I didn't expect Jin to be so affectionate and righteous..." Lu Li said unexpectedly.

Fart, that's not looking at the caring eyes of the classmates at all, but...

It was clearly murderous.

But Xia Zuo didn't say these words, he laughed silently, he didn't expect to encounter such a fun thing when he just came out.

"Hey, you can touch him later." Xia Zuo ordered suddenly.

Lu Li almost couldn't catch his breath: "What!"

"You can do it if you are told." Xia Zuo said leisurely.

Lu Li yelled in his heart: "Damn it, you've fallen in love with him, right? Even though he's handsome, educated, rich, powerful, gentle and beautiful...you can't take advantage of him so quickly, right?"

Xia Zuo said lightly: "Seeing you are so excited, do you have a crush on him?"

The author has something to say: Happy Dragon Boat Festival

No.30 three lessons


It took a long time to respond, Lu Li's expression looked like he had eaten a fly.

When Jin came back, he saw Lu Li's constipated face, he smiled and asked what was wrong.

Immediately, he turned into a loving roommate's friendly face, Lu Li pursed his lips and shyly shook his head from side to side, his hair was messed up, and he felt like he was lying.

"Here, the cafeteria is closed now, and this is the only one at home now."

Jin conjured some bread and water out of nowhere, and looked at Lu Li apologetically.

"Teacher, put your stomach first..."

"It's okay!" Lu Li replied loudly.

Lu Li, who was already hungry and thirsty, felt like a tiger and wolf possessed him the moment he saw the food, and rushed towards him with lightning speed, looking as if he was about to grab the food.

Xia Zuo said quickly from the side: "Take this opportunity to touch his hand!"

Lu Li's mind was full of the word "food" at the moment, but Xia Zuo's so cool and boundless request somehow jumped into his central nervous system. Anyway, by the time he realized it, he had put aside the food and went straight to the food. He took Jin's hand firmly.

The air in the room was suddenly still.

Jin's impeccable and perfect smiling face was also full of surprises, not to mention Lu Li who was holding his little hands at the moment, as if the hands in his hands had turned into hot potatoes, whether he threw them or not, his little heart was pounding.

In fact, Jin's hands were dry and warm, slender and moist, without any calluses or scars that a man should have. They even became white and lustrous because of practicing light magic. Compared with Lu Li's rough hands, they are like soft girls Same hand!

No, that's not the point.

Lu Li is not in the mood to care about this at all now, because his brain is completely down.

What to do, what to do, he will be regarded as a strange teacher who molested students in the future, and his image of a wise and powerful teacher is completely ruined.

"Damn it, Xia Zuo, come out to me!!!"

"What should I do with these innocent little hands now!!!"

Lu Li was roaring crazily in his heart.

Xia Zuo went into hiding again as a matter of course, and turned on the offline mode again, unable to connect at all.

Calm down, Lu Li, you have to be calm, you have to be smart.

Got it!


Lu Li squeezed Jin's hand even tighter, his face showed a little fragility, his wide eyes showed a little panic after a catastrophe, but he forced a wry smile: "When I was inside... I was so scared ...I don't know where that is..."

"It's all black...and no one..."

Lu Li's eye sockets were gradually dyed red, with a lustrous luster overflowing.

Of course, only he himself knew that it was because of the sore eyes and the tears secreted from his eyes without blinking for a long time.

Thinking that Lu Li had just come out of the "Black Island" and only now showed his fear, he was quite strong. Jin smiled and put his other hand on Lu Li's, comforting, "It's okay, it's over."

This unprovoked turmoil was finally fooled, and Lu Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But Lu Li's physiological tears kept swirling in his eyes, and finally gathered in his eyes and slammed them down.

"I'm hungry."

He wiped his tears and said sobbingly, as if following the food to transfer the embarrassment.

Smiling and looking at Lu Li who was devouring it, Jin retracted his hand without a trace. The disappearing touch on his hand made him rub his thumb and index finger a few times, and the smile in his eyes became more gentle.

-------------------------------------------------- ------

On the other hand, after Lu Li's heroic sacrifice, the students in Class 13, who were not convinced before, were subdued, as if they were finally tamed little beasts, and they all wanted to rub Lu Li a few times to show their friendship.

As soon as Lu Li stepped into the classroom, he felt a different atmosphere.

First of all, the whole class stood up to say hello to him neatly, and the red-haired man who looked at him with a sincere smile and shouted "stand up" was really the Locke he saw before?

Of course, because he was not in charge of teaching courses, he just said hello, felt the overwhelming enthusiasm of the students, and then retreated behind the scenes, without asking about merit and fame.

When he was leaving the classroom, he ran into Catherine who came in to class. She was still dressed in fiery red. When she looked up and saw him, she froze for a moment, but immediately pulled out a shy smile awkwardly, shocking Lu Li to the spot.

It really looks good...

"Have you taken a fancy to someone?"

Xia Zuo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly jumped out at this moment and asked a question very naturally.

"You can't say anything else besides this sentence?"

But Lu Li was quite sober, he didn't answer the question, but questioned him ferociously.

"Yesterday you borrowed me to tease Jin. I haven't settled with you yet. You're pouring dirty water on me again. You can treat me like a man and a woman..."

"But judging from your reaction, maybe you like Jin student more?"

Xia Zuo took the time to ask back.

Lu Li seemed to have eaten a mouthful of Xiang, and before he could say anything, Xia Zuo continued.

"I suggest you stay away from that Jin."

"Why? People want to stay away from you."

Lu Li hates this kind of secretive tone the most, can't he speak well, can Tsundere be a meal?

Xia Zuo smiled evilly, but of course Lu Li couldn't see it.

At the end of the day's class, Lu Li saw that the students in the class still couldn't hold on and fell asleep, and felt worried.

"Students, the saliva you drool now will become your tears in the future."

He brought out the famous sayings that the class teacher used to say, with a bitter face full of hatred, but there was no deterrent effect at all.

The students who had just woken up rubbed their eyes helplessly and said, "I really don't understand, teacher..."

"I fell asleep unconsciously..."


Lu Li sighed as he watched the crowd of kids in the ground nodding their heads as quickly as chicken chopping rice.

Now he can finally understand what kind of mood was behind the constipated expression of the head teacher at that time. If this continues, Class 13 will continue to be at the bottom. Isn't the ambition on the playground all the shit?

Pei Ji, who had just finished his lecture, looked apologetic, and he also hoped that the students would listen carefully throughout without going to sleep.

Lu Li patted him on the shoulder reassuringly: "Heaven will send you a great mission..."

It's over, I only remember the beginning, but I can't remember the rest clearly, and the sadness of a scumbag comes to my heart instantly.

"After school, go home and find your mother..."

Lu Li waved his hands, leaving only a depressed back.

"goodbye teacher!"

Dozens of students filed out and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Sitting on the podium, Lu Li was looking at the sky in rapt attention. The dark decorations and carvings of the magic campus drew Lu Li's thoughts far away. He also remembered that he ran home after school, and the old man at home cooked dinner. It's not delicious but very fragrant.

"What? Sad? But the students in your class are the worst I've ever seen."

Xia Zuo came out to joke again at this time, waking Lu Li up.

"Slippery..." Lu Li couldn't help but sucked in his saliva.

Then he asked belatedly, "What?"

Xia Zuo: "..."

"Xia Zuo?"

"Don't talk to me, shame on you."

Then there was no sound.

Sighing, rubbing his belly, Lu Li walked out of the classroom.

Looking up at the sky sadly at 45 degrees, Lu Li muttered that he really wanted to eat Kung Pao Chicken, Fish Head with Chopped Peppers, Boiled Beef and Stir-Fried Pork with Green Peppers...

After eating and drinking in the teachers' cafeteria, Lu Li wandered around the playground to digest his food before returning to the dormitory.

Walking slowly, Lu Li was very envious of the students flying around in the sky like they were not free.

In his last life, he used the power of all human beings to reach the moon. In this life, the little brats with their buttocks can defy Newton's laws and jump around in the sky. He deliberately looked up at the translucent full moon in the setting sun.

The moon is still the moon, and the stars are still the same stars~

He couldn't help singing, and tuned to Sahara every minute.

Today's moonlight is a bit intoxicating, he looked at the brilliant sunset with his eyes open and talking nonsense.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the dormitory, Lu Li noticed that there were two figures of men at the door of the dormitory. One of them was a slightly shorter boy holding a love letter with a blushing face.

He was really drunk, Lu Li rubbed his eyes hard.

He was not mistaken, the short man was obviously a boy, and the shy blush on his face was even more lovely under the sunset glow... No wonder!

Jin smiled gently and said something, the tears of the boy on the opposite side gradually pooled, with a look of disappointment on his face, and then ran away.

Staying where he was, Lu Li felt that he must have misunderstood something.

In other words, the setting of this world seems to be somewhat different from his idea.

In his mind, he recalled the scenes of Pei Ji and his unlucky brother's "love each other" and "love each other and kill each other"...

"Teacher." Jin noticed Lu Li who was not far away, smiling in the sunlight, his perfect face was covered with a layer of gold, like an oil painting.

Approaching hesitantly, Lu Li moaned, "Student Jin is very attractive."

Jin smiled.

Lu Li put on the teacher's airs: "Don't be so direct when rejecting others."

Jin smiled.

Finally, Lu Li couldn't help but probed, "That male classmate...is quite cute (not)."

Jin smiled slightly: "The teacher is cuter."

Said into the bedroom.

Lu Li was left frozen in place, messing around in the wind alone.

There must be a problem with his understanding of the world's views on men and women!

"You got it right."

Xia Zuo's cool voice always appeared when Lu Li's psychological defense was weakest.

"I didn't expect you to be quite conservative. Sex or something is not a problem at all."

The author has something to say: The college entrance examination is finally over. (What am I nervous about _(:з」∠)_...)

No.30 four lessons

In bedroom 101, a quiet night came.

Lu Li, who was sleeping, was suddenly woken up by Xia Zuo's desperate call.

Sleepy-eyed, while complaining about Xia Zuo's nervousness in the middle of the night, when he opened his eyes, he found that he had actually slept in Jin's arms. Even though it was such a big bed, the posture of the two of them was very close!

In the darkness, Lu Li's eyes were bigger than a bull's!

Damn, does he sleep in this position every night! ! !If he hadn't woken up in the middle of the night, he wouldn't have found that he was trying to die every night! ! !

Lu Li has always known that he likes to hug the quilt when he sleeps. These days, he sleeps very comfortably without any discomfort. He thought he had found the correct sleeping position. Could it be because of the humanoid pillow like Jin!

Lu Li's heart trembled at the thought of Jin waking up before him every day and giving him an angelic smile. Jin instantly became a great hero who forbears himself in his heart.

Carefully opening Jin's hand on his waist to his side, Lu Li quietly moved away a little, and only then did he let go of his heart.

Xia Zuo's voice was also cool in the night: "You say no, but your body is very honest."


This is Lu Li on the surface.

Worked labor and capital to strangle you, and then go to work to commit suicide. ! !Where did the evildoer come from! ! !

This was Lu Li's roaring heart, but luckily he couldn't see his ferocious face in the darkness.

"Stop howling." Xia Zuo said impatiently.

Who is it that wakes others up in the middle of the night, who is going crazy and disturbing people's sleep? Luckily, Lu Li didn't wake up angry, otherwise he would run away every minute! !

Ignoring Lu Li who was about to go crazy, Xia Zuo ordered, "Put on your clothes."


Lu Li asked angrily.

"Let's go find the treasure~"

Xia Zuo bit the ending of the last two words very frivolously, as if he was about to do something bad.

Although he didn't know what Xia Zuo was crazy about in the middle of the night, he was already woken up. If he didn't follow his thoughts, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep well in the middle of the night. Lu Li ordered him to get out of bed and put on his clothes lightly.

"If waking up your beloved roommate delays my plan, you won't be able to sleep tonight."

Xia Zuo's tone was still soft.

"Are you only threatening people?"

Lu Li said helplessly, while relaxing his hands and feet.

The road that can be easily walked during the day is difficult to walk in the dark, and many things are blurred into a black shadow. Fortunately, Jin is a good boy who loves to clean up and tidy up, and there will be no debris on the ground for him to kick. .

When passing by Lei Batian's den, its curvy and furry tail suddenly moved, which startled Lu Li!

After waiting for a while with his eyes wide open, Lu Li turned around slowly when he realized that there was no movement, and walked towards the door.

When his hand touched the doorknob, he glanced guiltyly at Jin who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, his heart beating violently.

When he found that the person on the bed hadn't woken up, Lu Li turned the doorknob and walked out without any worries.

Looking at the moon hanging high in the sky, Lu Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where are you going?"

As Lu Li walked out, he asked Xia Zuo in his heart.

The wind at night was very cool, rustling the broad leaves.

"For so many years, this academy hasn't even changed the shape of a single tree, those old antiques..."

Xia Zuo didn't know why he started feeling emotional.

"Did you call me out just to see the scenery?"

Lu Li gritted his teeth. If Xia Zuo dared to answer yes, he would strangle himself right now.

"Those old antiques always like to hide good things. Back then, I went around a great sage's house three times, but couldn't find it...Turn right ahead..."

Lu Li rolled his eyes and turned right.

"It was only later that I found out that they were all placed in a very secret place, and they were given an elegant name called 'Holy Magic Tower'..."

Looking up at an inconspicuous building in front of me, it is only two stories high, hidden by many trees. If you don't pay attention, you will definitely think it is a small church or something.

However, the corners of Lu Li's eyes still twitched uncontrollably.

In front of this inconspicuous building, there is a dusty sign that reads——

Holy magic tower.

"So, you are here to complete the unfinished business of theft?" Lu Li's mouth twitched.

"It's us."

Xia Zuo corrected.

Lu Li could always remember his current identity, "I won't do it. If I get caught, I will lose my job. Are you supporting me?"

The most important thing for a teacher is the teacher's morality, and you can't do anything sneaky.

As he raised his legs to go back, Xia Zuo hurriedly stopped him.

"There is no one inside, and not everyone can go in casually!"

"Okay then," Lu Li would stop, "How about the house you promised?"

Hearing this topic, Xia Zuo suddenly froze, and his tone became weak.

"I do have a house from... but after all these years..."

"It's already been forcibly demolished, right?" Lu Li roared.

He knew that he couldn't listen to this hundred-year-old thief. He must have believed him when he was hungry and passed out, and he promised to let a hairy crab live in his brain. His pituitary gland must have been pinched by the crab's claws! ! !

"To compensate you, I brought you here!"

Xia Zuo suddenly became confident.

"I can't stand that you are so poor and have so many useless firewood under your hands. I specially asked you to come to this treasure place to learn scriptures. If you have any doubts in your heart, the things in it can be solved for you."

"But you are stealing..."

"Who told you it was stealing? We just went in to have a look, but didn't take it out. Taking it without telling you is stealing. If we don't take it, can it be considered stealing?"

Xia Zuo turned on the mouthpiece mode: "Besides, most of the things inside were not obtained by serious means. Those old antiques rely on their own strength to pile up things in their own hands, and they don't allow us to take a look at them. Is this reasonable?"


"There are also many teaching notes and golden rules left by sage teachers in it, so you don't have to worry about your students' unbearable academic performance..."

Xia Zuo continued to run out of temptation.

What to do, tempted, Lu Li shamefully wavered.

"Are you sure there's no one in there?"

"Why am I lying to you? Setting up a magic barrier is much better than finding someone to guard it. Why is the method in your head so different from others, or are you an idiot because the times have changed?"

Xia Zuo was quite strange.

Lu Li, who was poked at the center of the matter, hurriedly laughed, afraid of shaking something, even though he knew that the two of them were now one, he still didn't dare to expose the fact that he was from time travel, because it was too mysterious.

Disturbed by such a crooked topic, Lu Li closed his eyes and made up his mind: "Go in, let's go in, but I just want to see it but not take it..."

Of course Xia Zuo happily urged him to go in.

When he was about five meters away from the house inside, Xia Zuo stopped him suddenly.

"In front is the magic barrier. This magic barrier is different from that of the Black Tower. It is mainly because of its extremely strong aggressiveness. Even a first-class thief can be blasted into pieces in an instant..."

Lu Li waited for his next words: "So?"

"I checked your body when you were in a coma two days ago. Although I don't know the reason, you are indeed immune to magic. Even magic of the level of the Black Tower can't help you. This should be no problem, right? "

Xia Zuo's voice was still a little uncertain, he told Lu Li not to rush in when he was approaching, and in the end he stretched out a hand first.

What's the matter with this instant sense of being cheated? Affected by the darkness around him, Lu Li's hands started to tremble slightly. The offensive barrier that Xia Zuo described so frighteningly, it sounds really good scary...

But he couldn't feel how far the so-called barrier was at all, so he could only approach it slowly by intuition.

When he was about to touch the door, Xia Zuo, who finally calmed down, suddenly groaned, as if someone had punched him hard.

Lu Li hurriedly asked, "Are you okay?"

After waiting for a long time, Xia Zuo replied weakly: "If you can't get back the money when you go in, I'm sorry for vomiting blood..."


At this moment, Lu Li really didn't know what expression to use to face such a flawed sentence, but he knew that he should have entered the barrier.

Looking at the wooden door in front of him, Lu Li realized that none of the buildings he had encountered so far seemed to have locks, and some didn't even have door handles. Maybe it was because he trusted the Magic Table, but thanks to this, he didn't have to. Try harder to unlock it.

Pushing open the door and going in, the things inside blinded Lu Li's dog eyes.

Even if he doesn't know much about magic, he can still see that the room is full of good things. The sheepskin scrolls that look old are piled up in piles in the corner, and the golden hard-shell magic books with gorgeous patterns are neatly arranged. They are all piled up on the bookshelves, not to mention those golden weapons floating in the air with the words "I am an artifact, come quickly" written on them.

Lu Li's eyes were straightened, he realized that this world is so simple and clear, he thought he would have to go through some kind of guardian beast's attack or ninety-nine 81 mazes to see the treasures.

This is simply a warehouse, where is the treasure tower.

Xia Zuo sneered when he saw Lu Li's stupidity that he had never seen the world, "These are leftovers from my previous play..."

The author has something to say: ah, my brother is about to take the high school entrance examination, and if he gets [-] points, the whole family will probably celebrate...

No.30 five lessons

After being ridiculed by Xia Zuo's handsome face, Lu Li finally found the legendary real treasure in a small room with a side door.

It was Xia Zuo's accidental discovery.

As soon as he stepped into this room, Xia Zuo reminded him to look up, only to find that a black sunspot was unusually hanging from the ceiling of the entire building, suspended above his head without any use of any rope.

In order to get the box down, Lu Li spent a lot of effort. After he found that he couldn't reach it by jumping up, he pushed the treasure boxes piled up outside and put them under his feet, and finally he was able to touch the bottom of the box.

As soon as he touched it, the box seemed to have gravity and fell from side to side, like a ripe fruit, hitting Lu Li's head.

Ignoring Lu Li's "Aww" in pain, Xia Zuo looked at the box and sighed, "I was imprisoned by that dead old man for hundreds of years because of this thing..."

Picking up the box and putting it under the candle lighting in the corner, Lu Li fiddled with it, shaking it up and down a few times without making any sound, as if it was an empty box, he asked curiously, "What's inside?"

"How do I know, I didn't even touch it back then..." Xia Zuo's voice became muffled this time.

"Tsk tsk..." Lu Li finally had a chance to laugh at him, "Is this the legendary ruin?"

Ignoring Lu Li's cynicism, Xia Zuo suddenly said seriously, "Open it and try."

"Can't open."

Lu Li shook his head very positively, because he had looked at it carefully for a long time just now, and the box didn't have a single seam at all. Rather than saying it was a box, it was more like a box-shaped wood carving.

"No wonder he was thrown here. That person is dead. There's nothing these guys can do with this thing..." Xia Zuo thought for a long time, then suddenly laughed.

Lu Li half-understood this sentence, but he was still very curious: "Listen to what you said, this thing is very important, why did you just throw it here?"

Xia Zuo almost spit out: "Whatever?! Since you approached the 'Sacred Demon Tower' until now, you have passed through 25 layers of various types of magic barriers in total, and most people would have been wiped out long ago!"

"Sounds like I'm still pretty good!"

Lu Li was a little smug, thinking it was wrong, he asked again: "Didn't you react quite a bit when you came in just now and vomit blood, why don't you look like nothing happened now?"

"Hmph, I have my own way!"

Xia Zuo launched an indiscriminate tsundere attack.

Lu Li took the box and studied it for a long time, but there was still nothing he could do. He listened to Xia Zuo

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