Nuan sister vampire

Chapter 158 The Date Was Ruined

158 chapter

Tang Yunming and Feng Tianyi were still busy wearing swimsuits for a date, but Gong Yunxi and Tang Xueshen had already gone out hand in hand, but they still dawdled for a long time, pretending that they had no chance to meet by chance.

Let's say that after Gong Yunxi and Tang Xueshen went out, they were naturally overjoyed, with smiles on their lips, like two idiots.Gong Yunxi is better, she has a beautiful face, and she is used to laughing, she can smile with a condescension, like a banished fairy, but Tang Xueshen usually doesn't smile much, but now she is happy because of love, she can't help but feel a little bit What's more, she often laughs for no reason. When she lowers her head, bends over, and covers her face, her eyes smile like two stars.

Now the two are hand in hand, dangling around, contented, but Tang Xuechen often fails. "Hehehe..." Her nympho laugh came again, and at this time, Gong Yunxi naturally wanted to see her jokes.

She pretended to be more serious than ever, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's a nice day today."

"Yeah, it's so hot that it's oily. If the temperature is higher, it will be a steamed pig. It's fat but not greasy. How good it is."

Tang Xueshen knew that Gong Yunxi was making fun of her, so she didn't take it to heart. She didn't make fun of each other, and even fell in love. Could it be that they were all gods and little dragon girls?The little dragon girl is also very affectionate when facing Yang Guo, is she very affectionate, okay?

"I don't know what movie I plan to watch today, so I have to go to the movie theater to discuss it. I just hope it won't be too hot and noisy. Let's choose a comedy. I really like Stephen Chow's movies. They are nonsensical, relaxed and comfortable. , and has a beautiful connotation.” Tang Xueshen recited those lines that haunted her on the spot, “I once had a sincere love in front of me, but I didn’t cherish it, and I regretted it when I lost it.” , the most painful thing in the world is this. If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to that girl: I love you. If you have to add a deadline to this love, I hope it is... 1 years! Yunxi, what do you like?"

"Martial arts, don't you think those special effects are very beautiful? Especially when they are fighting, you can imagine the feeling of coercion hanging on your body, floating around..." Gong Yunxi waved his hands, imagining the clothes The pictures of floating clothes, fairy mountains, spiritual realms, beauties in white...

Suddenly the mobile phone in her bag interrupted her description, "Let me understand love silently, give love to me quietly, even the air is filled with your figure, but it disappears like this..."

Gong Yunxi said: "I'll answer the phone." Looking at the number, it was Zhao Boyi's call, she frowned, and pressed the answer button, "Brother."

"Yunxi, are you at work?"

"No, I'm on vacation today."

"Great, come to the palace gate quickly, something happened to Hua Yang!" Zhao Boyi said urgently, it's hard to imagine how he would be so impatient if the matter was not serious.

"Okay, I'll be right over here."

Gong Yunxi hung up the phone, thinking about how to explain this to Tang Xuechen.It was not easy for the two of them to have their first date, and they had spent so much time planning and looking forward to it, but Zhao Boyi's tone was like that...

Gong Yunxi hesitated, Tang Xuechen asked: "Are you busy? If you have something to do, you can go first. It's fine with me. I'll go shopping alone and then go back."

Facing Tang Xuechen's indifference and thoughtfulness, it was hard for Gong Yunxi to remain calm. There was a voice in her heart telling her that Tang Xuechen must not be left behind.

"Something happened to the palace gate. I want to go back. I'm afraid I won't be able to date you."

"Then change it next time."

"are you going?"

"This is a matter of your palace gate, it is not suitable for me to go."

Gong Yunxi asked: "What if I want you to accompany me? Even if you can't do anything, with you by my side, I feel very at ease. I feel that any problems I have can be solved very well. You are willing to accompany me Do you?" She said it so sincerely and cared so much that tears glistened in Tang Xueshen's eyes.

It is false not to be moved, how many people let her dove.

"Okay, I'll go with you, just as a change of date."

Gong Yunxi frowned, "Thank you."

She took out a small sword from her waist, threw it on the ground, and recited the formula.A small sword became the size of a tabletop half a foot wide and two feet long. The two of them stepped on it, and the surface of the sword involuntarily sank.Gong Yunxi immediately moved and slowly lifted into the air.

From time to time, people looked around on the ground, but the two forgot that they were on the street, causing a little commotion.

The two went away with their swords, and the wind blew towards them, stirring their bangs.

Gong Yunxi had already tied her ponytail high to avoid the heat.When the wind blows, the ends of her hair keep sweeping towards Tang Xuechen's face.In order to avoid it, she had no choice but to turn her face to the side, still carefully grasping the corner of Gong Yunxi's clothes with her hands, occasionally looking down, she was terrified.

Not long after, the palace gate has arrived.I saw the palace gate during the day, but it was different from the last time I saw it. Just looking around, the palace gate occupied the entire flat land on the top of the mountain, and many houses were arranged in their own order.

Gong Yunxi said: "It was a coincidence that you came last time, otherwise you would be blocked by an enchantment. The enchantment here is different from other places, and it is difficult to open. Without the 'cloud charm' of the palace gate, it is difficult for you to enter. got the door."

Tang Xueshen couldn't help being curious, "Then how did I get in last time?"

"Last time, in order to catch spies, senior brother deliberately opened the barrier."

"I see."

However, it is not known whether the barrier of the palace gate is as strong as Gong Yunxi said.She went down to the gate of the palace and took out the 'cloud charm'. At this time, Tang Xuechen had the opportunity to observe this thing. It was a piece of jade the size of a thumb cover, but only one centimeter thick, and there was a faint green swaying inside, like The sun shines on the water, reflecting sparkling waves.

Gong Yunxi pointed the 'Yun Talisman' at the gossip mirror on the top of the palace gate. This Tang Xueshen had an impression, and there was a yellow light on it. She almost had difficulty getting in last time. Later, she didn't know what happened and was changed by something. The strong air is suppressed.

The gossip mirror turned a few times, as if the identity code was correct, and only then was he able to enter. This method of entering the door, which is similar to password verification, is unique to the palace gate.So the last time someone broke into the palace gate, wounded a disciple and stole it, Zhao Boyi soon knew that it was done by someone inside, and there was also a reason for it.

The heavy wooden door opened automatically, and slowly expanded from a small gap. The door shaft made a harsh sound as it turned, and the door slowly opened to the maximum, as if steel had hit the wall, shaking out a lot of dust.

Gong Yunxi walked in front and said, "Come in."

The two of them didn't walk a few steps before they saw many people standing in the courtyard.The courtyard of the palace gate is one path after another, and they are all straight stone roads, with repeated doors and repeated doors.In the courtyard, the brothers and sisters surrounded them. Seeing Gong Yunxi coming, they lined up on both sides.

Zhao Boyi and Chen Chen greeted him, "Junior Sister."

"Big Brother, Third Senior Sister."

Tang Xuechen was not familiar with them, so she just nodded politely and stood beside Gong Yunxi.

Zhao Boyi still glanced at her subtly, then quickly looked away.Leading Gong Yunxi to the place where the crowd was besieging, he saw a mahogany chair in the middle. Someone was being tied up on the chair, and there were two strong disciples guarding him beside him.

Tang Xueshen recognized this person at a glance, wasn't he the one who provoked in the villa.

If it wasn't Hua Yang, who else could it be?

Hua Yang's mouth was blocked, and he could only make a 'woo-woo' sound.He stared at his eyes to express dissatisfaction, and struggled from time to time, but was stopped by two strong disciples, only to see the chair move slightly and rub against the ground, but there was not much movement.

Gong Yunxi stepped forward to see the scene, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Boyi slowly talked about recent events, "Junior Sister, we called you here to persuade Fourth Junior Brother, do you know that since you left, he committed suicide a few times, trying to rush out of the palace gate, They were all stopped by people, cut their pulses for a while, hanged themselves for a while, and jumped into the river for a while, we really couldn’t see it, couldn’t stop it, and it’s making trouble again today, hey.”

He also understands Hua Yang's mood, but if this continues, what if someone dies?Although this is still a 'river and lake', it is not what it used to be. Everything is about civilization and law and order. If someone dies, the palace gate is to blame. How can there be time to solve things.

Gong Yunxi was startled, and thought: "There is such a thing." She took a step forward and removed the cloth gagged in Hua Yang's mouth, allowing Hua Yang to breathe heavily.

"Let me die, I won't live, I won't live..." Losing control of his mouth, Hua Yang began to yell, and the rest of them lowered their heads to express their helplessness.

"Fourth senior brother, do you want to die?"

Hua Yang glanced at Gong Yunxi, "Not bad."


"I can't live anymore. If a Taoist doesn't practice profound arts, what's the point of living?"

"Oh, you are quite right. What about Aunt Hua? You left her alone in the world? She has only one son, you. If you die, you'll be done. It's a pity that someone has to suffer, and it's because of you." Gong Yun Xi's words were like needles, every sentence pierced Hua Yang's heart.

Hua Yang is a filial son, and he is well-known in the palace gate.After listening to Gong Yunxi's words, he immediately became quiet, lowered his head, feeling annoyed, he was just desperate for life for a while, and there was also hatred and resentment towards Yang Lianzhan in his heart, but with his current appearance, so what? It is Yang Lianzhan's opponent, the more he thinks about it, the more discouraged he becomes, so he has the will to die.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Gong Yunxi took advantage of the victory to pursue, "Did you miss your mother when you died? What's the big deal? If you can't practice profound arts, then be an ordinary person. If you die, your mother can still do it." Are you alive? If you leave her alone, who will take care of her? What's more, you still have one thing that you haven't explained clearly. Who picked on your tendons? Now, there is still a reason not to fight back, if you don’t bully us, it’s fine, since you bullied my palace disciples, we will naturally bully them back, if people don’t attack me, I won’t attack, if people attack me, I will definitely attack.”

Gong Yunxi threw the floor loudly, which shocked Hua Yang, slowly raised his head, and looked at her with complicated emotions.After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "I have today, I deserve it, and I don't blame anyone."

"You don't have to justify the murderer."

"I really asked for it!" Hua Yang was heartbroken, and his voice was raised several degrees. The regret in his words could be heard by others.

"How did you ask for it yourself? Brother Fourth, you have to explain something clearly."

"Don't offend others for someone like me, Missy, Junior Sister, it's not worth it for someone like me!" Hua Yang cried hysterically, a little moved, those hidden answers seemed ready to come out.

The author has something to say: Serve the dishes, let’s eat~

Today I still sleep on strike, so I got up and coded slowly, my snail crawled, hahaha.Also used the new 'Microsoft Yahei' font, the biggest trouble with this font is that the quotation marks are not easy to use, huh, huh.Change your mood~

Thank you for your message support, favorite Sahua, (*^__^*) hee hee...

Heatstroke prevention, heatstroke prevention ~ see you in the next chapter ~

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